Abdel, Dayanara, Qadira, Niallus, Oksana, Johann, the Yasoi 'Victims'
Abdel was on the literal scent of the finger's owner with both Dayanara and Qadira eagerly bobbing their heads up high to capture the fine traces of the unique stench just a few evaporated droplets could make. Although in truth they were using a combination of their advance snout and magic to make all this possible. A stop at the pseudo-pizza seller did not deter them, with Qadira growing ever more vigorous while Dayanara seemed completely but off by the treat.
The trail had led them to a better part of the town. Appearances mattered little to Abdel for the most sinister of people he had met were those that faded so easily in the crowds. The Skuggvars were growing restless, gurgling intensely at one house in particular. “Qadira.” he called out as he tossed a slice of pizza to pacify her for a moment while Dayanara's digestion issue siphoned her zeal quickly. “No doubt about it, the owner's in there.” he confirmed, arms crossed with his sharpened senses reaching into the building. “Found him. There are a few others inside, but ...” he bit his lip. “They don't seem like the typical thugs or even prepared for something like this.”
The Tethered pondered for a brief moment. “Trap or not, we have a lead.” he looked toward Oksana. “You're fast. Would you get ready to intercept in case they tried to flee from the back?” then, he focused on Johann with an expectant look and a mild smile. “I'd rather not bring the Skuggvars close to their doors. But an intimidating yet charming presence could help a skinny guy like me make an impression.” then finally he shot a glance at Niallus. “Niallus, ask the neighbors if they saw anything. You're friendly enough. Right?”
With a plan set after some input from the others, Abdel approached the door while the animals remained tethered a good few metres away and knocked.
Following the Skugvars to the destination. Passing through crowds that gave a wide berth, mostly so they did provoke the Skugvars. Conversations between people would pause, as they walked past then would continue once more. The merchant selling their trade, still continued. “I have some excellent wares if you fine, group of people interested in?” Niallus ignored what the merchant was selling, besides it was more likely to have been looted off some corpses during the revolution that happened a week ago.
The group decided to take a little stop to get something that was called, Buudvuud. Niallus had never had this before but from the aroma that it was emitting, it was worth a try. Niallus was the last of the group to order his Buudvuud. While thinking about what to have he asked the worker something simple. Face to face with this zit filled teenager. "Being the owner, you see a lot of interesting things here in the area?" the kid arched an eyebrow at the Eskands question. “Me? I'm not the owner.” His voice was nasally and drone. “I wasn't even supposed to work today.” His voice, getting a little annoyed about it. “The owner's younger brother was supposed to be in today, but he suddenly took a vacation, so the owner made me come in.”
The kid went back to Niallus’ question about anything interesting, he tilted his head. “What do you mean by anything interesting?” "Oh, It's just because I'm not from around here, that's all." letting out a warm smile. "Just wanted some insight of what to expect in this area and what to steer clear of. I don't want to cause trouble with my first visit." letting out a light chuckle. In response to the worker's answer, about him complaining about work. " Damn that sucks, so they've done this multiple times? Do you know the reason why?" The Kid started to get nervous as he quickly changed the subject “Are you going to order a Buudvuud or not?”
[10:07 PM]
Not wanting to push the matter, Niallus went back to ordering his Buudvuud. "Yes, sorry." Looking through, "I'll order that one." ordering the spicy one. As Niallus paid for his order he slipped a magnus to him, "That's to keep our conversation secret. Ok?" He quickly took and hid it on his person.
After a nice stop for food, even if Niallus’ Buudvuud was spicy. "Gods above, my mouth is on fire." walking through the residential area following the Skugvars. Some locals glared at Niallus and the group, he gave them a little wave, they stuck their middle finger up at him in return. "Charming…" He mumbled.
The group came to a stop at this house, "Why does this one look more run down than the others around?" He wondered. His attention went to Abdel as he asked him to talk to the neighbours. "Sure." He said walking off to one of the houses that was next to the one Abdel and Johann. Standing in front of the door, Niallus gave it a knock, before pausing. "Hello?" "Anyone home?"
Johann visibly swallowed. "Ah, yes, of course!" The hefty lad composed himself, straightened his collar, and knocked. He stepped back, lips pressed together in a smile, and waited.
And waited.
... and waited.
Clearing his throat again, he knocked a second time, more firmly, and reached out with his senses. "There are certainly people inside," he murmured, glancing at his peers amid the lack of response. "Surely we must either leave soon or else force the issue." He raised his hand to knock a third and final time.
Meanwhile, Niallus had encountered a bit more luck next door. A small human woman with a handful of grey streaks in her brown hair opened up. Immediately, she turned and peered over at what was happening in front of her neighbours' house, visibly recoiling at the sight of the dual hulking forms of the skuggvars there. "I should say, sir, if you're after them, then be after them, not my family."
She went to close the door, but his fingers were in the frame. Who could say if it was strategic. Immediately, he jerked his hand back, hissing in pain, and she was forced, by the rules of manners and decorum, to desist. "Now you've gone and gotten your fingers caught in my door," she huffed. "What is it, then? What do you wish to know? Those yasoi next door, they've only been here for a year and they've brought all sorts of trouble to this neighbourhood. I prefer to keep my nose out of it, you must understand." She shook her head. "Safer that way." She glanced anxiously back at the other door, just as matters there seemed about to transition.
Johann used magic to amplify his third knock, but none to give it additional strength. Nonetheless, it rattled the entire frame such that the door heaved on its hinges. "Huh. Don't know my own strength," the big fellow muttered and, behind him, the skuggvars gurgled and groaned in growing impatience, Dayanara sticking her snout right up against the door. Qadira let out something of a howl, though it was just as much a 'toot'.
From inside came movement, and raised voices in a yasoi tongue. Oksana moved into position expertly. Niallus and the neighbour he was speaking to looked over. Johann took a step back and started sneakily drawing energy. He was not alone in this pursuit.
Then, all at once, it opened. A tall, blonde yasoi woman, equal to the Kerreman in height, flung the door open. "You go my house!" she shouted in heavily-accented Avincian, gesturing angrily. "Have a two big animal." She drew back momentarily at the sight of the skuggvars, but seemed to recover quickly. "We..." She trailed off, struggling for a word, before scrunching her face up and mimicking a sleep gesture. "Sem'ayiir saluuv. You... taisuum we." She shook her head.
"Suuluun, ma'am, but this is important. Is there somebody - uh, yr soi - missing a finger - yr tic - here?" Johann gestured the cutting of a finger.
She straightened, radiating fear but also anger. "Yes! My man moila." She glared. "Selex duul... work. Now you go!" she demanded. "You go! Bad people. Aly jam'siin! Joixa ya'eth jam'siin. Nexa yaniixa! Pah! Nax vei joixa wiip suum poiret yr thiilo a'loi Sensii'lii pari!" It all came out rapid-fire in Mycormish, and there was a sense of frustration and disdain that was difficult to miss. She stood there, scowling, looking them up and down, and gestured for them to leave.
Johann turned to the others. "She is endeavouring to camouflage some matter," he announced in language that would fly above her head. "I am disinclined to acquiesce to her request."
Oksana found herself pairing up with Captain Skugvaar who had a finger on the pulse of the investigation, along with Little Johann, and Niallus Scarlet, accompanied by the two swamp dragons. Unable to pronounce their names, she settled on the merry monikers of Masha and Misha.
Deciding to keep her distance from the group, Oksana reasoned hanging back made sense as it made her look inconspicuous, rather than accompanying them directly as part of a motley crew. Besides, she could easily keep track of them, as they stood out like sore thumbs like this, with many people giving them a wide berth. Opting for a natural approach to gathering information, she engaged in routine inquiries while sought property in the area.
Her first stop was the Buudvuud restaurant. The aroma of the food assaulted her senses as she looked hungrily through the shutters at the wide selection before her. Her eyes settled on a juicy, cheese-filled parcel topped with melted cheese, oogling how the strands of between the slices stretched like long thin strings. The appearance and the smell definitely beat anything from Vossoriya as she bartered with the teen behind the counter using the Cheburashka Jamboi method of diligently counting out bennies in a slow manner until he was satisfied with the amount. Taking her prize, she eagerly took a big bite, only to find her mouth filled with steaming hot cheese, almost scalding herself if she hadn’t quickly drawn back. She blew gently on it as she devoured it outside the shop.
While eating, she noticed others looking in her direction, speaking in hushed tones. Originally thought it was about her, but soon realized they were addressing the shop. Approaching a nearby couple, she inquired about the food. Though not understanding their gestures entirely, she gathered that the shop was deemed unsavory. It seemed to be a bad place with bad people. Despite the service being decent, the teen boy was that not terrible, only greasy looking, she asked if there were alternative places she could visit in the future, but there was no such luck as they muttered something and left. It seemed this particular establishment had a monopoly on tasty cheesy slices.
Continuing her inquiries, Oksana asked about the local area, focusing on important details like whose palms needed greasing and who and where to watch out for. She encountered varying responses, from quiet reluctance to share information, to attempts to extract wealth from her. Some were stubborn in their stance, others were eager to express their opinions to an audience. A lot of locals expressed sentiments against refugees, a sentiment she had encountered before in her past, but noted they made it clear that she was more welcome than others, with comments like ‘knife-ears’ presumably directed at Yasoi. When attempting to speak to the yasoi, she found them less understanding and suspicious, but managed to tease out some names to watch out for due to recent negative experienced. A big player was the Rollers, a group of Yasoi who made a lot of dough, and renown for their beatings. With the indicated hand gestures, she assumed the name came from their rolling pins used in baking. They seemed to have a connection with a group called the Paws, a group of human animal lovers who behaved similarly to their namesake, known for being woof in their dealings. Across town, there were the Boozers, known for frequenting beer halls and causing trouble as they grew rowdy due to alcohol.
She discovered that the Flying Lion had a notorious reputation for various incidents recently, finding herself surprised as she couldn't recall any disturbances outside of her own bedroom whilst she stayed at the tavern. Delving deeper, she uncovered that the establishment had undergone a transformation, previously known as the Crying Lion before being acquired by the Arslan-Mercador company. Intriguingly, the confusion was because locals had taken it upon themselves to repurpose horse stables near the port, laying the stonewalls as a foundation for a new establishment painted in goluboy hues, aptly named the Cryin’ Cyan. Its proximity to the port allowed it to serve as a hub for backdoor activities, including under-the-table jobs and smuggling. It was also a hotbed of political activism amongst the yasoi, with some striving to amass funds to topple Tarlonese dominance, whilst those on the bottom rungs of society were only out for themselves.
