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The Truest and Most Ultimate Showdown has beguneth. Goofykins V.S. SpongeByrne!
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Feel free to hop on discord and we can chat (if you have it. I suggest it seeing as, well, it's a great thing and also we've got a chat). If not, feel free to PM me on the Guild. Also feel free to take a look at my character Mare.
@Olira totally recruiting various ronin, rogues, mercenaries, and other oddballs. Totally looking for scientists to help me with a particular character's project let's call it.
Alright, I wait eagerly haha. I've been busy with other stuff, but I thought I'd just check in ya know :)
Nazomeku, Kazayatsu - Kuroyaju
Iwagakure | A | Tsuchikage

TIME: Pre-TimeSkip --> Funeral Day --> One Day ago --> Present – Evening. | LOCATION: Konoha –> Iwagakure. | INTERACTION: [All of Iwa] and Sano ; @Reflection @Seraphicide @Write @Ganryu @ZeroXposure @Spanner @Pirouette @Savato @Glitchybugger @Kalas.

Jaakuna had left him high and dry, but he managed to keep himself somewhat composed while the chuunin were in hearing distance. The lava around him vented steam and plumes of toxic ash into the air as he breathed steadily. Slowly it cooled and then began to dissolve, but it took him around ten minutes to do it. Typically he could do it faster, but he was angry and itching to show those sorry criminals a glimpse of retribution before he struck them down...one by one.

He closed his eyes, face screwed up as he worked at banishing the violent thoughts, the destructive impulses...the pulsing in his chest that was not just his beating heart. He grit his teeth and bore it. When his retainers approached, along with other shinobi he greeted them and assured them—seemingly with calm—that he was just fine, no worse for wear in fact.

He attended the funeral, sad to see that Ginsho was gone, and unsure about the revelation that was his twin brother's existence. At the very least he was grateful that Konohagakure would have a Hokage in these troubling times. Through it all a fire simmered in his gut. He ate very little and drank more than usual from his flask of sake.

The journey back home was rough, but he was happy to see that his chuunin had survived largely intact, he was not particularly pleased with the looks of sorrow or disappointment on some of their faces. A few of them looked terrified at the prospect of returning home and this disturbed him some, but he drank and stored it for later.

The entire journey home he stayed put and whenever offered food, company, or drink he declined all but the third.

When he arrived home he sent his retinue, his accountants, assistants, retainers, servants, and office workers on a mandatory vacation for three days. He did it through writing, still as silent as he had been on the way home.

Finally, when it was night and his manner was empty with no one to see or hear him through the sound proofed walls he let the rage that he had fostered finally boil over.

He screamed...and screamed and screamed. He yelled and roared until he was spent and his throat hurt. He did it until he was hoarse. He let the tears run down his face from the pain and the anger. When he was done he summoned a healer and while they worked on his torn up throat he wrote a hundred and one letters, each addressed personally to someone in his village.

He put the village on high alert, but not as he usually did. Knowing that something was brewing after the blatant attack on Konoha and the attempt on his life, he informed everyone in the village—civilian or otherwise—that they were to cooperate and be on the lookout for strange activity. The barrier nin were put in place, rotating in shifts on standby.

Chakra was charged into the system of seals concealed deep beneath the earth of Iwagakure as preparations were made. At some point the Mizukage was delivered to them and he was secured. Kazayatsu made no effort to speak with him for a time, but the man was fed and treated more as a guest than a prisoner.

The Tsuchikage may not have liked the man's methods and he certainly did not trust him, but he did not believe the rumors or proclamations of criminals either. Still, he was a cautious man. The Mizukage remained in a cell that suppressed and locked his chakra completely. He would be incapable of jutsu of any kind while within it. Numerous failsafes were in place, including one that the guards were only to activate if someone infiltrated and attempted to capture the man.

Once all the preparations were in place he made an announcement. Ai Kabe was elected as his second assistant alongside the eminent Kisuke. Everyone questioned his reasoning, but he kept his mouth shut and they soon stopped asking.

Thus, with the stage set he took to waiting.

On the seventh night since the Hokage's funeral they infiltrated his territory. They killed or incapacitated the barrier nin along one path to the village, but those nin did not die in vain. Their deaths and subsequent inability to report was what tipped the kage off, and so he rose from his bed and no more than two minutes following their death, the Chiki hyōryū-sha(Earth Drifters) were deployed.

