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Hi, I don't usually post in RPs I'm not in, but I read through yours and wanted to say I enjoyed it! Not sure how I started that since I don't even know much about Firefly in the first place, but all the same, I'll follow this to see what happens. That's all I wanted to say, really, so I wish everyone here all the best!
Can you guys do me a solid and not post IC for the next 3hrs? It's 6am here, and I need to get the ol' coffee to get my creative juices flowing as well as my ADHD. Seem to write like a demon when I got coffee in my body. Anyhow SLOW TF DOWN. lol jk but pls wait a bit.

You know, most people complain when people post slowly, not the other way around :P
I vote for two as well - it seems like the most practical option. Even in a straight-up fight, more endurance can be useful.
"Get your arse up! Don't make any sudden moves."

"Well, this is going well," Adam thought. He considered running away from the "arse" guard; the idea of getting stabbed wasn't appealing at all, but maybe that would wake him up, and that definitely was appealing. However, something in Adam's head told him that this still felt all too real, and that thought guided his decision.

"Yes sir" the man responded, still feeling alarmed at the whole situation but grateful that he was able to think somewhat clearly about it all.

"Move!" the guard yelled, pointing at the group of newcomers with one hand while keeping his weapon aimed at Adam with the other. The man obeyed the instruction, reflecting that this authority figure was nothing like the cops back home. This, and curiosity, inspired a slight bit of defiance from Adam; glancing to make sure the "arse" wasn't watching the right area, he moved one of his hands as if he was lifting something up. And as was planned, the sunflowers that were lying against the house stood back up. The man smiled a bit; that felt like the right way to do things, it gave him more insight into whatever was going on here, and it went against whatever authority was in charge here.

As Adam moved towards the rest of the group, he heard a woman speak:

"I don't know what you want to arrest us for, sir. I, and I assume the others too, just woke up here. I don't know how I got here."

She made sense, unlike the guard, so he decided to place himself near her, offering a smile and nod if she looked his way. This lady also had a longbow for some reason, he noticed; this really did feel like the middle ages. Adam hoped either everything would make sense soon or he'd wake up from this dream soon - whatever this was, this was new territory for the man.
<Snipped quote by Zapdos>

fastest in the west partner

The funny thing is I wrote all of that on my phone; I guess I'm really quick there or something!

(Typing on a keyboard is much easier for me.)
The things Adam remembered as he gained consciousness was the pain of getting hit by a snowmobile and sound of said vehicle as it seemed to instantaneously approach him. Not fun. Now he felt like he was slowly being hit with water, as if really slow hoses were running in several different directions all around him. If this is what death was like, it was a strange experience.

Then the coffin lid flipped open, and the man felt water rise up to his waist. Apparently he was in a river…that was right next to a small town…that was filled with people who looked like they came straight out of the Middle Ages. He took a second to examine himself as well; at least his clothing and equipment, even if it had that older style, were things he'd normally use…except for the orb. It was beautiful, containing a rainbow-colored leaf inside. The item explained nothing about what was going on though, but on the plus side it was a small comfort when he heard someone else ask about it:

"Hey you two wouldn't happen to know what the hells going on would you? Cause I have no clue where I am right now."

"You and me both," Adam thought. The question had not been directed at him though, so he didn't respond. That would've been rude. Instead, the man slowly got out of the coffin and walked toward where everyone else who had done the same was gathering. He sat on a wooden bench near a pot of sunflowers, intending to think about what was going on and how likely it was this was some kind of a dream.

"Definitely a dream…" he thought again, raising his right hand to scratch his back…until he noticed that the flowers had risen up with it.

"Bwah!" he exclaimed, jumping up out of shock as he threw the hand forward without conscious thought. And as if he had thrown it himself, the sunflowers and pot thrusted forward, the container breaking with an audible crack as it struck a nearby house.

Adam started breathing rapidly and heavily, his face looking as scared as he felt. This had to be a dream, so why did everything feel so real? The man really hoped he'd wake up soon!
You guys are fast with your posts lol, I'll do my best to keep up

Edit: I posted! I hope you all enjoy it.
I'm at work, so I won't be able to post right away, but I'll start writing as soon as I can. If nobody else minds, I think I'll have Adam be in the stone coffin in the river.
@Indrajita I like your CS as well, if that helps at all.
@xenon my CS is below, let me know what you think! I haven't played Dungeons and Dragons and not many RPGs, so my inspiration for his abilities came more from Warcraft 3 than anywhere else.

Name: Adam Phillips
Age: 18
Country on Earth: Michigan, United States
Appearance: Adam has short brown hair and is about six feet tall. He's also fairly muscular, weighing in at 190 pounds, but you wouldn't know that by looking at him though. The clothing he wears tends to be practical gear for whatever activity he's doing; a thick jacket in preparation for colder weather, for instance. Really, he would be indistinguishable from most if it weren't for his red eyes, with the unusual color being something many people have commented on before Adam went to this new world.
Personality: Adam is a calm, level-headed sort of person, preferring to take the time to think about a problem before acting. He isn't particularly talkative but is loyal to those he cares about.
Brief Backstory: Adam had a fairly typical life, growing up in a middle class family with loving parents and a little brother. Growing up by Traverse City, Michigan he was surrounded by nature. Activities like hiking, skiing, fishing and four wheeling were regular occurrences. This instilled a deep respect for nature in Adam, causing him to want to be a park ranger after graduating from high school. Tragically, before he could apply, he got hit by a drunk snowmobiler and died.
Adventurer Class: Druid
Starting Common Gear: Fishing pole and assorted equipment (e.g. lures, bait etc.), a knife (meant more for preparing meals, but can be used in combat in a pinch), high-quality boots, jacket, and other clothing designed for rigorous outdoor use.
Special item: A translucent orb the size of a standard bouncy ball with an amazing looking rainbow-colored leaf inside. Adam has no idea what it's for.
Notable skills or abilities: Plant manipulation (e.g. creating vines to attack enemies), healing (not nearly on the level of an expert healer, but it helps), camping skills (making a fire, gutting a fish, etc.), an instinctual sense if something is wrong with nature (e.g. corruption of the land or something)
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