During her investigation, Oksana was surprised to hear talk of Penny, her one-legged friend, as her incident during Mano e Mano challenge has led to urban myths that she is rumoured to be making visits to Belleville, allegedly for summoning aberrations over the town, including a recent large one at the tavern.
Eventually, she caught up with the others after receiving a tethered tug signal from Captain Skugvaar. They surrounded a property where the owner of the missing finger was located. Oksana suggested she could knock on the door with the finger and offer to bind it back on the hand, though her idea was not popular with the others. Instead, she was sent around the back of the building and to blend in, with the goal to catch any escapees by surprise. She followed the instructions, leaving negotiations to the experts in the motley crew.
Oksana, who had snuck around back of the property, was left with little to do but track the movements of the people inside through their energy signatures. Presently, however, she noticed a small silhouette appear in one of the windows. It was a child - a rather cross-looking child. She sat by the window pouting with her arms crossed until she noticed Oksana out there. Her eyes widened in fear and she appeared about to bolt.
Oksana didn't catch what the girl said, but she noticed the sadness reflected in her frosty expression. Offering a sympathetic smile, Oksana returned her focus to her task. She employed a touch of binding magic on the shrubbery, coaxing it to sprout little offshoots which she deftly snapped off with a pinch of kinetic magic. Using these, she began crafting a miniature home for the elk, fashioning the offshoots into trees and using frost to mimic the appearance of snow. As the elements came together, she created a charming scene. "My home," she said softly, gesturing proudly to the completed display.
The child was enraptured, watching Oksana build. "Wow, you're really good at magic." She tilted her head admiringly, holding back a question. "I guess you're from a really cold place." She blinked. "Do you go to Ersandenize?"
After pulling his hand away after it was trapped in the door. His pinky and the one next to it, started to swell. trying to move them hurt. His temper started to build, but he remained calm as he had a job to do. Taking a deep breath to calm down. Listening to what the woman had to say.
The pain in his fingers was still there but he didn't let it get to him. Then the door at the house the Skugvars led them opened. Looking at a Yasoi woman that stepped out, speaking in her Yasoi tongue. He tried to understand what she was trying to say. There was a moment when she mentioned something to do with the missing a finger. He leaned back to the woman who trapped his fingers "Has there been any other people who came knocking at their door recently?" He whispered. It was worth to ask.
Meanwhile, one door over, the neighbour who Niallus was speaking with snorted. "She's full of... garbage, you know." She shook her head judgmentally. "They made some deal with the knife-ear mafia and brought crime to our neighbourhood. Nobody likes them. We try not to show it in front of little Lalo." She pursed her lips. "She's a sweet girl. We'll see how long it takes before she becomes like the rest of them." She shook her head again, ruefully. "Awful business."
Listening to what the woman had to say, mostly about what they've done. The thing that piqued his interest, the Yasoi Mafia. "Well that explains the outside appearance of the house." He said with a low tone. He crossed his arms on his chest, catching his bruised finger, causing him to wince in pain.
There were a few other questions that Niallus wanted to ask her, turning his head back to the woman. Who was making her way back into her home. "I have one thing to say." He kept close to the door, not putting his fingers on the door in case she slammed it once more. "While it's good that you and the other neighbours are doing for the girl is sweet." "As for the rest of them. They probably have their reasons for that deal." Niallus wondered if he was being a little naive with where he was going with this, but still.
"Sometimes families do the wrong things, for the right reasons. Their reason could be for that little girl." ”I'd have done the same if I was in their situation, wouldn't you?" He simply asks before leaving, to stand with the others. "Johann, do think you can fix my fingers?"
It was at this moment that Abdel cursed the split they had decided upon. Tunnel-visioned by the easy trail he had found, he did not point out such an obvious flaw. They did not have a Yasoi, or at least some sort of translator. This already started off badly. He pursed his lips as his eyes met Johann's, and then he stepped forward.
“Oira suunei!” the teen had done his best to imitate Ashon or one of those Tarlonese visitors. Along with a smile that fit well with his still not quite matured face, what could go wrong? “Uhhh, suuluun suuluun,” he waved his hands at the direction of the Skuggvars, directly telling them to back off a tad. “For protection and to help find your man.” he nodded at both her and his King-sized accomplice. “Not bad! Want to help you.” with that he made a gesture to best indicate a finger coming back into place, started with the severing and then the reversal of the act.
Abdel's grin widened just a little. “Help ALL of you. We are good people. And we find the very bad people.”
The woman narrowed her eyes in annoyance. "I... thank you help." Her bearing was defensive and suspicious. Those standing closest to the door might've seen a young girl - perhaps eight or nine years old - peer curiously down from the stairs to the second floor. "No bad people. My man moila -"
"Uncle Harlan!" interjected the child's voice, and the woman whirled. "He got his finger -"
"Lalomen, tuu'yaasa! Senii!"
She turned back to them as the girl gave a sour look and rolled her eyes, making a show of trudging up the stairs slowly. "He... hurt in work. No bad people."
Meanwhile, one door over, the neighbour who Niallus was speaking with snorted. "She's full of... garbage, you know." She shook her head judgmentally. "They made some deal with the knife-ear mafia and brought crime to our neighbourhood. Nobody likes them. We try not to show it in front of little Lalo." She pursed her lips. "She's a sweet girl. We'll see how long it takes before she becomes like the rest of them." She shook her head again, ruefully. "Awful business."
Oksana, who had snuck around back of the property, was left with little to do but track the movements of the people inside through their energy signatures. Presently, however, she noticed a small silhouette appear in one of the windows. It was a child - a rather cross-looking child. She sat by the window pouting with her arms crossed until she noticed Oksana out there. Her eyes widened in fear and she appeared about to bolt.
Abdel shot a jolly smile at the child. It seemed there was at least someone who could communicate. “No bad people. Yes.” he gestured in a pacifying manner and mirrored the woman's broken Avincian as a means to level with her and keep things simple. “We good. We help good people.” he nodded before turning his head toward Johann. “You've got the finger, right? We could get that Seviin girl to treat the uncle. She's a cut above us with those magics.” he uttered with proper intonation and speed that would have been hard for the foreigner to fully grasp.
“We fix your brother-in-law,” he made sure to utter every syllable as to put an end to the broken 'man moila' phrase. “no pay. No money. Only talk. Okay?”
"You... wex'duuz he finger?" (1) She narrowed her eyes in both curiosity and wariness. "You no have this. How you do?"
"I could tell them what you saaaayyy!" came an insistent little voice from somewhere else in the house. "But you won't let me!"
"Joi exe doin, Malo'puurii. Joi dii'pen tuu'laz!" (2)
"Mamaaaa!" came the retort, "Joi tawiip lex yanii. Malo cal yanii bii'wes. Joi ya ascuuuun!" There were a couple of stomps and a pointed, "Hmph!" (3)
Then, there came a new voice. "Malo'semprii, joi geth joil'aloi. Pa yanii toil'em tox pa Colas. Mama rey papa pol'al thii." (4)
"Toam? Taxen joith'a juup ilish liin'toil." There were some thumps on the stairs and a squeal. "Moi'aluuuuu!" (5)
"Shhh, bidii," came a whispered voice. "Luum wiip oilé pa Colas. Joi wes thii." Two pairs of footsteps retreated. (6)
"Cip joi'lii tic, moi'aluu Harlan. Tiij tajuup yro ap." (7)
"Shh, Lalo'sem."
Whatever else might've been said in the background was lost when, suddenly, there was a man at the door. "My daughter," he grunted in heavily-accented Avincian. "Spoil, I think you say. You here about my brother, yes," he continued. "He lose the finger at work. You are binder?" He looked them up and down. "Why binder have skuugvar two?"
Johann glanced over at Abdel as if to say, "Should I?" It was clear only by context that he was speaking of the finger, and pulling it out.
“To find the owner of the finger.” answered Abdel as cordial as he could after patiently waiting for the family to get itself in order. He did not insist on having the best speaker among the family to step up - he knew better than to put kids in such positions. “And protection. We're not oblivious to the interests that prowl these streets, sir.” hands behind his back, the teen kept himself stiff and proper whilst his sharpened senses frisked the minute details of his surroundings. Did anything appear unusual beyond the family's secrecy?
“That said, the longer we wait, the harder the work would be. And our best binder can only do so much.” he shrugged his shoulders whilst Dayanara grunted in growing impatience. “As promised, we don't expect monetary or material payment.” his head then turned to the unit of a man by him and shook his head. 'Not yet.' he mouthed. He did not want to risk spooking them just yet.
Both Skuggvars began to bob their heads and flemming at the intense smell they had been tracking all along once the 'uncle' had shown himself. Abdel took a quick look at the hand and then gestured for the other, healthy one to show itself too. In the meantime, he also nodded toward Johann to show the finger in order to compare it to the remaining counterpart. With a match, they would have confirmation of what they were looking for. “Doing our job.” he answered frankly to the complying Yasoi man.
“Someone is missing - a young Yasoi man.” he added. “And your finger was used as proof of a kidnapping.” Abdel spoke solemnly and lowly, as to not alert the children or cause a scene. “Tell me where the young man is and we'll not only forget all of this, but we will help with your finger as we said. Otherwise, you're now an accessory to kidnapping and ransoming.”
Next door, another mostly one way conversation was taking place, as the middle-aged woman regarded the teenage boy who lectured her on morality. "Well aren't you just setting yourself up wonderfully for all five heavens?" she remarked, crossing her arms. She reached out and patted one of his. "Good for you." It was naught but two more seconds before she closed the door, and with some force.
Niallus quickly found his way back to the others in the wake of Abdel's threat and they were perhaps a bit busy. Both men's eyes snapped to the finger, but any gratitude they might've felt was superseded by a mixture of fear and anger. These humans had come to their door with two vicious animals and a severed finger, hammering on it in the middle of sem'ayiir saluuv until they'd had no choice but to open, and now there were others, evidently surrounding their house. Now there were strange threats and blackmail. They never should have opened!
"Harlan, Achem wiip wes eluu pa yanii ya. Juup joi?"
The younger one, eyes afraid, shook his head. "Harlan naja nax wiip, moila. Nax ya suuluun."
"Eluumen, ya yelost juu Achem."