When Sano unleashed his attack, many buildings crumbled, and some were shaken, but only the former flooded. As the criminals dispersed, Kazayatsu watched from the top of his mansion, one hand on his spear, the other behind his back, clenched into a fist. His fingers dug into his palm, a serious expression on his face, brow faintly furrowed, his mouth a flat line.

As Sano's wave struck his home, it remained, immovable with its kage atop it. His spear raised once before coming down, striking the roof beneath him. His chakra shot through the ground like lightning, going deep, then shooting forwards as he performed handseals quickly behind his back.
Doton: Chidōkaku(Earth Release: Moving Earth Core)

The earth buried beneath the waves of Sano's jutsu erupted upwards in a path 10 meters wide, the water parting as it shot upwards. The kage raised his hand into the air and signaled.

The huge path of stone suddenly split apart into numerous thinner pillars, each which positioned itself throughout the village. He struck his spear against the ground again, but this time nothing happened immediately.

Moments passed, the roaring waves and the wind the only sounds to be heard. Kazayatsu hit the earth again, this time a much smaller pathway, only 3 meters wide, formed and he stepped down onto it. As he approached Sano, his steps carrying him across the pathway, the earthen pillars around the village seemed to sag. The water around them began to boil hotter...and hotter. Steam began to rise from the water he'd unleashed as the pillars became lava, and the lava heated the water.

The kage met the shark's eyes and if Sano though himself a predator, than he would see much the same in the eyes of his adversary.

“When I am done with you, they will not call you the shark nin. Indeed they will not call you human. They will look your way, but not see you. Instead they will see only ash.”

The pathway below him, and the water that lapped against it, began to heat up, the stone turning red, the water boiling, then releasing steam.

Amidst the destruction and chaos, Kuroyaju stirred.
@Tuujaimaa: Truth and Fandaniel si Louviere are accepted.
Nazomeku, Kazayatsu - Kuroyaju
Iwagakure | A | Tsuchikage
Theme II

TIME: Present Day - Morning | LOCATION: Konohagakure - Stadium Observation Room | INTERACTION: Namine Akizakura; @Reflection Jaakuna Aka.

Noting the shuriken and the departure of the traitor's ally, the kage shook his head and hit his spear against the ground once.

Ryūtsū(流通 'Flow Regulation').

The lava near him twisted then whirled rapidly in spirals around him. As the shuriken reached him—no matter how numerous—they were blocked by the viscous lava, where they exploded, dispersing small bits of the lava in several direction for a brief moment.

Staring up at Jaakuna he struck his spear against the ground again. Lava swirled for meters behind him, forming several whirlpools, before they erupted into the air, forming geysers of deadly molten material upwards. It sprayed throughout the air all around them, and made pursuing the two chuunin impossible. Any attempt to do so would result in severe, if not fatal, burns. Conversely, if this were a clone, it would result in its dispersal.

Either suited him just fine.

“Jaakuna Aka. You know, I heard tales about you. I considered you a hero of sorts. A man who made a noble sacrifice to make sure that a monster never walked this earth again.” He fell silent and let it drag on for a time, performing handseals with the hand at his side. Unseen to Jaakuna spearhead shaped portions of hardened volcanic rock formed—their like buried by the magma that coated the forest floor.

Every tree within the area of his lava was quickly being engulfed in flames. The smaller ones were melting as the lava consumed them.

“Once I would have been glad to see you alive, but now I am disgusted by it.”

A small pulse of chakra pushed into the lava around him and he began to walk across the fiery molten field.

“I will ask you three times to surrender. If you fail to, know that you will regret it—clone or not.” There was an alien, barely restrained rage in his eyes, and steel in his voice. He knew that if he could not make Jaakuna surrender, that he would likely kill him.

One way or another.
Kouken, Ayame

Iwagakure | C-B | Barrier nin

TIME: Present Day - Morning | LOCATION: Lightning Challenge Room | INTERACTION: @Write @Ganryu {Teammates} Hokusai, Aito and Kabe, Ai; @Glitchybugger @bladess4 {Present nearby} Yuki, Hime and Hokori Tashiro; @Syn @Reflection {Enemies} Havoc and Jaakuna

Running she saw as Ai made her move on their adversary's umbrella and she also noted the attack on Aito. She was releived to know that her friend was alright in the end, but she also knew it mean they had another adversary—which wasn't the best news really.

