Avatar of yoshua171


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4 yrs ago
Current Just...drifting along.
6 yrs ago
The Truest and Most Ultimate Showdown has beguneth. Goofykins V.S. SpongeByrne!
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6 yrs ago
Does anyone know where I can figure out how to unfabricate memories? Asking for a friend.
6 yrs ago
Check out our new and improved thread. Just an interest check for now, but oh boy is there so much more to come! roleplayerguild.com/topics/…
8 yrs ago
Oh Bleach RP oh Bleach RP where art thou oh quality Bleach RP. Why hast thou forsaken thee? Seriously though, WHY!?!


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Most Recent Posts

【Tatasuko, Sunōfurēku - 】

Take off Bakudo #80, Kagesa(Shadow chain). Ganryu said it was copyrighted, meaning you weren't supposed to use it xD

Once that's removed, it's accepted, move 'er to the char bin.
【Amatus Kokoro】

Accepted. You know where it goes.
【Daigo Serizawa - Wild Animal】

Accepted. Put this animal in the character tab where it belongs!

z a y e i s. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
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"Which will it be, your pride...or your life?"
Theme I Theme II

The proceedings were going well, and yet his face looked surprised and intrigued by it all, rather than pleased. Of course, it was all an elaborate act, most of his emotions after all. His attention flitting back and forth between his delicious pet, Zeki, and Archene, Szayeis was taking mental notes of everything going on and everyone present. He even got to see something mildly interesting, a girl who appeared to be a human-prae hybrid. My were those becoming more and more common.

His attention shifting away as he began deciding how to present his 'character' to the others, the incognito nightwalker decided to voice his opinion. “Are...are you sure things will go that smoothly though? After all...isn't that infamous monster in town? The eximius the prae are looking for. He's on all the wanted posters and all over the net. You know the one. Szayeis.” There was a frown on his flesh-puppet's face, and a seemingly genuine tone of worry in his voice. “Or...are we going by the mantra that the enemy of your enemy is your friend?” Following that he fell silent, shuffling his feet slightly, as if uneasy and unsure if he truly wanted to stay. The reality was of course, completely to the contrary, not that it really mattered.
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"I'll let you off easy this time, but don't be surprised if next time things don't end so cleanly."
Theme I Theme II Theme III

Largely satisfied with the response from their host, Mairyell laid back, smiling slightly and nodding his head. He had to admit, the eccentric shop keeper had won him over—though whether he could truly be trusted well...only time would tell. Speaking of which, what time was it? This in mind he pulled his phone from his pocket and checked the time. He then sent Aeris a message, which read:

'Meeting is going well. First mission is a prison break. Be safe, see you later,' he paused a moment and then, almost reluctantly added a small heart at the end, before sending the message and stowing his phone away.

It was then that their last arrival spoke up. Glancing at the human...or was it hybrid? It was strange, he was getting an odd read off the man. Well, hybrids weren't too horribly uncommon, especially in Ominar, which he had always found a bit odd. Pushing the thought into the back of his mind he found himself frowning at the fellow, clearly disappointed. He wondered why the man had even come if he was going to think like tha--....

His thoughts cut off abruptly as the man said that one abhorrent name. He took in a deep breath and exhaled slowly, his jaw clenched tightly, his vis spiking ever so slightly. He continued breathing to calm it down, and he forced his eyes closed, if only so no one could see them turning bright crimson.

So what Aeris had said was indeed true, that bastard was in the city.

He'd have to make sure to pay him a little visit.
【Kanai Akio-Hato(Dove鳩)

Accepted, put him in the character thread
【Kenpachi Sannouske - The Unrelenting Flame】

Accepted. Put 'em in the character tab.
【Name: Hōshakō, Yūbina ~Puredetā~】

Looks good to me.

An interesting note btw is that his last name is similar to the proper japanese word for "Predator," that being Hoshoku-sha.

Accepted though. Put 'em in the character tab.
【Kurogama, Jinzo - Sendou】

Accepted. Put 'em in the character tab.

【Yue Xiang】

Same as above Gan.
Yanagi, Taikou

Theme I/|\Theme II/|\Theme III
~"Two sides, ever at war, though always seeking equilibrium and through it...peace."~
【Dai Sanji(Catastrophe), Shizukesa(Tranquility) - Henka Arashi】

Three things, two in her history, and the last not being your fault.

1.) You say a five meter circumference and then say her reiatsu destroyed several buildings. 5 meters is not enough space to contain that amount of buildings. Plus I think you mean radius ^^;; So you might want to raise that to about, I don't know, let's say...35 meters?

2.) The last paragraph of her history mentions some of the captains defecting. Yeah, that is not what happened. An unknown group of shinigami/souls totally separate from the Gotei 13 were the ones who invaded and kicked everyone out.

3.) Message me on discord, or go read the Opening Post so we can get your stats done.

Once these three things are done, she'll be accepted ^_^

【Masumata, Hiroshimoto - Battousai】

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