Posted the draft of one of my characters, today was my day off and I used most of it to work on a villain actually, decided to switch a couple of hours ago and try and actually write out the White Tiger idea I had since I had first started this venture.
Anyway this villain is dope asf I might have to steal his Nen ability tbsr damn
@Aeolian Tag appreciation, appreciation. <3 And well, I'd decide on which you'd like to participate in first. But I will look over any characters posted!
that is true. I was also thinking something similar to a Nen Beast where my character summons a creature-type thing that fights for him.
You can always just borrow the kite style of conjuring and summon weapons and such for your character to use.
lol @ both of these, I need to get my characters up faster. I assume abilities like these would likely be common amongst certain types of individuals though, so feel free to still use these. In fact, please do. It is something I always thought would be interesting, I always wondered why there weren't abilities that were compared to each other, that differed in terms of conditions and ability set. Truly Nen is a very versatile and thought-provoking ability. I personally believe I would try my absolute best to hold off for possibly multiple years in order to develop something that is worthy of keeping lifelong. It would be a frustrating process. How you structure your abilities directly leads to how situationally useful they will be. You need something versatile, but if it's too versatile in a way directly changing its usage it loses power. Is the trade-off worth it? What if you find yourself in a situation your Hatsu doesn't prepare you for? Are your other skills enough to make up for that? It's a lot to think about, but again if you overthink too much you'll end up backing yourself into a corner, again.
Such a fantastic power system, truly a masterpiece, and something I love as a worldbuilder.
Forgive my rants, but also, while an angel may not be considered a "beast" by terms of traditional sake, I believe it would fall under the term in the way of Nen ability. While Goreinu's Gorillas would be considered Nen beasts, I believe that Razor's 14 Devils, as well as Bisky's massage ladt would be considered Nen beasts as well. It's roughly more of a loose term, as I would understand.
@vancexentan Either one, I'm just trying to harvest from your brains. Would like to see what the group will be working with.
@Duthguy Excellent, lovely! I'm sure you will do just fine, I'm trying to keep everything real simple so there are no issues.
@Renny I've got a floor master there! Three count on some kind of affiliation with the Arena, it's like some meeting ground for strong individuals, or something. Whaddya know? Provoke is lovely though, let me know when to look him over again.
@Duthguy Good stuff, excited to see how the kid grows, accepted! Feel free to move him over to the characters page. Also, I'd hate to see you drop out but if at any time you feel like you'd prefer to remember you can. Though if you feel up to challenging yourself we'd love to have you.
Notable Physical Attributes- King is naturally gifted with a deep reserve of Nen, and an incredible understanding of how it functions. Being exposed to Nen at a young age, King was always able to discern the natural uses of Nen and how one technique or function could relate or blend into another. The basics of Nen were something that came as essentially second nature to him, and the reserves of aura gifted to him as both a personal and family blessing made training in previously said and more advanced techniques something he could do for hours on end at even a young age. He found it hard to believe that anyone could have trouble conquering even he advanced applications of Nen, and he found himself doing so at only fourteen. Also at this time already beginning to lay the groundwork for his Hatsu. The talent King possesses over control of his Nen as well as the reserves he holds are both quite frightening.
Discovery of Nen His father exposing his aura
Coming from a long family line of monk and shinobi, and born to a father, who was born to a father who had ventured into the world to become fearsome hunters, King was exposed to Nen at the early and ripe age of eight years old. His Father had unleashed his aura upon him, forcefully awaking his Aura nodes and ability to use Nen. Though after this, his father and grandfather put him on a strict regimen of meditating and intensive practice of the four basic principles of Nen as they instructed him on the basic, and eventually advanced applications of Nen.
King's Grandfather showing him his "Swirling Tree Branches"
General Ability- King's ability with Nen is a rarity even in prodigious individuals. His will to fight and his ability to pick up on the use of Nen make him an individual that has been able to overcome nearly anything from even a young age. He is able to use all basic techniques at a high level, and maintain Ren an extremely extended period of time. King also posses very high skill with Hatsu, allowing him to develop abilities that compete with those of the highest and most masterful of Nen masters.
Hatsu- Being a natural Specialist, King's Hatsu began to develop at a young age. He was always one to make deals or bonds with people, and if he had been true to what he was saying a the time, was never one to break his word. Though that was a large part of it, if he had been true to what he was saying at the time, what this meant for his development was instrumental.
His grandfather had adapted a technique which had used the different Hatsu and abilities of his ancestors, who would be summoned bound by a large "family tree". King did not like how open this left his grandfather to direct attack as it left as he had no direct attack ability of his own. King had vowed to take a different route.
Learning about bonds on Nen and being quite intrigued by the idea of what exactly the limitations were to how far they could go, King began deep study. After some time he had approached his father and propositioned him for something, something that no normal child would ask of a normal father.
"Father, if I defeat you in a sparring match, will you give me your left hand? It's for an experiment. One of Nen."
King asked Iada, inquiring to see if what he had imagined up was possible, and in doing so he unconsciously manifested his ability. A contract was made, with simple terms that had laid out the following to his father and asked if he had agreed to them. Iada only laughed and pulled his son closer,
Come child, if we are to do this we must do it correctly. Let us explore this peculiar ability of yours.
Bonds Made In Blood
King had found that he could in fact create contracts of Nen, in exchange for power. Each contract would be limited in use and had different prices to them. Mostly sacrificial, in the way of animalistic or alchemical-like ingredients burned at a constructed alter. These contracts could be made up of multiple different things but were to be placed onto some kind of object that could be later stained in blood to be activated. Upon this time, the object would pop with a purplish flame for only an instant before releasing a plume of similarly shaded smoke, with amounts usually being directly correlated to the power involved in the contract.
The limits of these contracts are broad and the only limitation is truly what is to be sacrificed as well as the placed instructions of the contract. These Nen contracts can be offered to other individuals, or even animals and magical beasts, the latter King employs in his most used abilities.
King did eventually claim his father's left hand, with terms that properly designated the purpose of the ritual. When King had eventually, many years later, defeated his father in combat, the use of his father's hand was completely eradicated, as was the feeling in King's own left hand, as due the contract. This was an exchange of power. King and Iada had amputated his hand, and King offered it as completion of said transfer. In exchange, seven rings of Nen were bound to King. One for each finger and two for the hand itself. These rings encompassed King's left fingers as well as his right ring and middle finger. In these rings would be sealed a contract, which was further bound to six of King's own body parts. These contracts would allow King to seal any seven things of his choice. Beings were to be bound to him as companions or aids, and could not directly hurt King, but had no obligation of helping him either. Once a contract was filled, it could never be rebound or reused, it was permanent. Further, if any of these beings were to perish, the body part in which they were bound to would lose use. The parts of the body used could be passed onto others, but only knowing and willingly. King could also use his own aura to supply these bound beings with energy or healing force.
The first and most oftentimes used of his Soul-Bound Yokai, Shwei, and her young, Fosha, are a pair of magical creatures, birds that possess the ability to change shape thanks to their unique air-based physiology. These were King's first bound contracts, as well as the ones he uses most often. Usually relying on the ability he has trained them to use, changing shape into chakram. With this ability he often swarms his enemy with his own two chakram, throwing, bouncing, and catching them repeatedly as his bird companions dive and redirect patterns of attack.
-Contracts Of Favor- These contracts are used to acquire "favor", or stored Nen in a way. These contracts are able to be used to reduce or even negate the cost of later used contracts. Allowing for a kind of "free use" of a stored contract. Only 11 contracts can be stored at one time, and even though only four of the seven contracts that have been bound to his rings are currently bound, the seven contracts always take up slots regardless of their current bound status. And once a ring has been bound, it can never be unbound. This only leaves four open slots at any available time for further stored contracts. More often than not his bound contracts are more than enough to take care of any issue he may run across, but he does find himself making contracts on the fly on occasion.
