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Sohn’s search of his departed companions yielded concrete results; the half-elf had a small dagger and a copper piece, likely a loose piece of change he found on the ground at some point. The Halfling had three gem apples and a journal of some kind. While the knife was designed more for skinning animals than for combat, it could come in handy at some point. Depending on how long it took to be safe, the food could be helpful as well. Whatever insights could be gleamed from Magolor’s journal would have to wait though, as the notes were written in some kind of Halfling language. Except for the clothes on their backs, Sohn would find nothing else of value with his formerly living companions.

As he finished his search, the shepherd heard a loud THUNK from above. Looking upward revealed nothing but the ceiling and chandelier, so this was likely caused by something on the second floor.
The dog and shepherd’s instincts were right on the money, in this case. The seamless cooperation born of labor on the fields allowed the pair to assault the demonic creature quite successfully, try as it might to free itself. And it did try, but all it did was able to do was lightly scratch Fortuna before the imp disappeared in a cloud of purple dust.

Now the pair would have to decide just what to do from here. Their companions were all dead and they were seemingly no closer to finding Claribel or anything else worth their time in this building. How would they continue their search of the abandoned mansion?
Magolor nodded at Sohn and proceeded towards the left door. He pushed it open, looked around, and then fell backwards towards the dining room. The cause of this was a thick kitchen knife whose sharp end had connected with the small man’s neck moments before. He laid on the floor, holding his neck to prevent more blood loss, but deep down the merchant knew his end was coming.

Eliel had been in his sad state over the loss of his father figure, but the strike on Magolor had shocked him out of those emotions. “Magolor!” he exclaimed and ran towards the Halfling with his trademark speed. The half-elf kneeled to try and do what he could for the merchant, but before he could do anything a small furry purple imp lunged at the half-elf and slashed his neck with its claws. Despite the creature being the size of a one year old baby, this imp’s claws were sharp and deadly. After Eliel fell to this being, the demonic creature turned to look at Sohn next. Seeing a new victim, an evil grin appeared on its face.
After an understandable grieving period from Eliel and a less understandable period of insanity from Magolor, the latter found the former solider girl’s blood where she had been. Without any real proof it had been hers though, the team of three cautiously headed towards the room with the light to see what they could find. Fortunately, there were no traps to speak of around the pit.

When they arrived, everyone saw what was in this room; a formal dining room, complete with a set of sturdy-looking wooden chairs and a table. The centerpiece of the room was a grand portrait of an important-looking man. Evaluating the amount of detail and color that went into it, it was easy to assume it was probably Charles Cornwall himself. Based on the artist’s representation of the man, the nobleman had a commanding presence and commanded respect. The light that had been seen was actually from one candle on a diminished, yet still ornate chandelier. While the detailed metalwork of the fixture still alluded to the former grandeur of the piece, there were holes that looked to have contained gems sometime in the past. Upon evaluation, the team would find that the candle had no drippings or other signs of wear; this piece of wax was only lit recently. There was also a grand wooden cabinet that was a little shorter than Sohn, made of the same wooden material as the table and chairs, with three drawers of equal size.

Besides the direction they came from, there were three other passageways the group could use. To the right was a door that was mostly closed; it had been left slightly open by whoever used it last. The left door was a double-acting door. Interestingly, there was a big scar on the wooden material, as if it had been cut somehow. The middle led to some kind of big room. What was inside this room couldn’t be seen without some investigation, but the size could be vaguely seen through the lighting created by the oil lamp and the candle.
Sohn was the first to spring into action when Vander started his descent. Unfortunately, the oldest member of their team was not able to grab the staff in time. Instead, the team heard Vander scream, loudly and distressingly. After about 10 seconds, it suddenly stopped. Anyone who would look down the hole after the noise ceased would see some kind of acidic substance at the bottom; the man was completely dead and dissolved. Eliel’s suggestion of “find a way to get Vander out of the hole” would not be happening.

On a slightly brighter note (both figuratively and literally), the oil lamp was still intact. It was a little scuffed from the drop, but this wasn’t anything that impaired its functionality. And for whatever it was worth, Magolor had been able to spare the carpet from the acid’s wrath without sliding into it himself.

