Avatar of Yankee


Recent Statuses

21 days ago
I'm back, I got a new Halloween-ish avatar, and I'm ready to catch up on writing~
2 mos ago
Is there any better feeling than tsumo after a kan, and the dora turns out to be the four tiles you just called? I think not.
1 like
1 yr ago
It's so fun to make random OCs for an RP I will probably never run
1 yr ago
"As usual, I've been doing online roleplay, and having a blast with women in their 30's exhausted from working too much."
1 yr ago
Went to an fan convention yesterday after a three year break from them. I forgot how much I love seeing people's creativity, and how fun making even a simple costume is!


If you're on my page, check out the RP World of Light!
21+ | UTC-5 | Casual Roleplayer | 1x1's: Closed


Hello! I'm Yankee.
I'm usually down for pretty much anything: action, adventure, romance, horror, taboo, comedy, smut, gore, slice-of-life, etc.
I like cute, fun stories just as much as dark, gross, traumatic (for character) stories. I enjoy creating original characters for RP,
but I get as much enjoyment writing as canon characters in fandom-based games!
On that note I like comic books, cartoons, and videogames. I'm also very into cosplay and art!

I am a very slow writer, so my preferred posting pace is once per week or less. I usually post on weekends.
I like to have fun while writing, so I prefer relaxed partners who don't take things too seriously.
Remember: fiction =/= reality.

Feel free to PM me to chat!
However I do not check PMs immediately. Might take me a day or two... or ten to get back to you.

Forward all complaints to @stone

and remember,

Most Recent Posts

@AzureKnight@Mae So should we go with what was discussed previously in the interest check? I think there's still time to make some adjustments, as long as its cool with you Mae and if Azure wants our chars to have a pre-existing relationship. If not then no worries


Really, Kondo? Even now? Masato did nothing but give her an impatient stare.

And when the group moved on he nodded in response to Ryuugasaki's words. That was indeed the kind of information he was hoping to get from her, anything that would give them as much of an advantage as they could get, no matter how small. Though, he supposed, this was technically canceling out a disadvantage instead. They'd brushed right by Maeda's comment about watch shifts, and Masato didn't argue the point. Maybe he'd get someone like Hoshino or even Kogen to take the shift after him and conveniently forget to wake them up.

The discussion about what to do going forward was also what Masato had wanted to hear. Unfortunately it looked like the group would have to move after all. Between Ryuugasaki's wisdom that more bear-wolves would show up to investigate eventually and Maeda's story about another Portal incident - one with more people than they had, competent adults, and a death toll - that much was clear to him. Masato's mouth was pressed into a thin line, his brows knitted together.

"...then we'll move," he decided. "We can follow the stream we found and see if it'll lead us to a lake or something."

So the first order of business in the morning, besides refueling themselves and making sure the injured were still alright, would be to make stretchers to move them. That shouldn't be too difficult. With the giant Stewart recovering they wouldn't have to worry about carrying him. Suzuki might be alright enough to be carried on someone's back. Best to split into teams again too. And though the bus was ruined, maybe they could use some parts of it? The strong pieces that survived the fire.

Oh, fuck, the driver. Was there anything left of his corpse? Should they bury it? Was it enough to have Takehara recite some sutra? Masato's eyes began to drift toward the bus but then snapped to Ichibangase, almost surprised to hear his voice. Right, medicine. But how could they go about getting that? Maybe some of the students were carrying aspirin with them, but besides that?

When Maeda leaned in, Masato scoffed at him. "I have no idea. Not everyone is a walking encyclopedia," he reminded the boy. Masato leaned away, glancing at the forest in the direction they'd set out in for water earlier. "But if someone describes them to me, I can tell you if we saw any. And I can go back and grab them tomorrow."