The woman was already backing away, her face a mask of horror and confusion. "Eluumen wiip wes. Yelost, nax wiip wes. Pelosh tiij toil tox pa Colas. Ela teiyix tiij pox'em Harlan'ii tic?"
"One momen." Achem managed a shaky smile to try to reassure his visitors, but all three yasoi were drawing energy. It was clear that he was thinking, putting pieces together. "Nax'a lesaal. Pa oilanax a luum'o oft. Tiij ynast oap'it a. Senii, tiij yim fuu." He breathed in and out. "Se luum'ii teluu rey yash. Achem vith'it joixé."
"Whoa whoa whoa!" Johann interjected. "Nobody needs to protect anybody. We just need to know about the boy: the missing boy." Eluumen was already running.
"I'm Lalomen. How about you?" the girl was asking, the door having opened a crack wider. Then, before Oksana could answer, it slammed shut and the child stumbled back, alarmed. A yasoi woman hurtled into view, radiating fear with each step. "Malo! Pathiir yil elaz!" She scooped the girl up. "Tuum'a dax. Tuum'a toil tox pa Colas!"
Lalomen looked upon Oksana with horror as her mother spirited her away. Then, the woman stopped, realizing that she was surrounded. The enemy was at the front door and had snuck around the back, trying to bait her child. "Mama, elei'ya weix?"
She was placed on the ground. "Malo'semprii, pa Colas el'liic pa yaniixa. Eluumen seldii tuum muul luum'o ilac rey nax seldii tuum duun'it juu stiip joila aluu rey moi'aluu."
The girl was panicking, crying. "Mama..."
"Yax elden, semprii." She whirled, drawing to capacity, and turned her fury on this woman who had come to harm her daughter. "Mama westa'l pa dax lelan. Joi yash juu let'o doin dain. Eluumen felix'al joi duul zoap stii."
At the front, Achem's face hardened. "You lying piece of Cola shit." Beside him, Harlan was less resolute. "You bring back his finger like fucking insult, invent some lie for blackmail us again! You say I'm criminal!?" He stalked forward, brimming with energy, despite the presence of the skuggvars.
"We're saying nothing like that!" Johann tried to assure him, "But this finger was found in a ransom note and it's his! We want to know how."
"I tell you how: you fucking get it from Colas who pay you to come fuck me some more, oh but use nice yanii words and say you help."
"Sir, I don't even know -"
"I spit on you. I spit on your family. I spit on your bird. What the fuck you want now!? Maybe an arm this time? A leg? You come with your lies. You threaten my fucking family!?" he roared. "No more!"
There was zero hesitation or restraint, and Johann dived out of the way. Achem launched a full-power arcane lance right for Abdel's head, the intent to decapitate him.
Colas. Well there was their confirmation. Now, the fallout.
“Colas? You think we're Colas?” sneered Abdel whilst the Skuggvars began to growl and grow restless as they felt the energy gathering. Abdel wasn't going to be defenseless and he drew at a speed far surpassing all others. “Those lowlife thugs could barely even afford one Skuggvar.”
When a lance was trained right at his direction, he stood stiff, eyes adamantly fixed onto his attacker. He raised his hands in surrender. “We're not Colas. We're investigators. And students of the school. Consider what you're doing, and what it will mean for your family if you kill one of us. Please.” he kept it cool, even if it was all a facade. His heart was racing just as much as it had when he was holding Tojarra back. “We just want to know where they conduct their uglier business! And find the Doridax kid.”
That said, he wasn't truly surrendering. With no signs of these Yasoi's lowering their hostilities, he was keen on using his signature spell.
Achem did not care in the slightest for what this Cola lackey had to say. He just needed to buy Eluumen enough time to escape with Malo. Always it was something with these thugs: some sort of excuse to worm their way back into his family's lives and take from them again. Truly, he now knew that they'd never be free. The nerve of sending huusoi with his brother's severed finger and the ridiculous invention that somehow he had been complicit in kidnapping a boy!
He had spoken too much and the element of surprise had been lost. As much as he wanted to obliterate these yanii and their lying placating faces, the smarter play was to stall them. Surely, he would take a savage beating and... perhaps worse, but his wife and daughter could get away. They could start fresh. Oh how he regretted ever working with these thugs. With the politicals controlling everything and directing yasoi only to businesses that donated to their cause, it had seemed the only option. He was glad to be away from Mycormii and from Oiyac before it! Let those places burn! They had failed their people. The yasoi had become too sedentary. Let them spread across the world, travel, and grow, as they once had!
His arcane lance missed, shooting off into the sky instead, just in case because it would buy more time. "You lie! The Colas pay you. They gived you this finger so you have story to tell. So you you can say we are criminal!"
"They take for pay, they say!" Harlan chimed in, eyes wide and bugged out. "Alway, they make us to pay them."
"Them or fucking resistance," growled Achem. "Who you work for, you come my house and all around and call me criminal? How much they are pay you?"
He reached out with his senses as he felt a flare of energy. At the back of the house, Eluumen had just blasted the woman the Colas had sent to snatch his daughter. He used the Gift to tap his brother's neck in a specific pattern. Harlan would know what it meant: help them.
With this escalation, trying to get them to calm down might be a little bit difficult when one drew in to throw an Arcane Lance, seeing that it was a missed shot. "Dii Colas, dii Resistance. Ersand'Enise, dii fuu." He spoke in a broken tone. Yasoi wasn't his best, but it was worth a try.
Abdel flinched at the firing of the lance, even if it was a warning shot. The Skuggvars were ready to charge as they roared in fury after hostilities were made clear after the attack. “Fucker.” the teen scoffed. “I just said it was the Doridax you daft ...”
Talking appearing increasingly pointless and Niallus' redundancy wasn't going to change anything either. Action had to be taken, and he would have if it wasn't for Dayanara's charging right for the entrance. “Shit! Johann!” he warned, and trained his intention to cast Commandment on his own beast instead.
They couldn't say what had done it: the purposely missed arcane lance, Niallus' attempts to placate, the skuggvar's attempt to attack, or Abdel's refocusing on it. Regardless of what it might've been, Achem took a step back and Harlan stood there, brimming with energy but not intent. "If you really Ersandenise, then I tell you Cola Brotherax come here. Make us pay money for 'protect'. They cut my brother finger when we have not enough. Maybe they use for this 'Doridax'. I don't fucking know or care. Now you yash duul spax and leaf my family!" (1)
"If you good what you say, you go!" Harlan chimed in. "We tell you all. Go fight Colas, not us!"
Oksana, meanwhile, was dealing with a somewhat different sort of threat.
Oksana focused intently on the girl's lips, trying to follow her words. She tapped her ear and offered a smile. "Me Deaf," she explained, gesturing to herself. "Yes, cold place, Vossoriya. Lot of snow. Brrrr!" She mimicked shivering, wrapping her arms around herself. "From St Yuri, come to Ersandrise, seek to refuge. Bad people at home, fled them." With gentle hands, she moved the elk out of the scene and away from the snow.
There was a sudden burst of panic, as the mother seemed to scoop up the daughter as the conversation continued in another language, Oksana remained attentive, though she couldn't understand the words. One term caught her attention, the Rollers. She glanced around, scanning the area as if on guard. "Rollers bad, they take dough and beat. Stay away from Rollers," she warned, looking toward the pair. Pointing at the sad face in the frost, she added, "No cry, we brave."
Oksana swung her cloak around like a makeshift shield, freezing it and reinforcing it with her own kinetic magic. The shield's shape deflected the gust of wind around her as she crouched behind it. "shcho za diavol," she exclaimed loudly, followed by a rapid-fire response of "Ne vykorystovuyte taku nebezpechnu mahiyu, khtos' mozhе postrazyaty." She paused for a moment, gathering her senses. "Stop! No hurt to people." Lowering the cloak so her eyes could peer over it, she observed the situation more closely, checking to see if anyone was caught in the crossfire.
She'd been pushed back a bit, past the yard an through the fence, and the yasoi woman had rushed out to occupy that space, interposing herself between Oksana and Lalomen. The little girl came scurrying out and ran past, into an alley. "You no hurt me girl!" the mother screamed. "You fuck off!" She gathered energy for a blinding blast of light.
It seemed that Oksana had stumbled upon an angry parent, and she was no stranger to dealing with such situations and their overprotective nature. She couldn't fathom even laying a finger on the girl; if anything, she would protect the girl herself if the situation warranted it. All she could imagine was that the boys had somehow messed up, and now there was an overly defensive family involved. Knowing when to withdraw, she realized there was no role for her here.
"No harm, I'll leave," she said, ducking behind cover as she sensed tension rising again, slowly stepping backward under her cloak away from the property. "Just misunderstandings here." She had no appetite for a fight, but the same couldn't be said for the other party; she knew she would need to keep her guard up.
Abdel, after wrestling his Skuggvar with sheer will, shot a glare at Harlan in particular.
“Where do you find them?” his voice deep and his demeanor immovable. “You want this?” he raised the severed finger. “You'll only get our binder's help if you help us. How many are there? How do they work? WHERE are their hideouts?”
The Skuggvar, while placated, was dangerous close to the house and rumbling like the dying Lorantine Queen.
The finger had been severed days ago and was, effectively, unsalvageable, nor had Abdel, Johann, Niallus, or Oksana given the slightest indication that they were anything other than home invaders with a flimsy excuse backing an attempt at some kind of blackmail, much less people capable of healing a complex wound. The simple fact of the matter, however, was that they could easily overpower Achem and Harlan, and both parties knew it. The two might've given in easily and told the Biros the next-to-nothing that they knew had their pride not been pricked by the brazenness of this daytime assault.
"You want make your animal attack us? Because we yasoi all same to you. All bad. All know the other. You come, then. I can't stop you. Steal what you want," he pronounced bitterly, "then you go. I say nothing for people who come my house call me criminal. Say I take some boy." He spat at their feet. It was clear that he was deeply embittered and not about to speak. Harlan's eyes flicked back and forth between the invaders and his brother. "We know nothing, just they come - maybe four - we house or we restaurant, but they is more. They take our money, they go. We not have, they take other thing." He held up his hand. "But you ya like Colas or more bad. Much yanii are. I live with no one finger so I remember this."
