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The Truest and Most Ultimate Showdown has beguneth. Goofykins V.S. SpongeByrne!
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Oh Bleach RP oh Bleach RP where art thou oh quality Bleach RP. Why hast thou forsaken thee? Seriously though, WHY!?!


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@ProPro I am planning to post today, just so you know I haven't forgotten :)
@ProPro Joke's on you! I posted a minute before this was sent ;D
Lilliana Merrycure

Finding the metallic claws of her hands blocked by a longsword, Lilliana pursed her lips and started moving one of her extra arms, before the man jumped back and struck a pose. Her jaw tensed slightly and she exhaled, calming herself. Around her sailors had been laid low and were on the ground bleeding and groaning. Various pieces of metal on her body absorbed any of the blood that had gotten on her, using even the smallest bits of iron in it to gather energy.

Having lowered her arms, she looked at the armed man in his special armor before moving forwards to close the distance.

“I'll have to ask you to please move” she begun, one fist rearing back, metal hardened into spikes on her knuckles. Then, when the man almost surely did not get out of her way she called out.

At the exclamation her armored fist struck forwards, its spiked surface delivering a blow that was fast enough to catch almost anyone who'd never seen it before unaware. The force behind it was considerable as well as a good deal of her weight and strength was behind it.

It appeared she was quite serious about saving her crew and their ship.

Kouken, Ayame

Iwagakure | C-B | Barrier nin

TIME: Present Day - Morning | LOCATION: Lightning Challenge Room | INTERACTION: @Write Hokusai, Aito @Ganryu Kabe, Ai.

Using Aito's preferred, and superior, method of transportation, Ayame was in flight with her friend when all of a sudden Ai appeared in a flutter of scattering paper and hugged her. Relief washed through her and she let out a breath, embracing her sister in return. “Oh thank goodness,” she whispered before they ended their embrace. There were some brief introductions and then Ai yelled something just as Ayame turned to see the huge waves of water, filled with sharks, that had begun to engulf the edges of one side of the forest.

Her eyes widened, and barrier rods were drawn before she was even fully aware of her own actions. In an instant she stabbed the rods into the back of the phoenix, not injuring it due to its nature, and erected a barrier. In that instant she created a triangular barrier that enclosed them. Three long seconds passed, the water and sharks almost striking them before the barrier's color suddenly shifted slightly.

Seki no Koi Sakana(関のコイ魚 'Barrier of the Koi Fish')

The jutsu struck them, jostling them in flight, but glancing off of the barrier and traveling around them, enclosing them in water. Over the roar of the waves, Ayame yelled to Aito, “Fly up!”

The barrier would protect them and the phoenix from the water, but she wasn't sure if it would hold for terribly long against the continuous onslaught of water and deadly sharks. They needed to get above the mire and fast!

???? | C-B | ????

TIME: Present Day | LOCATION: Konohagakure – Hospital Exterior | INTERACTION: @Ganryu

Making distance before the Forest of Death became enclosed by two individuals of at least S rank—by the look of their ninjutsu—Mare continued moving in powerful flashes of shunshin, which allowed him to arrive in the village rather quickly. From there he got on top of a building, found the collapsing hospital building, and then headed to it. Surveying from above he located his target.

Quietly and out of sight he descended to the streets, and then circled around to a side of the hospital that the man couldn't see. He checked his hood's position, making sure it was affixed properly, before he rounded the corner and approached. Shifting his focus he hurried over to Kaito's side, “Well, for someone who gave me a warning in the stadium, I must say you're rather roughed up yourself.”

A small grin peaked from his hood, “Perhaps I could assist with that. I am a medic after all.” He raised a hand and an orb formed, emitting a faint comforting glow, before he dismissed it.

Having seen the interaction with Yogensha, Amegakure's leader, he knew that the man had been tasked with protecting this hospital.

“Might be best to evacuate from this building. It's unstable because of the explosion.” The reality was he didn't want to stay here, and that even if the building wasn't unstable, he would have made it so to convince the shinobi.

He had seen his fight and while it had not ended as the shinobi would have liked, the figure had enjoyed watching the genjutsu expert struggle. Additionally, the man's techniques were interesting. They could be very useful, he figured.
So, I messed up my [@] Tags in my post just now, so I thought I'd tag the relevant people here since I messed that up badly.

@Write For Aito/Ayame.

