Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Old Amsterdam
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Old Amsterdam Coven Witch

Member Seen 6 mos ago


Caesar stood up slowly as the ship neared dock, working through the motions of getting the ship docked solo while the others rested. All in all, Feya was probably the only other one who would've been increasingly helpful in these tasks, but the doctor needed her rest.

They docked and people began to disembark. Feya took off like a seagull out of a leviathan's jaw, which Caesar only shook his head slightly over.

Bonekid had left, and Dirk too. So had Liliana. Caesar worried about her, he was forming strong emotional attachment to the lady and her metal thing. Even if she was an alien, she was slowly becoming not unlike a mother to the Mink.

Those thoughts hurt, though. So he turned towards Boone. "Be careful, Captain," he muttered before jumping over the railing into the water with a mighty splash.

He lazily drifted, and occasionally swam, around the dock for a while before he let himself go with the flow around the island.

An undermined time later, amidst the sounds of waves and the tide, of wildlife and citizens in the town, Caesar found himself drifting nearer a secondary dock.

He was intrigued. Swimming over, he popped himself up and took a look around.

Was that a sign for a Marine HQ? He thought it was. And was that Feta, err, Feya?

Yes, the albino skin and unique garb stood out.

Pulling himself fully out of the water with a mild wince at the pain, Caesar called out to the fitness doctor, pulling out a pouch from a pocket.

Inside the water proof bag was a lighter and one of his 'special' cigars.

Lighting it up before the met up with the woman, Caesar took a long drag before speaking.

"If you're heading towards that HQ, it looks like we'll be going together," he said simply before blowing out a train of smoke rings. "Yeah, that's some good stuff."
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Flood
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Flood Cyber-Phantasy Knight

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

"Oilburn" Slick Drake

Slick drifted about the ship as he recovered from his minor injuries, leaving a small trail of oil for anyone to follow if they so chose. Time passed as Slick stared at the time island full of time readers that told time. Tiiiiiiime. Time to burn things! The ship docked and Slick leapt overboard to go find something to burn.

He quietly joined Dirk as they walked to... somewhere. His mind bounced from topic to topic, should he talk about burning things, blowing things up, blowing people up, maybe that weird Lobsterre guy he wanted to cook? Eventually he settled on a suitable topic to talk to his fellow schizophrenic about. "Where are we going? Does it have good materials for my art?"

Slick continued to drip oil as he talked at Dirk about his wonderful art, especially the art he performed while they were fighting shrimp man. "I'm sad the canvas disappeared into the sky. I hope I can find it again so I can finish my art. Do you want to be art?"

After that last chilling question they soon arrived at the food land for cooking art. Cooking art was much different from regular art. Food art was much easier.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Demon Shinobi
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Demon Shinobi

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Wafer D. Kite - An Empty Ship and a Peaceful Mind. What Should he do Now?

Kite had spent the majority of his time since arriving on the ship asleep. It was the first peaceful rest he'd had in a long time. And for once, when he fell into his slumber he hadn't been awoken to nightmares of his former crew. And when he felt the ship come to a halt he shot up. "Wha?!" He looked around as it all came back to him. The battle with crab. The wolf... dog... person? The small mushroom looking individual. The woman with the incredible weapon. His mind was running 100 miles a second until final he jumped up. He felt the wood creek below him and crouched placing his hand on the deck. "Looks like we reached land, but you're not doing to hot." He said with a small frown at the shape the ship was in. It would run, as it was, but he would have preferred fixing it up.

"Right then." Under normal circumstances he'd have gotten right to work. But he had to meet the crew. Speak with the captain officially. He had to--

"Oh..." He paused looking around. It looked like just about everyone was beginning to separate and go their own ways. Actually, most everyone was already gone. Without another word for the moment he let out a big yawn and stretched his arms up, taking a moment to look around. So, this was the ship he'd be traveling on. He sighed. It most certainly wasn't as good as traveling the world on a ship of his own design. If he was lucky, maybe the captain would allow him to make one himself. There was no guarantee this ship would last after all.