Johann turned politely to Niallus, then. "I think we need a new approach to this situation," he decided, taking in Abdel as well. "From their perspective, we're four random non-locals who showed up pounding on their door with a pair of skuggvars, interrogated their neighbours, and snuck around back of their home. We've now shown them the severed finger of one of their family members that they last saw taken by gangsters and accused them of being complicit in criminal activity. We've given them no reason to cooperate except fear and, even then, we've failed to pull the trigger." He regarded Niallus again. "Niallus, might you step back from this situation, perhaps go check on Oksana and make certain that nothing drastic has happened there?"
He shot Abdel a look as if to say, "trust me on this one". "Partner, perhaps the animals need to be removed from such a stimulus, even if only for a moment." Then, he faced the pair of yasoi and spread his arms nonconfrontationally. "I promise we are not here to steal from you. See? They are stepping back." he paired it with an appropriate gesture.
Oksana, meanwhile, had recognized that something had gone very wrong. The girl's mother stood there, brimming with energy and shouting at her to leave in yasoi as she backed off. It had all been a misunderstanding: a terrible misunderstanding. The child ran. She ran out of view of her cautiously-advancing mother. She ran and then, suddenly, she tripped and fell. She landed hard on the ground and she did not rise.
Oksana blinked in shock as she saw the little girl on the floor, not moving. What kind of cruelty is this? She cursed under her breath, “Zvernit' uvahu na dytinu,” she stood up, pointing towards where the little girl lay. “Girl hurt!”
A little girl getting hurt on her watch was unforgivable. There were a couple of ways to deal with this, but only a big gesture would probably work. She raised her hands in a surrender posture as she indicated again. “Binder. Girl safety first, I'll go.” There was also a plan B, but she hoped it wouldn't come to that.
Abdel exhaled in frustration. It was infuriating having to communicate and compromise when one could simply decide. His better nature kept him from making that leap, as did his experience, but still. The words these locals chose and how they conveniently decided to frame this earned them little sympathy from the teen.
He shot look at Johann and crossed his arms. “Fine.” he answered, forcing more petulence into his voice than he normally ever would before gesturing his beasts to retreat. Not completely gone, but they were being semi-piloted around the corner where they could catch the scent of the buudvuud and wander curiously.
The girl's mother cried out and began running there. She made no move to stop Oksana, for she had sensed no draw from her: nothing that could've caused her daughter's mishap, and she knew the word 'binder'. It was a major leap of faith on her part. When Oksana got there, it was unclear what had happened. The girl had fallen as if her foot had caught on something, and her hands had failed to shoot out and stop her fall. She had gone unconscious on impact with the ground due to head trauma.
Meanwhile, Johann breathed a sigh of relief. "Thank you, really," he replied, as the other two began to retreat. "And please don't be alarmed if you sense some energetic drawing. I will be attempting a medical procedure." He waited until they were gone and then he drew to his full capacity. Both of the yasoi grimaced, and Harlan dropped to his knees, trying not to heave. "Oh my Oraff! I'm so sorry," exclaimed Johann, and he hurried over to lay a hand each on the struggling brothers.
Harlan slumped. Achem froze in confusion. Johann leaned in and spoke quietly in Mycormish. "Tesh hyco teluu joi jex elaz, cip et thei sa. Nash'elar ya tox et senii. Luum thust'al etii luuch hyco luur duul ix lai ol joi wiip yim nash ezei'siilan joi wes sil pa Colas, joi thoil-yanii do-siilan: ela tuum tai, eloi tuum a yil, elei tuum nar, eloi tuum pen rey tiin, elo tuum spax. Ol joi stiip nash, nash dii roi'it pa tuur'yim juu yim et juu oap. Pelosh, nax suum juup'it ap nax'patash. Juup joi poiret nash?" he paused, starting to draw back. "Senii, joi etaar, luuca? Joi yim do'siilan duul pa, luuca?" He smiled and patted the man on the shoulder. "I'm sorry, but he'll be completely okay and... it's better if he's asleep for this part, luuca?"
A dozen emotions flashed across Achem's face. Then, he hung his head and began crying. "L... luuca," he sniffed, nodding slowly. Johann's face seemed to soften. "I know it isn't easy," he replied, "but thank you and, remember, I need everything or this won't work."
He squeezed Achem's shoulder and it all began to spill out: how he held no love for the governments of Mycormii and Oiyac, how the resistance operated like a gang among the refugees and had blacklisted his business because he refused to donate some of his profits to their cause, how he had turned to the Colas in desperation and how they had wored to counter the resistance. He hadn't wanted to do ill, he sobbed. He hadn't known how bad they'd be. He hadn't counted on word getting out and people pulling their business. They hadn't been able to pay. Four Colas: an enormous fat one named Daiyet, an angry young ginger one named Fantas, a pretty slinky woman with bright red hair named Cherii, and the ringleader: Pepsii, who was the smartest of the bunch: ruthless, cruel and - he'd sensed - conflicted on some level. They never gave away their exact base of operations, but it was in an area quite close to the warehouse that had been mentioned in the ransom note, Johann noted. They weren't ideological, Achem was pretty sure. They were only in it for the money, just like the Doridaxes had the reputation of being, though there were rumours that, recently, they'd been channeling funds towards the resistance. That was, the yasoi swore, all that he knew, on Shiin's holy name.
With that, Johann stepped back and breathed. He bowed his head gratefully. "Thank you so very much," he replied, "And I'm sorry for that mess. I believe that we understand each other better now, though." He strode over to the unconscious Harlan, reached out, and, with all of his expertise in Binding and Blood, began to wind the flesh together. He filled the young man with energy and Harlan rose in astonishment.
Dayanara required a tad more tugging - actual, physically tugging and not the gift. He could only manipulate them so much without assuming direct control, and potentially hurting the beasts. This whole job wasn't worth some of his best assets. With that, Abdel was gone from the premises for just a minute to tie the animals where they could be distracted by alluring scents.
On his return, scarce few words had slipped by the fences that separated properties. He had only bothered to sense whether hostilities continued, and by the looks of it the Kerreman fat guy had executed his plan. Abdel was impressed if not a tad curious as to what he had said. He also wondered why the more eloquent Mycormish had to wait until now. Or maybe the bit he caught was all that Johann could muster. Truthfully, after the headache this conundrum had become, he had no desire to doubt his associate. The job was done, with all the information spilling right before him as he arrived.
“Impressive.” a merrier Abdel gave a couple of ceremonious claps to Johann before flashing a smile and nodding at the two distressed men. “We appreciate the cooperation. Next time,” her pursed his lips and shook his head. “remember, we're here to help. We're just getting a grip on the refugee issue.” with that, he provided a friendly wave to the family before nodding Johann's way. “We've got our leads. Let's pay these Colas a visit before they haul somewhere else. I can imagine word spreading quickly here.”
After listening to what Johann mentioned, he agreed. They could have approached this with more care. Instead they decided to throw chaos into this matter. "Yes, we kinda made a mess of this." letting out a small sigh in frustration.
When Johann asked him to check up on Oksana, Niallus nodded "I'll get her, hopefully she hasn't got into too much trouble." once outside, he walked off into the direction where Oksana went.
Upon arriving. It seems a lot had happen, he didn't want to jump to conclusions. Standing next to the Girls mother, "We are about to go."he said to her politly. Then asked her, "What can you tell me aboutthe resistance?"
Once the mother had backed down, Oksana swiftly approached, her heart racing with concern. She carefully tended to the child, giving her a once-over before moving her into a more suitable position for a thorough inspection. There was a clear graze on the head, bleeding profusely from where she had hit it hard against a stone. With gentle hands, Oksana applied a cloth to the wound, then began using her binding magic to seal it. This was the easy part; the face tended to bleed a lot, but it was the risk of concussion that concerned her most. She began to reduce the swelling, little by little, taking her time to ensure the best outcome.
Anxiously, the mother watched as Oksana tended to her daughter. Did her rage cause this? Had she neglected her precious little girl? Her mind was flooded with thoughts and doubts. Suddenly, she sensed a presence behind her, and instinctively went to cover her ear, her fear palpable. Whirling around, she spotted Niallius approaching from the side of the house. Acting on instinct, she positioned herself between him and her daughter, a mix of protectiveness for her child and silent pleading in her eyes. Though his words were foreign to her, she understood the meaning of resistance. “Velluum! Yim joi ezei,” she responded, her voice trembling. “Ilac’se mitoip fo hax’olop vel. Temoip’hoam seno stiip. Dax’aspaa qeil’pol. Poiret?”
Meanwhile, Oksana finished her ministrations and breathed a sigh of relief. Turning her attention to Niallius and the mother, she noticed the woman looking intimidated. Furrowing her brow at Niallius, she silently questioned his actions. Gathering the sleeping child in her arms, Oksana approached the mother and gently presented the girl to her. “Girl sleep,” she gestured, pressing her hands together against the side of her head. Overwhelmed with emotion, the mother sobbed as she cradled her baby girl, covering her face in kisses and muttering softly in the yasoi language.
With a tug on Niallius's shoulder, Oksana led him away. “Don’t be bad,” she urged quietly, hoping to diffuse any tension that lingered in the air by leading him away.
In the event, neither Niallus nor Oksana understood much of anything that had been said, but they would soon enough be filled in by Johann and Abdel. The true nature of the resistance, this family's devil's bargain with the Cola Brothers, the thugs' names, and a rough location of their base of operations - close to the warehouse they'd been directed to in the first place, and some dirt on the Doridaxes: it all came out.
Eluumen scurried in through the back door, having managed a small, vaguely grateful nod in Oksana's direction and a fearful look in Niallus'. Lalo looked back with wide eyes and managed a shy little wave goodbye at the Vossoriyan.
"I'm sorry for my deception," Johann said, as they were walking away. He tried to take care to look mostly at Oksana so that she could read his lips even though he was primarily addressing Abdel. "I had doubts about the plan but you all seemed to gung-ho." He shrugged and grimaced. "I figured they weren't going to talk to us openly, so I wanted to hide the level of Mycormish I understood in the hopes they'd give something away in talking with each other." He nodded slowly as they turned a corner, leaving that area of the town. "Turns out that they did and it gave me an avenue in through empathizing and telling a couple of white lies."
It was not long before they were close to where they had started, the skuggvars now sniffing out the other group. "I do think that the resistance bears investigating," Johann added, "and this one-legged woman." He shook his head. "Reshta's name, they're everywhere, aren't they?"
After the events that happened with Oksana, Eluumen and her daughter. He somewhat understood Eluumen answer to his question. How they suffer the consequences if you don't pay enough, they hurt you. Proof was that severed finger. After this he was going to brush up on his Mycromish.
