
A race long since died out so many hundreds of thousands of years ago, precursor humans—as paleontologists put it—were an advanced species that only hold minor resemblance to humanity of the modern era. However, while much of the raw power and adaptability of the precursors have been lost, diluted over time through the process of natural selection, those few exist whose genes still contain a number of activated sequences from these ancient, and bizarrely advanced, ancestors of man. So it goes that you must be taught of their nature in case you one day may have the misfortune of facing against them.
Good hunting you lot, and be careful.
Good hunting you lot, and be careful.
With surprisingly similar physiology found among those with active precursor DNA than one might expect, descendants are almost indistinguishable from modern humans with a few notable cosmetic exceptions. The first among these are their eyes which always glow with the use of magic, with the second being their faintly pointed ears, and the third being their tendency to be attractive in one manner or another. Additionally all descendants have one unique trait which distinguishes them from modern humanity, a portion of their body is always somehow visibly magical. For some there eyes are constantly a flame, for others markings run along heir skin, glowing and pulsating with the flow of their vis, and others still may have limbs not wholly solid or connected to their form, with vis filling in the gaps. For every descendant this trait is different and from parent to child there is often little to no correlation, strangely enough.
With lineage in mind, it is notable that descendants are rare, but even should both parents be descendants, their child still only has a 30% chance of being one. This seems to be caused by a strange mixture of the parent's magical strength influencing the child, and most of the precursor genes having become naturally inactive or recessive over time. As a result, descendants are rare, making up only .00046 of the total human population, or in other terms, one person in every two-hundred-thousand is sure to be a descendant.
Perhaps last among the biological traits that differentiates descendants from modern humans is their longevity, as unlike modern humans, descendants can live anywhere between 850 to 1500 years. Of course, they also do not mature quite as fast, tending to reach sexual maturity at the age of 18, and to reach physical maturity at the age of 42. Beyond this point, descendants age slowly, though the rate at which they age varies somewhat depending on stress, magic use, the magical climate, and other environmental factors. Though, on average, a descendant dying of old age only lives around 700-900 years before expiring. It should be noted that descendants are more susceptible to magical, or vis-effecting illness than normal humans.
With lineage in mind, it is notable that descendants are rare, but even should both parents be descendants, their child still only has a 30% chance of being one. This seems to be caused by a strange mixture of the parent's magical strength influencing the child, and most of the precursor genes having become naturally inactive or recessive over time. As a result, descendants are rare, making up only .00046 of the total human population, or in other terms, one person in every two-hundred-thousand is sure to be a descendant.
Perhaps last among the biological traits that differentiates descendants from modern humans is their longevity, as unlike modern humans, descendants can live anywhere between 850 to 1500 years. Of course, they also do not mature quite as fast, tending to reach sexual maturity at the age of 18, and to reach physical maturity at the age of 42. Beyond this point, descendants age slowly, though the rate at which they age varies somewhat depending on stress, magic use, the magical climate, and other environmental factors. Though, on average, a descendant dying of old age only lives around 700-900 years before expiring. It should be noted that descendants are more susceptible to magical, or vis-effecting illness than normal humans.
While descendants are not that different in appearance from modern humans, the structure of their spiritual being is something else entirely, as unlike a modern human, descendants have an impressionable anima, an internal and external ostium, and of course an aura composed of vis. Essentially, a descendant's anima has a wall that can be made permeable to vis per an individual's will, which acts much like the ostium does for modern humans, but instead is called the velo. Outside of the velo, are the vis pathways that run through the body in all living things, and at the outer edge of that is their ostium, which acts as a barrier, or gateway, to their external vis, allowing them to release and manipulate vis outside of their body.
While the velo does not seem terribly important at first, this is far from the truth as descendants require it to protect their anima from external influence. Their body being so open to vis in comparison to modern humans, in addition to their velo, allows them two notable traits. The former gives them uncanny precision in terms of their vis manipulation and makes magic far more intuitive for them as well as making all of their physical attributes—senses included—slightly amplified compared to a modern human's. Beyond this, the former trait allows them to imprint abilities they have mastered onto their anima directly, amplifying the strength of the ability, skill, or spell and expanding the scope of it as well.
A good example of this would be the traditional fireball spell. Essentially before imprinting it onto their anima by opening their velo, a descendant might be able to merely conjure a fireball of various size depending on the amount of vis utilized, but afterwards the spell becomes more efficient, requiring less energy and its trajectory can be guided. Furthermore, once an ability is imprinted onto their anima, their children will inherit it, even if there are more than one. Of course...only mastered abilities can be imprinted.
While the velo does not seem terribly important at first, this is far from the truth as descendants require it to protect their anima from external influence. Their body being so open to vis in comparison to modern humans, in addition to their velo, allows them two notable traits. The former gives them uncanny precision in terms of their vis manipulation and makes magic far more intuitive for them as well as making all of their physical attributes—senses included—slightly amplified compared to a modern human's. Beyond this, the former trait allows them to imprint abilities they have mastered onto their anima directly, amplifying the strength of the ability, skill, or spell and expanding the scope of it as well.
A good example of this would be the traditional fireball spell. Essentially before imprinting it onto their anima by opening their velo, a descendant might be able to merely conjure a fireball of various size depending on the amount of vis utilized, but afterwards the spell becomes more efficient, requiring less energy and its trajectory can be guided. Furthermore, once an ability is imprinted onto their anima, their children will inherit it, even if there are more than one. Of course...only mastered abilities can be imprinted.