Avatar of yoshua171


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The Truest and Most Ultimate Showdown has beguneth. Goofykins V.S. SpongeByrne!
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Does anyone know where I can figure out how to unfabricate memories? Asking for a friend.
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Check out our new and improved thread. Just an interest check for now, but oh boy is there so much more to come! roleplayerguild.com/topics/…
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Oh Bleach RP oh Bleach RP where art thou oh quality Bleach RP. Why hast thou forsaken thee? Seriously though, WHY!?!


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Evelyn Chambers – Tulpa

Once they'd arrived, Evelyn had closed her eyes, still listening to anything the others said while she focused a significant portion of her attention on her projection's shadow. The shadow moved at a distance, swiftly—hidden in the ground with only a small bit of it poking above. When it detected artificial materials, notifying her it had reached the warehouse, she maneuvered it to the center of the building, and then had it shift through boxes to remain hidden.

Her communicater buzzed and she barely managed to suppress a smile. Something outside of the expected scenario had occured, and that meant that just maybe things would get interesting.

That in mind she decided to briefly manifest her projection. First she decided on its general shape and composition.

Small. Thin. Soft/Squishy(flesh+cloth+). Rigid(stone+metal). Lightweight(paper). Malleable(water+clay).

That decided she focused the projection down to the size of a small dog, then made it thinner. Almost paper-like in some ways. That done she shifted her focus to seeing what powers she could give it. While she sifted through various power traits—all of which she'd copied from her teammates—she spoke, eyes still closed. "I'm going to manifest my projection inside the building for another angle on the situation. Once I've got a good image of the inside and their locations, I'll let it go and have it scan over them. That way we'll have more intel and I'll be able to manifest it again by the time we engage."

That said she took a deep breath and one more time went over the powers she'd scanned before deciding—though she had a rough idea of what she wanted it to be capable of.

Construct creation. Process: Manual. Tech focus: Shard interfacing.
Epsilon. As with all tinker abilities, it required time, but Evelyn knew she'd be amazing one day.

Protective absorption. Focus, energetic. Physical limiter. Control appropriation. Non-adaptive control method. Upwards limit, irrelevant. Dimensional access. Energetic storage method: Dimensional. Access threshold: Neural interfacing. Ranged application.
Messiah. Incredibly potent. 'Nough said.

Contact based transfiguration. Object alteration.
Margrave. A power that seemed simple, but was far more useful than one might think.

Alternate form. Scalable. High physical resistance and strength. Enhanced detection and reaction. Focus: Hearing, smell. Proximity object integration. Transformation method: dimensional mass-transition.
A complicated power, that was for sure. She wasn't sure how much she wanted to draw from it, but given some of the properties she had some ideas.

Inhaling and exhaling evenly, almost no time having passed while her mind whirred through possibilities, she began isolating and combining the powers she wanted the projection to have.

Alternate form. Scalable durability/malleability. Enhanced detection, energetic(heat, sound, sight, smell). Contact based transfiguration: Size/density reduction. High physical strength: movement focus.

"Manifesting...now." She said through her communicator, notifying the whole team—she did it mostly for Lillian's sake. So it was that, in the midst of the warehouse's many many boxes, a small creature manifested. It had no easily discernable sensory organs, but through it she could perceive most things in the building. Heat signatures of living things were all over the place, some in bound positions, some on the ground or on the catwalk above. The few that were standing she identified as the unknown elements.

She willed her projection to move, and it dide, using its four primary limbs, as well as the hundreds of thin, but dextrous feelers that covered its entire body to move. It only had 'bones' when it needed to, otherwise just moving like a gelatenous blob of flesh-like material. Slipping quickly between the hidden cracks and crevices between boxes, crates, and other containers, her projection used those crevices to get glimpses at the individuals present.

After about 20 seconds of inspecting things, understanding the layout by how the voices of those within echoed, as well as ascertaining their locations and numbers, she demanifested the projection.