Size, color, number of leaves, the shape of them, whether they grew on the ground or reached up the trunks of trees... The student council president was fairly confident he'd be able to remember if they'd spotted them. Even if there weren't any kind of familiar herbs in the area, just having a basic plan for the next day made Masato feel better.
Vs Consul P

Location: The Home of Tears - Gallo Tower
Bowser and Rika’s @DracoLunaris, Primrose and Therion’s @Yankee, Sectonia’s @Archmage MC,
Jesse’s @Zoey Boey, Ganondorf’s @Double, Ms Fortune's @Lugubrious
+4 EXP

”Uuuuurgh, again! Cheap. Trick. I’ve done. Urgh. Way cooler stuff with time travel anyway!” Bowser wretched as he took his second poisoning of the hour. The best he could do to deal with it was summon Heel the rabbid supporter to get the white furred medic to restore some of the health the poisoning had stolen away.

”I will…. Destroy you…” Sectonia said, giving consul P quite the death glare, both annoyed at how wasteful his use of time travel was, concerned that it even worked like that, but mostly incredibly angry at the pain she was feeling in her lower half, holding her ‘back’ for a bit as she acclimated to the pain.

”This won’t… hold me back… forever!” Ganondorf shouted in a guttural rage-filled voice. Despite the poison slowing him down, he was one of the few able to remain on his feet for the most part, thanks to his Triforce of Power. He took slow, agonizing steps forward, but they were too slow for him to be able to actually go on the attack. And he was, of course, mad as a hornet right now.

”You can… make food… hurt? You monster!” Rika cursed him, clutching her stomach with one hand … and at the same time freeing the other from its gauntlet so she could reach into a pocket and pull out a bottle of something green. She bit out the cork, and then downed the concoction. Her eyes screwed shut and her body scrunched up at the taste, but when she threw the bottle aside, the long ago acquired antidote had cured her of her poisoning.

”Give me that remote!” she cried, as she thwipped out her grappling hook to latch onto the bed and with thrusters blasting and her mount’s wings flapping charged it with chainsword bayonet whirring and ready to meet the glass. In her wake she left her new war cleric striker, who acted to further heal the effects of Bowser’s second dose of gut rot.

Jesse couldn’t help but be impressed by that Object of Power. The ramifications were overwhelming. But mostly, she was on one knee and trying to power her way through serious organ failure. Spoiler alert, it wasn’t working. “Help me out here..!” She gasped, and the alchemist appeared, throwing down a cool blue puddle of Healing Waters around Jesse.

Nadia quickly joined her in the restorative pool, much better than the average person would be after taking an incredibly dangerous dosage of poison thanks to her regeneration, but still pretty bad. “Little bastard,” she moaned through gritted teeth, shakily exhaling in relief as the alchemy worked its magic. She didn’t even want to begin to think about the logistics of time travel. Instead she focused on Jesse, who looked terrible. “You gonna be okay, Jess?”

“Good fucking question.” Jesse said, strained. It was times like these that would almost remind someone they were just an under qualified bureaucrat with a magic gun and a lot of childhood trauma. “I’m sure…somethin’ll come along…” She managed. The Healing Waters would dry out soon.

Sectonia wasn’t all that happy about having to gather up in the whaling pools, as she worried about some kind of area attack that would get all of them, but the relief from the ingested poison was nice.

"Unconscionable..." Primrose ground out, struggling through the pain. This Consul could travel through time? "Dangerous" was an understatement. And to use this kind of tactic...

Primrose snapped her hands open, Warmth gathering in one and a much unused pyromancy in the other. She used them both on herself, the Profuse Sweat a first and a little uncomfortable but helpful nonetheless. She had to get herself back into some semblance of health first in order to pull off Sealticge's Seduction.

The battle was wearing her out a little though. Even when she wasn't casting a spell, her dances used up both stamina and mana. Thankfully she had an ally that would be able to help.


She looked, finding her friend in the same situation as the rest of the Seekers. With most of the mecha-porkies handled, he'd slunk around the outskirts of the fight to find openings. Now despite the pained expression on his face he made his way over to Primrose, and she met him part of the way. Therion clapped a hand on the dancer's back, dumping his own mana into her pool so that she could complete her goal of widespread aid. With Sealticge's Seduction used on herself, Primrose once more dual cast Warmth and Profuse Sweat with the excess mana she now had. Warmth shored up any Seekers that already had a healing means of their own, and helped out those that didn't. Profuse Sweat gave all of them poison resistance - and boosted their resistance to bleeding to boot.

