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The Truest and Most Ultimate Showdown has beguneth. Goofykins V.S. SpongeByrne!
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6 yrs ago
Does anyone know where I can figure out how to unfabricate memories? Asking for a friend.
6 yrs ago
Check out our new and improved thread. Just an interest check for now, but oh boy is there so much more to come! roleplayerguild.com/topics/…
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Oh Bleach RP oh Bleach RP where art thou oh quality Bleach RP. Why hast thou forsaken thee? Seriously though, WHY!?!


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@Invader Len All solids questions that I will answer NOW YO!

1.) A Prae doesn't even have to have anything resembling additional limbs when they use their Manifest. They can be wings, arms, floating crystals, weird lookin blades, an aura of flame, patterns/symbols floating around them or just a glow emanating from their body. Totally your choice.

2.) The various aspects brought into being by a prae's manifest ARE NOT made of flesh/bone etc etc, they are composed entirely of vis, but they are also functional. So they would be wings composed of vis (maaaagic wooo), but they would--regardless of size--potentially allow the prae in question to fly. If tendrils are your manifested bits of choice then they would be functional, meaning capable of grasping/moving things around, as well as probably throwing, pulling your prae towards things as well as blocking projectiles or whatnot (either by coiling up into something like a shield or by swatting them away haha).
Welcome to the thread, @Invader Len !
@ProPro Skip CB. Nothing to add.
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Theme I Theme II

Kas-ay-ree voy-may-um

One-thousand-four-hundred-eighty-three Male ????-stage Licentia Nightwalker
[ ⊰⊱ ] Ⱥppearance


[ ⊰⊱ ] io

[ ⊰⊱ ] quipment & elongings

[ ⊰⊱ ] apabilities

a i r y e ll Ҝ a s i o. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
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Tracking Shadows

Day 3 - Night

Theme I Theme II Theme III

The night beckoned him and he answered its call, glass scattered in the air behind him, his great crimson wings spread wide, form hurtling through the air. Each breath, each movement, brought him closer to his query.

The Shade thought she could run and hide, but only the former was possible, and she couldn’t run forever. With his gun still in hand, Mairyell soared over the city and every time the Shade surfaced he aimed and fired.

Even with wind resistance and bullet fall off, his bullets full of Brisn hit the shadows she emerged from 7 times out of 10. With Brisn in her system to any degree she would slowly find her strength sapped and will flagging. He waited, eyes closed as he soared, using his hearing and smell to navigate a middle ground as she ‘bounced’ between shadows in different directions, trying to throw him off the trail.

Then, all at once, her scent faded. His eyes opened and he angled off, feet striking the flat roof of a skyscraper as he slid to a stop, wings flapping once. He took in the air and the vis within it.

Nothing. He exhaled and a smile came over his face, amusement turning his crimson eyes purple. He chuckled lightly and it mounted into a laugh as he shook his head and spoke aloud, “Had me for a second, but illusions are tricky to get right when you don’t understand your target’s senses properly.” He turned around in a swift spin, a grin plastered across his face. He released a tiny, weak pulse of Brisn, shattering the illusion by absorbing it, to reveal a number of shadowy tendrils striking out at him. He didn’t move fast enough and so they pierced him.

Lifting up its would be prey, the Shade slid its shadowy limbs all the way through the vampire’s body, impaling him on them. He laughed.

The Shade’s features screwed up in frustration and then pain, as the Hunter’s blood began to disintegrate her limbs. The blood rapidly began traveling up the tendrils and he watched as the Shade’s eyes widened, as it yelped, and then severed its own limbs, sinking into a shadow to escape.

“Hahaha, oh, I’m almost glad you showed up. I’d been itching for a good hunt. Still, shame about Alice, a real damn shame. Those kids too, they won’t be forgetting you. Of course, that’ll be the only thing you’ll be living on in: Their memories.” His amusement vanished with those last two words as he leapt back into the air, wings unfurling as if from nowhere. He was airborne once more, following her trail as she hopped further and further between shadows.

Her vis signature was getting weaker by the moment and it wasn’t because she was getting further away. About ten minutes passed of him following her at which point he landed on another roof and sat down. Taking in a deep breath he memorized the scent of her blood, of her vis, of her lifeforce, and then closed his eyes and waited.