Weapons or Equipment-
A pair of chakram gifted to him by his father at the age of six, with which he has trained with nearly every day since. King is talented in both the art of striking and throwing these blades, using them in tandem unarmed physical combat oftentimes to keep his opponent off-balance and on the defensive. The chakram are lightweight and designed to primarily be thrown and caught.
Trained Skills or Knowledge-
Trained from the day he could walk, his father and grandfather introduced him to the the art of Ten No Keisen, or Heavenly Reckoning. This was a form of martial art branched from the original monastic teachings his grndfather had learned as a child and young man, and had been developed over the course of centuries worth of battle, and further cultivated by King's father.
To be put simply, Ten No Keisen was an art formed to destroy another being before they did you, or at least put yourself into a position of superiority over your opponent. Because of this, the art releid heavily on tendon and nerve strikes as well as using your opponent and their size against them in various situations. It also health with ways to cleanly and efficiently kill your opponent if the situation was dire. These slightly backhanded tactics mixed with heavy strikes and ferocious combative combinations taught, the art was one that was difficult to counter, like a wild animal. It also incorporated the use of several weapons, from staves and spears to swords and kunai. King has been trained in the extensive real-life use of chakram in battle.
As he grew older and his training became more unique to him, King grew more focused on his own particular style as a martial artist. Growing extremely flexible and developing his own unique way of combat that incorporated highly mobile fighting. Kicks, acrobatics, nerve strikes, and dirty play resulted in the majority of his fighting style. Utilizing high movement speed, blocks, and hard-hitting counterattacks to disable his opponent, using his chakram when other physical strikes are not enough.
As he continued to grow older, and his training with his father and grandfather grew more intensive, his martial arts became quite formidable indeed. He was quite prodigious and became that of a young master at the early age of fifteen. Able to infuse his martial arts with his Nen and fight at the level of a very respectable martial artist, his father had sent him to the Heavens Arena to develop the final part of his abilities.
Notable Scars or Physical Appearance Traits-
King possesses piercing eyes that seem to nearly glow an orange or amber color, whether in the dark or light. Light scarring freckling the entirety of his body, obviously due to a life of physicality and combat.
Notable Personality Traits/Personality- King is oftentimes not one to take things too seriously but can be quick to demand very high expectations of those around him. Also, fast to go from a very joking manner to one that could hardly resemble such. A natural-born teacher and leader, he loves to help people he deems worthy achieve more but doesn't often think much of those he deems weak or incompetent, though he does recognize strength in many different things. Instead, he tends to leave people like this to their own devices, leaving them to "rot", as he frankly sees it. King also has no issue with lying to deceiving others to get his way and prefers to break or bend rules when possible. Though when he binds himself to something or someone truly, he will do everything in his power to keep true to his vision of his word.
Past Affiliations or Experience-
Tencho Family Tree Hailing from the Tencho family, Suru has the blood of generations of monks and shinobi coursing through him. His family ties led to his extreme and continuous training as he grew up. Also allowing him to learn a number of Shinobi techniques.
His father and grandfather began taking him on their adventures when he was eleven years old, giving him a wealth of real-world combat application and experience. This real combat experience in tandem with his immense amounts of secluded training has given King the combat ability of someone vastly older.
Notable Relations-
Iada Tencho- Father.
Renriu Tencho-Grandfather
Byakko- Brother Figure.
Riza Senra- Sister Figure.
General History- King understood why he was born from a young age. His mother dying at birth, and his father as well as the long line of those before him all being fierce individuals who had trained their bodies and mind for generations. Though his family line belonged to a long line of monastic monks, his grandfather had set out to discover and travel the world for himself, and never returned to his born home. He had instead traveled for a majority of his life, becoming a Hunter. This allowed him to cure his curiosity of the world to the furthest extent and took him all around the known world. His son, King's father, had followed in his fathers footsteps. Walking the way of the Hunter and traveling the world making a way for himself, before returning to the mountain top home his father had built to have a child of his own.
Born to these conditions, his purpose was realized quickly. It was the same as theirs, to become powerful and carve a fearsome name into this world. One to be feared and respected. This was the destiny he was born into, and from a young age, both his father and grandfather could tell he accepted this quite eagerly. Having both the prodigious skill and curiosity of his grandfather, as well as the immense aura of his own father, King was named aptly, and for the role, his father had in mind for him. Trained from the time he could walk in the art of Ten No Keisen, King has built a resiliency to most things in life and sees combat as a natural part of such.
After developing his abilities and tempering his potential with his grandfather and father for many years, King was sent into the world to make his own way for a time.
Notable Physical Attributes- Being born in the wilds and adapting to them from a young age, Byakko has an almost animal-like instinctual sense. As he had to fend for himself from a young age and was quite literally raised by the wolves, and other predatorial pack animals, magical white tigers being the ones that he sees in his memories. Due to this, he found himself growing up with the aura of a predator himself. This serene aura feels almost like the calm before the storm, and the eery air it brings when unleashed in enough to allow even normal individuals to know they are dealing with a growing beast. These fine-tuned instincts grant him an extraordinary sense of his immediate surroundings and allow him the ability to use Zetsu at nearly no expense as second nature, as well as great skill with En.
Though, this also grants him the ability to enter a feral-like state, wildly attacking anything he deems a threat that gets close to him or his kin. This state highly enhances his already formidable radius or perception and increases both the speed and ferocity of his attacks, while also granting him an immense boost to the way his aura flows. While this may not give a boost to aura itself, it highly enhances the efficiency and effect of Nen abilities.
Discovery of Nen- (Byakko's Master, displaying his Infinite Blade technique.) While Byakko may have naturally awakened his own aura nodes and discovered basic applications for the Four Major Principles on his own living amongst the animal kingdom, it was not until his third year with his Master that he had begun to understand what any of this meant. It was at this time that he gave the child an explanation of these Principles, as well as began helping him tame his feral-like aura, in hopes of using it to its proper heights.
General Ability- Growing up in the way he had, Byakko has gifted with many a natural talent when it came to his ability in Nen. His natural skill with Zetsu and En is very formidable, on their way to becoming masterful. His ability with Hatsu is also quite deep, no doubt thanks to his connection to the wild themselves and what the image his Hatsu represents to him. Besides these things, having had his aura awoken for such a long time has given him the ability to use it sparingly, and dedicate perfect amounts to different applications. Hatsu-
White Tiger of The West!
Byakko's Hatsu is given inspiration from his new given name, representing the White Tiger that guards the cardinal direction of West. The Hatsu focuses on creating a powerful Nen beast set with the condition to "protect the pride", if not given any other upon summoning. The Hatsu is a Manipulator technique, though also functions with the use of Emission at times. The Nen beast created has the ability to rend steel with ease, its claws, and teeth deadly to even Nen users. It also employs the use of a single ranged attack, able to launch attacks of sound at high speeds. The strength and speed of the Tiger itself is dependant on the amount of Nen being fed into it at one given time, and the more being siphoned off the less Byakko has to employ on other more basic techniques.
On most occasions, the Tiger will act on basic autonomous thought and attack or defend without any needed instruction, though it is possible for Byakko to take direct control of the beast itself and use it for combat or other utility functions.
The strength of this ability is its simplicity, as Byakko does not employ any special tricks within his Hatsu the physical speed and power of the Nen Tiger are very formidable indeed and give the enemy a second very competent opponent they must deal with in combat. For if they forget one Tiger, the other will strike.
Weapons or Equipment-
A well-forged katana bought from a town in Sulcar, this blade has the ability to rend thin bits of metal and stone. This serves as Byakko's primary means of attack. The blade has measurements that are slightly longer than the average blade of the same type, and the tsuba is made of a very compact heavy metal, allowing for increased weight behind blows as well as a very reliable guard. Its handle wrapped in fine white silk.