@J8cob @Project @Reflection @Spanner @Odin For Kurin and Team Fire.

Ganryu and Syn I think I actually tagged properly, so there's that. Anywho, enjoy before the outright chaos of the village attack truly takes over.
Nazomeku, Kazayatsu - Kuroyaju
Iwagakure | A | Tsuchikage

TIME: Present Day - Morning | LOCATION: Konohagakure - Stadium Observation Room | INTERACTION: @Syn Gisho Omawarisan and Namine Akizakura; @Ganryu Ai Kabe.

Barged in upon by one of his chuunin, Ai Kabe, Yatsu watched and listened to her for a time while she went through her various antics. He was glad she had returned to the village, though he did have his suspicions about her, as was his responsibility as kage. Nonetheless she seemed harmless enough.

The butt of his spear still planted against the ground, his chakra faintly pulsing through it, he responded to her question.

"As much as this may be about showing the potential of shinobi, I see this exam as a test of character and a learning experience. It is not so much about whether our shinobi, or the Leaf's impress me as it is important how they grow from this point onwards."

He took a swig of his sake and smiled slightly, "It is also a reminder that we live in a much more peaceful time. I find it to be a tremendous relief."

He hid away his flask, head tilting slightly as he noticed something. His lips pursed and a frown crossed his features as the sound became more distinct in the following silence.

Tick. Tick. Tick.

The chakra pulsing through his spear suddenly had a purpose as his other hand reached out, grabbing Ai by the shoulder. Stone spread from his hand onto her collarbone and back, strengthening his hold, before he pulled her next to him, letting go of his staff as he executed handseals faster than the eye could follow.

His chakra spread in an instant, covering the floor, then breaking it, even as a dome of earth shot over them, closing in seconds. His right hand on the ground, two fingers touching his spear which was in the center of the enclosure that contained Ai and him. He continued pouring chakra into the stone, using chakra flow and adding additional mass to the stone. He channeled the smallest amount of his kekkei genkai's chakra into the stone and used it as a catalyst to manipulate the temperature of the stone and the air that entered it. It also served to illuminate the interior faintly.

Outside the roar of a tremendous explosion drowned out all other sound. Were Ai to look upon the Tsuchikage's face, she would not see the kind, whimsical, and often eccentric man she had come to know her entire life. She would see anger and worry writ across his brow and burning in his eyes.

The air inside the shelter heated slightly, as did the surface, which became almost hot to the touch. It wasn't quite hot enough to burn, but it was damned close.

The kage kept one stabilizing hand on Ai, the stone having fallen away. Briefly they would feel as if falling, but at no point were they lifted from the 'ground' of the dome's interior. Eventually there was a jostling impact, and then nothing. Kazayatsu waited thirty additional seconds before he took his hand off of Ai's shoulder and looked at her.

"Ai, find your sister. See if you can gather the other shinobi. I believe the village is under attack. I value your lives, but I cannot stay with you. Whoever just made an attempt on my life has decided to threaten the wellbeing of my people, my shinobi, my allies, and my village."

He stood, and as he did so the dome of dense stone crumbled around them, turning into dust and scattering outwards where it swirled in the wind. A white knuckled hand moved to grip his spear.

His usual jovialness was gone, replaced by a dangerous edge. Looking at him was like looking at a volcano on the precipice of eruption, but in the form of a man.

"Ah, and Ai," he begun, pausing "Make an effort to notify all of the shinobi that they should, under no circumstances, approach the battlefield I am fighting on. Stay 200 meters out." He glanced at her, and there was fire in his eyes, before he looked away and began walking off through the ash and smoke.

Just as his figure became a silhouette in the debris she would hear one word.

Kouken, Ayame

Iwagakure | C-B | Barrier nin

TIME: Present Day - Morning | LOCATION: Lightning Challenge Room | INTERACTION: @Write Aito.

Seeing Aito brought a smile to her face, but it also worried her because if her friend decided it would be better to take from her, well, there probably wasn't too much she could do about it. They usually came to a standstill or Aito beat her, mostly because Ayame refused to use real force to deal with her friend...or anyone really.

“Aito. Hi, um. I don't suppose you'd let me pass? I would rather not have to fight you,” she said, smiling awkwardly. However, before her friend could respond a shockwave struck them. Ayame reacted instantly, stumbling then bracing herself. She glanced up to see a huge plume of fire coloring the sky red and orange. It was in the direction of the observation building...which was also where the kage were.