Holding a hand up she used the kai handsign, signalling Ai—and the Phoenix—to return to her. She had decided there was a much faster way to disperse her barrier rods. Once picked up, she'd signal Aito to make the phoenix fly high into the sky over the center of the artificial clearing. Once high enough she'd have already set up a huge number of barrier rods in hand. Crouching briefly, she built up a bit of chakra, tensing her legs, and then launched even higher upwards, leaving the phoenix to circle that spot.

Having moved into a spin as she jumped, she released the barrier rods using her own strength and the force generated by her spin. They were sent out in almost every direction and after several moments they would strike ground or trees, eventually completing the circle.

By the time they had struck, Ayame was already focusing chakra to them. Using 3/4ths of her chakra she activated two massive dome shaped barriers. One outside the other. The inner most one revealed its nature swiftly as she called out these words.

“Seki no Koi Sakana(関のコイ魚 'Barrier of the Koi Fish')!”

The outermost barrier however, was different, for it was not a screen, but a solid wall.

As she landed, clearly out of breath, she said the technique's name. “Kōken no Ishi(後見の意志 'Guardian's Will').” Of course, to the innermost barrier there was a catch, as its purpose was inverted. Any chakra that struck the inner surface of the barrier would be distributed over the entire surface area of the construct, rendering its power null and void entirely.

Signalling to Aito down below, she pointed to the outer reaches of the barriers, then to each of the other combatants.

They needed to get out of the barriers because Ayame had one other tactic in mind, and it would take the remainder of her chakra to pull it off. She hoped that someone else would knock out the criminal before she was reduced to using that tactic....
Evelyn Chambers – Tulpa

Eventually getting over her embarassment fully, she looked to Lillian, smiling again. When Alessa agreed with their younger teammate she nodded her head. Some training with the disks would be good, plus she could test out Ira's new invention too. The thought filled her chest with a warm excitement and she smiled, walking to the door. She glanced back at Decoy's hologram a moment, smiling and said, "Thank you for the briefing sir. We'll prepare as best we can."

With those words she looked over the other wards and then pushed the door open, ready to go warm up for their impending mission.

Oh man was she excited!

Rising only when Headhunter did, Chatterbox made his way forwards at their sharpshooter's side, remaining silent the whole time. There was an air of wariness about him ever since their first mission, at least when discussing serious matters. Being a villain...a criminal, was not something he could so light heartedly joke about, though he could easily pull that persona out whenever they encountered some real resistance. It would serve to fit his alias not to mention facilitate his power. For now however, he just followed, silent. When they reached the backdoor he pulled one of the rods from his belt, holding it in his offhand. He kept his right hand by the handgun at his belt...just in case he needed to pull it quickly.

"Ready when you are," he said, tapping his communicator lightly to notify his adoring fans that they were entering the building.

Inspecting the money, he found nothing amiss, which was a bit odd in its way. Where had this man gotten this kind of money, he wondered. Then again, they didn't really know anything about the fellow. He glanced at G4M3R when he posed his question, as he'd been wondering the same thing. Backing up from Gabriel, he crossed the room and decided to take up a position leaning against the wall.

“Was wondering that too. Though, if we manage to bring the Rockers to justice I don't think it'll much matter as to his reasons. I suppose it's something we ought to do regardless. Getting paid for it is even better.” He shrugged, his supicion far easier to ignore what with it feeling so distant.

The situation was a bit weird, but oh well, it was good pay and they'd be doing something major that they ought to anyways. How could it go wrong?
Lilliana Merrycure

Once her punch was finished she brought a hand up to her cheek, a look of brief confusion on her face as she felt the slight wetness of a kiss left behind. The confusion became frustration in swift order, before it translated into a look of consternation as she tried to figure out the strange man before her.

“Um...” she began, but words failed her as she floundered. She stuck a hand into her mechanic's bag and began fiddling with stuff to slightly distract herself from the strangeness of what had just happened.

She was sorting her feelings.

“You know, it's not very polite to kiss a lady without her wanting you to.” She said, huffing a bit, a small pout forming. She didn't like this man, he was selfish...and faster than her, which was a problem in its own way.

However, before she could say or do anything further the mast fell and her eyes widened. Just as the warrior got out of the way, so too did she, but she moved in the opposite direction and then dashed towards the cluster of cannon fodder and the man they were attacking. He seemed like a potential ally, and on top of that, it was the direction of the mechanism that controlled the rest of the ship's armor, which in its own way was also a problem.