Blade of Fujin
The Wakizashi wielded previously by his master, Panta. Despite their rocky history, it is the only thing that he still carries from his old master, even abandoning the name of Ronin. This blade is special in that it was infused with an old partner of his masters' Nen. While nothing too special, it had the unique ability to transmute any Nen infused into the blade into that of an Enhancer's ability, giving it the ability to cut through anything, so long as the aura powering it was strong enough to do so.
Trained Skills or Knowledge-
Byakko (Then Ronin) training with his master, Panta. His training was harsh, and no breaks were to ever come. For if he lost his edge he would die, that was simply the line of work he was being raised for, his master being a single-star blacklist Hunter. His master found him extremely naturally skilled with the use of a blade, a warrior's spirit fully living within the boy. This led him to mastery of Kenjutsu at a very young age, likely placing him within the top tier of sword users in the world, though certainly not the best.
Notable Scars or Physical Appearance Traits-
Heavy scarring pathing his back, legs, and chest. Ranging from sword wounds, burns, bites and claws, and even the scarring of an old animal trap. These scars reflect Byakko's wild nature, as well as the nature of his old master.
Notable Personality Traits/Personality-
Byakko has grown into a mostly carefree individual, often not caring to do much often if it is not required of him. He is lacking in personal goals and aspirations, instead preferring to move where the river flows, as nature has always intended for him. He holds a worldview reflecting such, preferring to believe the way of the world is simply always in play.
Past Affiliations or Experience-
-Blacklist Hunting-
Notable Relations-
Panta Uienzu-Ex-Master, (horrible) father figure.
King Tencho-Leader, brother figure.
General History-
At the age of seven Byakko was found in the wilds, more animal than boy. He was taken in and treated as such, at least for brief time. He was fed and taught slowly, becoming more and more aware of himself as a human being. Though he was also swiftly taught the art of killing, by a master who saw to use him as a tool for his destruction, sensing the latent talent in the boy if it could be molded correctly. This way of life wasn't something the young boy had qualm with, as he grew up the way he had a predatorial beast himself.
(Byakko beginning training with his blade, seven years old.)
As the boy was taught table manners and words, he was also taught how to flay a man. Kenjutsu became a part of his daily ritual, and he lived with his master constantly moving from place to place, killing beast or man, one after another. For years he lived like this, becoming also more aware of the world that existed around him. His teachings grew deeper and he began to ask questions more and more bizarre, why do birds fly? Why does the wind blow? Why does Master kill with ease? Why have I been brought to do the same? The answer always seemed to revolve back around to nature, and the natural way of the world. It simply was. It simply is the way of the world itself. He had no issues with this, and instead found deep peace in the fact that he believed himself to be part of one of nature's deepest and truest cycles. As they traveled, Byakko found himself beginning to experience an even deeper understanding of the blade and how it is to be wielded, truly recognizing what it meant to allow the blade to be part of oneself. He began to shroud his blade in Sho, and his ability with both Zetsu and En had led him to become a very dangerous assassin and swordsman himself. One that even at the young of of fifteen began to see himself surpass his master. Not in something as complex as overall experience, but in the raw talent held within the hands of the wielder.
Byakko beginning to surpass his master.
This began to frustrate his master, who had been adept in the way of the blade for over two times the years his young student had even held one. Panta had always drank and was never the merciful type, but now he began to become outright violent. Beating and sparring Ronin with a viscous distaste. Leaving him more open and alone on the battlefield. Sending him on more and more dangerous situations alone, with inadequate information. Ronin never fell. He grew stronger for all the mistrust and misdeeds his master threw at him and began to grow in the experience he lacked. This had an extreme backfire effect on Panta's immature and inebriated mental state and forced situations that had caused the two to part on bloody and unfair terms.
Ronin had not been alone for long before he was approached by a masked woman who had stated that her, and by extension, another higher party, had been watching him for some time now. They had seen how his previous "engagement" had ended, and her own master of a sort had something to offer to the boy. A new purpose. A new use of his skills, a new life. Somewhere to go now that he was all alone and wandering with no apparent reason.
Ronin leapt at the chance, he had always been a part of a larger group. Whether the pack of animals he had grown up with, or the team that he had become with his old master for those years. He didn't know what it was to be alone, and he was happy to have someplace where he was apparently being sought out. Though somewhat skeptical at first due to how his own master had ended up, Ronin found himself a part of a group of two others, the female, and the one she served. He found that the relationship the person he was brought to, King, was not the same one of servitude that the woman had found herself in, but one of friendship and brotherhood. Shared vision and goals. Ronin had found himself in part of a small family, and though a life of servitude was not what was offered, he found himself understanding why Senra, the woman, had found herself playing the part she did. When the individual who had saved you had also been the one to offer the means to your greatest passions and dreams, you found that they often fell more in line with that individual. For three years they have all traveled together, and the history between them is something that is not often shared. What is known is that Ronin found a new name for himself, in that of Byakko, and that the ability he has crafted for himself, as well as the position he has taken in life has all been for the greater application of the one who he also finds himself now serving.
Informal or Preferred Name- Lyle, or Little Dragon
Age- 17
Birth Place- Padokea City (Heaven's Arena location)
Birth Date- Dec/????
Gender Or Preferred Pronoun- He
Height & Weight- 5'9 ft 170lbs
Notable Physical Attributes- High Adaptability - Lyle is capable of learning, and observing techniques quickly, and efficiently. A born trait of his he as always a natural learner and was quick to pick up on things around him, and internally. Notability this makes his ability to use Gyo all the much more effective.
Considerable Constitution - While no means a superhuman his training with his god-father allowed him a certain level of hardiness that is notable when compared to others.
Reflexes - While his speed is merely average thanks to his adaptable nature Lyle is more than capable of reacting quicker to things that others may not expect him to be. For a mere teenager his training has allowed him to avoid blows, and attacks better than others who have not gone through the effort of learning how to better control their body's movements.
Discovery of Nen- Learned from this combat oriented God-father who took him under his wing in order to make sure he could confidently send him out into the world on his own.
Nen Type: Specialist (mixture of Enhancement and Transmutation qualities)
General Ability- Overall having trained with a man who actively uses his nen in combat Lyle was able to achieve a modest level in all variables of nen combat. Though he suffers when it comes to things such as shielding his mind, and using his Zetsu to its fullest due to his rather peaceful nature. Overall he excels at using his Hatsu. Once he is able to properly comprehend what he wants to do with it he is able to use his hatsu to unleash a bizarrely strong amount of it. Though he is no nen master his innate talent leans him to being a frightening young boy (in a combat situation) with much talent to build upon. It is his own peaceful and trusting nature that limits him from being a true monster of a combatant at the moment though future training may resolve this. It is not that he is incapable of showing his true emotions more so that he finds that act letting his emotion run wild plainly childish which translate into him being uncomfortable letting himself commit fully.
Their overall skill and strong suits in Nen, as well as their known abilities(Ten, Ren, Gyo, Ken, ect).
Hatsu- His personal hatsu ability is what he called The Waking Dragon and is the form he has been honing in order to mimic his master/God-father'S own personal technique. Waking Dragon is the name of this Hatsu. This technique was honed by years of living with firing breathing reptiles, learning to respect the great dragons of legend, travelling to remote areas like Volcanoes, and studying how fire works. The ability of this Hatsu allows him to mimic the abilities of these creatures transforming his hatsu into an ability to spew fire from his mouth, and or plumes of smoke. His skin hardens up to resist cutting attacks such as knives, and daggers though a sufficiently sharp weapon or power may piece his skin (As it stands anything that can break steel can pierce, or cut through his skin but those that can't maybe slide off harmlessly or break). In this way it effectively copies the scales of the creatures he has based his techniques on. This also passes onto his hands and feet in which he can make his fingernails, and toenails sharp enough to cut another person though they aren't as sharp as metal themselves.