Her eyes widened in shock, before she swallowed some of her fear and looked to Aito.
She bit her lip as she realized that Ai had headed in that direction when she'd departed.

God she hoped that explosion hadn't been as bad as it looked...and felt. She turned to Aito.

“Actually, nevermind, let's stick together. I don't know if the exam is still on, but I think it'll be postponed. Let's head for the observation building. I need to see if Ai's okay.” Worry was writ in her voice even as she tried to suppress it.

Gesturing for Ai to follow, Ayame headed for the observation building, simultaneously headed for the exit.
Nisekuru, Koutaku

Iwagakure | A | Tsuchikage

TIME: Present Day - Morning | LOCATION: Konohagakure - Stadium Observation Room | INTERACTION: @J8cob @Project @Reflection @Spanner @Odin Kurin and Team Fire

In the form of a messenger hawk, and then a mosquito—its eyes altered to see as a human might—Koutaku watched Team Fire's interaction with another shinobi. He racked his brain and came up with names for all of them.

Kurin, Senju; Orihara, Usagi; Uragiri, Sakana; and Uzumaki, Kamui.

The team moved, but not in sync. They didn't have much of a plan it appeared. Just potential strength in numbers and the possibility for teamwork. There was tension here and there among them, but it wasn't reliable enough to exploit in truth.

What did he know about the lot of them? More than they knew about him, surely.

Kurin was a Senju, so the conclusions were fairly obvious, but he knew that the shinobi was something of a sensor. Granted, Kurin did not appear to be with the larger group. Good, it provided a divide and a possible ally.

Glancing between them he noted another sensor, which was rather troublesome. Still, even if there were two sensors available, it didn't mean they'd be able to detect something as tiny as an insect. Especially when he wasn't even really moving around much at all.

Noticing that at least one or two of them were glancing around occasionally he wondered if they were on the lookout for others or if they had another member. Either was problematic because it meant that there was a good chance that someone was hiding in their vicinity

So the question was, how best to deal with the situation?

Turning over his various tools in his mind, Koutaku considered his options.

The first he noted would be making a temporary alliance with Kurin, who was fairly powerful in his own right and was also in an environment that could very well benefit his style.

Second was the use of transformed weapons propelled by a mixture of his techniques to sow chaos. This along with a few other techniques could give him an opening to steal a scroll.

Option three was isolating a member of the team from the others, perhaps replacing one somehow. The question there would be who could he replace with minimal suspicion? Who did he know best among them? How could he separate the group?

He began shifting back into a proper human form, making sure to remain totally out of sight from any angle coming from below and nearby. The size of the trees in the Forest of Death were very useful for things like this.

Once he'd returned to a human state he silently and swiftly prepared a number of kunai, wire included of course, and then infused chakra into them, performing a series of handseals as he did so. Briefly he debated using his summon, then thought better of it...for now. By the time he'd finished his preparations the others were in the midst of what appeared to be an interrogation. Then it happened, a massive, loud, fiery distraction. He glanced in its direction, narrowed his eyes, and then used shunshin...once. He used it to get to a new angle, using trees and the like to stay out sight. Once in position he twitched a finger and a kunai shot from his prior location upwards and to the right of the group—whereas he was “in front” of them in relation to their position facing Kurin. However, with them likely distracting by the massive plume of flame blossoming in the distance, he would be in the opposite direction to where most were almost certain to be looking.

The kunai, firing from a position high in a tree, shot with tremendous speed at the group, but was not meant for them exactly. On contact with the ground, or anything else it may have struck, it released a powerful blast of air potent enough to knock the entire group off balance. He'd put a good bit of chakra in that kunai. It'd further divert their attention as he moved to a tree to the “left” of the group—across from the tree the first kunai had come from.

Ten no Tsunzaku(天の劈く 'Pierce the Heavens')
Asshuku Saya(圧縮鞘 'Compression Sheath').

A kunai fired at them from the front this time, but the effect was less pronounced when/if it struck the ground amidst the group. Finally a fourth kunai flew at them from the right of the group.

By now dust, dirt, and debris had been thoroughly stirred up in their midst, making it difficult, if not impossible, to see the oncoming high speed projectile. Of course, the attack was twofold, for the thrown kunai had wire extending back to where they'd been thrown from, meaning that moving in certain directions in the cover of dust was liable to get a person tangled up and cut.

