Avatar of Yankee


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1 mo ago
Is there any better feeling than tsumo after a kan, and the dora turns out to be the four tiles you just called? I think not.
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1 mo ago
12 mos ago
It's so fun to make random OCs for an RP I will probably never run
1 yr ago
"As usual, I've been doing online roleplay, and having a blast with women in their 30's exhausted from working too much."
1 yr ago
Went to an fan convention yesterday after a three year break from them. I forgot how much I love seeing people's creativity, and how fun making even a simple costume is!


If you're on my page, check out the RP World of Light!
21+ | UTC-5 | Casual Roleplayer | 1x1's: Closed


Hello! I'm Yankee.
I'm usually down for pretty much anything: action, adventure, romance, horror, taboo, comedy, smut, gore, slice-of-life, etc.
I like cute, fun stories just as much as dark, gross, traumatic (for character) stories. I enjoy creating original characters for RP,
but I get as much enjoyment writing as canon characters in fandom-based games!
On that note I like comic books, cartoons, and videogames. I'm also very into cosplay and art!

I am a very slow writer, so my preferred posting pace is once per week or less. I usually post on weekends.
I like to have fun while writing, so I prefer relaxed partners who don't take things too seriously.
Remember: fiction =/= reality.

Feel free to PM me to chat!
However I do not check PMs immediately. Might take me a day or two... or ten to get back to you.

Forward all complaints to @stone

and remember,

Most Recent Posts

Level: 10 - Total EXP: 161/100 ------ Level: 7 - Total EXP: 212/70
𝙱𝙿 ●●●● ---------------------------- 𝙱𝙿 ●●●●
Word Count: 2173 (+3 exp)(+23 collab exp)(+15 reward exp)
Location: The Under - Mercy Dreams

Waking was unpleasant. It was less like stirring from a dream and more like coming back to consciousness after fainting: disorienting and sluggish. Out of the two Orsterrans, Therion came to first. His eyes snapped open as soon as his brain told his body he was awake, but a blooming headache stopped him from jumping to his feet. He was not the first of the Seekers to wake, and in their voices he could hear relief mixed with annoyance. The fight was over, then.

He pushed himself up, keeping on his guard just in case. Only after seeing Ganondorf and Rika kill the slumbering warframes did he start to relax. The group had swept through the prison and conquered it, now they just had to find the treasure they'd come for.

Maybe it was the amount of sleep spells she'd fallen under, or her underlying desire to finish her battle with the phantom that had been haunting her during those bouts of sleep, but Primrose woke up later than most of the others. She slowly pulled herself to her feet, regaining her composure after the battle. She'd awakened in time to hear Ms. Fortune explain the lack of Dreamcatcher and the out of place train station. The unexpected exit up was a nice surprise.

"Me too," Therion said, throwing his lot in with Ms. Fortune's choice to ride that train back topside. "And the sooner we leave, the better."

Primrose nodded. That was fine with her. It would probably be both the easiest and safest option for them as well, rather than backtrack into dangerous territory or try and tread forward into the unknown. The dancer's eyes caught the silver key ring that Nadia held. "...then let's conclude any unfinished business, so we can get going."

She exited the room to seek out the Dreamcatcher along with most of the group, taking one of the silver keys for herself. Therion chose to stay by the exit, making no excuses as to why.

Therion watched the last of the Seekers filter out and back into the prison proper. Idly he wondered what had happened to the big scholar and even bigger knight after Ten Piedad had perished. Had they been spirited away, or just left preemptively? Either way, if Artorias was around he'd hear any chatter through the linkpearl Primrose had given him.

Alone, the thief inspected the risen section of the floor. To his relief it didn't seem to be trapped. He was completely sick of The Under, and if the random train station here had been fake he didn't know what he'd do. He wanted to be out of here. Once he was above ground, he was sure he wouldn't want to return.

If this connects to all the stations here, that'd include Queen's Station... that leads back to the big one, the Metro, he thought to himself, jaw set tight. I'm sure I can get around in there by myself even if those cats are still on the look out for us. Didn't Primrose say there was some kind of headquarters for the Seekers? I could head there, do some odd jobs or something while the others finish up here.