Though some substances like oil can greatly enhanced his ability to spew fire it is not required to use his fire breathing technique at its base level. This is due to the fact that his nen itself can be used as a way of ignition though this will burn his nen out quicker effectively harming its longevity. This effect also doesn't make him any less resistant to other fires not can he necessarily absorb fire around him to strengthen himself as it stands with his current level of power. Though any flames that mix with his own have a considerably reduced effect on him when his hatsu is active. This is due to the way his skin hardens up becomes like the fire resistant scales of the lizards he is basing his hatsu off of. When not active fire can hurt him just as much as other people as of the start of the roleplay.
He can add an additional stipulation to his hatsu for each finger he does not clench into a fist his resistance to natural fire is increased while his nen is activated. In essence giving him the feel of a 'true dragon' forcing him to start relying on the advantage of having claw like hands. He has meddled with the concept of cloaking himself in fire but until he achieves a level of passive resistance he is comfortable with he prefer not to in order to not actively burn himself.
It is by extension a variation of his ten, and can be strengthened by him becoming more emotional and letting his Ren loose rather than controlling it. The main draw back comes from not just the lack of range but a candle that burns twice as bright burns out twice as quick. The more he uses it the quicker he is to 'burn out' and be left with only his basic abilities.
Weapons or Equipment- As a person who values his physical ability to its fullest Lyle carries around a pair of brass knuckles just in case. Along with a pocket knife. He also carries special red canteens filled with oils that allow him to use his hatsu more freely as it acts as way of lengthening how long he can use his hatsu ability.
Trained Skills or Knowledge- Wilderness Training (moderate) - Lyle was raised in the city but his training heavily consisted of him learning in the countryside allowing him talents such as climbing, hunting, and the like. Though it is not comparable to solider training it lets him stand above those who haven't been forced to face the harshness of the outdoors.
Combat Training - His god-father frequents Heaven's Arena, and many other other locations due to his professional nature of being a combat hunter, or one who is heavily involved in tournaments. Passing down his 'will to win' onto his 'god-son' through difficult but reliable training.
Knowledge of Animals - Growing up around a professional Zoo Keeper has given Lyle an idea of how certain natural venoms, poisons, and other such work as well as a comfortability around even dangerous creatures. He respects animals, and they tend to respect him in return.
Honed Reflexes - A part of the above but it was also honed by other techniques used during his training. His eyes are notable quicker to catch onto things, and see through small little movements that others may miss. Being born with a sense of natural sense of what is happening around him and having that be strengthened through a teacher who has seen many fights in his time has allowed Lyle a more than capable dodging capability, and while not to the level of trained assassin like the Zoldyck family he is still bizarrely receptive.
Notable Scars or Physical Appearance Traits- His chest, and calloused hands are give aways of a teenager's reward for having to work hard to achieve what he has. Notable scars from his god-father in mock combat, or even wild animals mat his otherwise normal appearance which is typically why he wears gloves, and t-shirts. His physique if not covered up would give away that the quite gentle young man is actually quite capable of fighting back in his own right. A few minor purple marks here and there tell the tale of a boy who has experienced more than a few burns though none of which are particularly gruesome in nature.
Notable Personality Traits/Personality- Lyle is a free spirited young man with a big heart. He is kind, respectful, and gentle to those who treat him with the same kindness he shows them. Though not entirely a unselfish young man he tends to be on the more adventurous side of things. He likes learning, and finding out new things though not to his own detriment. If something would put him in rather notable danger he is fine with being left out of the loop. When in combat he tends to be a bit fearless when it comes the enemy in front of him. Lyle is an individual who is willing to engage in close combat with creatures that are bigger than him, or more experienced for a chance to become stronger.
Lyle is well educated, and has common sense which tempers his more battle oriented side. While he can engage with something that scares him, or is notably more experienced if he thinks he is well and truly outmatched he readily is willing to concede if there is no major risk. His pride as a warrior is tempered by the intellectual side of him that shouts out "don't be a dumbass.". He finds the act of killing another creature repulsive and prefers not to do it himself if the option is possible. That being said he has a deep hatred of things he finds evil such as manipulating another human for their own benefit, or intentionally causing pain to another person for nothing more than one's own pleasure. His own most notable trait is lust. As a budding teenager he is very fond of pretty ladies, and isn't afraid of casually flirting with girls older, or as old as him.
In short Lyle was a child of scholars and molded into a trained nen user by a natural born warrior. His friendly disposition is up front and honest toward even strangers. He is easily approachable, and is a polite young individual. However to those who are rude, and or corrupt he tends to be very aggressive towards, and while he tends to not hold grudges he is still human with all the flaws, and issues that go with it including hypocrisy at time's.
Past Affiliations or Experience- Heaven's Arena The Bear Clan The Padokea Zoo
Notable Relations- The Great Bear Kou Ushimaru - God-Father/Mentor/Pseudo Uncle like figure Winston Rockwood - Father/Teacher Nena Walker Rockwood - Mother/Teacher
General History- Born in Padokea City and having lived there for most of his early childhood Lyle Vincent Rockwood was raised by his two loving parents who both did their absolute best to take care of him. He lived in relative comfort for many years with his parents in a rather large apartment house in the city. His mother primarily raised him and ended up taking him to work with her many times in which he grew accustom living around all sorts of animals but specifically more reptiles. His mom was a primary caretaker for many of the animals at the local zoo while not a hunter herself she had grown a rather strong reputation of being an expert in the field of animal care. Though he was never placed in real danger this exposure to animals, big, small, scary, and or otherwise normal gave him a healthy respect for nature growing up. In his father he found someone who would home school him, and teach him whatever he needed to know as when his father gave up his dreams of being a professional hunter in order to settle down with his mother he in turn decided to become a teacher at a local school. His parents took turns home schooling him, and making sure he spent time at local parks to meet young children like him to make sure he was able to socialize properly.
Lyle grew up being told many tales from history, and mythology from many of the countries around the world. His favorite were always ones with dragons having admired something so big, and strong they were. Though he disliked when they were the big bad guys and preferred the stories where they were kinder to the protagonist of the story. He didn't think animals would be as greedy as depicted growing up as a young infant child. As he started to grow up it was around the time of 10 his God-Father Kou started to take an interest in him having returned from wandering the world and wanted to fight in a more steady pace at the local heaven's arena. Kou took up the promise that Lyle's dad had kept that he'd get a chance to mold their first kid into a proper hunter. A promise made from a frustrated young man mad at his best friend for almost abandoning him for a girl.
Lyle's God-Father was rough, a hard teacher, and often was prone to hurting the young boy in training it lead to a stream lined process of hardening an otherwise soft young boy into someone worth teaching. The next seven years Lyle spent most of his time away from home travelling with his god father when the weather permitted it, and training in the city when it wasn't. Sometimes in a building, mostly in the outdoors in a nearby forest. Kou made Lyle work diligently and any slacking was met with rather brutal punishments such as sitting outside with only a the bare minimum of clothes in the cold meditating with large weights placed on his shoulders, or having to do a certain amount of push ups. Though the most remarkable thing was how little Lyle complained about it. The normal grumbles here and there about being bossed around but Lyle was often quick to pick up on how to do things. His notable ability to adjust on the fly, and once he learned how to fight for real with his nen he became even more observant.
His god-father Kou ramped up his training the stronger he got. In six years he spent training with his god father Lyle learned many things, and adjusted his abilities rapidly once he started to get an idea of how they worked. Taking his inspiration from the famous Komodo Dragons for their mass and size, and some rare fire breathing lizards which were the attraction at a local zoo he developed his hatsu rapidly. As well as growing up on Tales of the Great Dragon Zudah from a country far away from Padokea. A Great Dragon that gave advice to many a talented hunter that managed to solve its traps, and prove itself capable of finding him and his lair. A creature of great wisdom that departed it upon those who truly valued strength, resolve, and knowledge.
