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The Truest and Most Ultimate Showdown has beguneth. Goofykins V.S. SpongeByrne!
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Does anyone know where I can figure out how to unfabricate memories? Asking for a friend.
6 yrs ago
Check out our new and improved thread. Just an interest check for now, but oh boy is there so much more to come! roleplayerguild.com/topics/…
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Oh Bleach RP oh Bleach RP where art thou oh quality Bleach RP. Why hast thou forsaken thee? Seriously though, WHY!?!


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Ominar – Prae Headquarters 'The Spire' – Highest Office
Day two - Morning
Theme I

Impeccable manners, as she had thought he had been trained almost from birth and he had been trained well. While a smile already graced her lips, a pleased, somewhat amused look was embedded deep in her sparkling blue eyes as she stared at her young knight.

“Oh, believe me I have a task for you, but first.... Good morning and welcome to Medius, or...Earth as some of the humans call it.” She stood from her chair, “You may rise, young knight,” she said, turning from him, her hands folding over one another behind her back as she returned to gazing out the sweeping window of her office and off into the city.

“Before you lies what is a human city,” she begun “...but I think, in time we may call it our home as well. Today you will help me, you will be my eyes and my wings, Nasargiel.” If he had not yet joined her, she now turned her head just enough so that she could see him from the corner of her eye, and then gestured that he join her. “I will not ask you if you are ready,” she said, once he had taken his place at her side, “I will not pressure you unless necessary, but I will ask much of you, young one.”

She gave him a sidelong glance, the smile gone from her features for a moment. The serious expression was calculated to allow him an understanding of her authority without ordering him, without pushing him. It was to show him the seriousness behind her words and actions going forwards, even if she often acted pleasantly and with grace.

Most of all, though he would not understand its significance, it was a look behind the mask and into the cold, icy heart of his Exeo. Into the mind of the Queen's Spear.

She turned her gaze from him, smiling, clearly pleased at what she had seen in him.

“Today,” she begun, “I have been informed that there is to be a riot or protest of sorts. I will be sending you and a small squad to assist the OCPD in handling the situation. However, you are only to interfere once things have, as the humans like to say, gone south. That is to say, things will have gotten messy, perhaps violent. Crimes will have been committed.”

She paused a moment, looking at him. “If you question the morality of this directive, let me remind you of two things. First, everything that I do—and thus everything you do—is for the sake of both our own prosperity and that of the human race in the centuries to come. Second, this is a move to show that left alone, humans only cause destruction to themselves and others. To reinforce that, with our guidance they may attain a truly stable society such that they will never miss being as they are now.”

She again watched his expression, but this time she did not look away, instead she waited to see if he had anything to say. After all, despite having learned as much as she could have from his parents, friends, and the files their government kept on its citizens, there was simply no substitute for personal interaction and analysis. Thus, she awaited his reply, hoping that he would not only fail to disappoint her, but that he would succeed in interesting her.

Of course, her expectations had been let down before....
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"Which will it be, your pride...or your life?"
Ominar – Streets –> Ominar – The Abyss
Day two – After Midnight
Theme I Theme II

Things were going splendidly, the nightwalker thought as he strolled through the city. He made a point of looking less...distinctive as he did so, after all, he didn't want to look suspicious while he checked on his men.

Of course, he had almost finished. In fact, with Aeris out of his hair once more, he could pay a visit to two others. The thought brought him great joy actually, after all, he could see both now, and he had a hand in the suffering of both parties. This in mind, he slipped into an alleyway and stepped right into a shadow, vanishing.

Reappearing in almost the same moment he had vanished, the nightwalker found himself, quite amusingly, face to face with a monstrous angry Licentia. He smiled up at it, emitting his vis quite intentionally—sure to notify Darius of his presence in addition to the monster before him. “Well done,” he said to the Djinn, before he vanished again, his voice impossible to hear through the rubble that separated him from his adopted son. As he reappeared he did it just behind a casually retreating Krysta, his movements entirely silent, his vis suppressed, he was impossible for her to detect.

So it was that, with a grin, he spoke out, breaking the silence. “Well done.”

Elsewhere, a far less amused looking nightwalker waltzed out from a dark crevice in the wall and regarded Darius with a disappointed, but entirely unsurprised frown. As if to say, 'Oh look who ran into trouble again.' To the Kitsune, it would be an expression he found all too familiar.

Suddenly, the situation they'd had firmly under control with them possessing the advantage got quite suddenly turned around. While his compatriots dealt with their own issues his attention turned to the blur of movement that swiftly became a sound of something hitting the ground. His mind moved fast in the moment and reached a swift conclusion: He didn't want to know what anything the enemy threw at them was or could do, he just wanted it to not do it. So it was that almost as soon as the tear gas grenade landed he put a hand on Sofia's shoulder and yelled, "Ignore it!"