"It's fine Johann. You managed to salvage the chaos that we caused." giving him a pat on the back. "Maybe these Colas have some information that can help us when investigatingthe Resistance." Niallus added, "But I don't think it will be that easy, so it'll be best to focus on finding the Colas base first."
The trail had led them to a better part of the town. Appearances mattered little to Abdel for the most sinister of people he had met were those that faded so easily in the crowds. The Skuggvars were growing restless, gurgling intensely at one house in particular. “Qadira.” he called out as he tossed a slice of pizza to pacify her for a moment while Dayanara's digestion issue siphoned her zeal quickly. “No doubt about it, the owner's in there.” he confirmed, arms crossed with his sharpened senses reaching into the building. “Found him. There are a few others inside, but ...” he bit his lip. “They don't seem like the typical thugs or even prepared for something like this.”
The Tethered pondered for a brief moment. “Trap or not, we have a lead.” he looked toward Oksana. “You're fast. Would you get ready to intercept in case they tried to flee from the back?” then, he focused on Johann with an expectant look and a mild smile. “I'd rather not bring the Skuggvars close to their doors. But an intimidating yet charming presence could help a skinny guy like me make an impression.” then finally he shot a glance at Niallus. “Niallus, ask the neighbors if they saw anything. You're friendly enough. Right?”
With a plan set after some input from the others, Abdel approached the door while the animals remained tethered a good few metres away and knocked.
Following the Skugvars to the destination. Passing through crowds that gave a wide berth, mostly so they did provoke the Skugvars. Conversations between people would pause, as they walked past then would continue once more. The merchant selling their trade, still continued. “I have some excellent wares if you fine, group of people interested in?” Niallus ignored what the merchant was selling, besides it was more likely to have been looted off some corpses during the revolution that happened a week ago.
The group decided to take a little stop to get something that was called, Buudvuud. Niallus had never had this before but from the aroma that it was emitting, it was worth a try. Niallus was the last of the group to order his Buudvuud. While thinking about what to have he asked the worker something simple. Face to face with this zit filled teenager. "Being the owner, you see a lot of interesting things here in the area?" the kid arched an eyebrow at the Eskands question. “Me? I'm not the owner.” His voice was nasally and drone. “I wasn't even supposed to work today.” His voice, getting a little annoyed about it. “The owner's younger brother was supposed to be in today, but he suddenly took a vacation, so the owner made me come in.”
The kid went back to Niallus’ question about anything interesting, he tilted his head. “What do you mean by anything interesting?” "Oh, It's just because I'm not from around here, that's all." letting out a warm smile. "Just wanted some insight of what to expect in this area and what to steer clear of. I don't want to cause trouble with my first visit." letting out a light chuckle. In response to the worker's answer, about him complaining about work. " Damn that sucks, so they've done this multiple times? Do you know the reason why?" The Kid started to get nervous as he quickly changed the subject “Are you going to order a Buudvuud or not?”
[10:07 PM]
Not wanting to push the matter, Niallus went back to ordering his Buudvuud. "Yes, sorry." Looking through, "I'll order that one." ordering the spicy one. As Niallus paid for his order he slipped a magnus to him, "That's to keep our conversation secret. Ok?" He quickly took and hid it on his person.
After a nice stop for food, even if Niallus’ Buudvuud was spicy. "Gods above, my mouth is on fire." walking through the residential area following the Skugvars. Some locals glared at Niallus and the group, he gave them a little wave, they stuck their middle finger up at him in return. "Charming…" He mumbled.
The group came to a stop at this house, "Why does this one look more run down than the others around?" He wondered. His attention went to Abdel as he asked him to talk to the neighbours. "Sure." He said walking off to one of the houses that was next to the one Abdel and Johann. Standing in front of the door, Niallus gave it a knock, before pausing. "Hello?" "Anyone home?"
Johann visibly swallowed. "Ah, yes, of course!" The hefty lad composed himself, straightened his collar, and knocked. He stepped back, lips pressed together in a smile, and waited.
And waited.
... and waited.
Clearing his throat again, he knocked a second time, more firmly, and reached out with his senses. "There are certainly people inside," he murmured, glancing at his peers amid the lack of response. "Surely we must either leave soon or else force the issue." He raised his hand to knock a third and final time.
Meanwhile, Niallus had encountered a bit more luck next door. A small human woman with a handful of grey streaks in her brown hair opened up. Immediately, she turned and peered over at what was happening in front of her neighbours' house, visibly recoiling at the sight of the dual hulking forms of the skuggvars there. "I should say, sir, if you're after them, then be after them, not my family."
She went to close the door, but his fingers were in the frame. Who could say if it was strategic. Immediately, he jerked his hand back, hissing in pain, and she was forced, by the rules of manners and decorum, to desist. "Now you've gone and gotten your fingers caught in my door," she huffed. "What is it, then? What do you wish to know? Those yasoi next door, they've only been here for a year and they've brought all sorts of trouble to this neighbourhood. I prefer to keep my nose out of it, you must understand." She shook her head. "Safer that way." She glanced anxiously back at the other door, just as matters there seemed about to transition.
Johann used magic to amplify his third knock, but none to give it additional strength. Nonetheless, it rattled the entire frame such that the door heaved on its hinges. "Huh. Don't know my own strength," the big fellow muttered and, behind him, the skuggvars gurgled and groaned in growing impatience, Dayanara sticking her snout right up against the door. Qadira let out something of a howl, though it was just as much a 'toot'.
From inside came movement, and raised voices in a yasoi tongue. Oksana moved into position expertly. Niallus and the neighbour he was speaking to looked over. Johann took a step back and started sneakily drawing energy. He was not alone in this pursuit.
Then, all at once, it opened. A tall, blonde yasoi woman, equal to the Kerreman in height, flung the door open. "You go my house!" she shouted in heavily-accented Avincian, gesturing angrily. "Have a two big animal." She drew back momentarily at the sight of the skuggvars, but seemed to recover quickly. "We..." She trailed off, struggling for a word, before scrunching her face up and mimicking a sleep gesture. "Sem'ayiir saluuv. You... taisuum we." She shook her head.
"Suuluun, ma'am, but this is important. Is there somebody - uh, yr soi - missing a finger - yr tic - here?" Johann gestured the cutting of a finger.
She straightened, radiating fear but also anger. "Yes! My man moila." She glared. "Selex duul... work. Now you go!" she demanded. "You go! Bad people. Aly jam'siin! Joixa ya'eth jam'siin. Nexa yaniixa! Pah! Nax vei joixa wiip suum poiret yr thiilo a'loi Sensii'lii pari!" It all came out rapid-fire in Mycormish, and there was a sense of frustration and disdain that was difficult to miss. She stood there, scowling, looking them up and down, and gestured for them to leave.
Johann turned to the others. "She is endeavouring to camouflage some matter," he announced in language that would fly above her head. "I am disinclined to acquiesce to her request."
Oksana found herself pairing up with Captain Skugvaar who had a finger on the pulse of the investigation, along with Little Johann, and Niallus Scarlet, accompanied by the two swamp dragons. Unable to pronounce their names, she settled on the merry monikers of Masha and Misha.
Deciding to keep her distance from the group, Oksana reasoned hanging back made sense as it made her look inconspicuous, rather than accompanying them directly as part of a motley crew. Besides, she could easily keep track of them, as they stood out like sore thumbs like this, with many people giving them a wide berth. Opting for a natural approach to gathering information, she engaged in routine inquiries while sought property in the area.
Her first stop was the Buudvuud restaurant. The aroma of the food assaulted her senses as she looked hungrily through the shutters at the wide selection before her. Her eyes settled on a juicy, cheese-filled parcel topped with melted cheese, oogling how the strands of between the slices stretched like long thin strings. The appearance and the smell definitely beat anything from Vossoriya as she bartered with the teen behind the counter using the Cheburashka Jamboi method of diligently counting out bennies in a slow manner until he was satisfied with the amount. Taking her prize, she eagerly took a big bite, only to find her mouth filled with steaming hot cheese, almost scalding herself if she hadn’t quickly drawn back. She blew gently on it as she devoured it outside the shop.
While eating, she noticed others looking in her direction, speaking in hushed tones. Originally thought it was about her, but soon realized they were addressing the shop. Approaching a nearby couple, she inquired about the food. Though not understanding their gestures entirely, she gathered that the shop was deemed unsavory. It seemed to be a bad place with bad people. Despite the service being decent, the teen boy was that not terrible, only greasy looking, she asked if there were alternative places she could visit in the future, but there was no such luck as they muttered something and left. It seemed this particular establishment had a monopoly on tasty cheesy slices.
Continuing her inquiries, Oksana asked about the local area, focusing on important details like whose palms needed greasing and who and where to watch out for. She encountered varying responses, from quiet reluctance to share information, to attempts to extract wealth from her. Some were stubborn in their stance, others were eager to express their opinions to an audience. A lot of locals expressed sentiments against refugees, a sentiment she had encountered before in her past, but noted they made it clear that she was more welcome than others, with comments like ‘knife-ears’ presumably directed at Yasoi. When attempting to speak to the yasoi, she found them less understanding and suspicious, but managed to tease out some names to watch out for due to recent negative experienced. A big player was the Rollers, a group of Yasoi who made a lot of dough, and renown for their beatings. With the indicated hand gestures, she assumed the name came from their rolling pins used in baking. They seemed to have a connection with a group called the Paws, a group of human animal lovers who behaved similarly to their namesake, known for being woof in their dealings. Across town, there were the Boozers, known for frequenting beer halls and causing trouble as they grew rowdy due to alcohol.
She discovered that the Flying Lion had a notorious reputation for various incidents recently, finding herself surprised as she couldn't recall any disturbances outside of her own bedroom whilst she stayed at the tavern. Delving deeper, she uncovered that the establishment had undergone a transformation, previously known as the Crying Lion before being acquired by the Arslan-Mercador company. Intriguingly, the confusion was because locals had taken it upon themselves to repurpose horse stables near the port, laying the stonewalls as a foundation for a new establishment painted in goluboy hues, aptly named the Cryin’ Cyan. Its proximity to the port allowed it to serve as a hub for backdoor activities, including under-the-table jobs and smuggling. It was also a hotbed of political activism amongst the yasoi, with some striving to amass funds to topple Tarlonese dominance, whilst those on the bottom rungs of society were only out for themselves.