Two hours passed of him sitting, waiting, meditating, and checking his phone. He sent a text to Aeris that read “Alive and Well. Hunting the Shade. Kids alright? No word from Raiden.”

Sending the message, his gaze lingering on Aeris’ name for a moment, he almost missed the moment that the Shade’s signature stopped moving. Pocketing his phone he pushed himself to his feet and took in another deep breath, Brisn pumping through his veins.

Revitalizing his body and pumping adrenaline through his system, he walked to the edge of the building and drew ℛend once more. Taking aim in the direction of the Shade he let the scent of the Shade ruminate in his mind as he expanded his senses via a healthy dose of Brisn and vis. Sounds grew sharper, smells more distinct, sensations almost uncomfortable against his skin.

He raised his arm higher, angling the muzzle of the gun upwards from his intended target, then adjust for wind resistance over the mile or four between them. Small slits in his skin sliced open as he punctured his own flesh with blood, letting the liquid flow up his arms and into the gun. It glowed a fierce blue, pulsating with his heartbeat.

He exhaled and shot once, twice, three times. He spread his wings and took off, pushing himself more than before as he climbed. Then he dove.

Hiding in the darkness in the outskirts of Ominar nursing her wounds, the Shade shuddered faintly, its form expanded to fill the entire warehouse. Having eaten a few people on her way to her lair, she felt a bit better. Still, she didn’t feel certain that she had shaken the Hunter, not certain at all.

How the hell was he finding her to begin with? Why had stabbing him hurt her It was like his blood had been acidic….

...and god those eyes, always changing colors. Piercing blue, dark crimson, and purple. She frowned, the narrow glowing eyes and mouth in the darkness shifting slightly. Those traits sounded familiar somehow.

Acidic blood. Eyes that shifted between three colors. Hunter. Vampire.

Wait. It couldn’t be. She couldn’t be that unlucky, right?

The north wall suddenly fractured in one spot from two impacts. Then a burning sensation lit up part of her extended shadow form, and she screamed as blue flames spiraled outwards through her, lighting the inside of the warehouse and engulfing her in pain even as they slowly began to fade.

Fuck, she thought, I’m dealing with Sanguine.

Form cutting through the sky like a bullet wreathed in blue flames, Mairyell made his approach. It only took him three minutes to cross the distance between him and his prey. Extending Brisn in front of himself, he increased the acidity of the blood throughout his body. He could almost feel it shifting to a black coloration before the Brisn absorbed a significant portion of it. He felt lightheaded for about ten seconds before his Core outputted enough vis and blood to replenish his body.

Thus, the Brisn struck the roof of the warehouse before he did, effectively ‘burning’ through it with the stored acidity of his blood. He opened his wings, they slowed him, broke, reformed and then held. He redirected his Brisn at the ground and used it to slow himself further.

The cement floor of the warehouse still cratered from his landing.

Eyes glowing purple in the darkness, he felt himself pierced from several directions by tendrils. He released a blast of Brisn, disintegrating all of the Shade’s vis directly around his body, before transmuting the remaining energy he’d released into an aura.

"I won’t come easy, Sanguine,” the Shade roared, condensing herself into a much smaller space within the warehouse. The air seemed to warp around Mairyell as the licentia exerted her vis on the shadows in the warehouse, using them like a physical force to press against his aura.

He stalked towards her, gaze meeting hers. The pressure grew as the distance shortened and he found himself slowing down. Gritting his teeth he exhaled, flaring the aura of Brisn around him with each breath. He kept moving.

“This isn’t enough to stop me, Shade. You’ll have to try much harder than that.” As if on cue, his Brisn flared, flickered, then faltered, the sensation of it in his form dimming as well. His brow raised before his eyes widened, the Shade’s gaze suddenly right before him, its form enveloping him, he felt just the faintest thread of wariness enter him.

Steeling himself, he tried to exert Brisn, but it was in vain. The only way that was possible was if she was using some kind of anti-magic, which was...rare for a being of her sort. Dangerous too. Sadly, that sort of thing only worked to deal with proper spells. Taking a breath he exhaled, and let his skin split in a hundred places, releasing blood from his body. He couldn’t control it, but that didn’t matter. He moved, using his prodigious strength to escape the Shade’s clutches.

It was like trying to run underwater. It took a few moments, but finally he got up to speed and increased his blood output, releasing streams of it like whips and trails as he moved.