She let out a breath and rubbed her temples a bit. All of that sensory input was...difficult. She didn't have a headache, but that had been a little taxing.

Things scoped up, she stood, retrieving her staff as she did so. She looked to Messiah and spoke, at the same time having her projection's 'shadow' phase through the ground, then reach out and make contact with each individual in the building for 5-10 seconds each. She spoke as she did this.

"There are a number of people on the ground or leaning against walls. Seemed unconscious. There are five people standing in the building, one riding the back of another. Still working on checking if they have powers and what they might b--" she cut off midsentence, eyes widening slightly, head whipping to look at the warehouse.

All of them had powers.

"--.... They...they all have powers," she finished, swallowing hard, voice faltering a bit. She wasn't afraid, just surprised, and overjoyed. The possibility of these people being villains was high, given where they were, not to mention the state of the guards. As she was about to begin explaining, the 'shadow' made contact with Sofia—who in that moment—was using her ability. A violent shocking sensation overtook her body and she stumbled, losing her balance completely.

She barely felt like she was in her body as she vividly felt her projection recoil from the strange interaction as if it had been stung. Catching herself on the door, Evelyn barely managed to keep her feet, the sensation lasting for only a moment.

Her head hurt now, and there was a fading ache in her entire body. Her projection retreated from the warehouse, returning to her. It moved through the whole vehicle, its incorporeal form scanning her teammates and the materials of the truck before it condensed around her and stayed there. She remained mute for a few moments, allowing any help her teammates gave her. It would take at least a minute or so for her to recover, though the pain was fading quickly.

What the hell had that been?

After recovering a bit, she managed to speak, "Don't worry about me. I...something interferred with my power. I'm fine. Maybe go ahead of me, I'll catch up? When I get my bearings, um, I'll use the comms to tell you what I can about their powers. It's not much. For now, uh. They've got a Brute, a Thinker, a Stranger, and something else. I couldn't get a proper read on two of them and the backlash seemed to scramble some of the information."

Feeling a brief surge of panic before the guards were taken care of, he took a breath, then smiled. He looked around tapping three fingers against his leg as he did so. He felt antzy.

Taking out his phone he initiated a group call with his 'fans' and notified them that the guards had been neutralized as far as they could tell. He told them to page him if anything changed outside that they could see.

They responded in the affirmative, but he hung up halfway through the confirmation, knowing they would obey to begin with.

"Fan out, but stay somewhat close. , mind getting off his back and coming with me?" He wanted her nearby so they could ignore any of the materials to phase through and get to other teammates quickly. Especially since he was perhaps the most vulnerable member of their group. Plus, he had a good way that they could use her to their advantage to find their goal faster.

Regardless he would continue on. "Since I imagine we're not terribly concerned with the rest of these boxes, we could have Whimsy ignore them through the floor. Conversely she could ignore herself and Thunderbolt so he can find the box while she keeps them intangible." He was giving her the option to work with someone else...though he disliked feeling vulnerable. He'd make sure to stay by someone regardless. It gave him better chances of using them as cover and a distraction while he built his power up on any unforeseen elements.

He liked it that way. Of course, he would have liked to properly use his power on the whole team, if only faintly to increase their ability to work together, and more importantly, to work to his benefit.

Sadly, he didn't know if Broker would eventually notice, and that was one man who he did not want to get on the bad side of.

Having accompanied Kyoshi, Outsider was still in his human form, having just hitched a ride with his teammate rather than shift forms and draw tons of attention. He followed her, glancing around the property, until an old man emerged and addressed them. When Kyoshi introduced them he waved at the mention of his name, giving a small smile. He wasn't sure what they'd be doing at the shop exactly, but hopefully it would be neither too interesting nor too boring. Of course, if it was boring, they still got somewhat rewarded, which was good. It being interesting could go either way though, as it might either earn them a bad or a good reputation depending on how they handled things.

