
Name: Pete Anderson
Alias: Artificer
Age: 18
Alignment: Hero
Loyalty: Minutemen
Appearance: Pete is still rather young to be battling it out against criminals and his 5’6” body pretty much shows that fact. He has a physique that you could determine to be skinny fat, even though he looks rather thin his general aptitude at fitness isn’t all there with his body. Pete is pretty damn white, he has a large head of styled brown hair, and sadly still has braces stuck in his mouth. Combied with his general don't-care look of t-shirts, jeans, and hoodies make him not too attractive. Artificer on the other hand looks pretty cool in his eyes, he wears a padded black jacket vest with a bullet proof vest underneath, some padded dark blue jeans, padded long sleeved white shirt, a paintball mask, and some combat boots.
History: Pete has lived with his family here in Denver his entire life, it was a pretty standard living arrangement as a mother,father, brother, and sister lived within their fairly large apartment. It was just about as average as one could imagine, loving family, a close group of friends, did fairly well in school, but there was one thing that Pete always wanted to do within his spare time. He always wanted to be an engineer of some sort, he always looked up to tinkers in all forms of media, and he thought that if he could build stuff like them than technically he could find himself being like one of them. It was to be his goal to build really cool stuff like the high-tech stuff he sees on TV, but the only problem with this goal was that Pete sucked at it in almost every single way. Anything he tried to build would eventually break or destroy itself almost comically, from birdhouses to programming some robots ended up in complete and total failure. This obsession with tinker construction lasted far longer than any thought, and soon his family began to become worried about his growing stress of failing to become his idols.
It had been three years since his first construction, and every single prototype ended up in complete failure to the dismay of the little would-be tinker. He was stuck inside his room most of the day, his grades have been dropping, and his general hygiene was getting worse and worse. It was becoming a total hindrance with the family, but no matter how many interventions or trying to snap him out proved nothing as he toiled with design and design. Pete was losing it, he just wanted to build one thing without it becoming a failure and he would be satisfied and leave to do something more productive. However, the more his failures became apparent to him the more stubborn he got to actually build something for himself. It was a never-ending cycle of failure until one fateful day, sitting down on his chair and pulling himself up to his workbench, Pete was ready again for another failure as he grabbed some scrap and tools that littered the worn out table. He was going to build something that would result in failure from his guess, but suddenly his vision started to get blurry and Pete felt sort of weird before suddenly blacking out.
When Pete awoke, he checked his clock to see that two hours had passed, he just assumed that he was tired which resulted in him passing out. He felt weird by the whole ordeal, but as he reached for the scrap again, Pete grabbed something strange. It was… Something that he has never seen before, a wooden figure that was shaped like some sort of insect? He didn't remember carving this figure as he started to flip the thing over, and as he got to the bottom there was something scrawled on it. Pete was confused by these words and uttered them aloud causing something eye-popping to happen to the wooden figure. The wooden insect had suddenly transformed into a pony sized disgusting fly! Pete shrieked at the top of his lungs as the fly started to buzz around his room, there was no way something like that could transform from that tiny little figure! After a few minutes of him pressing himself against the wall with the fly nonchalantly buzzing around near his door, his panicked mind soon remembered those words scrawled on the bottom of the figure that started this entire situation. Saying those words once again, the gigantic fly quickly transformed back into its tiny wooden state leaving Pete sitting on the ground breathing in a rapid pace. He looked at the figure and thought to himself, "I made that."
Motivations: To show off his creations mostly to the public, he wants to show the people his cool creations and do cool things with them.
Sexuality: Heterosexual
- Tinkers
- Building
- Family
- Failure
- Destruction
- Criminals
Derangement: Confused, Pete finds that his mind became a bit foggy after his powers randomly came to him causing himself to become a minor klutz and random small cases of short-term memory loss.
Skills: Pete is good at playing video games and can memorize things to a decent degree if he doesn’t get one of his cases of short-term memory loss. I mean, that is all he has, what can you expect from a young teen that hasnt done much with their life?
Classification: Tinker
Details: Artificer has a fairly different process when it comes to building stuff like other tinkerers. While most would find themselves working meticulously on their projects creating every nook and cranny on their creations, Artificer finds himself completely unconscious the entire time while constructing his creations. Yep, Artificer enters a trance like state whenever he sits down to build some stuff, at a minimum Artificer is in a trance for at minimum thirty minutes and no max time limit. So, while Artificer is in this trance with his glassy eyes, he ignores everything around him and his body goes on basically an auto-pilot until a the random item has been finished and ready for use.
Limitations: The most obvious limitation is that Pete blacks out whenever he goes to make another creation. The resulting problems from that first one causes Pete to have no recollection on how to re-construct the item or repair it all, the object is as foreign to him as any other person that looks at the random item. This also means that Pete doesn’t know how to work these random pieces of technology, so it is mostly just a trial and error type of deal when trying to figure out what these items do which makes for some highly hilarious or dangerous shenanigans.
- Fly Figure made of Ebony - While in lifeless figure form it is as hard as a wood with the size merely being an inch long, but once in its pony-sized living form by saying the command word "Shoo Fly", it also follows the commands of the one that summoned it. So, with a body made of wood it is resistant to most average blunt attacks but a few shots from a gun would make it revert back into figure form.
- Necklace of Beads - A simple strand of string with some beads which makes for a fairly simple necklace. However, each can be plucked off the string with ease and thrown, once landing on any surface the bead instantly detonates causing an explosion which becomes larger corresponding to the size of the bead. The bead sizes range from one to nine on a scale, one having the average power to blow a door clean off its hinges to nine destroying an entire floor of an apartment building. Generally, one can predict each occurring size is around half a pound of C4, so number one would be half a pound while nine a whopping 4.5 pounds. Currently this necklace contains one nine, two sevens, two fives, and four threes.