"Speaking of," he said though he had been thinking, not speaking, "where is the captain?!" He decided to look around a bit. He'd been sleeping on the deck, so it shouldn't take more than a quick once around. He'd been blinded by a need for revenge and hadn't even properly introduced himself, save to Boone and whoever else had been near at the time. "Captain Boone?" He asked after a brief walk up to the upper deck where he met with the man. At the very least, he wasn't making a fool of himself gushing over everything he might have found were he to explore or actually be around the rest of the crew. He felt, even if just a little bit more like his old self. "Before we set sail again, I'll need time to repair the ship. Until then, is there anything I can do to help you out?"

Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Spiffy
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Spiffy Prince of Peace

Member Seen 12 days ago

Captain Cedric D. Boone - Clock Town!

Boone turned to see Kite make his way toward him and question if he could be of assistance. "In fact, you can. I was planning on visiting a local watch shop to find a nice gold piece. Seeing how the island is called "Clock Town" I didn't think I would have much of a problem. Bawhahahaha!" Cedric slapped Kite on the back in a jovial fashion then continued, "But enough joking around!" The captain was unaware he was the only one joking at that time, "Let's get a move on."

With that, he headed for the dock and took his first steps on the island. It ticked, and it tocked. The noises of many clocks. Fascinating to say the least. He could only assume he was headed in the right direction. All the hands were facing the same way so that's where he went.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by ProPro
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ProPro Pierce the Heavens with your spoon!

Member Seen 4 mos ago

The Library - Bonesword and Lilliana

Ah, the Clocktown Central Library... And bookstore! Those were separate wings, but regardless as to which wing you were exploring this place was a larger deposit of knowledge than either of the two pirates had ever experienced before... And that was saying something when one of those two was Lilliana Merrycure! Three floors 20,000 square feet each, filled to the brim with books on nearly any subject they could hope for! That is, every subject except for the Grand Line. Information on that place was pretty scarce no matter which way you sliced it unless you went straight to the marines. Alas, that wasn't a possibility.

Looking for books on plants, Bonesword came across a book of particular note in the library's "fiction" section. This was... This was an encyclopedia on devil fruits! Many considered these fruits to be myths so it wasn't especially surprising to find this in the fiction section, but just by thumbing through the pages the skelekid could tell it was legitimate. It even had an entry for his own fruit, the kojo kojo no mi! Unfortunately the encyclopedia lacked pictures in most of the fruit entries, so it would be great for expanding on a particular devil fruit after it was discovered... But not so great at identifying a fruit before anyone eats it.

Neutral Event Discovered: Item Get - Devil Fruit Encyclopedia!

Whether they decided to check the book out and never return it, steal the book, or offer to purchase it fair and square, once their transactions had been complete Lilly and Bonesword ran into a mother and her son looking through the science books. It was pretty clear the kid would rather be anywhere but the library, while his mother gently encouraged him to study. At a moment of opportunity when his mother looked the other way, the boy made a run for it... Right into Bonesword! The kid fell over, rubbing his head.

"Ow. Sorry mister-Oh, you're another kid like me! I haven't seen you around, are you a tourist? WHOA!" He practically shot up to the ceiling as soon as he saw the Shroomblade. "You've got a sword?! That's sooo cooool! Mom, hey mom, can I have a sword?"

By this time he had most certainly attracted his mother's attention. She had made her way over before she had been called and grabbed her son by the hand. Her eyes narrowed on Bonesword like a hawk, but then glared at Lilliana. "You should know better than to encourage your child to play with dangerous weapons. You should be ashamed as a parent!" Without another word the mother shoved passed them to check out their selection of books.

Dual Character Event Discovered: Easter Egg - Responsible Parenting!

Clock Town Marketplace - Dirk and Slick

The hustle and bustle of the marketplace was beginning to slow down as the sun dipped into the horizon. Most stores were about to close up shop, just taking care of those final last minute customers. The two pirates could hear mention of a big festival that everyone needed to get to at the center of town. Well, the Rum Runner was in need of supplies, and some of those supplies were food. Since Dirk had the money and Slick was the cook, it only made sense to find what they could.

"Sorry, we're closing up."

"Can't help you, the festival is gonna start soon."

"You want how much food? This close to the Great Winding Festival? Ha!"