As of recent he has been fighting in Heaven's Arena proving himself a strong competitor and using his nen to quickly pick his way up the ranks using this as a method of constant practice, and a way of earning money so that he can start saving up to travel the world, or just support himself. Though he knows he has no nearly mastered his nen by any means he is still proud of his accomplishments but still wants more. His current goal is to train his nen even more to master what it truly means to be like a dragon something fearsome, powerful, and awe-inspiring. His love of fire, a good fight, and learning how to be a better person. He awaits a day when he too maybe could become a hunter like his godfather and show off to his parents that he's truly become a proper adult. He currently goes by the name: The Little Dragon in the Arena.
Formal Name-
Pasche Foster Informal or Preferred Name- Pasche
Age- 13
Birth Place- (If known or notable.)
Birth Date- (If known, and only M/Y.)
Gender Or Preferred Pronoun- Male
Height & Weight- 5'1 and 140 pounds
Notable Physical Attributes- Pasche is naturally pretty quick which his uncle focused his training teaching him to dodge as well as both parkour and how to shadow people without being noticed, so he has some decent stealth skills. That said he is better at parkour than at shadowing people, and only has experience with either in the city.
Discovery of Nen- After passing the Hunter's exam his uncle immediately taught him how to open and close through meditation which took about six months. It took him another year to learn the basics as well as En.
General Ability- Pasche of course has learned Ten, Zetsu, Ren and Hatsu. Of the more advanced techniques En is his best to the point where he can create a circle of three meters and hold it for about 70 seconds followed by In. He is still struggling to master Gyo, Ko and Shu and hasn't started on learning Ken and Ryu yet though he knows the theory.
Hatsu- Living Shadow: Pasche uses his own shadow as a medium for his Nen, allowing him to both solidify and control it as long as its both visible and connected to his body. While he is limited in the forms he can use his shadow is still somewhat fluid and he can increase it's range by decreasing the "mass" of the form and vice versa. While he feels whatever happens to his shadow damage isn't transferred. He is limited in what forms he can make his shadow take, as they must be of things that hold importance to him, though they can be symbolic or direct copies.
Forms Shadow Dog: A shadow that takes on the appearance of a German Shepherd. While it is completely solid and can use it's claws and teeth to attack, it has no senses and can only move the way Pasche controls it. Shadow Arm: A right arm made out of Pasche's shadow, it lacks the natural weapons of Shadow Dog but is as dexterous as a real hand and can bend in directions no human arm can.
Weapons or Equipment- Pasche carries a grappling hook for when he needs to climb something quickly that can't be done with just parkour skills and as a midrange weapon or way to pull opponents/objects towards him.
Since his uncle taught him some knife fighting skills he carries a a combat knife for when he gets into fights.
Finally due to a habit he developed before learning about Nen he carries several smokebombs to cover his escape in case a fight proves too much.
Trained Skills or Knowledge- His uncle taught him several skills that would be useful to have as a Hunter. Due to his natural quickness and small size stealth and parkour got the biggest focus. Parkour: Since being able to use the most effect route/method when dealing with rough terrain is always useful Pasche has been taught the basics of parkour. While only familiar with cityscapes he excelled at it and with the help of his grapplinghook can easily make his way across most rooftops.
How to shadow people: His small size and ability to take unconventional routes make it pretty easy for Pasche to follow people without being noticed as long as they can't use Nen.
Knife fighting: Pasche isn't the best or most experienced fighter but his uncle taught him the basics of how to use a combat knife.
Basic disguise skill: This is the weakest of Pasche's skills but he knows enough to slightly change his appearance, mostly by changing clothes, using make-up to hide his scar and a wig to change hair color. He can still be recognized by his voice and mannerisms though.
Notable Scars or Physical Appearance Traits-
His red hair and the scar underneath his left eye.
Notable Personality Traits/Personality- Due to knowing how easy it can be to follow someone if you know what you're doing Pasche has developed a habit of briefly using En at random intervals when out in the open. He can also be quite stubborn when he really wants something, even if he knows it's dangerous but is willing to take the time to properly prepare for whatever he is chasing. During his free time he also likes to people watch from some unseen spot like the roof of a building.
Past Affiliations or Experience-
He has helped out his uncle with his detective/bounty hunter job as a trainee/intern at the small and relatively unknown organization "The Hunter/detective Agency" though he always thought he name was a bit too generic. Of course he was never brought along on any dangerous missions and in fact it was only after three months of helping out and training that he even got involved in a small fight which is how he got his scar.
Notable Relations- - Jax Albarn: Pasche's uncle and the person who taught him everything he know about being a Hunter, Pasche has always looked up to him. - Rowan Foster: Pasche's father - Anastasia Foster-Albarn: Pasche's mpther
General History- While his parents and life were pretty normal Pasche idolized his mother's brother, a small time bounty Hunter, and loved listening to his stories. His parents were okay with it as long as his brother kept the more gruesome details to himself. Unfortunately for his family those stories had a bigger impact on Pasche than anyone suspected and when he was 8 he decided he wanted to be a Hunter as well.
His family was all against it and his uncle even stopped seeing him but after Pashe repeatedly tried breaking into his uncle's office or follow him when he had a mission in town they realized he wasn't gonna back down. His uncle decided to make sure his nephew would be prepared for the job by training him before Pasche even took the license exam. It still took about a month before they were able to convince Pasche's parents but after that his training began.
Of course that didn't include Nen training but Pasche was taught several useful physical and fighting skills over the course of the next two years with him finally being allowed to take the exam after his twelfth birthday.
Notable Physical Attributes- Provoke was born with an unnaturally massive reservoir of aura. So much in fact that at birth his aura nodes seemed open, despite being closed. The sheer amount of aura Provoke commands amplifies his Nen abilities and skills several levels above his apparent experience. According to his mother, a 3 Star Hunter herself, if honed efficiently he could become a monster greater than the top 5 Nen-Users one day. Besides this trait, only one other stands out. Provoke has a preternatural danger-sense. When great harm is aimed towards him, he can feel said danger through no rational means. Like his aura, this manifested itself even before had awakened as a Nen-User.
Discovery of Nen- Provoke first encountered Nen through his mother’s impromptu adventures. After prodding her for information she reluctantly decided to teach him. She knew from being around him that he had an incredible amount of innate aura but would learn later that his grasp on Ten would prove just as natural.
Nen Type- Emission
General Ability- Due to the whimsical nature of his mother, after teaching him the Four Major Principles, Provoke was left to his own devices. He excelled at Ten and Zetsu to such a degree that his mother actually praised him. He is capable of Ren but his mother had warned him against releasing all his aura at once. Considering the amount, she admitted that even her judgment could mistake the outcome of said attack. He knows nothing of the Advanced Techniques.
Hatsu- "Ready, Aim, FIRE!" is at current the only form of Hatsu available to Provoke. Essentially, Provoke gathers his aura at the tip of his left index finger and fires a mass of aura at his opponent. Its simple and yet incredibly strong due to the aura backing it up and his self-imposed restriction of saying "Ready, Aim, Fire." before releasing the attack. It takes on a bluish color when being fired.
Weapons or Equipment- None
Trained Skills or Knowledge- Provoke is a brawler/street fighter due to the 'Do-or-Die' climate of Meteor City. The sprawling junk heaps has no shortage of vagabonds, desperados, and gang lords. In order to survive, he had to learn to defend himself. Outside of that, he learned a few things of the world from his mother's extensive book collections. Most of which were lost tomes, some were rare philosophical novels, others were concise language learning books. This resulted in him learning a few languages himself.
Notable Scars or Physical Appearance Traits- Like his mother, Provoke sports ashen hair and silver eyes. He has a stab wound on his lower abdomen and various minor scars on his arms and legs.