All of a sudden, Nadia found her life flooding back into her, her healing factor kick-started by the widespread succor of Primrose’s pyromancy. “You guys’re the best!” she beamed, rising to her feet.

Jesse inhaled gratefully, wiping some sweat from her brow and spitting some blood from her mouth. “I owe you one.” She called over to Primrose, pushing herself back to standing.

"Not at all," the dancer replied, sending a brief smile back to the other two women. She was glad that it had worked out for now. There was no telling if the Consul would try another similar trick, or worse.

"We need to crack that thing fast before he pulls something like that again," Therion said once he'd recovered, giving voice to Primrose's thoughts.

”Agreed. This little child needs some discipline.” Sectonai said, happy her minions had some ways of neutralizing this horrid effect.

Naturally, someone was already on it.

Meanwhile, Rika mounted a one-woman, all-out attack against the bedframe in an effort to breach P’s pod, but just because he’d joined in on the fun didn’t mean his bed was out of commission. The machine deployed its four spider legs to pierce into her and snatch her off the dragon’s back, using its arms to try and break the overgrown reptile’s neck as it did. “Here for a closer look?” P taunted, feigning indifference toward the fresh gashes in his protective glass. “Here, get an eyeful!” Using its spider-arms it reached out in an attempt to smack Rika against the casing face-first like an otter cracking a clam on its belly with a rock..

Rika’s charge wasn’t quite one woman however, thanks to the power of spirits. To each side she summoned a staward guardian: the Agarthan Knight on one, and the oversized Bivalve pokemon Cloyster on the other. Using shield and shell respectively they blocked the arms grabbing at the ship girl, while she sacrificed the drake beneath her to get more time to attack.

”How about you stop taking a look” she retorted confusingly before hammering the glass with her gauntlets with Brachydios strength, and leaving Brachydios slime coating it. Then as her steed and strikers all faded, she spat into the slime, priming it for detonation, before squeezing the Featherfall Rune she had been holding in her hand to launch herself up away from the now primed layer of explosive goop.

To add insult to injury, she fired her rigging cannons directly down at him, causing Newton's third law to launch her near weightless body even further into the air above him, where maneuvering thrusters and grappling hook would ensure she still had plenty of mobility.

What did P do?

Just shy of a dramatic explosion, the goop disappeared, as if it never existed. So did the Brachydios gauntlet-rifle. “Nyeh-nyeh!” P guffawed as Rika sailed away, her big moment completely and utterly undercut. “I stole your snot gun while you were sleeping and threw it in the dumpster! Time’s on MY side, dummy!” His gloating got cut short as the shells rocked the bedmech, though, and with a harrumph he got back to business. “Now where are my minions? Minions!” The bedmech turned its top pair of spider legs inward and tapped the top of its mech. Three pairs of Mecha-Porkies spawned in quick succession and started running around, just waiting to trip and explode on anyone who got near.

”I. What. How did I not notice!?!” Rika yelled back in confusion, before yelling ”also that’s not my snot gun! This is my snot gun!” before using her maneuvering thrusters to adjust her flight and then firing down at him with her grizco blaster, painting his glass with electrical goop instead.

“What the!?”

A few of those minions wouldn’t get very far. At some point while he was reeling - and then recovering - from the poison, Ganondorf took a moment to summon a fresh squad of Moblin Archers. They kept their distance and opened fire on the approaching Mecha-Porkies. Meanwhile, the King of Evil channeled his dark magic and summoned Phantom Ganon. His phantom-like doppelganger brandished his trident and flew through the air to perform an aerial charge at the bedmech.

That just left the man himself. He was fuming, looking like he was ready to erupt like a volcano at any minute. His hateful eyes now burned with rage and fury, and he charged forward at the same time as the Phantom had. Mid-way there he split off in order to allow for himself and his phantom to attack from two different directions. The Phantom made aerial drop attacks with the trident while the Gerudo himself once again went toe–to-toe with the bedmech, but this time with BOTH his swords in hand. With the gunk coating his casing P couldn’t see the action, but the self-controlled bedmech met Ganondorf head-on. This time it fought more defensively, poking with long-range attacks with plenty of blocking, even in the air. It backed up all the way to the top of the steps before beginning to stand its ground, starting with a thrown head.