All the doors were closing up, and while breaking in to steal the food was a tempting thought, another temptation was offered up. "Psst. Hey, heard you two were looking fer some uh, good eats, yeah?" The gravelly voice had come from a shady looking man hiding just inside an alleyway. As the two approached, he held out a peculiar looking blue apple with swirl patterns all around it.

"Now this hear is a magical fruit that'll feed a man for an entire day with just one slice. Got it from my suppliers in the Grand Line. The uh, disreputable kind of suppliers, you get me?" The keen thieving duo couldn't help but notice that some of the blue rubbed off on the man's finger as he slipped the fruit back into his coat. "So whaddya say? 20,000 berries is a steal fer this kinda treasure."

Dual Character Event Discovered: Item Get - A Devil Fruit?! Or Is it?

Marine Branch 203 - Feya and Caesar

As arguably the two strongest fighters of the Red Rums approached Marine Branch 203, the duo could hear the sounds of shouting coming from over the walls. "GET MOVING YOU LAZY BONES! ANOTHER 20 LAPS ALL OF YOU! ANYONE WHO DOESN'T FINISH WILL BE LOCKED IN THE BRIG FOR INSUBORDINATION! DON'T YOU DARE TAKE OFF THOSE WEIGHTS! LETS MOVE MOVE MOVE LADIES!"

As they closed in on the front gates it became clear what all was going on. A marine lieutenant was standing atop a tall wooden platform barking orders at a number of grunts running around the courtyard. They all seemed to be wearing.... Wait, how much did those huge ass vests weigh?! It looked like each of the marine grunts had a freaking cow strapped to their chest! Meanwhile another lieutenant was lounging around on a beach chair while a separate group of grunts were sweeping the ground veeeeerrryyyyy sloooooowllllyyyyy. He gave them all a thumbs up with only half a glance, hardly even bothering to check their work.

"DAMMIT KUKAKU, CAN'T YOU GET YOUR GREENHORNS IN LINE?!" shouted the lieutenant from on high.

"Eeeeh, they're doing their jobs. Besides, too much stress is killer, am I right?"


"Eeeeh, you train your way and I'll train mine. Wax on, wax off. Right? Heheheheh."

"THIS IS SO FRUSTRATING! GUH!" That's when the lieutenant atop the tower spotted Feya and Caesar standing near the entrance gate. He pointed dramatically at the duo. "HEY YOU! LET'S SOLVE THIS RIGHT NOW! WHOSE TRAINING METHOD IS BETTER?"

"Eeeeh, do we need to involve them?" The relaxing lieutenant slowly sat up, glancing out the gate. "Eeeeh, I guess it's alright. Maybe we can make it interesting? If they say I'm right, you've like, toootally gotta take a day off. Cool?


"Eeeeh, that's totally harshing my mellow. But fiiine. Hey, crazy dog dude, buff chick, what do you think, huh?"

Dual Character Event Discovered: Easter Egg - Slobs vs. Snobs?

Tock's Clocks - Boone and Kite

As soon as the two pirates entered the store, their ears became assaulted with thousands of different ticking from all directions. All manner of crazy contraptions as far as the eye could see, it wouldn't have been out of place for a man to become overwhelmed. A single desk sat in the middle of the room, and behind it an overly complicated piece of machinery that definitely resembled clockwork, but couldn't be considered a "clock" by any stretch of the imagination. What on earth was it?

A peculiar short balding man of large proportions popped up from beneath the large machine, setting aside some goofy looking goggles. "Ah, customers customers. Good to see you, eh, What's this? Ohohohohoho, interesting! Pirates! And don't try denying it either, I studied my bounty posters, hohohoho!" The old man rubbed his elbow into Boone's side in a knowing and friendly manner.

"Don't worry, I won't tell if you don't tell." He lowered the collar of his short just enough to show off a tattoo of a Jolly Roger, then gave a wink. "Ah, I see you have a log pose, Broadsides Boone! Well I'll tell you what, I'm a Grand Line senior. I see your friend here is handy with his, well, hands. Ohohoho! And carries some big wrenches! If you help me with my machine, I can share you some of my wisdom, hm? Ohohohoho!"