Notable Personality Traits/Personality- Typically soft spoken and detached, Provoke can seem dispassionate, lazy, and apathetic. But the truth is he simply prefers to not waste his time on things he view as pointless. Life is too short to waste on the meaningless. He can be impulsive at times, hoping to solve his issues as quickly as they arises though that often backfires. Oddly enough, despite his hushed-tone Provoke is actually temperamental. Insults are rarely taken lightly and unless you're a close friend, tossing one out will result in a brawl. On the flipside, he's never been one to hold grudges, so maybe an apology could save someone the bloodied face. To summarize Provoke is crude, egotistical, hotheaded, and even hawkish but his heart is solid, good, and his curiosity boundless.
Past Affiliations or Experience- Meteor City Heaven's Arena Kakin Empire
General History- Growing up in Meteor City was harsh, even with a loving father looking out for Provoke. Between scavenging for survival, fighting off thieves, and having a prepubescent existential crisis he didn't have much room for actually living. Even still, he held tightly to precious moments with his father. Nights filled with whispered jokes and stories of his enigmatic mother were fanciful treasures back then. On the night of his father's death, Provoke finally met this woman of strange charisma and unnatural strength. When he thinks back to that night, it’s fuzzy and shrouded in mystery. But he holds no animosity towards the woman and so hangs on to her every word. Apparently his father had died of heat stroke on that particularly hot day.
The two left Meteor City soon afterwards and was suppose to be heading straight to Heaven's Arena, however, because of his mother they got sidetracked several times. They visited lost valleys, helped guide people through ancient crypts, saved people trapped at oceanic depths going up against fierce creatures, and visited Kakin as important dignitaries for three months. Apparently she had connections there. Two years later they finally made it to Heaven's Arena. During those two years he he begun to understand just how amazing his mother was. A 3-Star Hunter, winner of the Battle Olympia, a person respected and capable even among those respected and capable. And yet... to him, she still felt like more of a close friend than a mother. She was across a great distance even right next to him. She was a Hunter. A seeker of new and greater summits.
Almost two years later, Provoke received a notice for Restoria that seemed important. He tried to dial his mother but couldn't get through. He had honed his skills in Heaven’s Arena previously, so Provoke felt confident in his abilities to find her. He thought it would be difficult but not impossible. Three months of grueling search eventually led him to a dead end. On his way back home, he bumped into a roguish, suit wearing man named Falcon Xi, a 2-Star Hunter and his mother's only pupil. The friendly man was sent to check up on him in her stead and seemingly predicted his every move during his three month trek. The two had a comfortable talk and when Provoke brought up his inability to settle on a Hatsu, Falcon offered him only this bit of advice, "Simplicity is best, unless you're good with complicated. You're an emitter, Provoke, with a ridiculous amount of aura. You’ve got it easier than most."
Later, Falcon mentioned that Restoria liked for him to filter people to her. Simple things she would let him handle, tough or urgent works was suppose to be directed to her. Apparently, Provoke was considered simple. Satisfied, Falcon Xi left the same day and when Provoke returned to Heaven's Arena, another letter was waiting. Only this one was addressed to him.
Birth Date- Unknown. Some time during the rainy season 19 years ago.
Gender Or Preferred Pronoun- Female.
Height & Weight- 5'5". Thin build.
Notable Physical Attributes- Enhanced Memory: Perhaps she was born with such a trait or maybe it simply developed as she grew older, but Oceane has an immaculate, photogenic memory. She can recall experiences far back into the past as if they just happened yesterday. She can describe them down to every vivid detail. Her memory is so advanced, that she can remember the sensations she felt at the time, physical, emotional or otherwise. She remembers faces like photos in a picture book. She never forgets a face once she sees it in person.
Discovery of Nen- In a very unusual manner, Oceane learned how to use nen in her sleep. Every night, a strange figure appeared in her dreams. In her dreamworld, she would eventually become familiar with this nebulous figure who in due time would teach her how to use nen in her slumber. This peculiar way in which she learned to use nen might explain why her Nen ability is the way it is. Oceane believes the figure is her mother.
Nen Type- Specialist
General Ability- Because of how she has lived most of her life, her offensive and defensive capabilities are not particularly strong. However, due to these circumstances, Oceane has developed very powerful Ten, Zetsu, and In, allowing her to effectively hide her unique aura from people, which is especially useful when she uses her nen ability. She also possesses Gyo so she can see the aura emanating from others.
Hatsu- 100 Fluttering Nightmares Oceane's nen ability allows her to spew 100 moth-shaped sprites from her mouth. She can control these sprites and see through their eyes, making her especially adept at surveillance since she can use them to watch over many different areas at once. It's like she has split her consciousness into 100 little smithereens and scattered them out into the world. When enough of her sprites work together, they can move objects or repel assaults, or even levitate her, giving her a limited form of telekinetic-like capabilities.
Finally, when one of Oceane's sprites lands on someone who is sleeping, she can enter their dreams. While in their dreams, she can simply visit and witness what the person is dreaming or she can take control of their dreams and make them have beautiful dreams or horrific nightmares. While in someone's dreams, Oceane uses In to conceal her presence. The dreamer cannot see or communicate with her until she allows them to.
While using her nen ability, Oceane cannot speak, a condition of her Hatsu. Another downside to her nen ability is that her sprites are somewhat fragile and can be destroyed if they receive enough direct force. When one of her sprites is destroyed, its like she's lost one of her sensors. The sprites replenish every 24 hours, but for the ones that are destroyed prematurely before returning to her body, she cannot create any new ones until the next day.
Weapons or Equipment- No weapons. But she does usually carry around a sketchbook and a quill. A few bottles of salve to help her sleep nightmare-free.
Trained Skills or Knowledge- Oceane is a skilled artist, though she reserves her talent primarily for sketching faces that she finds memorable or interesting, even if the face she draws belongs to someone she only met in their dreamworld. She can sing beautifully too.
Notable Scars or Physical Appearance Traits- Oceane seems to always have a dreamy, misty kind of gaze. This ever present look of longing for something or someone that's not there. She also has an unusual marking on her tongue, which appeared there after the figure from her dreams stopped visiting and left her only with nightmares instead.
Notable Personality Traits/Personality- Oceane is a mysterious young woman with a dream-like gaze. She always looks like she's searching for someone. Her disposition is rather peculiar. She's graceful like a cat, but her mentality seems a bit off and incomprehensible. She enjoys socializing immensely, but lacks proper etiquette, and therefore, is brutally honest about her feelings, which at times, may offend people or make them second guess her intentions. However, anything she says she does so with zero malice or hate in heart. Simply put, she speaks her mind because that was the first feeling she had. She's just very matter of fact.
This is a girl that has seen so many dreams from other people, that sometimes they infiltrate her current thought process and she'll randomly mention strange things. Most of the time, no one has absolutely any idea what she's talking about. Some of the things she says just sound made up.
She is not a very good liar. Oceane's emotional range and intelligence is somewhat limited and she never really shows emotional extremes on either side of the spectrum. While good natured, she can become clingy when she meets someone that peaks her interest or has a face that she deems "memorable". Under these circumstances, she may want to follow them, ask them endless questions, or get to know everything she can about them. This makes her a person who is somewhat easy to manipulate. Due to her honest and sincere nature, she has thing about her that makes people want to protect her.
Past Affiliations or Experience- Heartless, an all female mob gang originating and currently operating in Yorknew City. This gang was formed by women who were battered, beaten, abandoned, cheated on or abused in any way. They now operate to reap their spoils, teach corrupt men a lesson, and get revenge. Oceane's affiliation in the gang was more circumstantial. She just happened to fall into them, though they eventually came to protect her like a prized jewel. But they also used her too, primarily for her nen ability.