A little inner voice also reminded him that he didn't have to return to some HQ. He could always strike out alone, like he was used to doing. Though thoughts of leaving had come and gone for Therion a couple of times since he joined up with the Seekers of Light's crusade, he hadn't felt as strongly about it until now. It was just one hellish experience after another, demanding much from their bodies and minds alike. He really wasn't built for this.

...but he could be. He'd already changed himself with spirits, and he'd just watched Ganondorf do it to himself again. It was the quickest way to change oneself and get stronger - and whether he stuck around or left, he would definitely need to get stronger.

Therion pulled out the spirit of the wraith he'd battled earlier. This one was strong; it had taken three people to take him down. Therion turned the glowing mote of light over in his hand. Should he fuse with it? With that orb they'd picked up earlier, it wouldn't be an issue to remove the wraith's spirit if it caused some kind of madness like the Ammomancer had...

Making his decision, the thief pressed the spirit into his chest.

It wasn't the altered appearance that Therion first noticed, but the change in his state of mind. Now, suddenly, the thought of leaving his unusual allies the Seekers behind while they toiled on seemed abhorrent to him. Heh, would you look at that? he thought to himself, surprised that such a mental change had taken place - and that despite it happening so quickly, it still felt natural. Unless some other cause needed him, it looked like he would be remaining in the world saving business, for better or worse.

Taking stock of his body came after gathering his thoughts. Therion had never paid much mind to how he looked, so long as he didn't look too out of place for his skill set. The orange tone to his clothes that the cat-man's spirit had given him was a bit garish for a thief, but the new color was more workable. As for the rest... he could see that his poncho was more or less a large over shirt now, as the white fabric of his under shirt was starting to peek out. He usually left the under shirt unbuttoned, finding it easier to regulate his body temperature that way when he was wearing a poncho and scarf on top, but now he might change his mind - since the skin stretched over skeleton look that could be easily seen if he took the poncho off wasn't exactly nice to look at. Combined with the blue tint to his skin, he probably looked half on his way to a walking corpse. Not surprising, considering what that wraith looked like. I'm just glad I still have both parts of my jaw...

It was a little easier to look at on his arms, the only other part of him besides his face that was bare. Right, his face! Therion could feel the fabric touching his cheeks and knew the lower half was covered, but what about the left side? He brought a hand up, feeling the skin there and the lack of hair covering it. While Therion really didn't mind how he looked (he didn't have anyone to impress after all), the long bangs obscuring the left side of his face had been a deliberate choice. He wasn't ashamed, per se, of the puckered scar there - running from his forehead to halfway down his cheek, through his left eye, and the green iris had become slightly milky after the attack that caused it (though unbeknownst to Therion now both of his currently mismatched eyes had the same glossy white lens). It was unsightly, sure, but he covered it more for convenience. Scars like that gave off a certain impression, like he was some sort of brigand, and also attracted the attention of the naively curious with questions. He'd been wearing his hair that way for so long it had become a habit.

He supposed that the scar exposed didn't really matter now while he was traveling an unfamiliar world with a huge band of people. I'm still not the weirdest looking person here either, he thought. The thief ran a hand up through his hair a couple of times, clenched and unclenched his fists and generally tested out his movement after the fusion. He had some time to get used to the changes while he awaited the others' return.

Primrose had split up from the others to search the fourth floor, though to be honest she wasn't looking particularly hard. Though it was possible that they'd missed something here, she was fairly sure the fourth level was cleared. Unless the Dreamcatcher was housed within a random cell, but she easily dismissed that possibility. From what she could see and hear, the empty cells all stood open while the locked ones all held inmates. There were only so many keys, so it was unlikely that a cell was being used to store anything.

There was another reason that Primrose wasn't taking the task seriously at the moment. There was someone waiting for her.

She approached the hall where "Yusufa" waited in a lonely cell toward the dead end. She could almost feel the shift in the air just before she heard her friend's voice, crystal clear over the screams of other prisoners.

"Prim? Oh, Prim, you're back!"