The pressure lessened, as did the intensity of the dispell, allowing him to channel Brisn through his body again. Immediately he could run faster, shifting into a blur as he circled the licentia.

She lashed out at him, and occasionally hit, quite nearly cleaving an arm off at least twice. Her hold weakened further, his speed increased, until he jumped into the air above her, and stopped. Unveiling his wings he sent a blast of air downwards at her and the blood that had been building the air around her form, held there by the pressure of the shadow’s under her control, suddenly struck inwards. The droplets came together into numerous needles, and pierced her. She screamed, the burning of the acidic blood harming her even as she was.

He fell onto her, talons made from blood digging into the shadows of her body, pinning her down as his wings wrapped around her. Claws made from blood digging in as he closed his hands on her. The needles of blood merged with his crimson wings, and a cocoon formed around her form. A blue glow spread across the blood, trapping her completely.

He rose from her, wings melting into his form as he stood over the trapped licentia. Raising his hand he made a few lanterns from Brisn, lighting the area around him. No screams. No reaction. Good. He only smelled her scent from within the cage of blood.

“We’re going to take this slow, Shade. I’m going to bite this little prison I’ve made, and drain your vis until you’re a barely conscious group of soul cores. When I am satisfied that you have suffered enough, I’m going to take you to my associates. They’ll decide what to do with you. Scum.” He then sat down, texted Aeris that he’d be available tomorrow, and set to work.
^Above is depicted the city of Ominar^


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Edravhen's Archive
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Community Chat

In Ominar, a coastal European city, taken over by the prae--one of two species hailing from another realm—trouble brews. In the few months the public has shown a measure of public outrage to the rule of the prae, which while legal, was established through dubious means. Additionally, with the prae's mistreatment of the licentia--the other of the two otherworldly races--humanity and those licentia willing to stand up against the prae fought back. In an effort to liberate all those who had been wrongfully incarcerated by the prae, the Resistance was formed by a group of likeminded folk and proceeded to unveil themselves to the world in spectacular fashion. Managing to infiltrate one of Ominar's three prisons, the Resistance was able to successfully free the wrongfully imprisoned therein and hide them from the prae--at least to the best of their ability. Still, for now the Resistance is but a small organization fighting against the powers that be.

Meanwhile, the local leader of the prae, an Exeo by the name of Aismael Vea Vartari plots to demonize those who would Resist them, and to use their actions as further reason that licentia everywhere should be driven out, imprisoned, or otherwise oppressed. On the other side of things, the Resistance is soon to come out of hiding once more and resume their actions against the ruling prae in hopes of ousting their control of the city. As these plans play out, the world watches, paying close attention to the trade hub that Ominar has been for a long time now, waiting to see if they ought to intervene or not.

Hopefully they decide to do so...before things spiral out of control.

Starting Off

You are a resident of Ominar, or someone who has come from abroad recently, your interest may vary greatly. Some of you will come to join the Resistance and fight against the prae who--though misled--are not any more depraved than your every day human. You may be of the licentia, a highly individualistic species with vastly differing natures--be they magical, physical, or mental; or perhaps you are of the prae, having recently come to Medius--the home realm of man--to see what it has to offer, to learn or to fight for the sake of your species betterment; or you may be human, attempting to survive, and to thrive even alongside beings who from birth might be called your betters--ever struggling to rise above your fellows and those who might stand in the way of your ambitions or your happiness. Regardless, there is a place for you here and we are both willing and able to make you as comfortable as we can. We are here to help.

Note: We—that being the GMs [Celaira and myself(yoshua171)] are currently working on reorganizing the lore located in the first three posts of the OOC thread, as well as adding additional entries. A large body of this lore is not strictly necessary for play, but is merely information that may be useful to some players or is there so as to be more accessible. If you would like to contribute lore feel free to do so—provided you are willing to work with us to make sure it fits into the world more seamlessly and so that it may be approved and then added to its proper place in one of the lore posts.


