Name: Judah Raines
Alias: Mantis
Age: 27
Alignment: Anti-hero
Loyalty: Independent (for now)
Appearance: 6ft tall. Italian-Irish American. Dark brown hair cut very short. Five o clock shadow. Athletic build. Broad shoulders. A very focused look on his face. Wears black Nike shoes with a black expensive sport jacket and brown khaki pants casually. He wears a dark blue t-shirt underneath. His "super" outfit is his FBI body armor with the FBI conveniently covered over. He also wears a dark blue baclava with a white mantis's two arms crossed like swords on the front and a Mantis face above them resembling a jolly Roger.
History: As a young man, Judah Raines, had a passion for defending his younger siblings from bullies. This passion carried on with him for the rest of his life. It drove him to join the Police at age of nineteen. After the designated two years on the force with an impeccable record, Judah applied for SWAT in the Denver CO area. Being one of the top students he was initiated into their ranks. He proved himself an able member and became proficient in a range of firearms as well as breaching techniques. After three years of excellent service, he was transferred to the counter terrorism unit in Denver. It was then he applied to the FBI to become a counter terrorism specialist. It was his dream after all.
In one of his first assignments a man had allegedly rigged a building to explode and had multiple hostages within it. Judah volunteered to take point in the mission, the most dangerous position. His teammates threw a flashbang through the window and he kicked the door in. There was no one immediately there. After clearing the room they went on to the next one down the hall. Knocking that door open revealed a man holding a woman as hostage with a detonator in his hand. "Don't move or this whole place goes sky high!" Judah responded as calmly as he could lowering his weapon,"What do you want?" He yelled,"I want to make an impact!" "That's a very millennial thing to want to do," Judah replied,"Why don't we talk by putting our weapons down first?" Judah laid his weapon down. The man looked confused for a second. He's never seen anyone respond to his crazy demands like that.They talked for about twenty minutes, Judah listening intently as if the man, who he knew now as Sam, had been a dear friend. Sam slowly loosened his grip on the weapon and the woman who had been trembling earlier. Now though, she seemed almost interested in the conversation. Near the end Sam asked Judah to visit him in prison. Judah agreed. Afterward he gave the detonator and the woman up. He was quickly cuffed and led away. The cops were very impressed. It turned out to only be a false alarm, that the man was crying out for attention. Judah was still true to his word though.
The FBI saw Judah as a great asset and quickly interviewed him. He was brought into their ranks at the age of 25 and sent overseas to work with their Israeli allies. It was there he learned Krav Maga. It was also there after 6 momths that he witnessed his first suicide bombing in an airport. He lost some good friends on that mission. Without his team he felt lonely and isolated from the rest of the country. Though they were allies they were not family and Judah missed his. It was during the next year and a half that Judah fell into depression. He longed for human contact and intimacy, but could not reach out for help.
He continued his unforgiving work schedule in order to distract himself from the pain. He took to alcohol as well. One night at his lowest point he seriously contemplated suicide. That's when they got a call of man who was suicidal. He went to the scene and his words were not good enough to break through the man's self-harming thoughts. Before the man pulled the trigger on his gun, Judah willed in his mind, thinking"Life is worth living!!" At the guy. The sheer pain and hopelessness in that situation awoke in Judah the ability to impart thoughts in others as well as feel others moods and emotions. The man stopped suddenly and dropped his arm holding the gun. He then raised it slowly and fired at the team. Mantis then shot him through the chest with his Mp5k submachine gun. He had no idea what happened at the time, though he would never be the same.
A few weeks later he transferred back to co Denver. There he rejoined with the FBI there. He taught a krav maga class to the men he served with. Something was different now though. He didn't just stop drinking and feeling depressed, he felt empowered and emboldened in his roll as a leader among men. With his newfound abilities, the possibilities were vast. Some thought later, Judah wished to stop crime not only on missions as FBI, But in the mind where crimes are concieved. Sure, it may be unethical to manipulate others into doing the right thing; but someone has to show them the way. Judah took his uniform and a baclava he had custom made. He tweeked his look to resemble his flowing style. He would now call himself, Mantis, giver of wisdom.
Personality: Judah's personality is that of a fox and a lion mixed together. He is shrewd, uses his people skills and powers to influence in ways that are right, but also to benefit himself. When that fails, he has a large repertoire if skills and equipment to take care of business. Since awakening his powers, Mantis felt emboldened and empowered. This makes him overly bold at times. He has a witty sense of humor to help lift the spirits of his team. After the incident, he found it very hard to trust others. He believes that if people know who he truly is deep down they will despise him.
Motivations: He wishes to end blatant crime by first, diplomacy. If that doesn't work, mind powers. Finally, physical confrontation. One of his primary motivations is to transform former criminals into law-abiding citizens. Afterward, to have them join his faction, and repeat.
Sexuality: Straight
Likes: - Order/Peace, discipline, comraderie, good conversation.
- Martial arts, firearms, sports cars, motorcycles, adrenaline.
- Chinese food, private property, alcohol, dogs.
Dislikes: - Chaos, laziness, psychopaths, corruption.
- fast food, boredom, rats.
- weakness.
Derangement: Due to his newfound ability, Judah has a hard time trusting people deeply. On the surface he does well but on the inside he rarely shows himself.
Skills: Martial artist: spending years training in Israel gave Judah the skills necessary to be an expert at the art of Krav Maga. The speed in which he can disable or kill an opponent is exceptional and he learns more constantly. He currently teaches classes in Denver on his time off.
Classification: Master, Brute.
Details: Judah is able to implant thoughts and/or feelings into other living beings. He is able to discern what someone is feeling as well. He is also more durable and strong than the greatest human Olympian athlete.
Limitations: Manton Effect. His mind abilities are limited to one mile in all directions. If someone is extremely practiced in mind durability and defense, it is extremely hard for Mantis to influence as strongly. His durability and strength are limited directly over the height of normal human potential. It stops there.
Equipment: Mp5 submachine gun with extended mags, military grade combat knife, gas mask, filters, FBI body armor and uniform, helmet, 1911 side arm with mags. He wears the FBI issued uniform with FBI covered up in addition to a blue baclava with a white Mantis head and crossed arms like a jolly Roger. Black combat boots, flashbang grenades, tear gas cannisters, smoke grenades, and his two deadliest weapons of all his bare hands.