They'd almost been out, with the others retreating as well, and then the entire situation turned from troublesome into a topsy turvey mess! It was disorienting, for one moment him and Sophia had been about to escape and the next they were dragged by an unseen force and somehow deposited back in the warehouse. His stomach lurched, but he managed to keep his previous meal down. Making sure his and Sophia's hands were still very much touching, he spoke. "Do not, under any circumstances, let go or open your eyes, if you do we'll be in for a world of trouble."
That said, they were still in for what appeared to be a hellish time. Taking deep breaths in and out he worked his jaw and made subtle humming noises for a few moments, stretching his vocal cords. That done, he pulled Sophia and his own hand up, covering her ear—while using his free hand to cover the other one. Then he started yelling, his communicator off, "SO IT SEEMS WE'VE ALL BEEN HAD. THIS IS A FIRST. FOR US THAT IS. I WAGER YOU HEROES HAVE SUFFERED THIS KIND OF HUMILIATION AND SURPRISE BEFORE." His voice echoed out and bounced around within the building's marvelous acoustics. He felt for each person he was effecting, noting that the amount was steadily increasing as the clones were created.
He started mentally tuning out the clones—though he remained aware of them—till he found the person who had built more influence than the other 'copies,' and was continuing to do so while each subsequent wave of clones had less influence built up in them comparatively. He closed his eyes and took another deep breath, focusing in on the Wards and the PRT soldiers, their rough locations and the influence he'd accrued on them as well.
However, as he opened his mouth to speak, a bellowing, dissonant rour resonated through his body and the warehouse as well. His gaze shot over to the stranger of the two behemoths that they were faced with. As he looked it over again...his eyes widened.
Evelyn Chambers – Tulpa
Eyes wide, tears at their edges—despite the anger beneath the surface—Evelyn had stopped in her tracks as she'd heard the arrival of Dean. After a moment she gritted her teeth, recovering enough to clamp down hard on her emotions and move forwards. As she regained her composure and continued towards the warehouse, so too did her projection move.
The Beast roared and then charged forth making a beeline for Overrun and his swarm of clones. Barrels, crates(metal and otherwise) were in its way, but it didn't stop. Instead, the beast charged into and through them, yet...nothing was damaged. Instead its body seemed to envelope whatever it touched and release the material/objects out the otherside when it had passed. It was such a seamless process that the beast appeared almost to be phasing right through solid matter.
Of course it only moved unimpeded for a brief time until it encountered the clones of their ex-teammate Dean.
Evelyn's eye twitched in response to his presence once more before her awareness shifted back to her projection. In response to the throng of bodies—particularly due to the permission they'd been given by Decoy—the Beast reared up and then body slammed down on at least two dozen of them. Somehow the Beast sank lower than it should have, its body intersecting in part with the floor. It rose back up and some of the concrete that made up the floor of the warehouse was just...gone. There was an indentation in the exact shape of the projection's form. A moment later the beast shook itself and expelled a veritable hailstorm of pebble-sized concrete detritus from its body as it got rid of excess matter.
It continued moving, attempting do harry the clones and perhaps the actual Dean as much as it possibly could in the process. Meanwhile, Evelyn debated on whether or not she should actually enter the warehouse herself while also trying to keep track of how long she kept her projection manifested. She had to admit that it was very tempting to demanifest it soon, take stock of all the powers, and then manifest her projection in a state better equipped to deal with someone like Dean's power.
Rrrgh...Dean. Thinking about him hurt, but what was worse was the fact that he'd turned on them. He was an example of the worst thing about people, Evelyn thought, and he needed to be stopped....
Power Analysis:Static physical alteration: High physical resistance, durability, and strength. Enhanced detection and reaction. Focus: Sound and thermal energy. Contact-based mass absorption and shedding/object transmutation. Absorption limit: Irrelevant. Scalable/selective absorption. Storage method: physical.
