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@Teyao that sounds rough, sorry you're going through that.
Sorry for the delays, heat broke our electrical transformer, been without since a couple hours ago

I hope you get power back soon!

You are due a string of good fortune, @Teyao, if there's any justice in this world.

True! Hint hint @xenon nudge your dice rolls accordingly lol
@Zool no kidding!

I figured the best route was to have Adam's reaction mostly internalized, so that everyone else can have a chance to write out their reactions without too much influence from me.
James had communicated the important part; he had intelligence that could change the course of this siege. Even if they did nothing else as a team (and that was incredibly unlikely), this would be something of great value. And it seemed that the officials in the meeting were taking Second Chance seriously, offering some sort of “alarm receiver” for each of them. Adam grabbed one, placing it in his bag for future use. Neither of these things, however, meant as much to the Druid personally as Barracker vouching for the group. The red-eyed man smiled at the vampire, nodding once as a silent way of thanking him for his words.

Much less certain than those feelings was a mystery brought up by a request; one to borrow any equipment Second Chance had shown up with. Adam at first thought he didn't have any, but then he remembered it. A certain orb, one that contained a rainbow-colored leaf inside. Yeah, figuring out what that did was probably important. Taking a moment, the Druid could not think of anyone else on the team who didn't know how their equipment functioned. So with that in mind, he left the mystery item with the officials from Valheim.


And one mystery appeared soon after the other was left behind; MacKensie had been barred from the Guildhouse? Adam was incredibly confused. Sure, Zell being banned made sense. He was the one who almost fell off the tree-bridge because he decided to walk to the edge of it. The ever-proper Ranger, though? No explanation, or even anything remotely close to one, appeared in the Druid's mind. There was only one way to solve this.

“If you don't mind me asking, how did you get banned?” Adam's question was delivered quietly, with the skepticism in his mind apparent on his face. And he would listen to MacKensie's answer, taking all the time that was needed in spite of his curiosity about the source mail message. He knew she was as curious (if not more so) than he was though, so the Druid would not linger on the subject.


The reward for Second Chance's mission was welcome, but not the focus of Adam's attention right now. It was the much-anticipated message, the one that caused the team to fight a Wraith in the first place, that the Druid was looking forward to. 

A million questions seemed to flood into Adam's mind, all at once. At least one of them would require talking to MacKensie about. Though in the end, the primary emotion he felt was disappointment. New information, sure, but not the kind the red-eyed man had been hoping for. Like his brother might say, the group had been “haxored.” And the promise of a return home from the Rightful Empress? Highly suspect at best, and most likely a trap to kill them. If she had benevolent intentions, why not send her own message via source mail instead of hijacking the one of this other Emperor? And why send Zigmund in the first place? Even if it was necessary, instead of attacking with a water blade, he could have just given the group a letter and safe passage. 

Absent-mindedly, Adam found himself holding onto the wand he planned on giving Lillianna. Wherever she was now, the mage was still part of Second Chance, and she knew of the danger facing the team - and where it came from. Trust forged from conversation on a rooftop and literal self-sacrifice in the Mazy Hillocks informed the Druid's decision. He would not go east, he would stay in Valheim and defend it from whatever forces the Witch Queen sent after the city.

However, he said none of this.

Adam knew the feeling of having hope pulled away. The momentary hope that yes, we can go home yanked away and replaced with the reality that no, this is just a trick. And the Druid knew that whatever the Ranger was feeling, it had to be more intense than what he was going through. The way she spoke of her family reminded him of his. Even if a fancy life in Paris was far and away different from growing up in rural Michigan, the fondness was the same. Therefore, he asked her another question, this time not out of confusion, but a desire to be there for someone he cared about.

“That message…it was really something, wasn't it?”

And, if necessary, break the news to her gently.
<Snipped quote by Zapdos>

Then you also deserve a cookie

I will also be ordering cinnamon bread and cheesy bread later, should go well with the cookie
I did see those @Teyao it's a nice effect. The different ways you experiment with the text based on what happens to James (disguises, memory spell, etc.) is pretty cool.
Before he walked into the hospital, Adam had noticed something in the corner of his eye; Zell and Barracker surrounding a certain gnome. Though Adam had not cared enough about Xavier to call him out on his stupidity, he felt a sense of gratitude that others did. And that MacKensie would take the time to check on him, even though it wasn't really necessary. 