While Rika and Ganondorf were tangling with the Consul, Therion got as close as he dared to the bedmech. Its defenses had been weakened once already, but the thief piled on the debuffs putting a damper on its attack power and further lowering its defense. He focused on getting in and then getting himself right back out of range, body tensed to evade as he backed up once his work was done. He dodged a leftover mecha-Porkie as he did, complaining to himself, more of those? I just got rid of them. He didn't mind going back on minion clearing duty, since a swift throwing knife could detonate them prematurely. While the battle went on, he took care of those that the Moblins' arrow volley had missed.

At the same time, Primrose had been looking for her chance to line up another spell. She didn't let herself wait too long, taking the first opportunity that presented itself to her. Taking aim at the Consul still within his protective glass chamber she let the Vengeful Spirit fly.

Again, seeing as everyone else was busy distracting the robot, Sectonia decided to try to get another big hit in. Little tiny hits seemed to do just that, little bits of damage. What they needed was a big hit. And a big hit she’d conjure. Giving those engaging Consul P a bit of Haste to help distract him, she got busy. Summoning a Chaos shield on herself to tank a hit that Consul P could potentially do to interrupt her, Sectonia began charging another Special Shatter.

With the bedmech in the middle of its duel with Ganondorf and weakened by Therion’s debuffs, the Vengeful Spirit hit it -and P- like a truck. Yelping, the boy thrashed around inside his pod, and the machine itself staggered, tottered toward one side of the dias at the top of the stairs. Nadia, having harbored thoughts very similar to Primrose’s and maneuvered around the opposite side, saw her chance. She flipped over and blasted her entire body diagonally upward in segments, extending Footloose to its maximum range. Her feet smashed into the bedmech’s upper head, twisting it sideways on its long neck and actually leaving a dent. With a grin the feral snapped up her legs and dropped on the machine with Flying Screen Door, spreading the web of cracks Rika put in the glass. Finally, her mini-combo ended with an explosive Purrge of Vengeance that knocked it right back the way it came, perfectly lining it up for a devastating cross slash from both of Ganondorf’s swords.

Sparking and cracked, the bedmech staggered and fell onto its back. Its limbs retracted, its spiked hands positioning themselves like wheels on the beds. Then it drove forward, right toward Ganondorf, seemingly asking for an extra hit. His attack, however, glanced off the bizarre machine’s Guard-point Dash, and the bedmech promptly warped behind him. After a quick double sucker punch to the man’s back - which ended up being intercepted by Phantom Ganon having swooped down and taken the blows instead - it rolled backward as fast as it could, putting some distance between itself and what had become a mob of enemies.

“You jerks!” he growled. “No fair!” Gritting his teeth, P did something. An aching pain suddenly manifested in the feet of every foot-having Seeker present, making grounded movement a bit more uncomfortable, though after the rat poison this honestly didn’t compare. “Hah! How’s that? I scattered plastic bricks around your beds!” He cackled as if he’d committed an act more evil than indiscriminate poisoning. The bedmech seemed to be in bad shape, but it raised its hands anyway to start firing more spikes.

The mech wouldn’t escape so easily however. Sectonia, not having any feet to even use and being immune to the plastic bricks and her Chaos Shield making the spikes heading her way more or less bounce off of her, had a greater charge up than last time. Sectonia cackled as she unleashed another Spacial Shatter, this one not only cracking reality around the mech, but leaving an aftermath of the area being completely drained of color with only faint outlines defining shapes in a white void. Eventually color would return to the area, but the damage had been done. The bedmech now looked even more dilapidated, one of its main arms hanging loosely by its side as it collapsed back into bed form to try and recuperate. Only its head remained out, and it thrashed around wildly with lasers blazing from its eyes in a bid to stop dead any Seekers headed its way.