His other hand was aimed at the object in question. He really hoped that she did it fast, because while the likelihood of it being some kind of frag grenade was almost non-existent, he couldn't help but worry. More likely it was some kind of chemical agent or containment foam meant to immobilize. Either way it was bad fucking news and his state of near panic, adrenaline pumping, caused him to inject a small dose of his power when he had yelled at her. If it would have normally made her freeze up to be yelled at in a highly dangerous new situation, then now it would instead let her act more easily.

Later he would answer for it if necessary—but more likely no one would even know he had done it and if they did...he could honestly say that it was an unintentional use of his power.

Of course, maybe he'd used it because he knew he could handle the situation. Knew that, with his power, everyone would move accordingly...do what he wanted, what they needed to do for all of them to get through this in one piece, together, with their cargo in tow. He could probably get Broker to recognize the necessity of his power if they pulled this off because of his ability taking hold of the reins. Perhaps he could make it strong enough to effect Broker, no, not perhaps FOR SURE.

Then it hit him...he may have been confident, but he was no fool, and Broker was immune to all powers that attempted to effect him overtly--his train of thought didn't make any sense. What the hell was going on? It didn't matter! He could handle i-- NO, not true. His power had virtually no use in a combat situation. He was human, he told himself, trying to ground himself against the waves of confidence. His eyes narrowed, but his focus remained on Sofia and the canister. Maybe he could kick it away? No...he may have been in a good shape, but that might break the canister. It was strange to question himself in this way, it reminded him of old...disgusting habits he'd had when he was younger...before his power. Gritting his teeth, he began reciting as many of his own flaws and failings in his head as he possibly could, letting the old beast that had been his anxiety surface just a little bit. He'd conquered it...so now he'd use it to keep himself under control...hopefully.
Evelyn Chambers - Tulpa

As she began wiping away the tears, just a little embarrassed—though Messia—Alessa's own grief and excitement warmed her heart and helped somewhat. When their new leader kissed Ira's cheeks she couldn't help but chuckle, until of course Alessa did the same to her, causing her cheeks to flush—though it was hard to tell since they had already been a bit red from emotion. So she swallowed her awkwardness as best she could and simply smiled at the others—Alessa included.

She watched with a small kernal of amusement as their leader tried to organize her thoughts and emotions, resulting in her being something of a happy mess. Still, it was better than the crushing grief that had plagued Alessa before. Even though they hadn't known one another long, she decided that she much preferred a happy Alessa to an upset one. When Alessa left she smiled at the other wards, including even the broody Margrave, before waving and excusing herself.

She headed for her room, finally feeling somewhat free of emotional baggage, and promptly changed into something more comfortable after which she laid down and promptly let the world go, slipping into what would be a surprisingly restful sleep. However, before that, she managed to remember to call her parents and tell them she was sleeping at PRT HQ...just so they wouldn't worry. After that...well, the world drifted away with her consciousness and that was that.

She woke with a start, confused, unsure of where she was or what time it was, before her world settled back into place, she felt the comforting presence of her projection, and then managed to find her phone and turn off the garrish alarm. In about an hour it would be time for her first training session with the team, but for now she could lay back down an—no! She sat up straight and then leaned back against the wall and laughed a bit. She'd almost let herself go right back to sleep.


After a minute or two of acclimating herself to being awake, she hopped out of bed, took a shower, brushed her teeth, washed her face, and finally stood in her room with a slight pout as she tried to decide what to wear. Should she put on her full costume for training...get used to moving in it, or should she wear something more casual.

After a few moments of contemplation she decided she'd just slip into her costume, that way if they got put on patrol or called to duty for some reason she'd be ready. Besides, she really needed to get used to the outfit, adjust to it, let it adjust to her. She'd worn it before, of course, but still.

Once she was dressed she headed for the Gymnasium and upon arrival greeted the other wards with a smile—since she had decided against donning her mask. She had brought it with her, but not put it on.

Looking around she noticed Protean and felt her heart leap in her chest, a feeling of elation swelling. They were actually about to receive training from a member of the Protectorate. Soooo cool she thought with glee, the joy shining through her eyes and lighting up her fave somewhat. In the area around her, if one was looking closely, a silvery glimmer could be seen, shifting almost like hot gas clashing with cold air. Its shape was entirely indistinct.