Appearance Summary: This time her projection had taken the form of a six limbed monstrosity with dull, but bizarrely long and flexible, teeth. Its entire body is covered with a hard, dull gray natural armor which appears to be a composite of concrete and metal. Capable of lithe and graceful movements despite its incredible weight, the Beast moves with a deadly sort of gravitas. Its six limbs are armed with vicious claws--though they can become stub ended toes at a moment's notice due in large part to its strange abilities. Out from its bulky body protrudes a long, thick and muscular tail that it uses primarily for balance. The Beast's coloration is entirely silver, gray and red. The red lines run across its body, stopping at its face where its two eyes lay. The eyes are set beneath a 'brow ridge' and overlaid by a protective, but translucent silver carapace. The eyes curve around from the front of its head in arcs all the way to the side and slightly to the back giving it a 290 degree field of view. Fierce red pupils can be seen glowing from within the protective silver carapace that covers its eyes. Its entire body is bulky and fairly reptilian in appearance.
Eyes wide and bright, one hand on Bonesword's shoulder as they entered and explored the library, Lilliana found herself utterly surrounded by a tremendous amount of knowledge. It was almost overwhelming. She felt her perception start to tunnel until Bonesword was jostled and fell. Her attention refocused and she saw the kid. The boy apologized then brought attention to them, which she would have preferred he didn't.
The mother spoke and Lilli frowned, as the woman departed Lilli helped Bonesword up and when he clung to her, she responded with a proper hug before following him to the librarian. Giving the individual a smile—despite the feelings that roiled beneath the surface—and extracted some belis, which she offered the woman.
“We'd like to purchase this if that's possible.” She let a hand settle on Bonesword's head. She wished that woman hadn't said a thing. So judgemental...and rude...and inconsiderate. If only she'd known that Bonesword held that blade for his own survival—in more ways than one.
She hoped they'd have a bit more time to peruse the library before they departed. She wanted to see if it could offer her anything useful. Though what she truly desired were unique components for her work....
@CorrosiveCherry Acceptemundo. Celaira and Tuuj have already accepted you as well so you're all set. Welcome to MA proper! We hope you stay long and enjoy your stay~~
@Gardevoiran your CS mostly appears fine. There might be a few aspects that need to be expanded upon I think. However, that will have to wait because it is late and I am tired (plus work tomorrow). Might be a bit slow going on that. Hopefully not though!
Nice post @Lugubrious! One problem though, you forgot to mention the giant Evelyn-crafted monstrosity that burst through the brick wall of the warehouse to enter the fray (which also roared in a fashion I believe).
Maeiraltys; The Teryth Mountain Range; Veinan - The Sentinel's Fortress
On a small world revolving around a prismatic sun in a distant universe the planet Maeiraltys a man stood upon the the peak of a nearby mountain, his gaze upon the surrounding peaks--his back to the great fortress of Veinan. The place was his home, but as it did most, it had weathered him over the man years of his life, tempered him into what he now was. Having guarded it against trespassers for a very long time, not to mention studied within its halls, Naudun Liaessar found himself desiring something new. Though he was wary of such things, for his world was not a kind one, he could not help but have that itch in the back of his skull that told him to spread the Reza far and wide. Strangely, this desire was not something that he shared with his brother and sister Sentinels. However, it had been documented before, so he at least knew that this was not something to be worried about--though that did little to quell his wariness of the sensation.
Turning to look upon his home once more, he gazed at the great fortress and allowed himself a smile. It didn't last long as he was struck by a force. Staggering back a step he was instantly on guard, the Reza flared within his body, tiny prismatic sparks of flame emanating from his fingertips. Then came the message.