The question was, how exactly would they react?

???? | C | ????

TIME: Present Day | LOCATION: Forest of Death | INTERACTION: @Ganryu

An explosion rocked him, scattering the crystal dust around him and throwing him off balance for a moment. Catching himself and planting his feet he glanced up and then smiled as he saw the flames stretching into the heavens.

“Beautiful,” he said before shaking himself. The shock had thrown off the bloodlust. It seemed he needed to hurry. Perhaps that fellow from before could entertain him for a time.

He crouched channeling chakra through his body, muscles tensing, and then vanished in a shunshin, headed for the medical facilities. He was on the hunt for a certain genjutsu user.
Kuroji(Black ops)


Sakai ban'nin(border guard)

@Odin just some alternative suggestions.
Evelyn Chambers – Tulpa

Nodding her head as she listened dutifully, she took in the further explanation of the, well, decoys, before she composed herself. As the senior hero began briefing them Evelyn's expression quickly became serious. Imperceptibly, her mind turned to how they might deal with the villains. She found herself having to intentionally dial back the urge to analyze and deconstruct the hypothetical ne'er dowells in her mind's eye.

As if to indicate her rushing mind, the faint, shimmering light of her projection roiled off of her for a moment before receding back 'into' her form and then, unseen, into the ground. Once Decoy had finished explaining, she nodded, still looking rather serious, before she glanced in Alessa's direction. She was the team leader after all.

Evelyn figured that she would play second or third fiddle, so to speak, regardless of the plan or exact nature of the mission. Silently though, she hoped that she might get a chance to take a proper bite out of crime.

At the thought, unseen, her projection's shadow bristled.

Turning to regard Lillian, Evelyn felt the dangerous edge slipping, before finally she smiled a bit. Anyone who had been paying close attention would have noticed the shift, but Evelyn seemed almost entirely unaware.

Man, Lillian was pretty adorab—"Woah!" She took a step back and, instinctively, her projection's shimmering 'shadow' rose from the floor and seemed to wrap around her. It manifested into what appeared to be some kind of cement wall with spindly legs propping it up in front of Evelyn, before it vanished. Blushing a bit, Embarassed she'd allowed herself to be so startled by the incredibly lifelike T-Rex that Lillian's device had created, Evelyn swallowed hard and then laughed awkwardly.

Maybe she was strung a bit too tightly....

"Eheh, sorry, um. That startled me." she said before shifting her attention to Ira as she explained her new invention. Smiling wider, eyes almost sparkling she held a hand out to Ira. "Can I see it?" She was pretty pleased and given that the two had spent quite a few sessions for her to explain her power to Ira the friendliness made sense.

"I can take it on a test run this mission and give you back a report as to its effectiveness!" Clearing a throat—whether given the bracelet or not, in which case she would don it if handed to her—she glanced at Alessa before speaking up.

"With this device I should be able to scout even better than normal too. So I can give a general building layout as well as the amount of guards maybe. Though...Tiger Lily, you can probably tell how many people there are using your strong nose. That'd probably be more efficient actually."

She glanced at Alessa again, "How do you think we should handle it Alessa?"

This time he had come prepared. He didn't ask for a weapon when they were already on site, no he already had a handgun, rubber bullets loaded, and one or two sets of rounds at his belt.
Beyond that he had two 2.5 foot long wooden rods at either side of his waist. He was certainly armed much better than before and while he wasn't a martial artist, his voice and commands could make anyone hesitate for just long enough for him to get a small advantage. Plus, the fact that he could use it repeatedly, the effect compounding, meant that each time he used it, the effect would be stronger than the last. Each time he commanded someone to hesitate, stand down, or anything else, they would consider it for a bit longer, which would give him time for a strike or a shot.

It was something he'd thought on after dealing with Noble briefly during their first mission. He hadn't thought to use his power that way, but he was going to start. Though, admittedly, he wasn't sure if he'd get a chance this mission and he also wasn't sure it would be good if he did. After all, his power took time to be properly useful and he didn't really have much at all in the way of combat training, so it might be better to wait till he had time to invest in lessons.

These things aside, he tapped a code into his tranceiver, and swiftly got several responses, making him smile. The getaway cars were in position, along with the armed civilians should they need back up or a distraction.

