ℳ a i r y e ll Ҝ a s i o. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .s ᴀ ɴ ɢ ᴜ ι ɴ ᴇ

"I'll let you off easy this time, but don't be surprised if next time things don't end so cleanly."
Theme I ♦ Theme II ♦ Theme III
Everyone's words flowed off of him, and while he picked up some of their meaning, much of it was lost as he calmed his almost instinctual reaction of rage and hatred towards Szayeis. It took him a bit longer to calm down, but when he did he came upon the wounded individual speaking, followed swiftly by their host.
Additionally he noticed another newcomer, to whom he merely raised an eyebrow. Flashy, self absorbed, and maybe even more than a little stupid. Wouldn't survive long, he practically concluded before turning his gaze back to Zeki and then to the man who had said Szayeis' name, raising an eyebrow. The man didn't feel of Szayeis, didn't smell it either, in fact his worries were probably justified.
After all, Szayeis had been a wanted licenti on an international level
before the prae had set their sights on his life and Mairyell had been to far too many places that were now ghost towns...or barely functional cities because of the licenti and those who followed him.
His eyes fell back on Zeki, but he decided that such was enough and pushed himself from where he leaned against the wall, a hand going to his pocket, retrieving what appeared to be a business card or two. He threw one towards Zeki and walked over to their 'leader,' offering one to him as well.
“On that card is a way all of us can stay in contact. Private web server, of sorts, been using it for clients for hundreds of years without a breach. There's a sign in process even via any mobile device, but it won't take long and all the passwords necessary are on that card.”Once Charles had taken the card, the hybrid would make his way to the door, passing the red haired overly muscular giant behind with an odd chuckle.
“I'd suggest working out the plan in that server where we can all see it. I'll be in touch,” he waved without turning back to them, the gesture over his shoulder, before he vanished beyond the door and, soon after, into the night.
S z a y e i s. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .ᴍ ᴀ s ᴛ ᴇ ʀ ᴏ ғ ᴛ ʜ ᴇ ɢ ᴀ ᴍ ᴇ

Maintaining the worry in his tone and body language, the disguised Szayeis in truth felt amusement in his core. The arrival of the red head didn't bother him, but he made an effort to be startled, and then somewhat impressed by the magic the human displayed. He smiled at the man warmly, welcoming him with his body language rather than words, before he glanced back to Zeki as the words of their 'host' struck home.
"Work for him!?!" he exclaimed, taking one, then two steps back, looking affronted, a look of abject horror in his eyes.
"Do you know what that thing has done? Cities reduced to barely functioning towns. Towns into ghost towns, bereft of any inhabitants. Monstrous murders. Assassinations, and any number of other things I hope I'll never know," he shuddered at the thought, and shook his head as if to perish it.
"I just heard he was in town through some of my sources. I'm a detective and private investigator. Some of my more wealthy clients...they like to know when threats or opportunities enter the city, so I have contacts who keep an eye on things like that. Szayeis is a threat, so I know he's here and having had to research the insane bastard, I know about him.""So perish the thought of me getting a message to him. I'm getting my family out of the city. Who knows what he's got planned, but I won't have my own in danger of being caught up in it," in this he injected some of the human's real emotions, making it all the more convincing. After all, the human he had possessed had a family...once, and was truly feeling fear. The licenti noticed that some of that fear was assigned to individuals who had not lived in the house. It appeared he'd have more clean up to do.
He paused a moment as Mairyell gave his card to Zeki and Charles. He nodded his head to the hybrid before turning his attention to Zeki, an idea in his eyes.
"I've, got a card too actually," he said, fishing one from his pocket.
"I may not be much use in a fight, but I can do reconnaissance and keep my ear to the ground. Been evading the prae's attempts to find trails back to me for months, no reason I can't snoop some more into their databases, maybe get some key details." He smiled at Zeki, then Charles, a glint of mischief and intelligence in his eyes.
If they took the bait, it meant that Szayeis could use this human as an unwilling pawn, whilst dangling the man's still living relatives over his head. He'd use them as unwitting hostages and it would be glorious. If he hadn't been so hasty to arrive, he could have left the wife alive perhaps.
Oh well, it was too late for that now.
Ⱥ ismael Ѵ ea-vartari. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Ⱦ ʜ ᴇ ℚ ᴜ ᴇ ᴇ ɴ ' s s ᴘ ᴇ ᴀ ʀ

Ominar – Prae Headquarters 'The Spire' – Highest Office
Day two - Morning
Theme I
She had bid her newest little tool to arrive in her office soon, she thought as she once more gazed upon the sun as it ascended towards the sky's zenith. It was so different from their own star, a different color, different size. So many differences between her world and this one, each one a thing of intrigue, she thought. She was curious what the day would hold, especially since it did not appear that the Broker had gotten in contact with her again, nor showed up unannounced—which he had done before.
Hearing a buzz from her desk she turned and pushed a button, speaking as she did so,
“He is here I presume?” Her voice was smooth and almost sensual, even in its natural and relaxed state, a beautiful thing.
“Yes Exeo, he will be at your door momentarily,” the operator on the other side responded. The exeo nodded and let go of the button, instead she sat down behind her desk, folding on leg over the other at the knee, and laying her hands gently on her lap, a smile forming on her face. She glanced down at the table of her desk, looking over some documents before her knight arrived.
There had been strange reports of alleys and streets that no one could pass, despite a total lack of physical barriers. There were also odd areas where
nothing seemed to happen. No one passed through them, no one was in them. Anomalies of some sort, she thought, but couldn't be sure.
She would be sending some agents out to investigate later.
Beyond that she'd heard tell of some kind of gathering at the very edges of town in the industrial district. Apparently in a warehouse of some sort. Very few people had been apprehended as she had only managed to send authorities there after most of them had departed. It was unfortunate but it was enough.
Those in custody had been interrogated, given warnings, and then let go. What they had revealed both amused and worried her.
A rebellion was forming.
Interrupting the thought, she heard a soft chime at her door, causing her to look up and smile. It appeared that her knight was about to enter her office.
Wonderful~She had a particular task in mind for him already and was certain he'd be hanging on her every word, the poor youngling.
“Yes, please do come in,” she said as a sound notified her that someone had swiped their identification/clearance card on the other side of the door.
She waited, wondering how he would present himself.