During her investigation, Oksana was surprised to hear talk of Penny, her one-legged friend, as her incident during Mano e Mano challenge has led to urban myths that she is rumoured to be making visits to Belleville, allegedly for summoning aberrations over the town, including a recent large one at the tavern.
Eventually, she caught up with the others after receiving a tethered tug signal from Captain Skugvaar. They surrounded a property where the owner of the missing finger was located. Oksana suggested she could knock on the door with the finger and offer to bind it back on the hand, though her idea was not popular with the others. Instead, she was sent around the back of the building and to blend in, with the goal to catch any escapees by surprise. She followed the instructions, leaving negotiations to the experts in the motley crew.
Oksana, who had snuck around back of the property, was left with little to do but track the movements of the people inside through their energy signatures. Presently, however, she noticed a small silhouette appear in one of the windows. It was a child - a rather cross-looking child. She sat by the window pouting with her arms crossed until she noticed Oksana out there. Her eyes widened in fear and she appeared about to bolt.
Oksana didn't catch what the girl said, but she noticed the sadness reflected in her frosty expression. Offering a sympathetic smile, Oksana returned her focus to her task. She employed a touch of binding magic on the shrubbery, coaxing it to sprout little offshoots which she deftly snapped off with a pinch of kinetic magic. Using these, she began crafting a miniature home for the elk, fashioning the offshoots into trees and using frost to mimic the appearance of snow. As the elements came together, she created a charming scene. "My home," she said softly, gesturing proudly to the completed display.
The child was enraptured, watching Oksana build. "Wow, you're really good at magic." She tilted her head admiringly, holding back a question. "I guess you're from a really cold place." She blinked. "Do you go to Ersandenize?"
After pulling his hand away after it was trapped in the door. His pinky and the one next to it, started to swell. trying to move them hurt. His temper started to build, but he remained calm as he had a job to do. Taking a deep breath to calm down. Listening to what the woman had to say.
The pain in his fingers was still there but he didn't let it get to him. Then the door at the house the Skugvars led them opened. Looking at a Yasoi woman that stepped out, speaking in her Yasoi tongue. He tried to understand what she was trying to say. There was a moment when she mentioned something to do with the missing a finger. He leaned back to the woman who trapped his fingers "Has there been any other people who came knocking at their door recently?" He whispered. It was worth to ask.
Meanwhile, one door over, the neighbour who Niallus was speaking with snorted. "She's full of... garbage, you know." She shook her head judgmentally. "They made some deal with the knife-ear mafia and brought crime to our neighbourhood. Nobody likes them. We try not to show it in front of little Lalo." She pursed her lips. "She's a sweet girl. We'll see how long it takes before she becomes like the rest of them." She shook her head again, ruefully. "Awful business."
Listening to what the woman had to say, mostly about what they've done. The thing that piqued his interest, the Yasoi Mafia. "Well that explains the outside appearance of the house." He said with a low tone. He crossed his arms on his chest, catching his bruised finger, causing him to wince in pain.
There were a few other questions that Niallus wanted to ask her, turning his head back to the woman. Who was making her way back into her home. "I have one thing to say." He kept close to the door, not putting his fingers on the door in case she slammed it once more. "While it's good that you and the other neighbours are doing for the girl is sweet." "As for the rest of them. They probably have their reasons for that deal." Niallus wondered if he was being a little naive with where he was going with this, but still.
"Sometimes families do the wrong things, for the right reasons. Their reason could be for that little girl." ”I'd have done the same if I was in their situation, wouldn't you?" He simply asks before leaving, to stand with the others. "Johann, do think you can fix my fingers?"
It was at this moment that Abdel cursed the split they had decided upon. Tunnel-visioned by the easy trail he had found, he did not point out such an obvious flaw. They did not have a Yasoi, or at least some sort of translator. This already started off badly. He pursed his lips as his eyes met Johann's, and then he stepped forward.
“Oira suunei!” the teen had done his best to imitate Ashon or one of those Tarlonese visitors. Along with a smile that fit well with his still not quite matured face, what could go wrong? “Uhhh, suuluun suuluun,” he waved his hands at the direction of the Skuggvars, directly telling them to back off a tad. “For protection and to help find your man.” he nodded at both her and his King-sized accomplice. “Not bad! Want to help you.” with that he made a gesture to best indicate a finger coming back into place, started with the severing and then the reversal of the act.
Abdel's grin widened just a little. “Help ALL of you. We are good people. And we find the very bad people.”
The woman narrowed her eyes in annoyance. "I... thank you help." Her bearing was defensive and suspicious. Those standing closest to the door might've seen a young girl - perhaps eight or nine years old - peer curiously down from the stairs to the second floor. "No bad people. My man moila -"
"Uncle Harlan!" interjected the child's voice, and the woman whirled. "He got his finger -"
"Lalomen, tuu'yaasa! Senii!"
She turned back to them as the girl gave a sour look and rolled her eyes, making a show of trudging up the stairs slowly. "He... hurt in work. No bad people."
Meanwhile, one door over, the neighbour who Niallus was speaking with snorted. "She's full of... garbage, you know." She shook her head judgmentally. "They made some deal with the knife-ear mafia and brought crime to our neighbourhood. Nobody likes them. We try not to show it in front of little Lalo." She pursed her lips. "She's a sweet girl. We'll see how long it takes before she becomes like the rest of them." She shook her head again, ruefully. "Awful business."
Oksana, who had snuck around back of the property, was left with little to do but track the movements of the people inside through their energy signatures. Presently, however, she noticed a small silhouette appear in one of the windows. It was a child - a rather cross-looking child. She sat by the window pouting with her arms crossed until she noticed Oksana out there. Her eyes widened in fear and she appeared about to bolt.
Abdel shot a jolly smile at the child. It seemed there was at least someone who could communicate. “No bad people. Yes.” he gestured in a pacifying manner and mirrored the woman's broken Avincian as a means to level with her and keep things simple. “We good. We help good people.” he nodded before turning his head toward Johann. “You've got the finger, right? We could get that Seviin girl to treat the uncle. She's a cut above us with those magics.” he uttered with proper intonation and speed that would have been hard for the foreigner to fully grasp.
“We fix your brother-in-law,” he made sure to utter every syllable as to put an end to the broken 'man moila' phrase. “no pay. No money. Only talk. Okay?”
"You... wex'duuz he finger?" (1) She narrowed her eyes in both curiosity and wariness. "You no have this. How you do?"
"I could tell them what you saaaayyy!" came an insistent little voice from somewhere else in the house. "But you won't let me!"
"Joi exe doin, Malo'puurii. Joi dii'pen tuu'laz!" (2)
"Mamaaaa!" came the retort, "Joi tawiip lex yanii. Malo cal yanii bii'wes. Joi ya ascuuuun!" There were a couple of stomps and a pointed, "Hmph!" (3)
Then, there came a new voice. "Malo'semprii, joi geth joil'aloi. Pa yanii toil'em tox pa Colas. Mama rey papa pol'al thii." (4)
"Toam? Taxen joith'a juup ilish liin'toil." There were some thumps on the stairs and a squeal. "Moi'aluuuuu!" (5)
"Shhh, bidii," came a whispered voice. "Luum wiip oilé pa Colas. Joi wes thii." Two pairs of footsteps retreated. (6)
"Cip joi'lii tic, moi'aluu Harlan. Tiij tajuup yro ap." (7)
"Shh, Lalo'sem."
Whatever else might've been said in the background was lost when, suddenly, there was a man at the door. "My daughter," he grunted in heavily-accented Avincian. "Spoil, I think you say. You here about my brother, yes," he continued. "He lose the finger at work. You are binder?" He looked them up and down. "Why binder have skuugvar two?"
Johann glanced over at Abdel as if to say, "Should I?" It was clear only by context that he was speaking of the finger, and pulling it out.
“To find the owner of the finger.” answered Abdel as cordial as he could after patiently waiting for the family to get itself in order. He did not insist on having the best speaker among the family to step up - he knew better than to put kids in such positions. “And protection. We're not oblivious to the interests that prowl these streets, sir.” hands behind his back, the teen kept himself stiff and proper whilst his sharpened senses frisked the minute details of his surroundings. Did anything appear unusual beyond the family's secrecy?
“That said, the longer we wait, the harder the work would be. And our best binder can only do so much.” he shrugged his shoulders whilst Dayanara grunted in growing impatience. “As promised, we don't expect monetary or material payment.” his head then turned to the unit of a man by him and shook his head. 'Not yet.' he mouthed. He did not want to risk spooking them just yet.
Both Skuggvars began to bob their heads and flemming at the intense smell they had been tracking all along once the 'uncle' had shown himself. Abdel took a quick look at the hand and then gestured for the other, healthy one to show itself too. In the meantime, he also nodded toward Johann to show the finger in order to compare it to the remaining counterpart. With a match, they would have confirmation of what they were looking for. “Doing our job.” he answered frankly to the complying Yasoi man.
“Someone is missing - a young Yasoi man.” he added. “And your finger was used as proof of a kidnapping.” Abdel spoke solemnly and lowly, as to not alert the children or cause a scene. “Tell me where the young man is and we'll not only forget all of this, but we will help with your finger as we said. Otherwise, you're now an accessory to kidnapping and ransoming.”
Next door, another mostly one way conversation was taking place, as the middle-aged woman regarded the teenage boy who lectured her on morality. "Well aren't you just setting yourself up wonderfully for all five heavens?" she remarked, crossing her arms. She reached out and patted one of his. "Good for you." It was naught but two more seconds before she closed the door, and with some force.
Niallus quickly found his way back to the others in the wake of Abdel's threat and they were perhaps a bit busy. Both men's eyes snapped to the finger, but any gratitude they might've felt was superseded by a mixture of fear and anger. These humans had come to their door with two vicious animals and a severed finger, hammering on it in the middle of sem'ayiir saluuv until they'd had no choice but to open, and now there were others, evidently surrounding their house. Now there were strange threats and blackmail. They never should have opened!
"Harlan, Achem wiip wes eluu pa yanii ya. Juup joi?"
The younger one, eyes afraid, shook his head. "Harlan naja nax wiip, moila. Nax ya suuluun."
"Eluumen, ya yelost juu Achem."
The woman was already backing away, her face a mask of horror and confusion. "Eluumen wiip wes. Yelost, nax wiip wes. Pelosh tiij toil tox pa Colas. Ela teiyix tiij pox'em Harlan'ii tic?"