And then came Phantom Ganon, crashing down from above with his trident. He was caught by lasers in the process, and so the remainder of his health was gone in the process, but that was at least one last attack he managed to get in before he was dismissed and vanished. As for Ganondorf himself, he had begun to run toward the mech - evidently just ignoring the pain in his feet out of sheer willpower and hatred for the little brat. But he paused when he noticed something happening somewhere behind him.

Behind the closer in seekers, some of the lasers and spikes that missed them hammered instead into a wall of bone behind which the light was distorting strangely. Then the wall lowered down, revealing that behind it was Bowser, his scaly feet immune to lego bricks, and Rika, who’s had been decidedly not, and between that and the loss of one of her anti gravity gauntlets, had been rendered unable to stand, and so was presently sitting on Bowser’s shoulder.

She was held there by one of the king’s arms laid over his lap, but was not a passive rider. Instead she was holding onto one of his horns with her gauntlet-less hand and leaning over so her head was above his, biting her lower lip and half closing one of her eyes as she did so.

”Adjust by a few degrees here aaaaaand-” she muttered to herself, lightly pulling at the horn to alter where the King’s clamped shut maw was pointing and then called out ”Fire!” once it was directed right where it needed to.

At the command, Bowser’s mouth snapped open, and a beam of pure white light light lanced out to pinpoint strike the distant head with a flash cannon strike without worrying about causing any friendly fire incidents as it blasted on through thank’s to Rika’s calibrations.

The King of Evil watched the beam strike at the bedmech, decidedly choosing to wait for that attack to run its course. Only then did he resume his advance and raised both blades into a readied downward stabbing motion, ”This… ends… NOW!” he shouted as he stabbed both the blades down with whatever was left of his seemingly limitless strength.

Beneath the weighty blades the glass shattered, and the next instant they sank into the mattress, piercing through the weakened bedframe and out of its back.

But not through P.

The Consul had vanished a moment before impact, teleporting a few dozen feet away. Outside his protective mech now, he stood on his own two feet, and though his helmet completely hid his face the boy was steaming mad. “You actually tried to kill me!” he screamed. “You can’t kill me! GO AWAY!”

Suddenly, the mattress blew apart and giant, oversized bedsprings slammed into Ganondorf’s torso, launching him straight up. He rocketed away with such force that he smashed through Gallo Tower’s ruby-red clock face, at which point gravity returned to normal, and the king began to fall.

He was joined in his decent a heartbeat or two later, when a second hole was punched in the glass, and for a Trowlon Striker to be hurled out of it after the plummeting king of evil.

”Get back here and carry your weight you lazy b-lister!” Bowser yelled after his tossed save, but didn’t stick around to see if it worked or not.

After its last hurrah the bedmech slumped down. Nadia slowed her approach and turned to face P, her box cutters in hand. “Give it up, little piggy,” she advised him. “Unless you wanna ‘meat’ your maker.”

“You can’t kill me,” he spat, balling his little fists. “Nobody can! You’re just teensy tiny little bugs. All of you! With your worthless little lives. I’M the one in charge! Master of time and space! I’m immortal! I’m unstoppable! I’m…” His eye began to glow red again, but this time purple energy welled up around his core as well, quickly swelling into an aura. “MOEBIUS!”

Consul P evaporated in a burst of light, and from the ether demonic being manifested. He was five times as tall as P had been, but still rotund in stature, with bulky, futuristic armor atop a dark skin-like mesh with glowing lines that flashed in rhythmic patterns. A ring, almost like a halo, encircled his neck, and in his chest whirled a radiant reactor highlighted by a lemniscate. The top half of his head appeared to be a crown, and the bottom half featured an O-shaped mouth, full of sharp teeth, flanked by boar tusks. “You know what I hate about all my toys?” he asked, raising sharp-clawed, oversized hands. His voice came through a heavy layer of inhuman distortion. “...They break too easy.”
@Mae Ultimately it comes down to you as the GM, and how many players you think you can handle since the cast is already very big. For me personally, I wouldn't mind it. I can also (with your permission) tweak Jada a little bit to better allow a character like Saya. For example, since she lives on a homestead it's possible her family keeps livestock - and she was expected to continue the family ranch until Brisk reopened the guild. Now that she got a job with the guild, she takes this chance to get closer to Boro and Saya in order to learn magic - making her more of a novice but also playing up the possibility of an apprenticeship when the country girl learns she might have some magical talent.