But hey, that was the future, and this was now. Nonetheless, he remained aware of his surroundings, glancing around periodically in a sort of lazy—almost sluggish—manner. He seemed far too relaxed given the possibility of trouble in their situation.

Of course, that wasn't really his fault, was it.
*Glances around*
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“Takin’ down quotes for the yearbook, mmm? Well, make sure ya give me something witty. I’d hate to come off all offkilter. What? You’re writing this down? Give me that!”
Theme I

Ree-eights Say-ern

One-hundred-thirty-five Male Human Irish
[ ⊰⊱ ] Ⱥppearance

Reates walks with confidence in his step, a grin on his lips, and a mischievous glint in his lively green eyes. He stands at 5'11 and has a hardy, somewhat muscular build, neither overly bulky nor particularly lean. A pair of spectacles typically rest on the bridge of his nose, filtering the strange glow from his eyes.
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Lilliana Merrycure

Her syringe likely striking Feya and doing the mad heals, Lilliana turned her attention to her tinkering. She zoned in for a moment before Krabbe's exclamation due to Saban's entrance. It was all rather sudden, and in similar fashion she found herself in the path of a great trident. She ducked down raising an arm at the same time, the bio-metal forming a shield of sorts. However, she wouldn't use the shield to block, but instead to deflect. Her feet firmly planted on the ground, combined with her startling strength, and the natural velocity of the strike, and her armor would hopefully allow her to slam the 'shield' upwards, knocking it high enough that it wouldn't strike the wrench wielding fellow.

Provided she was successful, she would dash towards the many-armed monstrosity that was--presumably--the crew mate that Krabbe had brought up. Without looking she threw the syringe back at Wrench-guy. He seemed to be an ally, and he hadn't struck her as at the peak of health. The concoction in the syringe was likely to give him the energy and focus to trudge through this fight.

Moving towards Saban, she brought up her grappling hook, readying it, whilst tendrils of bio-metal continued to tinker in her bag, repurposing whatever she'd been making earlier into something that might be useful against this monstrosity. She hoped the rest of her nakama made it here quickly. It looked like they needed all the help they could get.

Though, at least Bonesword had made his way over.

She loved that boy. He was a darling.

“Well, looks like we're allies now, whether we like it or not,” she said as she angled off her dash, ceasing her approach and instead running off to one side towards the fallen mast.

This was gonna get dangerous fast.
@Holy Soldier We'd love to!
Joiiin us, we have cake.
^Above is depicted the city of Ominar^


Advanced Recruiting
Edravhen's Archive
Who Plays Who & Stats
Community Chat

In Ominar, a coastal European city, taken over by the prae--one of two species hailing from another realm—trouble brews. In the few months the public has shown a measure of public outrage to the rule of the prae, which while legal, was established through dubious means. Additionally, with the prae's mistreatment of the licentia--the other of the two otherworldly races--humanity and those licentia willing to stand up against the prae fought back. In an effort to liberate all those who had been wrongfully incarcerated by the prae, the Resistance was formed by a group of likeminded folk and proceeded to unveil themselves to the world in spectacular fashion. Managing to infiltrate one of Ominar's three prisons, the Resistance was able to successfully free the wrongfully imprisoned therein and hide them from the prae--at least to the best of their ability. Still, for now the Resistance is but a small organization fighting against the powers that be.

Meanwhile, the local leader of the prae, an Exeo by the name of Aismael Vea Vartari plots to demonize those who would Resist them, and to use their actions as further reason that licentia everywhere should be driven out, imprisoned, or otherwise oppressed. On the other side of things, the Resistance is soon to come out of hiding once more and resume their actions against the ruling prae in hopes of ousting their control of the city. As these plans play out, the world watches, paying close attention to the trade hub that Ominar has been for a long time now, waiting to see if they ought to intervene or not.

Hopefully they decide to do so...before things spiral out of control.

