Luminic Biology: Luminae have two forms, which are as follow:
True State: The Luminae is composed completely of mana. They have a Nidus, which is their heart/brain. Damaging it will weaken, cripple, or kill them depending on the extent of the damage. The Nidus is a crystal-like formation. Luminae in this form use magic to interact with their environment, which they also pull magic from passively, and rapidly, to sustain their form. In this state a Luminae's Axese are focused around their Nidus, acting as a protective shield of energy.
Gratia: This form is mostly physical in nature and gathers mana much slower than their True State. The Luminae's Axese are still external in this state, and are now utilized to gather and format mana into magic/spells.
Nidus is the “core” of a Luminae's being. It can be moved around inside their body in their True State but remains stationary in Gratia. If damaged it severely weakens the Luminae.
Axese are fulcrum points of mana. They use these to focus, channel, and alter mana to create spells and the like. When in Gratia these take the form of bright pinpoints of solid light.
Luminae are
not shapeshifters and as such cannot alter the appearance and/or abilities of their Gratia once they have chosen one. These beings gather mana passively when in their True State. It takes a Luminae about 8 seconds to transfer between Gratia and their True form. Energetic attacks that hit any non-vital part of a Luminae will disperse the mana of that part, forcing them to gather more mana in order to gain it back.
Mana Manipulation: Due to their being made up of mana and requiring it to persist, Luminae have developed the ability to draw mana from their environments and into themselves as well as, over time, purify it, causing mana to shed any traits it has taken on so that it does not damage their form when absorbed. This reveals that Luminae can be damaged by impure mana, specifically anything tied closely to dark or corruptive forces. The extent of a Luminae's ability to manipulate mana relates directly to their form at the time.
Glamour: Whilst taking on the appearance of a human en full, Zephyri can only marginally manipulate mana, mostly allowing her a small passive purification/absorption that she can use to defend herself, externalizing the mana into constructs such as barriers or shields of various shape. While she can use these constructs to attack—as they may have edges or mass—they require time to become heavy or solid enough to properly deal damage. Constructs must be basic shapes or parts of basic shapes and one created cannot be altered in shape. In this state, Zephyri is only capable of manifesting and manipulating two(2) constructs at once.
Charges: Each charge in this form allows her constructs about 2 lbs of weight passively. If she is focused on it more intently it will be 5 lbs. Disruption of focus (taking damage, having to manage too many other things at once) will cause her to lose a full focused charge in terms of weight. At time of manifesting, a shield can take about 2000 psi and with additional charges they gain 50 psi. These barriers can also block any magical/psionic, or otherwise, attacks that haven't been charged more than the shield/barrier and aren't particularly strong and don't outright cancel out or counter the energy that composes the barrier in some way (within reason).
Gratia: While in this transitory state, Zephyri's ability to manipulate mana is expanded considerably, as now she can create more organic shapes as well as using basic geometry. Her ability to purify and absorb mana is also increased allowing her to create larger, denser, or more potent constructs. Additionally, aside from her constructs she becomes capable of using mana to create blasts or to enhance her person. Her ability to manifest and manipulate constructs is increased considerably in this state, allowing her to control up to six(6) constructs at a time though she can only create three(3) within a 10 second time period (or single post).
Charges: Each charge in this form allows her constructs 10 lbs of weight passively. A focused charge will cause 13 lbs of weight. As before, the usual methods of disrupting focus will work, though she is more capable in the multitasking area, a making it a bit harder to disrupt her concentration—a disruption of a focused charge will cause her to lose the weight/mass of the interrupted charge. Upon manifestation, a shield/barrier can be assumed to possess 3000 psi bear weight, allowing them to resist a fair amount of punishment. Each charge adds an additional 100 psi bear weight. These barriers can also block any magical/psionic, or otherwise, attacks that haven't been charged more than the shield/barrier and aren't particularly strong and don't outright cancel out or counter the energy that composes the barrier in some way (within reason).
True Form: Once bared to the world in this truest of guises, Zephyri's ability to manipulate mana, as before, is increased drastically allowing her to create organic and geometric shapes as well as giving her the ability to make mechanisms with her mana as well as advanced structures with various shape combinations. Her ability to absorb and purify mana reaches its peak, making the absorption of harmful mana exceptionally unlikely unless there are extraordinary amounts of it. This, as before, allows her to make larger, more intricate, denser, and/or more potent constructs or attacks with her mana. Whilst in this form her ability to multitask is maxed out allowing her to control up to ten(10) constructs at a time though she can only create four(4) within an 8 second time period (or single post).
Charges: Each charge in this form allows her constructs 20 lbs of weight passively. A focused charge will cause 23 lbs of weight. As before, the usual methods of disrupting focus will work, though she is more capable in the multitasking area, a making it a bit harder to disrupt her concentration—a disruption of a focused charge will cause her to lose the weight/mass of the interrupted charge. Upon manifestation, a shield/barrier can be assumed to possess 4000 psi bear weight, allowing them to resist a fair amount of punishment. Each charge adds an additional 150 psi bear weight. These barriers can also block any magical/psionic, or otherwise, attacks that haven't been charged more than the shield/barrier and aren't particularly strong and don't outright cancel out or counter the energy that composes the barrier in some way (within reason).
Mana Detection: Due to their race's requirement of mana to truly live and interact with their environment, Luminae have developed an incredibly acute sense for it thus allowing them to detect its use and presence with ease. While a Luminae cannot detect the exact nature of spells cast using mana or otherwise magical energy such as ki, they are capable of ascertaining the amount of mana or energy utilized for a given spell, and whether it is being formatted into one or more spells. In their human form, this sense is limited to the detection of mana spikes, allowing them to tell if an area is saturated with mana and if magic is being used. In their Gratia state, a Luminae can detect the amount of “spells” and how much mana is being used in them as well as being able to detect ambient energy more strongly. Their Axese, in this form, allow them to analyze magic they come into contact in greater detail. Finally, in their True Form, a Luminae is capable of detecting all of the aforementioned things, in addition to being able to tell how close mana is to its purest form.