Dual Character Event Discovered: Information Gathering - Log Pose Expertise!
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Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by Old Amsterdam
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Old Amsterdam Coven Witch

Member Seen 6 mos ago

Caesar glanced at the two lieutenants before looking at Feya and back again.

This was... Interesting. He knew him and the fitness woman would be at odds here. She'd pick the yelling angry man, and he'd pick the cool, chill bro. Could this situation be manipulated?

Better question... Was it worth the effort?

Taking a long drag again, he released the smoke in a steady, slow stream before responding.

"Eh, I think this one has it right. Take it easy and train when needed. S'long as you stay in shape, what's it matter? It's what I do, and I'm stronger than anyone I've scuffled with," Caesar said slowly while pointing at the one on the ground. The 'lazy' lieutenant.

He flicked the cigar before taking another drag.

Man, what a bother.

"Ehhh....Why get worked up except when you gotta fight, ya?"
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Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by Gardevoiran
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Gardevoiran The Forbidden One

Member Seen 10 mos ago

As the child knocked into Bonesword, the devil fruit encyclopedia the boy had been holding flew onto the ground along with Bonesword. Hastily fixing his scarf, Bonesword stared at the mother and child as he and Lilliana were... observed was the best neutral term. They didn't know, but by the deck of the Runner, Bonesword definitely wanted to teach them a thing or two.

The Shroomblade stayed silent, as usual. It didn't have anything to say on the matter of what was going on.

"... it's okay... it's okay... they don't know what we've been through... it's okay..." Bonesword repeated the two words under his breath as he climbed back up onto his feet, holding the devil fruit encyclopedia once more in his hands. He walked over to his own mom and proceeded to hug her with one arm, the other still holding onto the encyclopedia.

"I think you're a great mother." Those words didn't hold just for Bonesword's personal experience. It seemed like everyone on the Rum Runner liked Lilliana in some way that could be described as maternal. She was the best mom the crew had, and the only one that Bonesword ever had.

The boy looked at the book he held. There were so many possibilities to learn, and better yet, so many more possibilities to expand. The book was published in what seemed like an unfinished state, leaving a lot of blank room under each entry of the recorded fruits. Maybe this was something Bonesword was meant to do? Record all of the devil fruits he could in this book? That'd be amazing.

Problem is, he had to actually get the book first.

The boy wandered over to the librarian in the room and placed the book in front of her. In a soft and sweet voice, the skeleton child asked the librarian. "Miss, can I buy this book? I need to have it."

That last part was true. Bonesword needed it. It was destiny.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Leaves
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Leaves The Friendly Bulbasaur

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Fitness Feya

Hold on-What?

Interacting with: @ProPro@Old Amsterdam

Feya tilted her head back, not sure what was transpiring in front of her. She did not expect to have an opinion on the possible training routine of the navy. She observed how both lieutenants acted. Even then, she witnessed how the grunts reacted to both workouts. She responded with an awkward smile; she only wanted to participate and see if anything could be added to her "Workout Guide," but it seemed she would have to settle an argument first.

She chuckled because she knew the best decision for building a toned body. She placed her hands on her hips. A breath of air came out of her lungs as she began to speak; however, Caesar spoke first. She expected him to answer in a way that would complement the more active lieutenant. He did not.

"This is not happening right now. There is no way you think this is exceptional!" The fitness woman shouted at Caesar. Feya threw her hands at the minions who swept the floors nonchalantly. "Listen to me! The way you are training these men is unacceptable! They are not going to flourish! Muscles need active movement! You need to break down your muscles so new muscles fibers can be made!" She informed the lazy lieutenant.

2x Laugh Laugh
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by BCTheEntity
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BCTheEntity m⊕r✞IS

Member Seen 4 days ago

Dirk Messir - Deef Yeet

As Dirk went to the right stuff place, market place right right place, he was followed by his fellow follow Slice. Slide was a weirdo guy, and Dirk sometimes has the reasons to be not where is the burning man is, but right now, he can not be leave that he's being followed. How dare he get followed, who's there?!

Slick. Jackass.

