Amegakure no Sato | S-rank | Leader of Amegakure
TIME: Present Day - Morning | LOCATION: Outside of the hospital | INTERACTION: Koma Hitsugi, @GlitchyBugger; Sayuri Nisshoku, @Write; Jaakuna Aka @Reflection Yogensha held back when the ash appeared and took over them, and instinctively reached towards Koma, pulling her closer towards Yogensha. The girl hadn't moved yet - lucky break, perhaps, but it meant that the two shinobi on the ground hadn't been stopped yet. With Koma close and Sayuri having had enough training to instinctively know what to do, Yogensha simply bided her time, and waited. She was now aware there were invisible targets, which told her something about the abilities of the enemy, where as her so called trump card still remained hidden from him. And from the way the fight was looking, there would probably be no need to show off her trump card either. Although there was no doubt about this persons' mastery over the kage bunshin technique, it was clear that he was outplayed in this scenario purely on the basis o Sayuri's byakugan. That alone gave them the advantage that had already won them this fight entirely.
“Locations?” she inquired quietly, which in the hubbub of the fight would easily be lost in the noises to all but Koma and Sayuri.
Whether the answer came or not, they would be set upon soon. Yogensha could not see as easily and if Sayuri had planned to warn her of the incoming, she would certainly be too late when she had her own problems to take care of.
Yogensha was caught, first by the one who tackled her and grabbed her by the waist. Although unexpected, she did not fall over backwards and managed to stay upright, feeling her chakra dissipating slowly. She reacted quickly and withdrew a kunai from the strap on her leg, and without a second thought jammed it into this persons' back. Poof, and then the clatter of the kunai as it fell onto the clay roof panes. This would be the first taste they'd get of Yogensha's chakra - and they'd know her chakra was powerful and plentiful enough. The second one came soon after, grabbing her by the wrist. With a simple motion, graceful enough although it was invisible to the spectators due to the smoke, she moved her body and pushed her fist into the air before sending it down onto the clones' head; although not without performing a jutsu first.
“Kaze no Yaiba!” Between her index finger and thumb, a spinning blade of wind materialized out of thin air, literally, and she thrust it into the shinobi's neck. It'd have sliced it, were it not a clone. Instead it simply vanished, taking a little bit of her chakra with him again. Was it worth it? She did not know.
“Let's use this to our advantage,” Yogensha then alerted the other two nin with her. Although it was a daring plan, she pondered whether it would be worth it. A quick risk calculation indicated; yes, it would be.
“Recruit!” she then added, indicating Koma, whose name she was still unaware of.
“Place your foot in my hands and get ready to use that bow.” The purpose was still unknown, both to Jaakuna, Sayuri and Koma. But the plan was innovative and, thus, likely unexpected under the guise of the smoke.
“Push!” She moved her hands upwards and threw Koma into the air in a spiraling motion allowing her to scan the area. If she remembered her duty, she was to shoot the two shinobi throwing a hissy fit down in the streets. A reckless and somewhat unsure move - she had no idea how accurate Koma even was.. for all she knew, she'd be more likely to hit the civilians than the shinobi. But such a weapon was uncommon among shinobi, so anyone that wielded it must have had at least
some skill with it. The odds seemed worth it, to her.
In that same spinning motion she summoned wind chakra into her right hand, and politely forwarded an order to Sayuri. How strange, that in a situation like this, she remained her façade of almost perfect composure, even when
nobody could see her.
“Sayuri, locations, if you have a moment.” As soon as she received some locations for the enemies, she quickly calculated where that had to be in her mind - it was quite a feat to maintain her awareness about the environment
especially when your vision was blocked. Yet again, a testament to her quick mind,
not her raw power. When she had their locations pin pointed - or thought she did - she threw her hand forward in an arc swinging right to left.
“Jūha Shō!” From her hand came forth an arcing wind, slicing through the smoke and heading straight towards the largest mass of enemy shinobi she could see. This all happened in the time that Koma was in the air above the smoke, and by the time Koma landed, Yogensha would already have her next order ready for Sayuri. These, however, were more cryptic and strange.