Yusufa sounded overjoyed, like she'd thought the worst and was pleasantly surprised to be proven wrong. "I'm so glad you're alright."

"Yusufa..." It was nice to hear her voice. Primrose wanted to be selfish and indulge herself in the dream a little longer, but she knew that was what the prison did to people - trapped them in a beautiful lie. She was quiet for long enough that "Yusufa" spoke up again, uncertain.

"...you are okay, right? Please be okay."

"I'm fine, it's just... Yusufa..." Primrose pressed her forehead to the cell door. She placed her palm against it too, hoping to feel some warmth of her fellow dancer doing the same. Her other hand, with the silver key held in it, hovered by the lock. "...we're friends, aren't we?"


"Humor me. And tell me, please. Were we friends?"

"Prim... of course. I'm still your friend, I'd always wanted to be your friend! You... you think so too, don't you?"


"I'm so happy..." Yusufa's voice was light, brittle. She sighed as she spoke, like Primrose had lifted some burden from her. "...I won't have to be alone anymore."

That was it. Those were Yusufa's dying words.

No one but Primrose herself was privy to them. While Yusufa laid in her arms broken and bleeding Helgenish and his henchmen had watched the whole thing with a sick satisfaction, but it was to Primrose alone that Yusufa had whispered those last words; that she was glad not to be alone in the end. Not even a living Yusufa herself could know. It was as Primrose expected after meeting Simeon in the dream - Yusufa was a figment of her imagination.

Without warning Primrose unlocked the cell. The voice barely had time to squeak a noise of panic before the door was wrenched open. Inside Primrose found nothing but darkness, and her own reflection.

The dancer closed her eyes. She'd known it was too good to be true, but it still hurt.

She lingered in front of the cell for a few minutes, sorting out her feelings. Yusufa, Simeon. Therion, Robin Goodfellow. Her fellow travelers, and her fellow Seekers. Only once she'd calmed down did she open her eyes. Mercy Dreams was a horrible place, but maybe she'd needed this kind of experience to reorient herself, and rededicate herself to destroying Galeem's world. There were so many people that needed justice done on their behalf, including herself, and she would deliver it.

When the Koopa family returned they found a changed Therion waiting by the exit that would lead to the station. His feline ears flickered toward them and he looked up, immediately noting the staff in the toady's hands. Could that be the "Dreamcatcher"? He inquired how they'd found it, and upon being told it was just in a locked room on the first floor the thief shook his head in disbelief. While they reported over the linkpearl he overheard the question about the safe. That damn safe!

"I tried cracking it earlier," he said with an annoyed sigh. "No dice though. Code's the only way to open it besides completely destroying it."

Only a little bit later Primrose returned, having heard Kamek's report. She had no answers for him either, so she said nothing but greetings. Besides the general wear that her clothes and person had gone through during their adventure through the Under, Primrose herself put up as beautiful a front as possible. The calm, slightly mysterious smile of her facade was back in place, projecting the image of a strong, elegant woman. It was how she'd get through the last of their mission down here. She took note of some of the new changes her allies had gone through, apparently having fused when they were separated. She was surprised to see Therion's scar visible - though she knew it was there she hadn't actually seen it before. He seemed fine with it though, probably coming to the same conclusion as she had back in the Home of Tears. Hiding their pasts didn't seem as important now.

"We've got what we came for," Primrose said once everyone had arrived. One hand was on her hip while the other gestured to the Koopas holding the staff that was apparently key to the area Guardian's defeat. "So~ is everyone ready to get out of here?"
@Crimson Flame@Vertigo I shall see if I can come up with a char concept for another element then

edit: talked with Vertigo on discord!
I missed the last iteration, but let's see if I can get in on this one ^^
With a fire boi, predictably.
Welcome to RPG!!
Welcome (back) to RPG!
Howdy. Hope you find what you're looking for here!
Welcome to RPG! Enjoy your stay!
Same Old Story - the Sixth Turn

The Koopa Troop’s @DracoLunaris, Primrose and Therion’s @Yankee, Sectonia’s @Archmage MC, Ganondorf’s @Double, Ms. Fortune
Word Count: 2218 (+3)

”That can’t be good,” Jr assessed as the ring around Robin filled up and started pulsing. He glanced between the slumbering Nadia, at his papa retreating with Primrose in hand, and then at the falling asleep Ganondorf and made a decision about where to assign his time.