Oh right, this guy. 'We're going to the markerland place,' Dirk wanted to say quietly, and would. 'Art can be art when art does art. And sell for Berries. Make and sell art for that money, is what I mean to wish say went, but not people art. That turns into unfun.' Although, if you get art on to a person, you could sell the art to the person and grab their time for the money...

Great Idea Dirk! Good Thinking!


But anywhen, they reach the marketplace, and are stunned at the money going around. Not that much, but some amount is. Sadly the ships are going to close, and Dirk needs to money food the up place, so it's time to duhduhduhduhdududududududbuy! But there's no time for that, because they got offered a blue fruit by some guy. It... it looks similar to the one he already has.

It's a Devil Fruit Failure! You have to buy it Loser! Do it now Jackass!

But it's blue. Dark's is sort of yellow-grey. They... but maybe... because of the spirals into the spiral abyss... no ships heck, there's blue on the fingers. Dirk's never got the blue on the fingers. Or yellowgrey. Maybe it's a lie. He can't know for the shore, though without it.

'Okay good, but let me see it first,' he says, and tries to take the fruit from the guy. But as he does that, the guy should be distructed enough that he doesn't notice that the Divine Purpose said to Dirk that he had to take stuff from the guy's pockets in the secret way, and secretly get them from his him thing going. Some things, anyway. He also makes sure to make sure that he's making sure his pockets were make sure. Make secure. He made his jacket pockets secure with his elbows, because otherwise the guy could tyr to nab the real deal instead of the fake deal, or even his knife that is a contributear to his strength alongside the Rock Lion Energy power Dirk had, and that's no good.

He'll probably steal it anyway, you utter idiot. Do you think he's stupid, or perhaps inopportune? You're going to get your stuff stolen if you're not careful.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Flood
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Flood Cyber-Phantasy Knight

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

"Oilburn" Slick Drake

Slick stared at the man as he tried to sell them what appeared to be a Devil Fruit at first glance. Lying isn't nice. Liars deserve to go to jail for lying and making people feel bad with their lies. But bad liars. Bad liars were even worse, bad liars could only redeem themselves in one way. Bad liars needed to be made into Art, only then could their lies be stripped away to reveal the beautiful art within them. It's too bad Drik was here, otherwise Slick would make the Bad Liar into Art right now. Drik tried to grab the badly painted fruit, likely to check if it was real or not. Slick meanwhile just pointed a finger at the man's feet and sprayed some incredibly sticky oil all over them. "Lying isn't nice." Slick said quietly as he shoved past Drik.

Slick immediately grabbed the Bad Liar who was now stuck to the floor and headbutted him as hard as he could, hopefully leaving him unconscious. "Take the Bad Liar's things Drik. We need to get foods for the ship and we're wasting time with Bad Liar. I don't like wasting time, it's the only thing I can't turn into Art so it's valuable." If he wasn't unconscious he wouldn't do anything, unless the Bad Liar tried to speak up. Then Slick would just headbutt him again until he shut up.
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Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Demon Shinobi
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Demon Shinobi

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Wafer D. Kite - Tick Tock Goes the... Is that a clock?

Kite smiled and nodded at the words of his new captain. If nothing else, he could help run such a simple errand. So, he tagged along with Boone under the pretense of the man getting himself a new watch. Still, walking along the streets of this new land, an island Kite had never been was interesting. If he'd had the time he'd have explored every inch of it. He was itching to run off, but his pride as a Shipwright, and his status as a new member of a pirate crew trumped the childish curiosity. Plus, he was sure he could learn a lot more just conversing and studying the crew. He'd only caught glimpses of them after all, but his interest had been piqued. It was amazing the things he had yet to see. Bonesword and Caesar for instance. Or Lilliana's B-MO. That just scratched the surface too.

Still, he couldn't help but smile when he entered the shop with Captain Boone. From the cogs and springs to the mechanisms themselves and the strange looking one the old man was working on. The old man himself was funny. He behaved oddly. Kite couldn't help but chuckle at his antics. "Hmmmm..." Kite contemplated glancing at the captain occasionally before shrugging with a light chuckle. They didn't even really know what it was. "I don't mind helping him out if you don't mind waiting Captain." He said with a smile as he reached into his pocket to pull out his bandanna. "After all, any information on that'll help us survive down the road could be useful." He added as he tied the cloth in place. He tilted his head once to the left and then to the right feeling and hearing the pops that came with the movement. He rolled his shoulders backwards and forwards.