Word Count: 980 (+2 exp)
Level: 4 - Total EXP: 105/40
Location: Dystopiascape - Valley of Ruin

It was easy to get into the flow of a battle like this. Unlike going up against a boss or a group of elite enemies, chewing through several weaker ones didn't demand quite as much brain power. It was still dangerous, there was always the chance that a wrong move could lead to being overwhelmed by the flood of machines, but for the most part Pit just let his momentum carry him around the battlefield. He bounced from one robot to the next after switching back to the Palutena Bow, keeping it in one piece so that he could use it either as a bow or a sword whenever he needed. He'd gotten used to the Quadrupeds' method of attack, taking them down before they reached him with a couple of arrows to their head piece. The bipeds he met with blade, easily chopping through them in melee. The spider-like multi-legs were a mix of both, cutting away their limbs if he managed to get to them before they formed up into a protective ball and arcing light arrows to target their exposed heads when they did.

This might as well have been second nature to him. He'd fought through the three realms of Angel Land like this before (multiple times), plus alien spaceships and the Subspace Army. At some point the headspace he was in must have unlocked some power that had been sealed away by Galeem, because he noticed that as he was dashing back and forth between a pair of goliaths his arrows were packing more of a punch. When exactly had that started happening? His realization was delayed, but now that he was aware of it Pit focused on his bow. He let loose a dash shot on purpose this time, watching the arrow strike the circular head on the goliath's arm and damage the limb enough that its guard dropped.

"You robots definitely don't stand a chance now!" he crowed in delight. The Palutena Bow was back at full power! If he really tried, maybe he would be able to feel Lady Palutena's gaze on him even if she couldn't communicate with him at the moment. Spurred on by that thought, Pit dodged the slam of another goliath as he charged an arrow and let it fly to take out the goliath he'd already crippled then turned on the one that had just attacked him and did the same to it. Rather riddling goliaths with several weak arrows, a well placed stronger shot would be enough to disable them so long as he had an opening.

With the some power return to him, once he passed the first goal of a hundred robots down - or when it felt like he had, anyway. He'd given up trying to actually keep track by now - he switched gears to specific target practice. He ignored the smaller enemies and went right for the largest ones, the goliaths. The Legpowers were faster than the others, but compared to the other goliaths their weak points were less protected. He ducked beneath one as it tried to stomp on him, dashing between its legs and taking out the head there with a more powerful arrow. The next stop was another large-armed goliath, and he weaved a few standing charge shots to strike its weak points. The sting of gunfire hit his side and he once again dashed away, this time shooting the Reverse-leg that had been targeting him. The first shot hit its sturdy chassis, the second curving and blasting through its head while it was off balance.

Doing things this way did use up more of Pit's stamina. Though he'd tucked his wings in close to his back when they weren't in use helping him to jump higher, on the rest of his body he could feel cuts, gashes, and bullet wounds stacking up. He pushed through, made of tougher stuff, but had to take a short break from "overdrawing." Speaking of pushing, he wondered how far he could push the weapon? He'd thought earlier that it was back to its full potential, but there was one more thing he could try just to make sure.

The angel sliced his way out of a small group that tried surrounding him as another Legpower ran toward him. This time when he fired an arrow toward it, he willed fire into being around its tip. Technically he hadn't used a "fire arrow" this way in a long time, years even, but it worked and the fireballs appeared. The shot soared straight through the gap between a pair of bipeds, battering with the flames before the arrow and fireballs surrounding it hit their mark on the goliath's leg. It staggered briefly, but before Pit could celebrate the true restoration of the bow's power the goliath completed its trek and punted him away. Not even remotely prepared for that attack he was unable to use his wings to stop himself, tumbling clumsily through the air in a shallow arc with a wail. He crashed down on top of a multi-legs, the impact hurting him more than it. He scrambled to hop off as its blades came up to try and skewer him but only ended up taking itself out.