"One momen." Achem managed a shaky smile to try to reassure his visitors, but all three yasoi were drawing energy. It was clear that he was thinking, putting pieces together. "Nax'a lesaal. Pa oilanax a luum'o oft. Tiij ynast oap'it a. Senii, tiij yim fuu." He breathed in and out. "Se luum'ii teluu rey yash. Achem vith'it joixé."
"Whoa whoa whoa!" Johann interjected. "Nobody needs to protect anybody. We just need to know about the boy: the missing boy." Eluumen was already running.
"I'm Lalomen. How about you?" the girl was asking, the door having opened a crack wider. Then, before Oksana could answer, it slammed shut and the child stumbled back, alarmed. A yasoi woman hurtled into view, radiating fear with each step. "Malo! Pathiir yil elaz!" She scooped the girl up. "Tuum'a dax. Tuum'a toil tox pa Colas!"
Lalomen looked upon Oksana with horror as her mother spirited her away. Then, the woman stopped, realizing that she was surrounded. The enemy was at the front door and had snuck around the back, trying to bait her child. "Mama, elei'ya weix?"
She was placed on the ground. "Malo'semprii, pa Colas el'liic pa yaniixa. Eluumen seldii tuum muul luum'o ilac rey nax seldii tuum duun'it juu stiip joila aluu rey moi'aluu."
The girl was panicking, crying. "Mama..."
"Yax elden, semprii." She whirled, drawing to capacity, and turned her fury on this woman who had come to harm her daughter. "Mama westa'l pa dax lelan. Joi yash juu let'o doin dain. Eluumen felix'al joi duul zoap stii."
At the front, Achem's face hardened. "You lying piece of Cola shit." Beside him, Harlan was less resolute. "You bring back his finger like fucking insult, invent some lie for blackmail us again! You say I'm criminal!?" He stalked forward, brimming with energy, despite the presence of the skuggvars.
"We're saying nothing like that!" Johann tried to assure him, "But this finger was found in a ransom note and it's his! We want to know how."
"I tell you how: you fucking get it from Colas who pay you to come fuck me some more, oh but use nice yanii words and say you help."
"Sir, I don't even know -"
"I spit on you. I spit on your family. I spit on your bird. What the fuck you want now!? Maybe an arm this time? A leg? You come with your lies. You threaten my fucking family!?" he roared. "No more!"
There was zero hesitation or restraint, and Johann dived out of the way. Achem launched a full-power arcane lance right for Abdel's head, the intent to decapitate him.
Colas. Well there was their confirmation. Now, the fallout.
“Colas? You think we're Colas?” sneered Abdel whilst the Skuggvars began to growl and grow restless as they felt the energy gathering. Abdel wasn't going to be defenseless and he drew at a speed far surpassing all others. “Those lowlife thugs could barely even afford one Skuggvar.”
When a lance was trained right at his direction, he stood stiff, eyes adamantly fixed onto his attacker. He raised his hands in surrender. “We're not Colas. We're investigators. And students of the school. Consider what you're doing, and what it will mean for your family if you kill one of us. Please.” he kept it cool, even if it was all a facade. His heart was racing just as much as it had when he was holding Tojarra back. “We just want to know where they conduct their uglier business! And find the Doridax kid.”
That said, he wasn't truly surrendering. With no signs of these Yasoi's lowering their hostilities, he was keen on using his signature spell.
Achem did not care in the slightest for what this Cola lackey had to say. He just needed to buy Eluumen enough time to escape with Malo. Always it was something with these thugs: some sort of excuse to worm their way back into his family's lives and take from them again. Truly, he now knew that they'd never be free. The nerve of sending huusoi with his brother's severed finger and the ridiculous invention that somehow he had been complicit in kidnapping a boy!
He had spoken too much and the element of surprise had been lost. As much as he wanted to obliterate these yanii and their lying placating faces, the smarter play was to stall them. Surely, he would take a savage beating and... perhaps worse, but his wife and daughter could get away. They could start fresh. Oh how he regretted ever working with these thugs. With the politicals controlling everything and directing yasoi only to businesses that donated to their cause, it had seemed the only option. He was glad to be away from Mycormii and from Oiyac before it! Let those places burn! They had failed their people. The yasoi had become too sedentary. Let them spread across the world, travel, and grow, as they once had!
His arcane lance missed, shooting off into the sky instead, just in case because it would buy more time. "You lie! The Colas pay you. They gived you this finger so you have story to tell. So you you can say we are criminal!"
"They take for pay, they say!" Harlan chimed in, eyes wide and bugged out. "Alway, they make us to pay them."
"Them or fucking resistance," growled Achem. "Who you work for, you come my house and all around and call me criminal? How much they are pay you?"
He reached out with his senses as he felt a flare of energy. At the back of the house, Eluumen had just blasted the woman the Colas had sent to snatch his daughter. He used the Gift to tap his brother's neck in a specific pattern. Harlan would know what it meant: help them.
With this escalation, trying to get them to calm down might be a little bit difficult when one drew in to throw an Arcane Lance, seeing that it was a missed shot. "Dii Colas, dii Resistance. Ersand'Enise, dii fuu." He spoke in a broken tone. Yasoi wasn't his best, but it was worth a try.
Abdel flinched at the firing of the lance, even if it was a warning shot. The Skuggvars were ready to charge as they roared in fury after hostilities were made clear after the attack. “Fucker.” the teen scoffed. “I just said it was the Doridax you daft ...”
Talking appearing increasingly pointless and Niallus' redundancy wasn't going to change anything either. Action had to be taken, and he would have if it wasn't for Dayanara's charging right for the entrance. “Shit! Johann!” he warned, and trained his intention to cast Commandment on his own beast instead.
They couldn't say what had done it: the purposely missed arcane lance, Niallus' attempts to placate, the skuggvar's attempt to attack, or Abdel's refocusing on it. Regardless of what it might've been, Achem took a step back and Harlan stood there, brimming with energy but not intent. "If you really Ersandenise, then I tell you Cola Brotherax come here. Make us pay money for 'protect'. They cut my brother finger when we have not enough. Maybe they use for this 'Doridax'. I don't fucking know or care. Now you yash duul spax and leaf my family!" (1)
"If you good what you say, you go!" Harlan chimed in. "We tell you all. Go fight Colas, not us!"
Oksana, meanwhile, was dealing with a somewhat different sort of threat.
Oksana focused intently on the girl's lips, trying to follow her words. She tapped her ear and offered a smile. "Me Deaf," she explained, gesturing to herself. "Yes, cold place, Vossoriya. Lot of snow. Brrrr!" She mimicked shivering, wrapping her arms around herself. "From St Yuri, come to Ersandrise, seek to refuge. Bad people at home, fled them." With gentle hands, she moved the elk out of the scene and away from the snow.
There was a sudden burst of panic, as the mother seemed to scoop up the daughter as the conversation continued in another language, Oksana remained attentive, though she couldn't understand the words. One term caught her attention, the Rollers. She glanced around, scanning the area as if on guard. "Rollers bad, they take dough and beat. Stay away from Rollers," she warned, looking toward the pair. Pointing at the sad face in the frost, she added, "No cry, we brave."
Oksana swung her cloak around like a makeshift shield, freezing it and reinforcing it with her own kinetic magic. The shield's shape deflected the gust of wind around her as she crouched behind it. "shcho za diavol," she exclaimed loudly, followed by a rapid-fire response of "Ne vykorystovuyte taku nebezpechnu mahiyu, khtos' mozhе postrazyaty." She paused for a moment, gathering her senses. "Stop! No hurt to people." Lowering the cloak so her eyes could peer over it, she observed the situation more closely, checking to see if anyone was caught in the crossfire.
She'd been pushed back a bit, past the yard an through the fence, and the yasoi woman had rushed out to occupy that space, interposing herself between Oksana and Lalomen. The little girl came scurrying out and ran past, into an alley. "You no hurt me girl!" the mother screamed. "You fuck off!" She gathered energy for a blinding blast of light.
It seemed that Oksana had stumbled upon an angry parent, and she was no stranger to dealing with such situations and their overprotective nature. She couldn't fathom even laying a finger on the girl; if anything, she would protect the girl herself if the situation warranted it. All she could imagine was that the boys had somehow messed up, and now there was an overly defensive family involved. Knowing when to withdraw, she realized there was no role for her here.
"No harm, I'll leave," she said, ducking behind cover as she sensed tension rising again, slowly stepping backward under her cloak away from the property. "Just misunderstandings here." She had no appetite for a fight, but the same couldn't be said for the other party; she knew she would need to keep her guard up.
Abdel, after wrestling his Skuggvar with sheer will, shot a glare at Harlan in particular.
“Where do you find them?” his voice deep and his demeanor immovable. “You want this?” he raised the severed finger. “You'll only get our binder's help if you help us. How many are there? How do they work? WHERE are their hideouts?”
The Skuggvar, while placated, was dangerous close to the house and rumbling like the dying Lorantine Queen.
The finger had been severed days ago and was, effectively, unsalvageable, nor had Abdel, Johann, Niallus, or Oksana given the slightest indication that they were anything other than home invaders with a flimsy excuse backing an attempt at some kind of blackmail, much less people capable of healing a complex wound. The simple fact of the matter, however, was that they could easily overpower Achem and Harlan, and both parties knew it. The two might've given in easily and told the Biros the next-to-nothing that they knew had their pride not been pricked by the brazenness of this daytime assault.
"You want make your animal attack us? Because we yasoi all same to you. All bad. All know the other. You come, then. I can't stop you. Steal what you want," he pronounced bitterly, "then you go. I say nothing for people who come my house call me criminal. Say I take some boy." He spat at their feet. It was clear that he was deeply embittered and not about to speak. Harlan's eyes flicked back and forth between the invaders and his brother. "We know nothing, just they come - maybe four - we house or we restaurant, but they is more. They take our money, they go. We not have, they take other thing." He held up his hand. "But you ya like Colas or more bad. Much yanii are. I live with no one finger so I remember this."
Johann turned politely to Niallus, then. "I think we need a new approach to this situation," he decided, taking in Abdel as well. "From their perspective, we're four random non-locals who showed up pounding on their door with a pair of skuggvars, interrogated their neighbours, and snuck around back of their home. We've now shown them the severed finger of one of their family members that they last saw taken by gangsters and accused them of being complicit in criminal activity. We've given them no reason to cooperate except fear and, even then, we've failed to pull the trigger." He regarded Niallus again. "Niallus, might you step back from this situation, perhaps go check on Oksana and make certain that nothing drastic has happened there?"