Kite was stiff after the sleep, which came after the fight, which came after what felt like an eternity of exhaustion and pain. "After that I can get to work on the ship so we can set sail." He grinned. Nothing made him happier than getting to put his skills to work.

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Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by Spiffy
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Spiffy Prince of Peace

Member Seen 12 days ago

Captain Cedric D. Boone - Clock Town!

Boone was surprised to find out the old clockmaker knew who he was in a glance. Perhaps their reputation went even further then he realized. To his relief the man revealed a jolly roger tattoo. But the most curious thing of all was his immediate understanding of what Cedric carried. A log pose. Not many knew about them or even what they looked liked. To tell the truth, Boone couldn't say with full confidence he knew what he had. Regardless, the quirky fellow offered his assistance to the duo if they could help him with something.

Kite was eager to assist at the captain's behest. Cedric replied, "Now what kind of gentlemen would we be if we didn't help you out good sir? Go ahead and assist him Kite." Not only would they be imparted some useful information, Cedric could observe their new ship-wright's skill firsthand. One of the reasons he asked him to come with after all.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by yoshua171
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yoshua171 The Loremaster

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Lilliana Merrycure

Eyes wide and bright, one hand on Bonesword's shoulder as they entered and explored the library, Lilliana found herself utterly surrounded by a tremendous amount of knowledge. It was almost overwhelming. She felt her perception start to tunnel until Bonesword was jostled and fell. Her attention refocused and she saw the kid. The boy apologized then brought attention to them, which she would have preferred he didn't.

The mother spoke and Lilli frowned, as the woman departed Lilli helped Bonesword up and when he clung to her, she responded with a proper hug before following him to the librarian. Giving the individual a smile—despite the feelings that roiled beneath the surface—and extracted some belis, which she offered the woman.

“We'd like to purchase this if that's possible.” She let a hand settle on Bonesword's head. She wished that woman hadn't said a thing. So judgemental...and rude...and inconsiderate. If only she'd known that Bonesword held that blade for his own survival—in more ways than one.

She hoped they'd have a bit more time to peruse the library before they departed. She wanted to see if it could offer her anything useful. Though what she truly desired were unique components for her work....
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by ProPro
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ProPro Pierce the Heavens with your spoon!

Member Seen 4 mos ago

The Library - Bonesword and Lilliana

"I'm afraid this book comes from the rental section," the librarian clerk answered. "But if you'd like to become a member I can create a library card for each of you and you can check this book out to your heart's content."

Dang, foiled by policy! Of course, that's what happened by asking permission. They were pirates, after all. Could they take the book and bolt? Check it out and never come back? Or maybe they wanted to actually make an offer of cash rather than just asking to buy? Who knew what might end up happening in the mind of two pirates with a thirst for knowledge.

Clock Town Marketplace - Dirk and Slick

The shady looking man was completely incapable of avoiding Slick's surprise attack and proved to be a weakling. He was knocked unconscious exactly as planned. Together the two thieves were able to loot anything from him that they wanted. In his coat with so many pockets he had a number of apples, a can of blue spray paint, 5,000 belli, a single house key, a knife (presumably for protection, not that he got the chance to use it), twenty different watches, and a locket with a family photo inside. Strangely enough, the man, his wife, and his daughter all wore the shady and creepy getup he had on. Peculiar.

Marine Branch 203 - Feya and Caesar

"Eeeeeh, the weird doggy dude knows what's up," the lazy lieutenant said, giving Caesar a thumbs up. Then Feya went off on her mini rant, and he scratched the top of his head with his baseball cap. "Eeeeh, you know, I'm giving them, like, hidden training? Like, real kung fu master type stuff, you know? Muscle memory movements? Wax on, wax off? Steal the grasshopper from my hand, that kind of thing?

Everything in his tone sounded incredibly noncommittal, like he wasn't even buying it himself.