A little embarrassed about what just happened, Pit flitted back towards the goliath that had launched him to get some payback, stopped by a reverse-leg that stepped into his path and opened fired from both of its guns.

"It's not gonna be that easy!" Pit informed it, quick-summoning the Upperdash Arm to bull through the bullets and land a heavy uppercut. The goliath's body jerked backwards, its bullet spray forced skyward where it downed a flier before it stopped firing. Pit moved around it, slicing through its weak point and continuing the fight until he could reunite with the other Seekers after the army was defeated.

Tally: 121
Small Flier x21, Medium flier x12, Medium Biped x35, Large Biped x22, Quadruped x13, Multi-Legs x6,
Goliath x5, Legpower x3, Reverse-Leg x4

Word Count: 465 (+1 exp)
Level: 9 - Total EXP: 200/90
Location: Edinburgh MagicaPolis

Once they'd all ducked into the Pokémon Center and got Mewtwo as healed up as they could, the Ace Cadet, Big Band, and Wonder Red crowded around the Pokémon in one corner of the building. They had to know what really happened, which left Mewtwo with little chance to catch his breath before the Seekers sought an explanation. Mewtwo wasted no time at all in giving them as much information as he could.

There really had been an attack, and the Alcamoth Mercenaries lost. 'Mass causalities,' Mewtwo had said. Though the Cadet hadn't known any of them well, it was like a punch to the gut to hear that most, if not all, of the kind people he'd met there were now just ashes in the wind. Along with their demise went the Seekers' central base of operations and any connection they had between the different groups. The freedom fighters' situation wasn't good. But... they weren't starting over from scratch. They still had four of Galeem's Guardians down and two other teams out there chasing down more. They were aware of the Consuls now, and their mighty power, but also proof they weren't invincible or anything like that.

Mewtwo and Red pointed out that now was their best chance to take down one of those Consuls. The Cadet had been for himself that she was hurt from the battle, in which she'd helped to destroy Alcamoth. They couldn't just let that go. The monster hunter agreed with them - he wanted to go after her too, for answers if not only to pay her back for her part in the destruction.

Even Band agreed, so it seemed their next course of action was clear. The detective brought up some good points not to dissuade them, but supply them a sense of caution. The Cadet nodded, and when asked if he was in he responded enthusiastically.

"I'm all for it," he said. "If N does show up, well, we were gonna have to deal with them both at some point anyway. Someone needs to bring them to justice."

He wasn't sure how much stronger Linkle had gotten since he'd last seen her, but she was able to go toe to toe with N. With the four of them versus two Consuls, they might be able to pull it off. The sooner they did this the better, not just to take advantage of L's weakened state but to get those two off their backs so no more innocent bystanders got monsterfied and sent after them. Maybe they could even lose the heat of the police too.

With all of his weapons and equipment already packed into the square bag on his back, the Ace Cadet looked to Red who'd volunteered to ferry them all to the Aether Paradise.

"Let's go kick some Lunasstra."


The water-fetching had been less than successful, but at least it wasn't a total failure as Kanamori had said. When it came down to it, they could boil the murky water to kill off any bacteria. Masato knew that much, at least. Hopefully one of the students had a steel bento to use for that, he didn't think plastic would cut it over a fire. They'd lugged the water bottles back from the tiny stream to find that Hoshino had rounded up water and food for most of them. They wouldn't need to rely on the procured water just yet. It was ultimately a good thing, but the fact that the four of them had bumbled around out there for hours when they could have been doing something else to help took a lot of the wind out of Masato's sails.

He'd washed quickly at the stream after they'd filled the bottles and physically he felt a little better, but he was still in a weird headspace. He'd shed his jacket earlier and tied it around his waist for what little good that would do, considering it was just as ripped if not more so than his slacks. Tomorrow when it was easier to see he'd ask Hoshino if there was a sewing kit in any of the stuff people had. One of the girls might carry something like that around. For now he put it back on to eventually prepare for sleep... though he wasn't sure if that would come easily to him. Insomnia was common for him even on the calmest nights back home. It was more likely he wouldn't sleep at all short of passing out from exhaustion.