“Rotate!” Sayuri would understand as the rigorous training the protege and Yogensha had undergone had created a strong synergetical bond. Koma and Jaakuna, however, would be left in the dark.. if they even heard over the clattering of combat all around them. Hopefully the 'rotate' she called for would offer them some solution to the smog. And, perhaps, keep them hidden inside of it while it lasted. Yogensha was, after all, a thinker first and a fighter second. She saw no reason to put herself, her protege and her new 'Amegakure recruit' into danger to fight an enemy that did not even dare show their real face.
Smart. But ultimately a waste of chakra as the clones disappeared with a single hit. It also proved her point that whoever was doing this was very, very capable - either that, or they had stupid amounts of chakra. It opened her mind - not to combat, but a potential partnership, should they ever care to show themselves at her residence in Amegakure in a more... respectful fashion.

Konohagakure no Sato | Chunin-going-on-Jonin | Edgelord Supreme
Somewhat unexpected, they had been encased in a dome of wood and, truthfully, before Sakana had realized it he was taken away by Kamui. He didn't struggle, watching the ground disappear below him even when Kamui summoned a hawk and they flew away just in the nick of time before the dome was enclosed. Right on time as the waves of water swallowed it whole. There was barely any area left that wasn't water. They flew around for a while, even dodging flying swords as they rained down around them.
“Well,” Sakana began, slowly standing up on the hawks back, and looking over the landscape. A good portion of the forest was flattened. Then another portion was covered in water. There were sharks all around, and then there was this rain of swords all over the place.
“It seems the Sage doesn't favor us today, Kamui.”An astute, but obvious observation. Despite this, evacuation did not cross Sakana's mind. He was bound by fate and that meant that he'd sing this one out where ever it took him.
In the distance he made out what appeared to be fire bursts - later he would discovered these were simply the characteristical jets used by Rumia - and found them to be a curious sight.
“Kamui, go there,” he simply ordered, and as they'd draw closer, they'd quickly find the source of the flames. Rumia, Kyoka, and then Tashiro and Hime not far off. However, far more interestingly, there was some kind of fish-guy. Family? Could've been. Impossible to tell, from the distance they were flying at while still dodging swords left and right.
“Put me down the-” His next order was cut off by a high pitched sound as a white ball seemed to slowly form in front of one of the shinobi - the one that had used jets to propel herself - before it sent out a giant beam of power.
“Fly lower,” the order simply continued, ignoring his previous order. Instead of simply putting himself down and dealing with this by spectating the spectacle, it seemed a more direct approach was required. As they flew at a more reasonable height, and directly overhead Sano, Sakana would free-fall off of the hawk. He'd expect Kamui to simply land somewhere more safe and use his supporting techniques to help.
During the freefall he performed handseals, with more than enough time to spare. Instead of opting to land directly on Sano and beat him - that seemed like a silly strategy - he pulled back slightly and then jerked his head forwards.
“Suiton: Ja no Kuchi!” he yelled as he opened his mouth, spewing forth ridiculous quantities of water from just one man's body. It quickly took the form of a shark, similar to the technique the man had used himself. Although it was clearly a different technique, as the sharks' tail didn't form completely and instead remained connected to Sakana's mouth as he continued to spew water.
Rather than let the technique loose while in the air, he simply landed on top of it while feeding it water and holding the handseals. Augmenting chakra at his feed, all he had to do was ride the water down aiming it for Sano. Then, when he was about to collide, he released the attack and stopped feeding it water, while performing new handseals. Again he prepared his mouth and instead of water, he moved forwards and...
“Katon: Gōkakyū no Jutsu!” Instantly he spewed forth fire. Now, Sano would have two attacks that would follow up the giant powerful lazer Rumia had shot at him. Sakana merely had to jump off of the shark, landing somewhere close to where Rumia would land, a slight distance away.
And Sano.. he had to dodge a giant water shark coming at him followed by a giant fireball technique.
Meanwhile, Sakana curiously eyed his new 'companion' Rumia, spotting her blackened eye. Different pupils, though, but at least they shared the black sclerae. Perhaps there was more in common here, but Sakana simply estimated not. Wouldn't change the outcome of the fight, however.