
Swarm's physical appearance in the persona of
DamienName: Barry,
Ms.FaulknerAlias: Swarm
Age: 38
Alignment: Other
Loyalty: Independent
Appearance: Barry is disheveled, unkempt with dark circles under his eyes.
Damien is a middle-aged man who wears dark fancy suits and smokes constantly. He rarely smiles.
Gabriel(Gabe) grins and smiles frequently. He most often wears bright colored clothing.
Wesley wears baseball caps, and carries around a Gameboy Advance SP (silver), with Pokemon Gold.
Ms. Faulkner wears teacher's shaped glasses that rest on the bridge of her nose.
History: Barry had a very complicated childhood. It involved neglect, abuse and isolation primarily through his angry, intimidating father, Damien. He would beat him often, and would smoke all the time. His mother died in childbirth. In school, his 4th grade teacher Ms. Faulkner, chided him constantly regarding his bad grades and short attention span. This only furthered his emotional issues and he came to loathe the woman. The teacher's pet, Wesley, liked to rub his privilege in Barry's face. Because of his father's large contributions to the building of their school, he was given preferred treatment. Wesley, would lash out in the middle of class and the normally strict Ms. Faulkner, would coddle him rather than discipline the child. Wesley didn't study well, but played baseball and dreamed of one day becoming a pro pitcher for the New York Yankees.
At one point in middle-school, he was taken into the councilor's office for an argument he'd had with another student. It was in this time that the councilor realized, Barry, had early manifestations of a disassociation disorder. He would talk by himself and reply back as if he was answering questions. After putting him on some powerful medications, he seemed to improve. The death of his dad in a drunk driving accident had something to do with that.
During the next few years he studied hard. He wished to help design buildings and that required schooling. More specifically, structural engineering. He attended Purdue University and received his master's degree within a few years in the very subject. During this learned basic Muai Tai, under an instructor. After that point, he got a job at a company who designed blueprints for builders to construct. In order to save money on the cost of their design, they decided to use "building grade material" to construct the ten story building. Barry realized this was a huge issue. Some of the materials had the potential to catch fire quite easily. He brought it up at a meeting, but was swiftly shot down by the head designer. He was a very charismatic and crafty man named Gabriel. He planned on the building's collapse in order to claim the huge insurance policy on it. Barry wouldn't let up on the issue, so Gabriel sent him home without pay for three months. He came back like a whipped dog.
When it was time to tour the finished building, a year later, Gabriel stayed home citing illness. Barry did not know this and assumed that if Gabriel came with them, there would be no risk of danger because people aren't usually suicidal..he only found this out mid-way through the tour. Knowing where the weakness was, Barry took the elevator down to the parking garage. What he saw confirmed his suspicions. The walls were covered in a wet substance and a fire had already broken out. The main support pillars lit up and started crumbling away. Knowing the building was coming down shortly, Barry went back up the elevator and out the front door, as smoke followed him. As he ran, he heard a loud roar. He turned around to see the entire building collapsing on itself downward. He fell over and some debris descended towards him. He raised his arms over his face and the materials stopped in mid-air. Barry, was dumbfounded. The building continued to collapse and a shock wave sent a large object directly at Barry. Once again it stopped. Even the dust did not cover Barry, but formed a dome all around him. Then a baseball sized slab of material came right through and smacked Barry on the side of his head. He was knocked unconscious. When he came too he was covered in what had stopped above himself earlier. Holding the gash in his head he left for medical attention. But, something was different now. The trauma of watching hundreds of people die in deliberate destruction as well as the hit to his head, shattered Barry's dissociation disorder. It had fractured further. The people who impacted his life (negatively) had already left an impression. Now, they had become part of his mind. Damien, Gabriel, Wesley and Ms. Faulkner were apart of him now. Barry, was no longer an individual..they were one. They were Swarm.
Motivations: Barry wants to regain control of his mind, but also wants to be taken seriously and listened to. This conflict is very apparent in their interactions. The others all desire to be heard and valued for their voices and knowledge in order to prevent other people's mistakes. The way they go about acquiring a platform to speak and be heard differs greatly. Some use their extensive knowledge and charisma to keep their listeners captivated. One resorts to tantrums and anger to be heard. Finally, intimidation, power, and respect are very attractive options to another.
Sexuality: N/A
Likes: - Structural engineering
- Being heard
- His personas
- Destruction/Intimidation
- Power/Authority
- Smoking
- Fancy suits
- Bright colors
- Influencing others
- Firm handshakes
- Fun and games
- Baseball
- Throwing things
- Discipline/Order
- Classical music
- Teaching
Dislikes: - His personas
- Falling
- Smoking
- Weakness
- People
- Tall buildings
- Stupidity
- Confrontation
- Stains
- School
- Homework
- Not getting his way
- Loud noises
- Disorder
- Violence
Derangement: Because of the horrible trauma
Barry received during his trigger event, his disassociation was exacerbated even further. His personality shattered into four distinct personalities with their own; likes, dislikes, motivations and skills. Even abilities Barry never acquired came to the different personas. As for
Barry, he was sidelined, replaced by Swarm. He is able to regain control at times, though his memory of the previous events is foggy at best and non-existent at worst.
Skills: Structural engineering- With a master's degree in structural engineering, Barry knows how a buildings are designed and the materials that make them.
Basic Muai Tai- He knows basic self defense from classes he's attended over the years.
High Intelligence- With all of his schooling and learning, Barry is well-versed in many topics.
Focus- Barry is very focused. When he has a goal he goes after it.
Advanced Muai Tai- Damien has all the techniques Barry learned in classes but with much greater proficiency, primarily offensive.
Intimidation- With a sinister glare, an evil look, Damien, is able to make others fear without trying.
Charisma- Gabriel is very likeable and wins others over with a firm handshake and a genuine smile.
Public Speaking- Gabriel is as good as the best politicians when it comes to public speaking, with all that entails; lies, false promises and the rest.
Baseball- Wesley is very good at the game of baseball, able to hit, catch and throw well.
Video Games- He loves to play a wide assortment of games, mainly Nintendo.
Teaching- Ms.Faulkner is a great teacher, complete with repetition, discipline and a commanding voice.
Classification: Shaker
Details: Swarm is capable of exerting 15,000 pounds of force at any given moment within a 30 foot radius telepathically. This includes; throwing, moving, lifting, stopping, slowing any non-living matter within his 30 foot radius. Some offensive applications of this would be to; throw a two ton object at twenty miles per hour; throw/fire seven bullet-like objects 800 mph at once and strangle people using the very clothes on their backs. Some defensive applications include force fields and stopping objects in mid flight. Stopping bullets, explosions, rockets, gases, and anything that is not the speed of lasers/light under 15,000 pounds of force.
Limitations: Manton effect. They are incapable of effecting any area outside of their 30 foot radius. They are able to throw things out of it, however. Each persona of Swarm has their own limitations unique to them excluding,
Barry is limited to 7,500 pounds of possible pounds of force.
Gabriel can only use their powers defensively.
Wesley, only aggressively.
Ms. Faulkner can only hold others in place, binding people with non-living objects,
including their own clothes. Being Barry's embodiment of unbridled passions and power,
Damien is the only persona not limited. Once the pounds of force threshold is met, any further force will break through their force fields. Their power is oftentimes balanced between offensive and defensive capabilities. While throwing projectiles, the force expended as well as the force field used for blocking incoming attacks, cannot exceed their power threshold. If this occurs, all new attacks will break through. This power threshold regenerates every couple of seconds allowing for gaps in the defense when it is fully expended. Beams of energy and light are unaffected by the force fields. Mind altering powers are equally unaffected.