Second Chance was a good team, and the Druid was glad to be a part of it.


So many important-looking officials. That an adventuring party that had been on two official missions was among this group seemed like an odd concept to Second Chance's Druid. Adam was aware that the team was capable of great things, sure, and they definitely had intelligence to share related to James’ memory spell. But was the massive audience needed for that? In the end, the red-eyed man supposed it didn't matter either way; Valheim was in danger and he knew everyone in the group would do what they could to protect it.

Adam let James share the tale of everyone's arrival to Mytheria, figuring he would explain it well. Though when Clarissa asked about the cube again, the Druid had to arch an eyebrow. Did they not do anything with it yet? The fisherman was skeptical of this lady who, in his limited experience with her, had mainly been asked odd and rude questions before being cursory thanked and shooed away. At least Gilligan was knowledgeable behind that grumpy exterior.

Still, he was the one who got the cube to begin with, so Adam felt it was best he explain what had happened, doing so with an even tone. No hint of bragging, just the facts. “After we fell out of the sky, skeletons and ogres invaded Hommas, probably on the Witch Queen's orders. I ended up fighting some of the former. Most of them seemed like mindless drones in hindsight, but one was different. It was larger, in half-plate spiked armor, and seemed like it could command the others. When I killed it, the cube appeared, having been inside it before. Then purple light shone out from it, and when the skeletons saw this, they ran away. The ogres were still there, well, until they were killed. Then we took it to Valheim via the Mazy Hillocks, where a water ninja named Zigmund tried killing us for it. Thankfully, he died instead, but that wasn't until more recently. I suppose that's all.”

Finished with that retelling, Adam deferred to anyone else who wanted to add anything to that. Strange how such an intense set of days could be condensed into a few words like that. 
I'll be pushing the main cast to an emergency meeting at the Citadel, then after a round of posting, a final trip to the Adventurer's Guild to get the Source Comm message.

I look forward to MacKensie learning that she was banned from the Guild building, should be fun to read

Wow, what a night.

Sneaking into Valheim proved to be more frustrating than anticipated. Not that Adam expected it to be easy to cross a militarized border; he just didn't think that there would be so many close calls. It was fortunate that Second Chance had entered Valheim already, since the memory of that peaceful crossing had helped the Druid create convincing enough plant life to fool the enemies into thinking they weren't there. Maybe James could have healed Fenna's arm and made everything easier, but there had to be a reason he didn't. Adam trusted his judgment. 

Besides, the team was guided to the hospital now, escorted by another team.

That, in of itself, was frustrating for a different reason - Xavier Johnson, self-proclaimed gnome genius Druid of Silver Arrow and bearer of a curly mustache. He had spent an inordinate amount of time talking to the 18-year old about himself, and once he learned the red-eyed man was also a Druid, the short being fired off a series of questions as if to compare the two of them. He only finished once the fisherman briefly mentioned a friend of his…only to go on about that instead with a tone of obvious skepticism and derision.

“...and so, red-eyes, it is impossible that someone as skilled as Glee John Artorius would ever associate with Bronze Tier trash like yourself. Frankly, I don't see why Lucy cares about Second Chance at all, but we must all do what we must.” Twirling his facial hair with a look of smug superiority, Xavier grinned as he concluded his tirade against the newer Druid.

For his part, all Adam did was roll his eyes and walk away from the arrogant caster as the hospital approached. Red-eyes. Funny, he had been called that once, but it was by Eric and he was doing a silly, exaggerated Brooklyn accent at the time. When the younger brother explained that it was a reference to something called “Yugioh,” the older brother just took his word for it and forgot about it until now. 

Strange how memories can pop up, and stranger still how a simple thing like eye color could be regarded with such suspicion in this world. Annoying, though in the scheme of things less so than things like water ninjas and ogres that want to kill you. With that in mind, Adam went inside the hospital, grateful to be getting healing for his injuries.

And on the way to the Citadel, the Druid started up a conversation with Fenna, grateful to be away from the gnome.

“Thank you for getting that message to Lucy, and for, well, everything you've done for the team so far. How's your arm?”
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