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@Darkmoon Angel sure! I'm thinking the PCs would be humanoid or human-sized creatures e.g. humans, dwarves, elves etc. for the sake of power balance. I'm open to different fantasy races if it isn't OP though e.g. a giant would be really boring because of how powerful it would be.

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@Thinslayer my apologies if I made you feel bad, I just try to do my best to be a good GM, and that will occasionally mean saying no to things. Best of luck to you as well, I hope your future RPs are fun
@Thinslayer @Darkmoon Angel is partially right, I haven't made the OOC thread yet and I have so far deliberately leaving a lot of the world details vague so that it can be built upon in the story. It just felt like a lot of information that didn't leave me or the other players much room for flexibility or adding their own details. I will say that identifying the beast as something beyond what I intended was fairly egregious though, the GM has to control things to a certain extent (even if I do want this to be collaborative; finding the right balance is tricky).

Also, as I said, I wanted to avoid the situation where someone wants to play a character so badly they try to work it into the setting to the point where it isn't fun for them anymore. I've had it happen so I try to avoid that sort of thing to have a good experience for everyone.

So yes, I'm not mad, that's just my perspective.
@Thinslayer no problem, I've seen people who desperately want to write a character and try to force it to fit in a setting where it just doesn't work, and honestly it's no fun for anyone. I'll do my best to get the OOC out in a timely fashion, but my impression of the character is that it'd need to be changed so much to work here it wouldn't be the same one.
@Thinslayer that is a lot of material, so I apologize if I missed any crucial details, but the character seems OP for the setting. Also, the background materials, while impressive seem to be directing the RP in a certain direction and I'd rather have more flexibility for the setting. Overall, the character just doesn't seem to be a good fit, so I recommend waiting for the OOC thread, as it may help with your brainstorming.

@Crimson Flame @CherryCrush @Darkmoon Angel (mentioning everyone so nobody is left out) I'm working on a OOC thread. I'm not sure if I should play as a cleric or just let you all handle the battles yourselves, but aside from that I'm making good progress on the thread!

I'm glad to see everyone's interest in this idea! I'll get to work on a more detailed OOC thread later. This should be fun!
Adam did his best to focus on the information Vadim was providing; it seemed like there was a lot going on here and the Druid did not want to be unprepared. This Adventurer's Guild in particular sounded like it could provide a good deal of information for everyone. Even so, the man could not help looking at the other crystal bearers, wanting to know how they were processing everything. Was he the only one who felt the pain of loss so heavily? It seemed not; MacKensie looked like she was hurting as well, despite doing what he felt was a better job at staying brave in these times than he was. Even so, Adam was wondering what he could do to help her when he saw an object in his peripheral vision. It was in the sky, zooming towards the ground. It couldn't be another coffin, could it?

The aftermath of the object's crash into the ground revealed that yes, it was a coffin, which meant another new member for their growing group. This new woman's request for help was answered by James, who helped her out and asked if anyone had water. Adam thought about his gear and apparel in response; it was all very practical, designed for outdoor use. Maybe among it, he would find…?

Yes, it was there! A medieval-looking canteen was among his possessions, and it was certainly useful now. "Excuse me one moment," Adam said to no one in particular as he ran to the river. Kind of tiring, considering the attack from earlier, but he wanted to be able to help this new person. Filling the device with water, the Druid ran towards the coffin and the new woman who had emerged from it. With a smile, he held up the canteen. "I have some water, if you'd like. I'm Adam, it's nice to meet you." The man agreed with MacKensie; it was at least a little confusing right now and he wanted to reassure her as well, but he also didn't want to overwhelm what looked to be some kind of wizard by saying too much at once. But he did notice a staff on the ground that he hadn't seen with the others, and Adam wasn't going to let this lady lose it while everything else went on. Therefore, he picked it up with his other hand and held it out to her. "Oh, and is this yours?"
@Zapdos did Makenzie not pay attention to the fact just seemed so nonchalant about everything?

I thought MacKensie reacted in character for the situation. Or are you asking about her reaction to something else?

In any case, she isn't my character, so I can't speak for @Zool, I can only provide my own opinion
More good posts, they were fun to read! I already have an idea for a post, but I'm not sure when I'll write it.
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