He picked a spot a little away from the fire but close enough to feel its warmth, quietly giving a "thank you" to Nakagawa when a cut of bear-wolf meat was delivered to him. He wasn't skittish about eating it, despite the dubious nature of the beasts of the Otherside. It was cooked, well-done from the look of it, so it would probably be fine. The taste was about what he expected, tough and bland, though he wasn't about to complain about it either. They'd done the best they could with what they had. That said, he finished it off more quickly than he expected. His appetite came back to him all at once after the first bite, and he hastened to sate his hunger. Was it because he'd puked earlier and his stomach was empty? Hopefully he could keep this food down.

From his spot he could also overhear some of the other students. From one of the lean-tos he could hear Norifuku exclaim that Stewart was awake, but there was no such announcement for the other two boys. He thought if they could make it through the night then their chances of recovering would be good. Sisters and brothers chatting reached his ears but seeing as they were quieter, more private conversations (until Inaba crashed the latter) he did his best to tune them out.

He also heard the love triangle shenanigans closer to the fire (though he didn't read it as such, just regular shenanigans). He glanced over, happening to catch Sato's eye as she looked away from the small group. In response to Masato's slightly confused stare her eyes flickered back over to Hoshino, Bansen, and Murakami (just before Kanamori joined them), then she rolled her eyes before meeting Masato's again. He got the feel her expression was more playful than not, and her smile mellowed a little when she spotted a similar one playing at Masato's lips. He could take his chance to talk to her, but he wasn't sure if he wanted to while in the state he was in.

Eventually he turned away from her and sighed. Alright, everyone was slowly going back to normal so now it was time for Masato to do the same.

He stood up and approached a group of four who were talking amongst themselves, half of them animatedly and the other half much less so. Ryuugasaki, Maeda, Ichibangase, and Kondo. He did sometimes run into the first two the few times he needed to check something out of the local library, and Ichibangase more so than them. With Kondo among that group, he had an inkling of what they might be discussing. Earlier he'd thought that he didn't particularly want to be in charge of the class in this kind of life or death situation, but he did feel a sense of responsibility for them. It would be easier for everyone if they picked one or two "leaders" whether that included him or not, so he went to involve himself in that discussion.

"Doing alright?" he asked them, a half-polite greeting before moving on.

"I'm going to stay up and keep watch tonight," he said in a tone which brokered no discussion on the matter. "But I'm not sure what I should be expecting from animals or... Portals." He figured that the most well-read students would have some knowledge about it, and Ryuugasaki with the hunting experience she'd revealed. Any kind of sign that trouble would be around besides the obvious would be good to have. That, and, "As for tomorrow, might be better to come up with a plan of action before everyone goes to sleep. And if we need to move, some kind of sign to leave behind in case a rescue team shows up."

It was apparent that Masato was still conflicted on if they should actually move or not, but was resigning himself to leaving the clearing. The bus fire had already died out, but he had no idea if the lingering smell would attract monsters more or less than the blaze had. Plus being surrounded on all sides by forest with no defenses seemed like a bad idea.
@Mae Awesome, sounds great, thank you! Will update sheet and move it over. And yes definitely want to help build up the hamlet and the guild as well so that will be good (I forgot to add those as goals lol).
@Yankee So I've given Jada wind and water, I imagine watching Boro's mage hand like abilities might have inspired some practice with wind. And water I could see her trying her own attempts at the pond, but feel free to swap them if you prefer earth or fire. Here's a first pass on her skills, what sort of hobbies does Jada have?

Liminal Resist I
Research: Magic Study
Sense Needs
Jack of Trades, Odd Jobs
Ignoble Magic - Wind, lesser
Ignoble Magic - Water, Lesser
Identify Scroll, Lesser
Inspect Artefact, Lesser
Inspect Rune, Lesser

That works, thank you. Can I ask what "Sense Needs" would entail? I don't want to make any wrong assumptions!
As for hobbies, reading of course. I think fishing would be fun, doubles as time to meditate too. I see her having a love of games, both table games like card or board games and simple sports like kick ball or soccer. Though as the guild grows I think her time will be more taken up by that kind of work.
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