AppearanceShaun appears to be of an average height, standing at about 5’10 and seems to possess a rather stocky build, being fair-skinned in complexion. With short, shaggy brown hair, light brown eyes, a rather friendly looking face and a clean-shaven jawline, he’d be considered almost handsome if it weren’t for the fact he was a little overweight - a consequence of his own personal habits, otherwise he doesn’t seem to be scruffy or unkempt. However, he seems to lack any interest when it comes to fashion, dressing for comfort or practical purposes rather than to impress and he’ll often be seen wearing a pair of trainers (which are admittedly starting to wear), jeans and any t-shirt that he likes (white, blue or black seem to be his most common styles).
Full NameShaun Paul Phillips
CharacteristicsShaun is quite talkative and open yet seems to lack a few social graces; subtlety has never been much of a strong point for him and likewise he comes across as lacking social inhibitions, missing out on cues that would seem basic to others, a hint that he suffers from Aspergers Syndrome or something of the kind. Find a topic that interests him and he’ll have an engaging conversation about it for well over an hour, which can lead to him becoming quite easily distracted by other things. Likewise, if he finds something to be rather unimportant or uninteresting in the scheme of things it can be quite difficult to engage him.
When he has an opinion on something, his views can be quite strong to the point of refusing to allow anyone else to deter him and he can be quite head-strong when approaching problems, even fiery-tempered (which has led to his current predicament) and can find it difficult to let slights against him or his friends lie. Also reflective of his somewhat anti-social tendencies, he bears a rather dark or otherwise obscure sense of humour that others might not immediately understand or find amusing, and this combined with his other tendencies can make him difficult to like. Well, for a while.
Despite all this, Shaun has his saving graces. As difficult as it might be to believe, Shaun seldom acts without having good intentions in mind and when it comes to friendship, he’s fiercely loyal to those he trusts and will seldom respond kindly to any attempts to cause them trouble. He can also be quite intelligent and intuitive when given the opportunity and is particularly interested in the field of IT, wanting to go down such a career path, which can be quite helpful when the opportunity comes.
His relationship with his family is, for the most part, steady. Closest to his mother, he finds himself frequently at odds with his step-father (though the recent years have seen it de-escalate to making occasional jabs at each other for one reason or another). Meanwhile he has a stable relationship with his father yet the two have a tendency to clash on account of both Shaun and Paul (his father) having similar personalities and tendencies and, as a consequence, a knack for being head-strong and strongly opinionated. Despite this, the two are fairly close as any father and son would be and are on good terms.
In terms of hobbies, Shaun spends a good chunk of his spare time playing video games yet also finds interest in topics such as a select few TV series (Walking Dead, Breaking Bad, Game of Thrones anyone?) and space exploration.
Goals and aspirationsShaun’s long-term goals are, at best, hazy. Whilst he wishes to find a career in the field of IT (preferably as a technician, as he says) he finds himself unsure on how to get on track properly and seems to be on an unsteady course at best due to his tendency to get distracted and thrown off-track easily. Short-term, he just wants to find some social connection and enjoy his life.
CVShaun’s school education went well for the most part, if not excellently; he passed school with fairly average GCSEs (having never had any real talent for exams) and took on a college course for IT. Again his grades were fairly average, though he displayed a degree of talent when it came to practical applications. Having finished his course, Shaun remains unemployed and without any education, uncertain of what to do next.
CrimeCriminal damage. Contrary to popular belief, keying your neighbour’s car and kicking dents into the door panels is not a smart retaliatory move, identity concealed or no, when an unmarked police car is making rounds past your road. Shaun learned this the hard way.
BackgroundShaun’s parents split before he finished his second year of primary school, leading to him becoming rather close to his mother as it was her who he lived with for the most part (save for fortnightly visits to his father). His early years were, otherwise, uneventful - he had friends and bragged about things like any other child did, yet as he grew older he felt himself becoming more and more detached from others his age, his lack of social inhibitions becoming more apparent as he found himself in a smaller circle of friends.
He was eventually diagnosed with Asperger’s Syndrome and, by this point, had more fingers on one hand than he could name friends - if that. In most of the schools he attended, he was something of an outcast - a misfit, if you would - and it was in secondary where he felt most out of place. In fact, were it not for the kindness of several fellow ‘social outcasts’ in his school, he would’ve remained friendless. Instead, he found his own little social circle of belonging. Sure, it took time for his friends to take a shining to the strong-willed and oft-times annoying Shaun, yet all the same they came to treat him as any other friend and for a while he was happy.
Yet all good things come to an end. Secondary school ended and as a result, everyone wound up going their own separate ways; some stayed on for sixth form, others for work and Shaun for college. They all kept in touch and met up when possible, yet Shaun was faced with the frightening awareness that he and his friends were growing up and might not always be able to stay in touch.
If that wasn’t bad enough, college wound up passing by much faster than expected and Shaun found himself also faced with an uncertainty in regards to his future and what he should do. Topping it off, he wound up getting himself into trouble after a dispute with his father’s neighbour (who was never well-liked and had caused some damage to the old man’s car) led to him going off on a knee-jerk reaction that earned his community sentence.
PowerUntouchable. As he’s been described before, Shaun is now quite literally an immovable object; any unwilling application of physical force against him merely results in said force passing through him to no effect - as if he’s become immaterial. Likewise, Shaun can pass through matter if he so wills it - allowing him to walk through obstacles if need be. Obviously, this power would be quite difficult to control at first - perhaps even having negative consequences if not kept under wraps, but it suits his personality well.
Skills & AbilitiesAs mentioned previously, Shaun can be quite innovative and intuitive when push comes to shove and can be quite helpful with the many facts he’s memorised over the years. In addition to this, he’s quite adept when it comes to working with technology - computers chiefly among them - and can display a willing to (bluntly) take charge if he feels no-one else will. Also, despite his appearance, he can be a fair bit imposing when he wants to - using his weight to his advantage in a physical confrontation if need be.