Avatar of Zoie Hart


Recent Statuses

5 days ago
Current I’m not here to hand you everything on a silver platter. Do it yourself and learn. Show me that then I’ll help you. I hate lazy people.
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7 days ago
8 years…and HOA is just *now* concerned about my yard. If they were so concerned they could get off their retired butts and help someone whose paying their retirement fund.
8 days ago
When life gives you lemons, find someone whose life has given them vodka…and have a party.
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10 days ago
Do you know why tomato soup goes well with grilled cheese? It’s because it’s a deconstructive cheese pizza. Change my mind.
11 days ago
I don’t know what I’m doing. I need an adult. (I’m the adult) I need an adultier adult.
1 like


Hi I'm Zoie

I've been at this RP thing for 15+ years. I've seen a lot of stories and wrote them too. I write as an escape so I try to make this light and fun as possible. I don't have to have anything complicated but I love a good story. The only genre I will not do is horror. I don't enjoy it in real life, I don't want to write it.

My main characters are mostly female and I typically like to write MxF. Just something I am comfortable with. I hope you understand. I typically do casual to advance (2-5 paragraphs), though quality over quantity works for me.

Here are some themes I enjoy:
Slice of life
Post Apoc

Drop me a PM if you wish to talk out a story. :)

Most Recent Posts

@DemonMiyu Apologies. I am full at the moment.

@Sakurax Apologies, I am full at the moment.

Thank you both for your interest. :)
Hello Everyone!

I'm new to this site and I've finally found some time to write up an interest check. My name is Riley and I'm definitely please to meet you. I'm not new to roleplaying and have been doing this for quite some time.

Some Nitty Gritty things...(everyone has them and I'm not sorry if anything I am about to say offends you. If it does, we more then likely won't be roleplaying together. We all have our limits.Please respect mine. )

1. I'm actually pretty friendly so don't be afraid to ask me anything or get to know me. :)

2. I typically do 2 and above paragraphs. The above part depends on what my partner gives me and inspiration from the plot. I ask that one liners will not be acceptable.

3. I usually double maybe triple main characters. I think it makes the story more dynamic. You don't have too if your not comfortable with that.

4. I prefer PM. Not going to change my mind on this. My RPs intend to have adult themes and I prefer to roleplay them out without fading to black.

5. With #4 in mind, please be 18+.

6. Grammer/Spelling. Yea so we all have issues with this, we are only humans of course, we make mistakes. As long as the writing is readable and I don't notice, we are golden.

7. Character Sheets. I tend to stay basic with these and prefer you create one as well for the story. Typically just name, appearance, age, sex, small bio. See nothing to fancy. (on appearance, I do prefer real pictures to anime/cartoon.)

8. I am female. I play female roles. I don't go the other way. Don't ask me too. All role-plays are MxF.

Awesome! Still with me? Great! Now for the fun part.

*Side note* I tend to say a lot of fandoms but in reality I like the setting part. Meaning, the technology, magic, realistic, fantasy, is just like what they use in the fandom, unless we state otherwise.

Harry Potter
Percy Jackson
Doctor Who
Warehouse 13
Walking Dead
Star Trek
Star Wars
Battlestar Galatica

Post Apoc

I am sure I will add others later but I thought this was good for now. Hope to hear from you!
Hello everyone!

I'm new to the guild but not to roleplaying. I have been checking out this site for some time and decided to give it a go. Look forward to RP with many of you!
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