Notable Relations- Aarav One of the current Heartless gang leaders. She is a conjurer type nen user. She has a suave personality and is sometimes mistaken for a man. She is extremely fond of Oceane and is very overprotective her, so much so that she acts as her protector. If someone really upsets Aarav, she displays an uncharacteristically sinister disposition. She's also tall, like 6'0".
Chrome A member of the Heartless gang and also serves as Oceane's protector due to their big-sister/ittle-sister kind of dynamic. However, Chrome acts like a really strict teacher and scowls often. She can also be really sarcastic when annoyed. The nature of her nen ability is unclear.
Vlad Yulestarian Oceane's rich and powerful businessman father. The nature of his nen ability is unclear, but it is believed to be very dangerous hence why he always wears a glove . She has not met her father in person, but has visited his dreams many times, though of course, he doesn't know that. She isn't even sure if he knows she's his daughter.
The Mother The mysterious figure who appeared in Oceane's dreams and taught her how to use nen. Oceane has a striking resemblance to the being and believes it to be her mother. However, the current whereabouts and status of her actual mother are unknown. The Mother stopped visiting her dreams, and ever since then, Oceane has been plagued by nightmares every time she sleeps.
General History- Oceane was born in Yorknew City, the bastard daughter of powerful businessman Vlad Yulestarian and his prostitute mistress, whose name Oceane does not know. After giving birth, Oceane's mother, in her naivete, thought Vlad would take care of her and his child. Of course, he denied that the baby was his child and left them to rot on the streets.
After a few years of being homeless, Oceane's mother realized she could no longer take care of her. And so, on a rainy moonlit night in spring, she abandoned Oceane at a cathedral when she was 3 years old. It was at this time when she would go into the sewers and stumble upon some members from the all female mob gang called Heartless. The gang would take her in and treat her as one of their own.
Some years later, a strange figure resembling herself would start to appear in her dreams. Of all the faces she remembers, her mothers is the only one that she can't recall. So she began referring to the mysterious dream being as Mother. Mother gave Oceane the longing and comfort she'd always been craving and looking for. Mother taught Oceane how to use nen, including the development of her Hatsu.
Over the years, Heartless became more wealthy and could afford the finer luxuries in life, the spoils of screwing over men, blackmailing them, and other criminal activities they managed to get away with. They moved Oceane to a penthouse suite at the top of a skyscraper, where, after discovering the nature of her nen ability, started using her to cast nightmares over men in the city below. Every night, they'd have her perform this act. Spew her moth-like sprites into 100 smithereens and scatter them across the city to infiltrate the dreams of the most heinous and corrupt men and give them the worst nightmares imaginable.
This would go on for years, but when mother stopped visiting her own dreams, her slumber soon turned into a time of nightmares as well. Oceane had to start taking a special salve every night to keep the nightmares at bay. Oceane wondered if she started having nightmares because of the nightmares she was inflicting onto others. She wanted to stop, but the Heartless gang leaders wouldn't let her. And so, caged like a bird at the top of a skyscraper, she spewed her moths once more. Carried by their gentle wings, she flew away from the gang, hoping to find a certain someone to put an end to her nightmares forever.
Notable Physical Attributes Focus. Compared to others, Shei finds it easier to get ‘in the zone’ for any given activity. She’s capable of incredible concentration, which helps her with everything from learning to hyper-analyzing enemy weaknesses to escaping in a pinch. When in danger or under great pressure, she will instinctively begin processing information so quickly, that time will slow down for her. She is so familiar with this focused state of mind that she can slip into it on command – though for very brief periods. When it happens spontaneously, it tends to last longer. The more intense and longer her periods of concentration, the more tired will she be afterwards. It is because of this that meditating to develop Nen has come to her with ease.
Related to her inborn ability, Shei has learned to fall asleep in under a minute, and always wakes up clearheaded. She also has her senses attuned to danger when asleep, and will be up the moment something is off. She’s also pretty great at faking being asleep or unconscious.
Discovery of Nen Though she did not yet know what she was doing, she was one of those potential geniuses who instinctively and due to extensive practice imbued nen into her creations. However, she truly realized what she was doing years later, after her mentor revealed nen to her when she passed the hunter’s exam.
Nen Type Emission
General Ability Shei is capable of performing all of the Nen techniques. She is best at Ten, Shu, and Ken. She is currently focused on developing a better sense and control of Ryu, and is making decent progress.
Hatsu Gremlins’ Revelry. The user emits nen and shapes it into small humanoids. Their appearance is reminiscent of goblins; with odd proportions, various skin tones (green, blue, red etc.), mildly grotesque faces, and features such as claws, sharp teeth, and pointed ears. They wear simple clothing (sometimes armor) and wield basic weaponry (sometimes none). Though small, they are surprisingly strong and vicious.
Self-imposed restrictions:
Before emitting the nen constructs (dolls), the user must first envelop a physical mask with their nen and put it on their face.
The mask the user wears must have some special significance to them.
Shei can currently summon three nen dolls. If given no other commands upon being summoned, the dolls will act autonomously with the condition of ‘help me fight against my opponents’. Otherwise, Shei can give them other commands or even take over control of them manually at any other time.
The user can also summon one doll at a time; when that is done, each doll will have a more specialized role. The dolls are described below.
Nen doll 1: Fawn. A simian goblin of a light brownish orange color, wearing an outfit reminiscent of a pirate. Fights hand-to-hand, seamlessly weaving in attacks with its tail. Good at coordinating with others, but becomes more focused when on its own. In general, it is a decent climber and acrobat.
Nen doll 2: Soot. A nervy dark grey goblin wearing ratty bandages, a cloak, and some minor jewelry. Fights either using its claws or with a knife, using its allies for cover. When summoned on its own, it will focus even more so on stealth, scouting, and ambushes. Functions better at night or in dark environments.
Nen doll 3: Glacier. A fuzzy blue goblin dressed in furs. A hybrid combatant who uses a bow for long-ranged combat and a dagger when up close. Prefers to keep its distance, evading its enemies. Acts as a support for allies. It has a higher rate of fire when no other dolls are present.
Weapons or Equipment
A pair of tonfas. She uses this to fight, enveloping them with nen if necessary.
A straight-flying boomerang. Her option for range combat, enveloping it with nen if needed.
A utility knife. Sheathed in her belt, which has some empty pouches hanging from it.
A mask. The last mask she made under the apprenticeship of a master crafter. Carved out of wood and painted over. This is what she wears as a condition for her Hatsu.
A backpack. This is what she uses to store things acquired on the road. Currently contains a spool of rope, a bottle of water, a first-aid kit, and a small amount of physical money (little enough that she won’t mind it getting stolen).
Her hunter’s license. Worn in an inner pocket of her shirt.
Trained Skills or Knowledge Mask making. Shei has spent the earlier parts of her life apprenticing under a master crafter, and if a hunter (her master) hadn’t happened to meet her, she would have likely continued on the path of handcrafting. In general, this makes her quite dexterous. She is also an expert when it comes to evaluating the quality and make of masks, and to a lesser extent, of other similar items as well.
Combat. From a young age, she has learned a ritualized variant of hand-to-hand combat that was performed in the form of a slow-moving exercise (similar to tai-chi), which she refined under her master’s guidance. She is also proficient with her tonfas and boomerang.
Scouting and Information management. Expanding upon her natural focus, she has become excellent at noticing minor signs, environmental changes, and other oddities, and as such, is great at tracking, information gathering, and analyzing that information.
Basic survival. She knows enough to survive in the wilderness, even if it’s a largely unfamiliar territory to her. Under the guidance of her master, she has been exposed to a variety of landscapes, such as forests, mountains, the desert et cetera. So, she knows how to build shelter, find food and water, and navigate the environment. She can find her way around an unfamiliar cityscape as well.
Basic first aid. She knows how to treat wounds, burns, hypothermia, frostbite, dehydration, bandage various appendages, and stabilize broken bones. She could probably provide a very basic, emergency suture.