Then Protean began talking and she noticed the absence of their second in command. As Protean explained a frown came over her features, though it was slight. Dean's departure from the team had been silent...he hadn't even said goodbye. They'd effectively lost two wards in one—she cut the thought off, swallowing hard and reminding herself that they'd found a way to help Collin and even though the Director was almost sure not to allow him to rejoin the team—not to mention the fact that he'd be incapable of using his power to begin with—at least he'd be alive and well.

After reading the letter, which caused her slightly more distress, Evelyn was glad to have Protean order physical activity. She was in good shape and while five laps wouldn't be much for her, it would certainly be a welcome distraction. So she took to it swiftly, probably even the first of her teammates to do so. She wondered how the others would fare.

As the attention of the various capes on the rooftop shifted to him, Jake found it interesting to watch their varied reactions. Most were wary, some didn't seem to respond at all, one was downright terrified, and one was...amicable? Huh, he hadn't expected that and it made him a bit happy honestly, happy that someone other than his sister could tell that he wasn't threatening to them.

When Furnace spoke up, Outsider moved his head slightly, as if to regard the cape while he spoke, though he couldn't help but glean a measure of amusement regarding the figure's pose. He even had a few passing—if somewhat disturbing—thoughts regarding any of them threatening him. Of course, it was bad to assume and was also a moot point since he was a hero. When Furnace was done, for he knew it could only be said cape—and the strange green-clad woman had spoke, he responded.

“Call me Outsider, and I'm no threat” as he spoke, his voice would sound strange, somewhat hollow and sonorous, almost as if it were coming from somewhere removed, its tone infused with the slightest amusement, though it was more neutral than anything else. It was additionally strange due to the fact that it had no true origin point. While they would be able to tell it was his voice after a moment, they would have trouble pinpointing where it had come from exactly as it was only directional meaning that one could really only tell that it was coming from his general direction.

Chuckling slightly, the sound initially a bit difficult to identify as such, he spoke again, “...ah and I'm not an Endbringer either, just a relatively new independent hero. A cape, just like the rest of you.... Though my power is a bit strange.” As he said it he focused on his human form and suddenly—faster than they could blink—the creature was gone, replaced instead by a human figure, in costume. His costume was relatively simple, its colors about as neutral as its tone had been consisting of a sleeveless shirt, and pants—with gray and black, white boots and a white mask that covered only the space around his eyes and the bridge of his nose. Beyond that there were only a pair of gloves, half white and half black in coloration.

“Sorry to startle,” he said, holding his hands up to show they were empty before dropping them to his sides where they slipped into pockets. His posture, while straight, had something about it that oozed a relaxed nature. His voice, now not at all hollow, was human, but just as neutral as before, though there was a note of an apology there. All in all, he hoped he'd seem as harmless as he felt.

Waiting...waiting...waiting...boom. It was practically theatrical and while it hadn't gone as smoothly as he thought--which in retrospect made perfect sense--things did eventually turn out. Though, hopefully Gamble was unharmed, that was the only thing he was worried about. He waited as the cars rolled, taking in deep breaths and getting a bit of adrenaline pumping, Chatterbox considered what his next course of action was to be.

He glanced out of cover, then ducked back in as soldiers finally crawled from the convoy's downed vehicles and open fired. Almost immediately Arsenal laid down covering fire and Headhunter took out at least two of their men. It was loud, he really hadn't expected it to be this loud, but he'd have to make due somehow. Then Sofia was next to him, yelling something. He paid her more mind and caught the important part of her words. She could protect him from fire, probably let him get close. He opened his mouth and yelled back, "Can I trust that your power will keep me safe while I get almost on top of them?!" Then he awaited her answer. Hopefully it was yes, because if so it meant he could devote time to specifically 'talking down' each soldier--and there weren't that many. This would allow him to first make them less accurate, then make them lower their weapons, then finally listen to his commands which would make it much easier for them to handle the capes--wherever they were--and take Gamble.

If she couldn't get him that close, well, it would just mean that he'd be yelling quite a bit. Man he wished his power worked through megaphones....
Evelyn Chambers - Tulpa

She didn't even acknowledge Dean's suggestion, though she internally admitted that it was pretty smart--though tinkertech could be finicky. Hopefully toyifying such things wouldn't ruin any of the parts. She almost spoke up regarding this, but instead decided she'd say something in bit.

While so far she'd been pretty disinterested, or at least detached, from the meeting, she couldn't help but perk up when Ira mentioned she'd made something. Her gaze being drawn to the table, she felt her projection shift into the table itself--hidden from her teammates--before she continued the action her subconscious had elicited, and had it poke an ethereal tendril into the device. Immediately her head spun and she caught herself on the table, withdrawing the tendril. She had gotten materials, but there was so much more than that weaved into Ira's creation that it made her head spin.