Starting Off

You are a resident of Ominar, or someone who has come from abroad recently, your interest may vary greatly. Some of you will come to join the Resistance and fight against the prae who--though misled--are not any more depraved than your every day human. You may be of the licentia, a highly individualistic species with vastly differing natures--be they magical, physical, or mental; or perhaps you are of the prae, having recently come to Medius--the home realm of man--to see what it has to offer, to learn or to fight for the sake of your species betterment; or you may be human, attempting to survive, and to thrive even alongside beings who from birth might be called your betters--ever struggling to rise above your fellows and those who might stand in the way of your ambitions or your happiness. Regardless, there is a place for you here and we are both willing and able to make you as comfortable as we can. We are here to help.

Note: We—that being the GMs [Celaira and myself(yoshua171)] are currently working on reorganizing the lore located in the first three posts of the OOC thread, as well as adding additional entries. A large body of this lore is not strictly necessary for play, but is merely information that may be useful to some players or is there so as to be more accessible. If you would like to contribute lore feel free to do so—provided you are willing to work with us to make sure it fits into the world more seamlessly and so that it may be approved and then added to its proper place in one of the lore posts.


What to Expect

  • Interactions with at least semi-realistic cause and effect. If you kill someone, expect there to be an investigation or at least it be on the news.
  • Medium scale in terms of character power, unless you've got good reasons/you prove you can be trusted with more.
  • Posts of a paragraph or more; quality over quantity. If you're drawing a blank, don't worry so much.
  • Posting expectations of once, at the very least, every two weeks barring extenuating circumstances.
  • A GM who is willing to work with you, hear you out, but not break his back to suit your every need.
  • Good communication be it player to player, GM to GM, or GM to player.
  • Some measure of political intrigue.
  • Multiple plotlines if possible.
  • Group world building!
  • Collaboration posts.
  • Some Taboo Subjects.
  • Some slice of life.
  • Some dark themes.
  • Some combat.
Character Sheet

The way the title section appears below, the existence of hiders for organization, and the sections therein are necessary. Aside from that code your CS how you want, if you want it pretty, but aren't amazing with BBcode, feel free to come to Celaira or myself, we're code wizards I tell ya, wizards!
Skill may vary~

For clarity's sake, Celaira is likely to do her code offsite, because she's a Journeyman wizard. She doesn't mind doing the same for others, in fact I'm sure she'd be thrilled if you asked her to do so. I on the other hand strictly use Guild BBcode, but I'm damned good at it--so there's that.

It's okay, it only hurts for a second. C'mon guys, check us out!
@Tuujaimaa Ithuriel is accepted provided that you alter Vis dolens so that it can only amplify pain up to 5x . Maybe it scales with how much blood you get in/on someone? Beyond that seems fine.

@Invader Len Alright, so, abilities. I don't really have any explicit issues with Gale or Sandstorm. I do need to stress something for in regards to the exact mechanics of those abilities.

So prae have touch-based telekinesis. This does include Mirage prae, but their abilities are a bit more expansive than your average prae. Namely, they can infuse their vis, almost freely, into the element they were born to. So when Calypso is using Gale, Sandstorm or other elemental abilities, what is happening is she is basically releasing a wave of her vis outwards, arresting control of the air in her area, and then moving it with her will as an extension of her body.

In her Manifest, she is likely to have greater control of wind. It'll be more potent in general as well as allowing her greater accuracy and whatnot.

So using Gale and/or Sandstorm will take a few seconds with the first use. Beyond that you should be aware of the fact that when she uses Gale/Sandstorm/wind abilities that she will be capable of feeling the wind/stuff in the wind (glass, sand, dirt, etc) that her vis is infused into because it is an extension of her being more or less. So if you use Gale and someone resists it and charges through, she'll feel it even if she can't see or hear, or smell, or sense their vis etc etc.

Beyond that looks fine to me.

Add a note to Gale and Sandstorm that the first use in a new location takes about 2-4 seconds to properly activate. Doesn't sound like a lot, but it can make a difference.

Once that is done. Accepted.

Both of you move your characters to the character tab when edits are made. Thank you.
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