Notable Scars or Physical Appearance Traits Shei has rough, worn hands, with many little cuts on them. Her nails are clipped short, as she doesn’t want them getting snagged on things.
A few scars here and there from her training and life as a hunter, but nothing major.
Personality A lively, adventurous girl, who’s opened up a lot since becoming a hunter. Shei’s curious, with many things catching her interest, so can be a bit whimsical and sometimes noncommittal. Though for the few things (or people) that she deeply cares for, she will show her serious, dedicated, meticulous side. She smiles often, and enjoys meeting new people, but despite her generally pleasant attitude, she doesn’t trust easily. She tends to hide her wariness beneath a carefree mask, because she’s learned that if people misjudge her as naïve, they tend to show their true colours.
Past Affiliations or Experience Republic of Rokario Crafters' Association Heaven's Arena
Notable Relations Tiay Vivem. Her grandfather and the mask crafter she apprenticed under before beginning her hunter training.
Lam Nu. Her non-biological mother, whom she loves dearly.
Hushed. Her master, a two-star hunter. An oddly named, mysterious hunter with who was willing to take on an unknown girl as their apprentice, simply because they recognized that she was subconsciously beginning to use nen when crafting masks – so did her grandfather, in fact, but obviously, the old man wouldn’t benefit from their training. Shei believes they allowed her to travel with them and learn under them mainly as a curiosity and an experiment. Since teaching her about Nen, they've gone off on their own, who knows where.
Zena Vivem. Her biological mother, deceased.
Qin Vivem. Her father, deceased.
General History Shei was born in a small, rural town, which bordered on a vast patch of forest which ascended into a nearby mountain range. She was raised by her parents until she was about four, and has a scant few memories of them. As far as she knows, they’ve both died in an accident while on a business trip. Afterwards, she was raised by a friend of her mothers, Lam Nu, whom she eventually came to consider as her mother as well. She was also taken under the care of her grandparent, under the influence of whom she learned the art of mask making from a young age. In fact, she’d begun helping him with small tasks as soon as she could wield a knife – under his careful supervision and instructions, of course.
Even when young, she was an active girl, enjoying exploring the forest and the mountains. She begged for trips to other places often, though she never did get to leave the Republic in those few years. She joined a group of performers, from whom she learned the basics of combat – though she did not quite grasp initially that the moves she practiced had such applications. She was told that their art descended from a militant practice, of course, but she fully learned how true this was only later on.
Her life until she was about 13 years of age continued normally, being schooled, learning from her grandfather, and enjoying her hobbies. Then, one day, a hunter arrived to their town, and came into her grandfather’s shop while they were there. They seemed terribly intent on some of their masks, though their tastes didn’t seem to have anything to do with aesthetics. They insisted on inspecting all their wares themselves, and asked if they could observe the crafting process. Reluctant, but honored by the respect showed, her grandfather allowed it. This was when the stranger proclaimed to Shei that she could become a hunter.
Naturally, she’d been aware of the existence of hunters, but she’d never before considered it as a profession. But those words were enough to change the world for her. She immediately insisted that she wanted to become this hunter’s apprentice. Of course, her mother and grandfather opposed initially. It took perhaps a month of dedicated effort on her part, and various reassurances and such on the hunter’s part, before she was allowed to leave. From then on, she accompanied Hushed for the following two years, whom tutored her on the remainders of her elementary schooling. But more importantly, they taught her how to fight, hunt, and survive.
After two years, they deemed her ready to take the hunter’s exam; she was, and she passed. Then, they told her of Nen, and explained that seeing her imbue her aura subconsciously while apprenticing under her grandfather made them intrigued enough to agree to take her on as an apprentice when she showed the determination to become one. She accompanied Hushed a year more, to learn all the basics of Nen that they deemed necessary. It was not long after they parted ways that she received the letter from The White Tiger, and decided to accept the mission.
When a group of young aspiring Hunters with seemingly nothing to do with one another all receives a mysterious letter containing the following, what is to come next for those involved?
Dear young Hunter, at the moment our name's are irrelevant, but know this much, from idle chatter, rumors, or my own personal information gathering, I have found that you are in my or my colleague's eyes, an individual with talent enough to become a powerful or reliable ally in the times to come. I have a proposition to those who would enjoy an endeavor such as the one I have dedicated my existence to. Beware that this proposition is one of a dangerous sort, and not all will make it out with their lives. The great few that have the gift to rise to any occasion before them and shatter limits on a basis that exceeds that of any normal individual. This is the caliber of people I am searching for, and if you do not believe that this is you, burn this letter and turn away from the life you're leading towards. Only the strong survive, and prey have no place in this line of work.
For those who I have correctly sent this letter to, the predators who are seeking a place, please look at the information enclosed below. Within are details on reaching me in a tavern within a town known as Buru, on the Essian continent.
Regards, The White Tiger.
Hello everyone! Welcome to this wonderful and dangerous land of beast and Hunter! This will follow a group of young prodigious Hunters, all of which are to have some kind of mentor or figure that has inspired them and shown them the ropes of what is is to be in the realm of a Hunter. This group will follow mostly darker tones and stories that reflect that, lots of adventure and combat! Perhaps some mystery and fun twists too. I'm going to do my best to actually incorporate and flex my writing ability a bit for the first time in a while, at least for story sake.
Please feel free to ask questions, and I am currently looking for a co-gm!
Another note, the group will have a hierarchy of sorts, shown from highest to lowest below here. I am looking for players to fill these roles.
The leadership of the group, consisting of two figureheads who give orders and lead the group forward.
The strike squad and right hands of the Heavenly Princes, they are expected to be able to operate better than others under pressure and pick up any slack brought by junior members. As well as have enough competency in combat as to not have to be thought of as a risk factor. Though they serve in mostly combat roles, they will often times also be used for the function of information gathering. The last primary function of the Celestial Beasts is to urge the growth of junior ranking members, helping them develop their abilities in whatever roles they best are suited for.
The primary body of the Heaven's Children, they serve all functions and embody the voice of the group. Members here have the ability to be moved up to the rank of Celestial Beast, and often times may fight for the ability to replace a standing member.
(Character Image)
Formal Name-
Informal or Preferred Name-
Birth Place- (If known or notable.)
Birth Date- (If known, and only M/Y.)
Gender Or Preferred Pronoun-
Height & Weight-
Notable Physical Attributes- (High strength? Great speed? The likes, and how they obtained it. Characters may have one born trait and gained two particular physical attributes, the more specific the higher the attribute can be, the gained slot(s) can also be sacrificed to buff the born trait or other gained ability. Think Gon's sense of smell, Hisoka's insane perception, etc)
Discovery of Nen- Detail their first experience or how they came to learn of Nen.
Nen Type-
General Ability- Their overall skill and strong suits in Nen, as well as their known abilities(Ten, Ren, Gyo, Ken, ect).
Hatsu- Their general skill with Hatsu, as well as details of the ability, if applicable.
Weapons or Equipment- (What does your character keep on their person?)
Trained Skills or Knowledge-
Notable Scars or Physical Appearance Traits-
Notable Personality Traits/Personality- (Choose to explain your character as deep as you want, or allow them to surface more in character.
Past Affiliations or Experience- (Any reputable ties with groups, or past occupations. Given as their young these come more rarely, often times.)
Notable Relations- (If applicable. Someone who they may want to protect, a teacher, close mother or father, significant other, ect.)
General History- (Notable things of the past, and their general life growing up.)
@Duthguy Yeah, you're good to go for the most part. I'd still kind of edit him around and just tweak and bulk up some things. Also, he took the Hunter exam at 10? Even freaks of nature have trouble passing at your characters current age. And, while I again don't have any issue with everyone here being abnormally strong, just be sure to emphasize the fact that the potential these people have is high. It's hard to kind of play it tame with your character but then also have him with three years of being a Hunter under his belt.