Perhaps she could convince the tinker to make something really really simple in function one day so she could adjust to 'reading' its data with her projection. Recovering swiftly she suddenly heard Messiah speak, her voice full of emotion. She looked at her teammate and her eyes widened slightly, tears forming as they did.

She stood up abruptly as they breakdown began, and almost walked across the room to comfort Messia--no, Alessa. There was a pit in her stomach and emotions rolling around within it. She was empty, but also too full. The anger had helped drain away the intensity of the emotions, which was why she could hold it together, but the feelings were still definitely there.

She sat back down...too unsure of herself, her place in the team, and what was appropriate to go and hug Alessa. She watched the demonstration, or well...was affected by it. When she felt her projection vanish completely, or rather felt its sudden absence. It was like a part of her was gone and it made her clutch at the table, her breathing accelerating a little bit. She hadn't realized how much of her attention the projection took or how her powers really affected her until they were gone.

Then they returned and all at once she felt more or less at ease again, a sense of relief washing over her. Of course, immediately after she remembered what had happened mere hours ago and she swallowed hard. "Ugh," she uttered before an idea struck her, eyes lighting up for the first time since she'd seen Sonar unconscious on the street. "Ira, you're a genius!" she began, sounding a bit breathless from excitement. "Guys...we, we can help him with this...or um, maybe something like it," she continued, looking around the room. However, before she started the next bit of her sentence she swallowed hard, building up the courage necessary to say the next bit. "Ira, we can make something that at least lets him live. Something that keeps him sane. I..." she stopped, suddenly choked up. There was such a strong sense of relief that had hit her that the pit of anger and brooding hatred at the unfairness of the world had actually disappeared for the most part. However, with its disappearance came the grief, and while the relief helped with that, the emotion coupled with a bit of joy at the prospect that they could help Sonar caused tears to roll down her cheeks even while she smiled.

They could do something for him. That was really all she needed.

Pursuing the criminal wasn't strenuous, not even vaguely difficult, it was a breeze in fact. Or, it had been until the woman looked back at him and then blasted off to motherfucking infinity and beyond. He grumbled, though the sound came out hollow and resonant, more like an unearthly growl than a human noise of frustration. His pace slowed as she drew further away. He could chase her, but it wasn't worth it. Of course, if he saw her again things would be different. He had her bio-signature now. If he was in his second vessel and she was around, he'd know pretty damned quick.

Turning in the air, his movements graceful, but almost languid, he swam through the air, accelerating again as he headed back towards the congregation of heroes. He might as well introduce himself, make sure he didn't become part of some nasty fearmongering rumors...or at least that the press would have information other than those rumors.

His altitude having lowered as he returned, Outsider swam through the air over a building nearby the other capes before settling down on it, near enough that his hearing could pick out their words, but far enough so as not to startle them unnecessarily--though his massive monstrous form would probably do that anyways--much to his chagrin. So it was that he hovered in the air just above a building adjacent to theirs, ominous only due to his silence, waiting for them to engage him in some way...hopefully not in one involving violence.

I mean that was really all he could do, hope.
If this should get started in the future, just tag me and I'll come rushing back :)
Jake Krain

He'd been minding his own business, and logging some overtime at work in the office when something caught his eye outside. Glancing out the window almost lazily, he found his eyes widening. Two capes, both which he recognized, were presumably fighting outside. Sonika and Furnace, specifically....

His mind whirred into motion and he couldn't help feel his other body almost respond. He wanted to switch...he wanted to do something. He could almost feel the rush of emotion and sensation that he got from using power. It was just out of reach. He tried to turn back to his work, but it didn't work. He was distracted now and there was no way he was getting any work done.

So much for overtime.

Doing his best to look casual he bid his fellow employees a good day and headed out of the building. No one asked why he was walking so fast and if they had he'd just have said that he had to pick up his sister or something. That happened sometimes, it wouldn't have been too strange.

Finding himself outside he glanced around, backpack over his shoulders, until he found an alley. He cut into it, made sure there was no one in there, and then he changed into his costume and hid his backpack in a pile of mostly paper and cloth refuse. Looked like no one had gotten to it yet. He made a note of where he was and then he entered the street. As he did he saw that the confrontation had altered significantly in that short time. Sonika was making her escape.

He narrowed his eyes, noticed a red light, and walked out into the middle of the street...and then swapped. The feeling was always a bit strange, but not for the reason one might think. It wasn't like entering an unfamiliar body, it was like being thrown in a direction that wasn't anything you'd ever experienced before. It wasn't left, right, up, down, forwards or backwards...but it was a direction nonetheless. That's how it felt at least, but the disorienting feeling only lasted for a split second.