The two devolved into an argument (well, the loud one argued while the lazy one tried to deflect) that would go on for literal hours. So committed to this engagement were they that they ignored, or couldn't hear, anything Caesar or Feya had to say from that point on. Looks like there was nothing else to be done here for the two.

Tock's Clocks - Boone and Kite

The clock shop owner and Kite worked quite well together. The machine was incredibly complex, but Kite could grasp the mechanisms with little prompt from its owner, and together they spent less than ten minutes getting it all fixed up. As soon as it was done, Tock wiped some grease from his face, but only ended up comically smearing it around.

"There we go! Time to see if she works as intended! Stand back boys, my inventions have a habit of, well, exploding." He flicked on a single brass switch. The thing whirred to life, clicking cogs and gears together to activate a steam piston, which launched a small ball along a track, striking multiple pressure switches along the way. A springboard launched a brick up, which landed on a see-saw lever, igniting an electrical current. Meanwhile, a single tin cup moved along a conveyor belt to a funnel, and juuuuust as it reached the bottom of the funnel a metal tea kettle (which had been warmed by the electrical current) tilted to pour its contents out into a small box. A glass tube connected the box to the funnel, delivering a brown covered liquid directly into the tin cup.

"Ah, perfect!" Tock exclaimed with joy, snagging the cup and drinking heavily from it. "The perfect cup of cocoa! I knew I had it in me!"

Once he finished chugging down his cocoa, Tock began to get into an explanation for Boone. "Now you see, I used to be part of the Fearless Frog Pirates back in the day, and we made it a little ways into the Grand Line before having to turn tail and run to save our own hides. Heheheh, guess we weren't living up to our name! But I digress, that there is a log pose and you'll never get anywhere in the Grand Line without understanding how it works. You see, those legends and wives tails about how the weather and even physics itself don't work normal there? They aren't legends! A normal compass will just go haywire! You won't know your north from your trousers, and good luck navigating by stars! Every island there has its own individual magnetic field, so that helps make the weather all kinds of crazy, but also means your compass won't know which way to point, but that log pose is a special thing it is. It'll automatically lock onto the island you're supposed to get to, so no matter where you go, it'll always point you in the right direction. Once you're there, it'll take some time to 'log' that island's magnetic field, then automatically point to the next one in the chain! Every island is different. The shortest one I saw was only about three hours, but I've heard tell that some islands can take years to log!"

He restarted the machine, then drank another cup of cocoa. "There's more than one route, too. I don't know how many there are, but there's definitely more than one! But they all end up leading to the same place regardless. So that's it, you've gotta trust that little log pose with your lives, no matter what! And make sure you're strong enough, cause those seas will chew you up and spit ya right back out like a piece of tobacco, they will!"
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Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Spiffy
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Spiffy Prince of Peace

Member Seen 12 days ago

Captain Cedric D. Boone - Clock Town!

Boone listened intently and even brought out a scratch pad to jot down a few notes regarding the log pose. No doubt it would be invaluable for their journey.

"We are very thankful for this. Blessings in all your future endeavours. If not for our very capable shipwright here," he winked at Kite, "I would ask you to come along! Bawhahahaha! When we return I will tell of the fantastic journey we embarked on thanks to your help. Have a good day."

If there was nothing else Cedric donned his hat again then walked out the door.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by BCTheEntity
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BCTheEntity m⊕r✞IS

Member Seen 4 days ago

Dirk Messir - New Gears

'Okay. Go and get more food,' Drik replies, angry that the Bad Liar would Bad Lie to him and Good Liar. There are two types of lies, Dirk knows this, and he is worth the weight to not lie to. He is the best liar who ever existed.

Okay he lied. He wasn't that angry, because he has expected it.

Make up your mind, or start looting. Nobody wants to see your pathetic behind contemplate your navel.

He didn't know where he'd heard the navy before, but he knew naveys were the belly button somehow. He was in had is got work to do though, so he looted. First of all, money, which was a small amount of more money for Dirk and the crew crowing craw. And then food and paint, so that was cool. More food is more food. Yey. Keys. That could be the keeeeeeey to doing cool things. Hah. No, he didn't want it.

'Oh, cool, a knife,' Dirk said as he grabbed the knife handle and flailed it. 'Now I have two knife. Double knifer. I can knifegun people. Yes.'