What to Expect

  • Interactions with at least semi-realistic cause and effect. If you kill someone, expect there to be an investigation or at least it be on the news.
  • Medium scale in terms of character power, unless you've got good reasons/you prove you can be trusted with more.
  • Posts of a paragraph or more; quality over quantity. If you're drawing a blank, don't worry so much.
  • Posting expectations of once, at the very least, every two weeks barring extenuating circumstances.
  • A GM who is willing to work with you, hear you out, but not break his back to suit your every need.
  • Good communication be it player to player, GM to GM, or GM to player.
  • Some measure of political intrigue.
  • Multiple plotlines if possible.
  • Group world building!
  • Collaboration posts.
  • Some Taboo Subjects.
  • Some slice of life.
  • Some dark themes.
  • Some combat.
Character Sheet

The way the title section appears below, the existence of hiders for organization, and the sections therein are necessary. Aside from that code your CS how you want, if you want it pretty, but aren't amazing with BBcode, feel free to come to Celaira or myself, we're code wizards I tell ya, wizards!
Skill may vary~

For clarity's sake, Celaira is likely to do her code offsite, because she's a Journeyman wizard. She doesn't mind doing the same for others, in fact I'm sure she'd be thrilled if you asked her to do so. I on the other hand strictly use Guild BBcode, but I'm damned good at it--so there's that.

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Theme I Theme II

M N A E C I L I A R E A ' E L H M O N C E R E
mm-nay-sill-ea ray-ah el moan-sare

Three-hundred-twenty-eight. Female. Prae. Proxy.
[ ⊰⊱ ] Ⱥppearance

Standing at 5'7 and weighing in at 128 lbs, she is a rather lithe prae, typically wearing a ceremonial eye covering that shields her startling white eyes from others, and the world from her gaze. Her form could be considered healthy with an above average figure for a prae woman. She moves with a regal grace becoming of one with her station. Despite her gaze being obscured, many a prae have faltered at her presence and withered beneath her scrutiny.

[ ⊰⊱ ] io

[ ⊰⊱ ] quipment & elongings

[ ⊰⊱ ] apabilities

Didn't post with CB because of the fact that he's waiting for Headhunter. So he has nothing to add to that part of the RP atm. I'll probably just post with him next round instead.
Evelyn Chambers – Tulpa

Taking into mind the resources at their disposal and the information they had, Evelyn listened to the second briefing—though she remembered the first time they'd been explained the layout from earlier in the drive. Of course, this time she was only half paying attention, the rest of her awareness on her shadow which she had darting around to touch various materials on their way to the warehouse.

Once they got there she'd have any number of various materials for her projection to use when she decided to manifest it. Since she didn't have much to add, she merely met the lieutenant's eyes and nodded, before looking over her team with a slight smile, though her mask hid it.

This is going to go smoothly, she told herself hopefully. Still, a part of her hoped that for some reason they'd find a bit more resistance than expected. She'd been itching to put down some crime for awhile and she didn't like not getting to use her power properly—now that she'd done so before.

She almost winced at the thought of that first mission with Sona—her heart fluttered and she had to catch her breath. Quickly she dismissed the thoughts and went back to 'scanning' various materials on their way there. She wanted to be ready.

Pleased with G4M3R's choice, Jake nodded his head and glanced at the others. "I'll wait outside,” he said then smiled, looking to their leader. “Take care of yourself.” He then walked towards Gabriel, giving him a wave, before passing him by and exiting the building. He gave it a wide berth and then transformed, feeling the odd sensation of being nowhere for half a second, being disembodied, before he felt the sensation of his existence expand. Serpentine and many limbed he pushed himself from the ground and flew upwards somewhat, avoiding power lines and billboards as he moved himself to the roof and then partially hung off of it to watch the entrance while he awaited the others.

If this Gabriel was someone not to be trusted, he'd like to give the man a taste of the shit he'd be in if he decided to mess with them somehow. Plus, he much preferred this form, if only because of how alive he felt while he was in it.
Lilliana Merrycure

Still tinkering, her attention only peripherally focused on a few other things, it came as a complete surprise as a man she'd glimpsed fighting Krabbe's men closed the distance and began bombarding her with questions. When she started to actual hear his questions proper a smile crossed her features and her eyes lit up. She almost got a chance to open her mouth and reply, but Krabbe spoke and his voice cut her thoughts off quite short.

Her gaze darted over in the direction of the Rum Runner and she frowned, before steel came into her eyes and she turned to look back at the Bounty Hunter. She spoke up so he would hear her, “We could help you and we all survive, or we could retreat, knock him into the ocean or back onto your ship where he'd be your problem. So how about we help eachother. We all get to not die, you get your crewmember back, and we get to go free!” She smiled cheerily at the man even as she took out two syringes. She threw one in Feya's direction.

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