It was like he blacked out for a long moment to receive what his mind told him was some kind of invitation--though he had no idea how he would know such a thing. The message was some kind of call to arms it seemed; twas a contest of strength. Eyes narrowing faintly his stance relaxed marginally and the Reza calmed. The itch in his mind had intensified significantly despite the stable state of the Reza flowing through him. Frowning he reached out, having noticed a strange swirling schism in the air to his left. It felt off somehow. Briefly he hesitated to touch it, before doing so in earnest and vanishing. Who knows if he would ever see his world again. His body twisted and warped by the portal as he was flung unceremoniously through space-time, Naudun nonetheless managed to land on his feet when he was unceremoniously deposited in what appeared to be a strange room. The place was well lit, yet he saw nothing betraying the use of either magic or natural light of any kind. Eyes narrowed and stance low he glanced around. There appeared to be one person in the room with him. They were wearing strange exotic clothing that he had never seen the like of before.
Where in the eight hells was he?!
While he doubted he could trust anything anyone here said--what with their strange, alienness--he forced himself to relax somewhat and approach the individual. To the stranger--a receptionist, though he didn't know it--he said, “Where is this and who are you?” There was a tiredness in his voice and an edge that one might recognize as the tone of a warrior...of a survivor. It appeared that Naudun had gotten himself into something rather dangerous--and interesting--for once. He hoped that it would turn out in his favor.
At the very least he'd gotten the itching in his skull to disappear. Hopefully it wouldn't cost him dearly.
You know, there's a bit of irony to be had in the current scene with I'onriyi and Nimbus/Male'dai. That being that Unity Wind isn't _technically_ an enchanted item. It's more like a powerful magical conduit/amplifier/container with a complex structure. Pretty sure it is more durable than it ought to be so there are probably a number of fairly minor enchantments going on within it.
This is, in part a misstep on my part, but I'll just turn it around slightly so it makes sense. Still, just thought I'd share that since it gave me a chuckle.
At Nimbus' further explanation of the young arcanist's issue, I'on frowned, though he nodded his expression becoming more pensive as he did so. Sipping his tea from time to time, he took in the information laid out before him even as his gaze remained on the surface of the table between them.
She couldn't return to the spirit realm to replenish her reserves and stabilize her soul, because the act of attempting to do so could kill or trap her. It was a truly troubling dilemma. Though, perhaps there was some way he could help her. Either accessing energy from the spirit realm for the girl or maybe finding a way that his own soul could guide her there and back? It was possible, he supposed, but was it plausible—he wasn't sure. However, he was pulled from his thoughts as Nimbus relayed Male'dai's thoughts on alchemy and enchantment. Glancing up at her and raising a brow, seeming faintly displeased, he replied, "A mere pastime is it?" There was a faint edge in his voice, revealing that he had not taken kindly to the comment.
Rising from his seat, I'on set his cup down and left the room. "Come," he said, not waiting for her to follow.
Passing the foyer and entering a hallway, I'onriyi eventually came to a door, which he placed a hand on. He whispered a few words—too quiet to pick up—which were accompanied by a brief influx of energy. He then pushed the door open. When Nimbus passed the door she might notice that there was no handle. Entering the room that served as his workshop would reveal several long tables arranged along the walls, accompanied by a number of shelves, chests, and drawers. There was an archway that led to another, smaller, room that contained what appeared to be a forged—though it was inert. I'on looked the room over fondly a moment, knowing he would have to give it up for a time. After a moment he located his staff, which he retrieved where it sat on a wall-mounted rack.
He looked the item over, checking for any fractures in the crystal or faults in the metal before—with a nod—he turned to his guest and held it out.
"Would you call this something made purely as a pastime?"
If she didn't take it immediately, he would push it out again to emphasize his intention. Part of him knew that someone with such an attitude wasn't likely to understand the value—nor the quality—of his staff, but his pride and want to correct her misconception were stronger than that voice.
Of course, he realized that he was also being rather unfair given that Male'dai and Nimbus would likely want to stay in his good graces. This in mind—once she had taken the item to inspect—he would clarify, "Speak honestly, mind you. I may have my pride, but I happen to value the truth more than my feelings." Ironically, I'on had quite a few secrets that he would prefer never saw the light of day, despite their being the truth. Then again weren't there some things that people were just better off not knowing?
Note: The staff does still have the 3 crystal prisons embedded in it.