Once the realization that Vander wouldn’t be coming back hit everyone, another shocking development was noted; Sunne had completely disappeared, almost as if she had never been there in the first place. The only hint that she had been there were a few drops of blood on the floor, still liquid rather than hardened like it becomes over time.

The group of three would now have to decide where to go from here. They could still go towards the light in front by walking around the pit, they could go through the door on the left, or they could walk up the staircase on the right. However, if anyone tried to exit through the front door, they would find that it is impossibly locked. There would be no leaving the abandoned mansion without finding out what it was that had caused the disappearances of their two teammates and those who had entered the building before them.
Within the lobby of the Cornwall Mansion, it was a mostly quiet scene. The two distinct noises that were present, not counting the group’s conversation, were Eliel’s eating and Sohn tapping the white marble floor. The former’s candy apple was indeed delicious, while the latter’s tappings revealed nothing out of the ordinary. The marble felt solid as marble normally does. The shepherd’s call to Claribel did not reveal anything either. As appealing as it would have been to gain an easy resolution here, there was no response from the nine year old girl.

However, with his elven hearing, Eliel was able to notice something everyone else had missed; something scurrying in the background Perhaps it was a mouse, or perhaps it was something much more malicious, but whatever it was the half-elf didn’t have much time to think about it.

Vander had decided to walk forward towards the light past the arch, feeling that there was no danger in walking there despite Sohn’s more cautious attitude. With his third step on the red carpet, he felt something on the floor. Then everyone saw what had happened; the ground beneath the rug collapsed and the oldest man in the party of five started his descent down a dark pit! The moments that followed would determine if the team becomes separated a few minutes into their quest or if they are able to stick together.

What would they do?
@Rp4life @EvictedElement @Myling @Carmen Sandiego @Kelewen the first post is up! I hope you all enjoy it.
The small town of Grainville was typically a quiet place, seemingly far removed from the epic warfare and magic of the rest of the world. People were friendly to one another and there was no crime to speak of. That is, until recently. It started a few months ago when a dog ran away from its owners near the old abandoned mansion; it went inside the building, but never left. Then the mayor's nine year old daughter disappeared. She had been dared to go in by a friend and nobody has seen her since. Distraught at the thought of never seeing his child again, the mayor ordered the city guardsman to rescue her; he, too, has vanished.

In response to this, the mayor has called an emergency meeting to discuss what to do about the disappearances. Someone in the audience proposed that a search party be made of trusted citizens to discover what has happened and hopefully recover the town's missing citizens. The mayor agreed to the plan and asks for volunteers: Five brave people decided to help their town. A ragtag group of people, the government official thought, but these were all good people who cared about Grainville. They could help solve this crisis. After thanking everyone for stepping up, the mayor finishes the meeting and gathered the volunteers in a separate room. He then asks everyone: are you ready to search the abandoned mansion?

Thinking a crowd could create potential vulnerable targets for whatever was causing the disappearances, the mayor decided to guide the small group past the front door to the lobby of the complex by himself in the evening hours. The old Cornwall Mansion was, in the past, a place of luxury and splendor. Built by the nobleman Charles Cornwall as a vacation house, this huge estate with multiple rooms and a grand outdoor garden was the epitome of class. Years of neglect, however, have turned it into a stately shadow of its former self. Even before the current crisis, this place had been overcome by weeds and decay. Despite this, the lobby had remnants of its former grandeur; beneath the grunge, the flooring made of white marble tile looked secure, and the walls were painted a now-faded gold color. The room itself was in the shape of an upside-down U from where the front door was, with a wooden door on the immediate left and a grand staircase to the right leading to the second floor. In front (the curved part of the “U”), there was an open archway. Some sort of faded light could be seen in the distance, but otherwise nothing was visible from the group’s position by the front door. In the middle of the “U,” there was a worn but still presentable red carpet.

“Once again, thank you for your help,” the mayor said, giving a lit oil lamp to the shepherd, “and best of luck to you.” The government official bowed slightly, then took his leave.

The group had hardly said a word to each other before the mayor’s departure; the kindly man in his late forties had provided most of the guidance until now and he didn’t provide any sort of strategy for the task ahead of them. What would the group of five do now?
@Rp4life I sent another PM, let me know if that link works.
@Jumbus no problem, thanks for letting me know.
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