Keeping his eyes on the door, he let the others figure out their entrance. He really couldn't believe how low the security was here. Honestly, it seemed...well, too good to be true. As a result, he was a bit tense, for he was just waiting for something to go wrong.

Raising an eyebrow slightly, then shrugging as the woman departed, Jake's eyes drifted over to the suit clad man, before shifting back to the woman briefly before his attention was laid properly on the man with the suit. He had to admit, that potential client was pretty smokin', though it didn't mean much in the long run. It wasn't as if he could hold down a proper relationship what with the difficulties his power caused him....

Casting that out of mind just as swiftly as it had entered, Jake listened as the man, a Gabriel apparently, spoke up.

'No last name,' he thought, his expression remaining largely blank, unreadable, just like about ninety percent of his body language. Of course, if one did read into his body language and expression they'd just think he was relaxed all the time, or perhaps that he didn't care.

This, as well as the 'distance' between him and his emotions meant that any charm that Gabriel had, was largely lost on him. He understood that other people would react to it, but he just didn't feel the charisma.

His request seemed a bit, over the top? It was a pretty major job. It had him a bit skeptical to begin with, especially considering how thick the guy was laying on the charm. Then he set down the suitcase and revealed the money.

Jake took a step forwards, expression unchanged, and reached out for the money. Halfway through the action he stopped and met this Gabriel's eyes. “Might I take a look,” he asked, sounding only the slightest bit curious. It was so slight in fact that he almost sounded, and looked, uninterested.

This also meant that he didn't seem suspicious in the least, even though he was. This was a lot of money to be offering, and apparently it was just the tip of the iceberg. Weird how both the jobs today seemed...suspicious.

He wondered if someone was trying to scam or frame them somehow.

Aside from the PRT, did they even have competitors that might do that? Maybe enemies? Villains?

It was hard to say, but nonetheless...he didn't like this. He didn't like accepting payment without being able to do a background check or something on their 'clients'. It bothered him like few things could.

He liked being in the know.
I'll post today. I somehow lost track of the days.

???? | C | ????

TIME: Present Day | LOCATION: Forest of Death | INTERACTION: @Ganryu

Transported into an open field with only the very slightest of breezes, he didn’t even bother to glance around. He didn’t wait for their proctor to say or do anything, instead he simply performed the three necessary handseals and activated a technique.

Yūrei Tanshoku(幽霊淡色 'Ghost Light').

A fine particulate mist spread from his person, dispersing and passing from visible to invisible in barely two seconds. Glancing across the field, his glowing eyes noted the distance between them. About 10 meters, not terribly far really. Watching in silence, robes billowing forwards gently, moving almost as if drawn towards Deki.

“Been thinking about how you did that earlier. Gotta say, I’m going to pay you back 10 fold for that! Cut my flesh, I’LL CUT YOUR BONE! Remember the name Deki.”

The same jonin candidate as before looked the cloaked figure dead in the face as he cracked his knuckles. He too started a series of handsigns, fire beginning to wreath each of his fingers.

“Aren’t you going to at least say your name? Makes marking your tombstone easier.”

The breeze continued to blow, the air between them shimmering occasionally while the two conversed.

“Why bother,” the figure said. After all, there wasn’t a soul alive that truly cared about his wellbeing. In fact, knowledge of his death would only give those few who knew him a feeling of relief and satisfaction. On the other hand, this Deki would hardly walk away from their encounter.

It didn’t really matter either way, though not telling his adversary was a slight in its own right. Besides, the proctor might hear him if he said his name, and he’d rather leave no record of his identity. Not yet at least.

All in good time.

“Fine, I’ll title it asshole.”

With that, Deki was off. Concentrating an incredible amount of chakra in his feet, he jumped straight into the air. Fire blazed in particular from two of his fingers on each hand as he jumped twisting in midair. Following him, they seemed to make two crescent moons in the air. It was… oddly graceful.

He dove straight at the figure, both sets of hands swiping at him.

Glancing up at Deki, he willed the crystals in the air upwards, using small releases of wind chakra to guide their movement and alter the steady breeze to his will. Mentally he calculated the force behind the strikes, and the relative heat of the flames based on their color and intensity.

He raised his hand as if to catch or block the strikes, and with the movement the crystals grew rapidly, connecting to create a dense, interwoven crystal lattice. A curved wall that encircled half of his body, obscuring his head, arms, and the entirety of his upper body from Deki’s view.