The feeling passed and as it did he felt himself inhabit his Second Vessel, which took the form of one massive, 24 foot long, 6 foot at the shoulder being that most would call monstrous in appearance. Four arms and a host of tail-like tendrils that trailed along his body from various locations, most around his actual tail. There were more than a few screams and even more honks not to mention some brakes being slammed on. He smiled, not that anyone would be able to see the expression, his face was incomprehensible to everyone except him and his sister—she'd learned the nuances while they'd practiced...it had taken six months and she wasn't a slow study.

Partially to get out of the way and partially to get a better look at the retreating villain, Jake...no Outsider, moved, his sinuous body looking as if it were swimming at an angle upwards into the air. Swiftly it had spiraled above the top of the building that his quarry had used to take off, but he didn't stop there, rising about twice the building's height into the air. While he couldn't see like his human body could, he could hear and distinguish/isolate sounds much better...and he always had his electromagnetic sense. If only he'd locked onto Sonika's bio-signature before she'd taken off this would have been much easier, but alas...it was not. Nonetheless, he managed to locate a human-shaped form in flight.

He smiled, briefly analyzed the bio-signatures of the nearby capes—Furnace, G4M3R, Artificer, and...the chick whose name he wished he knew—before focusing. While it all took place in the space of two or so seconds, he could feel the distinct sensation of biochemical and bio-electric energy building up in his body before it was suddenly transmuted into kinetic force. In an instant he accelerated from a 0 mph hover, to roughly the same speed as Sonika, releasing controlled/directed bursts of the energy behind him before he started relying on his kinetic field to control his trajectory and any further acceleration.

He wouldn't be gaining on her quickly—mostly by choice and for safety's sake—but he would be gaining on her. If he made his debut by catching, or at least taking on a known villain he figured people would more easily accept that the monstrous 'Outsider' as he'd named himself, was in fact a hero...not a villain or some alien monstrosity like the Endbringers.

He shuddered at the thought of being compared to one of those strange beasts. He didn't like thinking about them...because he'd seen one up close and the memory was...well, it wasn't pleasant.

That was in the past though, for now it was time for him to focus on his future. It was time to catch Sonika.
I posted for the Jacks and the Wards :)

@Nattook @Eklispe @ProPro
If anyone in the rooftop scene with Sonika leaving needs a savior from fall damage, tag me here before you post. If you've got a way for Furnace, Celia, and anyone else prevalent there that you may be controlling, to not take major damage or die from the fall, then I can make Outsider's intro be his swooping in and saving whomever.

Otherwise, he's probably going to briefly pop in, make sure everyone's alright, and then tail Sonika, since he's the only one who can fly independently (yes the Ebony Fly can, well, fly, but its riders aren't doing so without assistance and are thus more limited than Outsider who only has to worry about running into shit xD

Raising an eyebrow at the new information, Chatter's smile vanished as he glanced in the direction of the convoy. It was approaching, they didn't have long.

His eyes being drawn to Arsenal as he spoke, he couldn't help but smirk slightly. He enjoyed the little reactions people gave him, and irritation really only fed the fire. It was in the cape's stance, in the slight change in tone, in the words he used. He responded, "They probably won't use bullets. They're more likely to rely on the capes and containment foam. Anything they do use will, of course, be quite non-lethal. I imagine our shapeshifter," he shot a smile at Love Craft, "...can handle." He paused a moment, listening further. Once Arsenal was done he nodded, got back into his car and repositioned it slightly on the side of the road. Once he was done he glanced at Sofia even as he again activated his bluetooth so that Headhunter could hear his question as well.

"Can you stop the convoy roughly in line with our car? We can use it for cover," he explained, hoping Headhunter would understand not to shoot the Convoy's engines out too far from the point he was indicating with his other hand...and his words.

His eyes remained locked on Sofia as he awaited her answer.
Evelyn Chambers - Tulpa

While typically she would have been much more vocal, Evelyn was quiet as she sat in her chair in the meeting room with her team. She was reflecting on the events of her day—her temper having calmed somewhat, though there was a heavy air about her. She was mourning and...brooding, in her way, as thoughts of how not enough was being done to apprehend the two villains responsible or to help Sonar.

So it was that she kept her mouth shut when their new team leader spoke, though she did dutifully pay attention, even glancing at Dean momentarily when he was mentioned, before she glanced at the others, and then back down to the floor when Messiah stopped talking.

She hated this...not being in the team, but having to face these ugly truths on her first damned day with the Wards. It really...really sucked.
I see.
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