He shot Abdel a look as if to say, "trust me on this one". "Partner, perhaps the animals need to be removed from such a stimulus, even if only for a moment." Then, he faced the pair of yasoi and spread his arms nonconfrontationally. "I promise we are not here to steal from you. See? They are stepping back." he paired it with an appropriate gesture.
Oksana, meanwhile, had recognized that something had gone very wrong. The girl's mother stood there, brimming with energy and shouting at her to leave in yasoi as she backed off. It had all been a misunderstanding: a terrible misunderstanding. The child ran. She ran out of view of her cautiously-advancing mother. She ran and then, suddenly, she tripped and fell. She landed hard on the ground and she did not rise.
Oksana blinked in shock as she saw the little girl on the floor, not moving. What kind of cruelty is this? She cursed under her breath, “Zvernit' uvahu na dytinu,” she stood up, pointing towards where the little girl lay. “Girl hurt!”
A little girl getting hurt on her watch was unforgivable. There were a couple of ways to deal with this, but only a big gesture would probably work. She raised her hands in a surrender posture as she indicated again. “Binder. Girl safety first, I'll go.” There was also a plan B, but she hoped it wouldn't come to that.
Abdel exhaled in frustration. It was infuriating having to communicate and compromise when one could simply decide. His better nature kept him from making that leap, as did his experience, but still. The words these locals chose and how they conveniently decided to frame this earned them little sympathy from the teen.
He shot look at Johann and crossed his arms. “Fine.” he answered, forcing more petulence into his voice than he normally ever would before gesturing his beasts to retreat. Not completely gone, but they were being semi-piloted around the corner where they could catch the scent of the buudvuud and wander curiously.
The girl's mother cried out and began running there. She made no move to stop Oksana, for she had sensed no draw from her: nothing that could've caused her daughter's mishap, and she knew the word 'binder'. It was a major leap of faith on her part. When Oksana got there, it was unclear what had happened. The girl had fallen as if her foot had caught on something, and her hands had failed to shoot out and stop her fall. She had gone unconscious on impact with the ground due to head trauma.
Meanwhile, Johann breathed a sigh of relief. "Thank you, really," he replied, as the other two began to retreat. "And please don't be alarmed if you sense some energetic drawing. I will be attempting a medical procedure." He waited until they were gone and then he drew to his full capacity. Both of the yasoi grimaced, and Harlan dropped to his knees, trying not to heave. "Oh my Oraff! I'm so sorry," exclaimed Johann, and he hurried over to lay a hand each on the struggling brothers.
Harlan slumped. Achem froze in confusion. Johann leaned in and spoke quietly in Mycormish. "Tesh hyco teluu joi jex elaz, cip et thei sa. Nash'elar ya tox et senii. Luum thust'al etii luuch hyco luur duul ix lai ol joi wiip yim nash ezei'siilan joi wes sil pa Colas, joi thoil-yanii do-siilan: ela tuum tai, eloi tuum a yil, elei tuum nar, eloi tuum pen rey tiin, elo tuum spax. Ol joi stiip nash, nash dii roi'it pa tuur'yim juu yim et juu oap. Pelosh, nax suum juup'it ap nax'patash. Juup joi poiret nash?" he paused, starting to draw back. "Senii, joi etaar, luuca? Joi yim do'siilan duul pa, luuca?" He smiled and patted the man on the shoulder. "I'm sorry, but he'll be completely okay and... it's better if he's asleep for this part, luuca?"
A dozen emotions flashed across Achem's face. Then, he hung his head and began crying. "L... luuca," he sniffed, nodding slowly. Johann's face seemed to soften. "I know it isn't easy," he replied, "but thank you and, remember, I need everything or this won't work."
He squeezed Achem's shoulder and it all began to spill out: how he held no love for the governments of Mycormii and Oiyac, how the resistance operated like a gang among the refugees and had blacklisted his business because he refused to donate some of his profits to their cause, how he had turned to the Colas in desperation and how they had wored to counter the resistance. He hadn't wanted to do ill, he sobbed. He hadn't known how bad they'd be. He hadn't counted on word getting out and people pulling their business. They hadn't been able to pay. Four Colas: an enormous fat one named Daiyet, an angry young ginger one named Fantas, a pretty slinky woman with bright red hair named Cherii, and the ringleader: Pepsii, who was the smartest of the bunch: ruthless, cruel and - he'd sensed - conflicted on some level. They never gave away their exact base of operations, but it was in an area quite close to the warehouse that had been mentioned in the ransom note, Johann noted. They weren't ideological, Achem was pretty sure. They were only in it for the money, just like the Doridaxes had the reputation of being, though there were rumours that, recently, they'd been channeling funds towards the resistance. That was, the yasoi swore, all that he knew, on Shiin's holy name.
With that, Johann stepped back and breathed. He bowed his head gratefully. "Thank you so very much," he replied, "And I'm sorry for that mess. I believe that we understand each other better now, though." He strode over to the unconscious Harlan, reached out, and, with all of his expertise in Binding and Blood, began to wind the flesh together. He filled the young man with energy and Harlan rose in astonishment.
Dayanara required a tad more tugging - actual, physically tugging and not the gift. He could only manipulate them so much without assuming direct control, and potentially hurting the beasts. This whole job wasn't worth some of his best assets. With that, Abdel was gone from the premises for just a minute to tie the animals where they could be distracted by alluring scents.
On his return, scarce few words had slipped by the fences that separated properties. He had only bothered to sense whether hostilities continued, and by the looks of it the Kerreman fat guy had executed his plan. Abdel was impressed if not a tad curious as to what he had said. He also wondered why the more eloquent Mycormish had to wait until now. Or maybe the bit he caught was all that Johann could muster. Truthfully, after the headache this conundrum had become, he had no desire to doubt his associate. The job was done, with all the information spilling right before him as he arrived.
“Impressive.” a merrier Abdel gave a couple of ceremonious claps to Johann before flashing a smile and nodding at the two distressed men. “We appreciate the cooperation. Next time,” her pursed his lips and shook his head. “remember, we're here to help. We're just getting a grip on the refugee issue.” with that, he provided a friendly wave to the family before nodding Johann's way. “We've got our leads. Let's pay these Colas a visit before they haul somewhere else. I can imagine word spreading quickly here.”
After listening to what Johann mentioned, he agreed. They could have approached this with more care. Instead they decided to throw chaos into this matter. "Yes, we kinda made a mess of this." letting out a small sigh in frustration.
When Johann asked him to check up on Oksana, Niallus nodded "I'll get her, hopefully she hasn't got into too much trouble." once outside, he walked off into the direction where Oksana went.
Upon arriving. It seems a lot had happen, he didn't want to jump to conclusions. Standing next to the Girls mother, "We are about to go."he said to her politly. Then asked her, "What can you tell me aboutthe resistance?"
Once the mother had backed down, Oksana swiftly approached, her heart racing with concern. She carefully tended to the child, giving her a once-over before moving her into a more suitable position for a thorough inspection. There was a clear graze on the head, bleeding profusely from where she had hit it hard against a stone. With gentle hands, Oksana applied a cloth to the wound, then began using her binding magic to seal it. This was the easy part; the face tended to bleed a lot, but it was the risk of concussion that concerned her most. She began to reduce the swelling, little by little, taking her time to ensure the best outcome.
Anxiously, the mother watched as Oksana tended to her daughter. Did her rage cause this? Had she neglected her precious little girl? Her mind was flooded with thoughts and doubts. Suddenly, she sensed a presence behind her, and instinctively went to cover her ear, her fear palpable. Whirling around, she spotted Niallius approaching from the side of the house. Acting on instinct, she positioned herself between him and her daughter, a mix of protectiveness for her child and silent pleading in her eyes. Though his words were foreign to her, she understood the meaning of resistance. “Velluum! Yim joi ezei,” she responded, her voice trembling. “Ilac’se mitoip fo hax’olop vel. Temoip’hoam seno stiip. Dax’aspaa qeil’pol. Poiret?”
Meanwhile, Oksana finished her ministrations and breathed a sigh of relief. Turning her attention to Niallius and the mother, she noticed the woman looking intimidated. Furrowing her brow at Niallius, she silently questioned his actions. Gathering the sleeping child in her arms, Oksana approached the mother and gently presented the girl to her. “Girl sleep,” she gestured, pressing her hands together against the side of her head. Overwhelmed with emotion, the mother sobbed as she cradled her baby girl, covering her face in kisses and muttering softly in the yasoi language.
With a tug on Niallius's shoulder, Oksana led him away. “Don’t be bad,” she urged quietly, hoping to diffuse any tension that lingered in the air by leading him away.
In the event, neither Niallus nor Oksana understood much of anything that had been said, but they would soon enough be filled in by Johann and Abdel. The true nature of the resistance, this family's devil's bargain with the Cola Brothers, the thugs' names, and a rough location of their base of operations - close to the warehouse they'd been directed to in the first place, and some dirt on the Doridaxes: it all came out.
Eluumen scurried in through the back door, having managed a small, vaguely grateful nod in Oksana's direction and a fearful look in Niallus'. Lalo looked back with wide eyes and managed a shy little wave goodbye at the Vossoriyan.
"I'm sorry for my deception," Johann said, as they were walking away. He tried to take care to look mostly at Oksana so that she could read his lips even though he was primarily addressing Abdel. "I had doubts about the plan but you all seemed to gung-ho." He shrugged and grimaced. "I figured they weren't going to talk to us openly, so I wanted to hide the level of Mycormish I understood in the hopes they'd give something away in talking with each other." He nodded slowly as they turned a corner, leaving that area of the town. "Turns out that they did and it gave me an avenue in through empathizing and telling a couple of white lies."
It was not long before they were close to where they had started, the skuggvars now sniffing out the other group. "I do think that the resistance bears investigating," Johann added, "and this one-legged woman." He shook his head. "Reshta's name, they're everywhere, aren't they?"
After the events that happened with Oksana, Eluumen and her daughter. He somewhat understood Eluumen answer to his question. How they suffer the consequences if you don't pay enough, they hurt you. Proof was that severed finger. After this he was going to brush up on his Mycromish.
"It's fine Johann. You managed to salvage the chaos that we caused." giving him a pat on the back. "Maybe these Colas have some information that can help us when investigatingthe Resistance." Niallus added, "But I don't think it will be that easy, so it'll be best to focus on finding the Colas base first."