First he grabbed Mimi and tossed her to his papa, shouting for him to ”Relay her to Ganondorf!”, a request the king obliged, hand catching the mon like she was a baseball before pivoting and pitching her onwards towards the slumbering king.

”Wake him!” Jr called after his mon, and then promptly cast ”Esuna!” on Primrose, while Mimi did the same on Ganondorf.

Ganondorf awoke with an angry grunt. Clearly whatever dream he was having was not a good one. But he was to recall where he was and what was happening. After that he brandished his swords and let out an enraged battlecry as he went right back onto the attack against Robin Goodfellow.

As for Primrose, in her second go around she awoke with much more grace. As soon as she felt the pull of her consciousness she let it take her out of the dream. Though she didn't snap at her rescuer this time given she knew what was going on, once back in the waking world she extracted herself from Boswer's claws immediately. She was uncomfortable, and not at all satisfied with what she'd seen in her dream, but neither stopped her from quickly focusing on the task at hand.

As the spell took effect, the prince called out to everyone who was waking, or was handling the sleeping like Bower, to ”Get back in there, get him everything you’ve got!” because ”We don’t want to find out what that spell does!”

”Good call son!” Bowser agreed before charging back in and, as strategized, giving everything he had. Or, rather, everything one of his strikers had as he summoned Scylla: terror of the seas.

The great beast who towered even over Robin appeared before the fowl fae, and promptly slammed him with a pair of its vicious hull breaching claws. The King who had summoned her visibly faltered in his steps, the use of the striker having ripped away most of the stamina he had remaining, and so instead of trying to continue on foot he curled up into his shell and fired a volley of spike torpedoes over the titan, which rained down atop their foe.

The appearance of the great beast and the awakening of those in trouble would have let the not really used to taking hits Kamek back off, however despite the wounds he’d taken he stuck close to try and finish this now as Jr had commanded. Chugging a mana potion, the mage unleashed a point blank cosmic spray into Robin, holding the beam for as long as his reserves could manage.

Sectonia was ready for another go. That spell around Robin was probably very bad news, but she was intending to finish this fight off with her next spell. Her red antlers marched forward, flames being sprayed at him while her Florami just shot its laser beams at whatever enemy was closest. She continued to charge her Reality Shatter, the crackling purple energy now visible in her hand.

With Robin too far for any of Therion's melee skills, and Therion too wary to get closer now that Robin was poised to cast his mysterious ability, the thief contributed to the assault against the archangel by chucking the magic imbued crystal darts. Primrose's magic was much stronger in comparison, her Moonlight Waltz spell encircling Robin.

Scylla’s withering double impact shook Robin to its core, and the spikes, magical rays, and other projectiles that bombarded it were icing on the cake. The archangel faltered, its eldritch form clearly driven to the brink by the sheer amount of punishment it had taken. Seeing what had befallen his employer, Oberon found himself faced with a couple tough choices. He had enough energy to cast Renewal or Reckoning, but not both, and he couldn’t divert his attention from Rika without leaving himself vulnerable. Still, a warframe had to do what a warframe had to do. Oberon sprang away from his Abyssal attacker to get into range, then cast Renewal to heal Robin Goodfellow. For his efforts, the warframe received a swift spearblow to the back, but it had come too late to stop his intervention.

Bolstered just enough by the healing, Robin unleashed its last ditch resort. A horn appeared in its hand, which Robin held to its lips and, with all its strength, blew. The pulsating purple segments of its angelic corona coalesced, becoming an enormous portal behind its body as it cast Fairy Horde. From the vortex streamed a swarm of glittering, winged motes like a magical meteor shower. Filling the underground chamber with whimsical light, they streamed forth to bombard the Seekers in a ceaseless deluge of arcane power, but even with absurd numbers those fairies could still be avoided–and Robin, standing in the midst of the torrent to blow its horn, could still be attacked.