She kept one hand in her mechanic's bag, messing around with scrap—with B-MO's assistance of course—and building something as she was wont to do. Once she'd dealt with the armor she needed to get off of this ship.
Nazomeku, Kazayatsu - Kuroyaju
Iwagakure | A | Tsuchikage

TIME: Present Day - Morning | LOCATION: Konohagakure - Stadium Observation Room | INTERACTION: @Seraphicide @BladeX @Queentze {Allies} Namine Akizakura, Kaba Joukaku, and Date Uchiha; @Reflection @ZeroXposure {Criminals} Jaakuna Aka and Sebun Chimei-teki Tsumi.

Having trudged through the Forest of Death, burning his way and using the lava as a form of locomotion, Kazayatsu was on a mission. Anger and determination cast on his features, the Tsuchikage soon arrived at the location of one of the criminals. Lucky him, it was the one he was looking for too, though it appeared that there was another. A weapon user of some kind.

It didn't matter.

Or, it wouldn't have until he noticed the jounin candidate under attack. Jaakuna's actions were almost in slow motion to him, but not because they weren't fast, rather because his own senses were exceptional even without sensory techniques.

Faster than the eye could see or the body could move, a pulse of chakra shot from his foot through his lava and into the ground. It crossed the entire distance between the kage and the chuunin traveling to the base of the tree he stood upon. A small amount of chakra locked the chuunin's feet to the branch--an impromptu, forced tree climbing technique—followed swiftly by the tree and a small amount of the earth around it lurching downwards and just barely out of the trajectory of Jaakuna's attack.

Kazayatsu stepped down a staircase composed of his own lava, the same piercing, dangerous look in his eyes as he approached the weapon user. His spear remained firmly in hand, held parallel to the ground.

"Leaf shinobi, you're overpowered and outnumbered yet here you stand. I commend your bravery, but I also question your wisdom." The kage's arm raised, held out at his side as he walked, before he spun his spear, chakra channeling through it all the while. His other hand blurred through handsigns at a frightening pace.

He looked between the two S rank criminals with a glare, before he gave them something akin to his characteristic smile. However, when he spoke, there was a joyful sort of malice in his tone. “Now, why don't we play a game from our childhoods. I do hope you'll remember it. It's called, 'The Floor is Lava.'

With that a pulse of chakra shook the earth in every direction within their area as he slammed his spear's blunt end into the ground. With that chakra the rock and soil within a 30 meter radius began to rapidly bubble and spit as it was transmuted into lava. The first two seconds would be the only ones in which they could stand on the ground without being burned. Within the four seconds that followed one couldn't be within 2 meters of the ground without getting minor burns, and within the following six one would be unable to be within 5 meters without sufficient shielding. Oddly, both the kage and the chuunin would remain unaffected by the deadly heat.

Meanwhile, the Tsuchikage's smile had disappeared and the earth had risen once more, putting Kaba Joukaku level with everyone else once more. The ground beneath him was not lava, but it was only a space of about 2 meters in diameter. Enough for one person only.

“Chuunin. I highly suggest you get as far away from me as you can and find your fellow shinobi. I'll handle these monsters.” There was a dangerous edge to his words, something that spoke of a rage barely contained. Beneath the surface of his mind there stirred a beast. Hopefully it would slumber a while longer.
Kouken, Ayame

Iwagakure | C-B | Barrier nin

TIME: Present Day - Morning | LOCATION: Lightning Challenge Room | INTERACTION: @Write @Ganryu {Teammates} Hokusai, Aito and Kabe, Ai; @Glitchybugger @bladess4 {Present nearby} Yuki, Hime and Hokori Tashiro; @Syn {Enemy} Havoc.

Watching as the ice shinobi took something of a battering, Ayame cringed visibly. She didn't like this. They needed to act, but how to deal with someone who had that kind of raw power. Well, they'd just have to figure it out. Firstly she knew that whatever the man was using would utilize chakra, which meant she had something for it so long as it wasn't too concentrated. Taking in a deep breath to calm herself she glanced at her two teammates. These were people dear to her. Close to her heart. If either of them came to harm she would never forgive herself.

This in mind, she steeled herself and stood up fully atop the great bird of Aito's creation.

“Ai, Aito, we're not gonna have many shots at this. We need to disable this man if we can, capture him if at all possible so the kage can question him. However, I...I'm not going to hold back,” as she said it she swallowed hard.

“So when I say back off, I need both of you to listen immediately. I don't know how well I can control my offensive techniques.”

That said she trained her eyes on criminal, and as she did they narrowed. Chakra fluxed through her system.