He bent his knees, bracing himself before his hand touched the crystal barrier. Immediately, more crystal formed, slamming as spikes into the ground, acting as supports.

Deki flinched as he backhanded the crystal wall, but there was no way he was quitting. Flaring the same hand, a jet of flame burned against the right of the strager’s barrier. Deki grabbed the other side hard with his other hand, sending him pivoting around it. At high speeds he swung around behind his opponent, swiping with tiger claw at it. Deki was going to rip out his spine. If the coward had one.

Two avenues of attack, the first was circumventing the barrier, and the second was to pierce it. He expected the former of the two, and was not disappointed. As the boy swiveled around one edge of the lattice, having already pulled his hand back, he bent two fingers, and then flicked the crystal. A tiny pulse of chakra on the weakest point of the lattice, aimed at all of its connecting points, shattered the entire construct into a thousand tiny crystals. He swept his left hand from front to backwards in an arc on his left side, and the cloud of deadly crystal followed the motion, rending flesh, and whatever else it made contact with.

The attack covered the entire space in an arcing motion on his left side, as if a storm of crystal had attempted to form one fourth of a dome to his left.

Then he met Deki’s eyes with the same expression as before: Boredom.

“Predictable,” he said with a scoff.

A scream was the sound of boredom as crystal bombarded the ninja. The shattered balance point didn’t stop him however. Deki, if he had anything, had ungodly balance. His entire style was based off it. Instead of flying off, he maintained his course, flaring his left hand now to stay in place, and increasing the power in his right. Despite the pain, his movement never ceased, going for a rocket Tiger Fist at the shinobi’s spine, just as he’d sworn he would, trying to pierce it, and inflict significant back damage.

As the figure looked Deki in the eye, he’d be met with a fountain of blood instead of a face.

Deki’s pain was so high, however, he was having trouble trying to snap the spine assuming he was even grabbing it. The world was dark to him

Sensing the movement, the tension in muscles, the shift in the heat of his crystal storm, he channeled chakra into his body and, as the would-be Jounin’s movements continued, he predicted the target on his own body. The chakra began crystallizing, forming a shell up and down his spine and that area of his back. Rather than focusing on covering his whole back, he kept the focus on blocking first the initial strike, and second on healing the residual damage.

Hakari( 'Scales').

However, Deki did of course strike, his hand striking the crystal with intensity, if not precision.
He grit his teeth, but felt the rush of pleasure at Deki’s screams. A smile spread over his face as he stumbled forwards a step, then another before bracing himself. The crystal shattered with the impact, but the way it did so was measured, dispersing much of the damage through the construct rather than into his own body.

With his momentum significantly decreased, the crystals caught up with him properly and before he could renew his efforts to attack the crystals bound together on his form and rapidly grew over him where they hadn’t been already, constricting his movements.

He turned around as the crystals encased Deki’s body, anchoring him in place. There was blood on the back of his shirt where the boy had struck, as well as black burn marks, but they were encased in a thin layer of crystal, and the damage was quickly disappearing.

“Tsumi no Meiwaku(罪の迷惑 'The Burden of Sin'),” he said with a smile, as he drew back a hand, wreathing it with chakra. He spoke as he reached into the crystal, the crystal seeming as if it moved aside for his arm. He placed the tip of the chakra scalpel over Deki’s heart and, with the contact with his crystal, used the Healing Technique...on the boy’s face and eyes.

They healed fairly fast.

“Don’t feel too bad now. Your sacrifice will be remembered,” he said, and then, before the proctor could get in the way, he plunged his hand through the flesh, and bone of the fool’s chest and wrapped his fingers over his heart.

A wide smile spread across his face, the expression manic, eyes wide, pupils dilated. Then, he muttered something under his breath, and after a moment, Deki would feel a brief indescribable pain followed swiftly by agony and a loss of consciousness.

He let go of the fool’s heart, the body not quite dead, but getting there, and retracted his hand.

He gradually became aware of an adult yelling at him to dispel the storm of deadly crystal dust that raged around them. He smiled at the man, his blood soaked arm raising slightly. His fingers came together, and he snapped.

Lightning curled out from his hand, conducting through the crystals in the storm. Then, he started walking, heading towards the exit of the field. The storm of flaying crystal and deadly lightning followed as killing intent began to roil off him like waves of heat.

There was bloodlust in the chuunin’s eyes.
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