And attack, Ganondorf did. Or tried to, having to slowly force his way through the swarm of fairies to even get to Robin. But he’d dealt with fairies in the past, so he had no fear of this fairy horde. He swung his swords around as he advanced, deliberately attempting to build up some power in his Swords of Darkness by cutting down the swarming fairies. If he could build some power up he could unleash another explosion on Robin. His blades could not be everywhere, however, and in wading straight through the horde Ganondorf accrued a wealth of deep, painful slashes.

”Benediction!” Jr shouted over the sound of the horn, restoring his father to full hp, before tossing out a pokeball and commanding Dazzle to ”Return, you’ve done enough” because the mon was not at all nimble enough to avoid the fairy storm, nor durable enough to endure it.

Out of mana and not built for tanking either, Kamek also got out of there, leaving the durable Bowser to charge forwards with renewed vigor to join the tiny target that was Mimi in melee range. Arcane magic burst against the king’s regrown vine armor as he barreled into Robin’s leg tusks first, gorring it with them in an upwards slash before pounding his fists into that same limb. Mimi meanwhile scurried around, taking what chances she could inbetween dodging the deluge to scratch at those same legs with her tendril-like limbs. Mimi managed to avoid most of the vicious little pixies, but Bowser took a lot of punishment. So much that if not for his restored health and boosted defense, he’d certainly have succumbed to the fairy horde.

Lacking in defensive options, Therion had to make do. He had hitched a ride on the Koopa King's shattered shell, letting Bowser take the brunt of the horde's bombardment while unwittingly carrying the thief forward. Once they'd made it into melee range, Therion looped around behind the archangel and faerie portal, where hopefully the horde was thinner as they streamed forward from their point of summon. With the greed shield equipped in one hand for what defense it could offer and his short sword in the other, Therion joined the desperate offensive up close this time.

Having missed her chance to perform Sealticge's Seduction, Primrose's ability to help with healing was limited. With its short range she could only really cast Warmth on herself and anyone right nearby. She shored up her own health as the carapace of the Baldur Shell she carried was quickly used up during the faerie onslaught. She swapped to the Flame Fan spell, batting and burning away any that she could. Thorns of Agony lashed out from her person whenever she was struck to tear apart more faeries. Though it seemed the stream was never ending, she would outlast it.

Sectonia wasn’t afraid of Robin’s next move as well, having sustained relatively low damage from Titania so far and still having her Chaos Shield to guard herself. As Bowser charged forward, Sectonia unleashed her Reality Shatter, causing reality around Robin (but unfortunately not his warframe allies, who were too far away) to shatter like glass as a purple-ish black void absorbed all the color and texture of everything in the area as well as the life of any enemies caught within it. As the darkness faded, all that was left was white basic shapes and those that survived it or her allies, with the area slowly having its color restored as reality realigned itself. In ignoring the fairy horde, however, she got a lot more than she bargained for. The torrent of destructive magical power shredded her shield and cut into her body, leaving her wounded.

”Presence of Mind! Lucid Dreaming” Jr chanted as he increased his casting speed and mp regeneration, before calling out ”Mimi, Esuna Papa!” as he turned to first ”Cure!” Sectonia and then rushed to provide support to the two kings, weaving in between some fairies while others received small shields launched into them to prematurely detonate them.

Bowser meanwhile had Heel the rabbid supporter striker, provide some healing to himself, but the main thing that kept him standing was Mimi doing as she was commanded, casting Esuna via “Mimik!” This caused the self-inflicted glowing cracks on Bowser’s body to close back up, rearmoring him at the same time as it reduced his offensive capabilities. With Jr getting within 15 feet and casting ”Medica!” to create an aoe heal that hit everyone trying to melee the their foe, the boy had bought them all more time before they expired, now they just needed to use it.

Bolstered by various buffs, much-needed healing, and raw determination, the Seekers pushed into and through Robin’s Fairy Horde together. Every shot landed and every blow struck pushed the archangel closer and closer to the breaking point, until finally, the heroes’ herculean efforts meant that Robin could stand it no more.
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