“Aito, provide assistance to the others and us. If you see one of us use the Kai handseal it means we need you at our location. Otherwise we'll just use our names. Ai, for now at least...I'm Aya again, like when we were kids.” As she said it she didn't look at them. She kept her gaze fixed on their adversary, not even looking at the other allies that had arrayed against the man.

“Ai if the nin goes above the treeline, we'll need to use your barrier tags as platforms to step off of. I need you to pay attention to both of our positions so we don't lose maneuverability. Whatever sort of ninjutsu this man is using, it could be fatal on the first strike. I'd rather not find out first hand.”

That said she let her chakra channel through the metal in her body and then, suddenly, a shimmering layer of it formed over her entire body.

Seki Tōei(関投影 'Barrier Projection').

Taking one more deep breath, she bent her knees, glanced at Ai, and then launched forwards, two barrier stakes in each hand. She began using tree trunks to propel herself, periodically stabbing a stake into a tree as she moved in a circle around their target.

Assuming her sister would be near enough to hear her, she spoke while placing her Sekisao.

“We need to lock down his movement and then knock him out. Your purify will do it I think. We just need to create an opening to land it. I'll manage for a bit. Use your Shunshin and go communicate the plan to the other shinobi. Tell them to lock down his movement and distract him while I set up a barrier. Tell them to help create an opening for us. We need to work together.” At no point did she turn her gaze towards Ai, instead keeping it on the man even as she kept some trees between her location and his.

This was going to be tough.
Nisekuru, Koutaku

Konohagakure | C-B | Tactics-nin

TIME: Present Day - Morning | LOCATION: Konohagakure - Forest of Death | INTERACTION: @J8cob @Project @Reflection Kurin Senju; Usagi Orihara; Tsukiko Umene.

Flames and chains were their rebuttal, but he did not answer in kind. For while the explosion earlier could have been a distraction from another fight, the appearance of a massive water technique in addition to the destruction of an entire area of the forest alerted him to the fact that something had gone truly awry. Eyes narrowed he dodged behind the massive tree, flipping away and off of it to do so. The flames scorched its bark and the chains struck at the tree. However, their onslaught ended abruptly as they too realized the severity of their situation. Two of them fleed, while another, the Senju, protected the rest. Koutaku jumped down from the tree as the wooden barrier formed around them.

Walking towards them. His expression unreadable, Koutaku spoke up.

“I believe the only other sensor among us just departed along with a rather well versed ninjutsu user.” He glanced around the dome, noticing that not a droplet of water had gotten through and that it was holding up fairly well.

“That makes you the only sensor nin among us. You're our eyes and ears then.” He glanced at Usagi, then Tsukiko, his gaze piercing as he appeared to size them up. There was something cold about his eyes, despite him being their ally in the here and now.

“Usagi Orihara. Wind affinity, and you kenjutsu user...clearly. Could never get a bead on you. Taijutsu focused or ninjutsu?”

Not even waiting for a response his gaze darted to the other young woman. “Tsukiko Umene the ruthless ambush specialist. Earth affinity. Exceptional stealth and physical abilities.” He paused a moment and smiled before looking back at Kurin.

“And of course, Kurin Senju. Sensor and Mokuton wielder.” A small grin crossed his lips before falling away as he glanced up. He'd heard another impact beyond their barrier.

“I believe there are three intruders. A water user; someone with wide area of effect and high damage; and of course a high end weapon user. That is, if these blades are anything to go by.” He glanced at one of the only weapons that had gotten into the wooden barrier before it had fully enclosed them.

“Based on the skills at our disposal, I'd say our best bet is the weapon user. Thoughts?”

He looked between them again. Expectant.

???? | C-B | ????

TIME: Present Day | LOCATION: Konohagakure – Hospital Exterior | INTERACTION: @Ganryu Kaito Chosokabe

The figure laughed faintly, then turned away, standing sideways, his eyes on the horizon. He was watching what he could of the battles in the Forest of Death. A brief silence passed before he spoke again. When he did the levity was largely gone from his voice.

“You've caught my interest. A man without meaningful heritage ruining a Hyuga's arm. A genjutsu expert and an assassin, if I've pegged you right.” He turned away from the spectacle to look at Kaito once more.

“I'm looking for prestigious individuals with considerable skill and loose morals in the interest of an...mmm, an endeavor lets call it.” He chuckled slightly at his own little joke, but said no more, not even prompting Kaito for a response. To do so would be to give the man power, to let him control the flow of their conversation, to alter the nature of it entirely.

He didn't want that and so he kept quiet and waited, comfortable in the relative silence.
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