But knives hurt people Idiot! You cannot knife people Fool! They will die Stupid!

Hush Jamewithaniintheexactmiddle, you don't know knifer techniques. He put that away in the safekeeping spot, then also finds watches and a photo of his family... family was good. I don't want to separate people from their family. I take the watches for watch reasons, and then dropped the pohotograph on the ground with the key on top of it, so that Bad Liar can get his family back later.

And then I also take his coat off him and wear it. It's a nice coat. Dirk can use it as a battering coat.

There isn't anything else to do now, so Dirk instead leaves and probably follows Slipp. Maybe he goes there. Or maybe he wants some things now... if I has two knives, why can't other people also have two knives? Bonesord....... swords are knifes, but long knifes, so a very cool guy can have two knifes. If Slick gets the food properly, Dirk can go to the sword land place for more wepon. Yuy.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Gardevoiran
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Gardevoiran The Forbidden One

Member Seen 10 mos ago

Bonesword, still holding the book, coughed a little bit as a bag of cash somehow found it's way onto the desk. Another cough followed, and another bag of cash hopped onto the table. He coughed again, this time actually keeling over, and two bags of cash flew up onto the desk. Bonesword looked up at the desk and noticed the cash on it and paid no mind to it.

Every time Bonesword coughed, he was really using his powers to fling a bag of cash he had been saving and hiding so he could spend them later. Where did he get them? Only he knew, and that was gonna stay that way. The only clue was that they came out of Bonesword's shirt.

The amount of cash on the desk in front of him was definitely great. Without a need to eat or drink, a limitless supply of paper, and a single weapon that couldn't be replaced, Bonesword didn't have a lot to spend money on aside from flower pots and writing utensils. As such, he had a good horde of cash saved up, and this was one of the few times he was willing to spend it all. He was determined to get this book, and just to make sure...

... one more cough, and two more bags of cash.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Old Amsterdam
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Old Amsterdam Coven Witch

Member Seen 6 mos ago

Caesar chuckled to himself as he turned around, giving a slight pat on Feya's arm as he went past. "You can stay if you want, yeah? I'm going to go look at the local weapons. Perhaps I gain something, perhaps not. Perhaps I'll bring back something for the ship, if I can think of anything someone else wouldn't have grabbed." he said lazily as he walked away, finishing his cigar and putting it out in the dirt. "Perhaps you can test yourself and see how many trips you would have to make to bring back all the supplies the others have gotten. Mhmm. Perhaps you'll stay here admist the bickering. Perhaps you'll find something better to do, yeah?"

With that, Caesar waved and continued onward towards the town. 1
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Demon Shinobi
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Demon Shinobi

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Wafer D. Kite - Back at it again! But wait...

It had felt so good to work with his hands after so long. Kite couldn't help, but feel proud. It was like riding a bike. Yes, the bike was a rather complex machine made to create what seemed like an amazing cup of cocoa, but it was a damn fine bike all the same. He grinned at his captain as he watched the man take notes of Tock's explanation. He laughed here and there at the old man's jokes. And finally, he smiled at the words of his new captain as he removed the bandanna from his head and slid it into his pocket.

"Right! Looks like a job well done if I do say so myself," he said with another small laugh as he began to follow Boone out of the shop. That's when it hit him though. Just as the door closed behind him he tilted his head. His pace slowed to a crawl and he opened his mouth. "Captain, weren't you going to get yourself a new watch?" Had the man done so while he was working? Wasn't that the reason behind the miniature "adventure" in the first place? He was sure that was the point in the first place. Unless... It wasnt?


Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Spiffy
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Spiffy Prince of Peace

Member Seen 12 days ago

Captain Cedric D. Boone - Clock Town!

Boone stopped in his tracks then turned around slowly, "Uh...Right, of course! How could I have forgotten the reason we went on this mini adventure of ours in the first place! Bawhahahahaha!" Then Cedric proceeded to find the finest watch he could acquire with the funds they had. Despite being pirates, he was an honest pirate if their was such a thing.

THEN he turned around and headed out the door sporting his fine gold watch on his left wrist. He would never be late again!
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