Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by SaraRPs


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Linn stared after the commander as he practically dragged the boy away. She was an idiot to think that she could do that in public. Now she had a big problem on her hands, the guy’s thing had been cut off by her ice, so he would be in some serious pain soon and the commander took him before she could do anything! With a frustrated sigh she ran a hand through her hair, her former ice hand specifically. She was happy that problem was solved. Panicked she rushed back over to Magara taking her hand and whispering to her. “The guy who collapsed had some sort of tube feeding a weird serum into his spine that was making him like almost dead. I froze it cutting off the supply so, there might be some problems soon. I had to cut it. That fluid didn't smell right at all.."
((So short I am shamed..))
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Scarifar
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Scarifar Presto~!

Member Seen 9 hrs ago

Feeling convinced that no violence would occur, Press put his stun gun back into his storage cube. He thought about what he should do now, and decided to go get Horus. He didn't feel comfortable without his trusty automaton companion, so he returned to his room and called out, "Horus, come!" In a second, Horus took off from his stand, landed on Press' outstretched arm, and walked up his shoulder. He closed and locked the door behind him, then unlocked his cube to remove a camera.

Re-locking the cube, Press attached the camera to the ceiling using an adhesive. He unlinked Horus from the turret, and linked the camera to the turret instead. "Alright, Horus, let's go exploring," Press said as he left his room, closing and locking the door behind him, then set off to a path he had not taken before, which led him to the activity room. It seemed a bit dim, but he could manage, and Horus could help compensate for him.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Pathfinder
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Pathfinder A walking disaster

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

The sedatives didn't last long, in fact it was almost as if they were cut off abruptly. Several splits in his skin had erupted due to his outburst and they hurt like all hell. Worse than the slight burns he had from earlier. Focusing on this, Nathan slowly felt the life return to his limbs and he started to move around. As he explored his surroundings, Nathan discovered that most of the materials were either fireproof or air tight, well that's what the labels said. Odd, it was as if the room was tailored specifically to accommodate him and his powers.

As the last of the sedatives wore off the pain began to make itself known with force. Peeling off the gauze, Nathan noticed a new split had formed along his forearm. It wasn't boiling, but the blood was flowing unhindered. Digging into his luggage, Nathan found the first aid kit he carried with him and took out the stitching needle. As he did his work, he thought about what happened. Who has explosions happen at this time? People should be getting ready for sleep, not causing explosions. Well its in the past, no need to dwell on it that much. As Nathan finished with the stitches he grabbed the gauze and wrapped it around his arm tightly, restricting blood flow. As this wasn't Nathans first rodeo with powers gone wrong, the action was rather routine. With a sense of finality, Nathan injected himself with a needle of morphine. Nothing to much, just to dull the pain and keep a clear head.

With that taken care of, what did he want to do? The stitching had taken about five minutes so nothing big could have happened since then. But did he really want to go out there. With his little accident he was sure that he had made a bad first impression, a freak among freaks he rationalized it. Looking down at his hands, Nathan felt a feeling of dread worm its way into the pit of his stomach. If training started tomorrow, how was he going to train? With his hands still burnt and now with the split just taken care of, there wouldn't be a chance in hell that he could heal fast enough. Unless...If a phoenix could come back from the ashes, whats stopping him from being able too.

With no other option and being drugged enough to actually consider it, began to make some preparations. Locking his door, dimming the lights, and drinking from the tap located in the bathroom. Nathan settled himself down on the floor in a criss cross applesauce way, man Nathan missed kindergarten. Thinking back to all the times he had used his powers, they were all fueled by extreme rage. Well how about a nice simmer instead of an incinerator? As Nathan began breathing in and out, nose in mouth out. He settled into a sort of trance, the anger was still there but it wasn't taking over. As it spread through his body a dull light filled his veins which pulsed brighter temporarily with every heartbeat. Nathan didn't know what this meant, it might not do anything but if his hunch was correct than he could actually control it. It was a slim hope, but hope nonetheless so Nathan clung to it and hoped that something could come of this.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Famotill
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Member Seen 2 yrs ago

-The Next Morning-

It was 6:00 AM, Saturday morning in the Bap base. Vita made her way through the living, now about to enter the hallway where all of the rooms were lined, in similar fashion to a hotel floor. Suddenly, and quite loudly, a pinging alarm sounded, as Vita flew through the hallway, surely loud enough to wake even the heaviest of sleepers. She would stop, for a few seconds next to each door, assuring that all of the recruits would hear it.

Today was it, the beginning of this new adventure, the first chapter in their lives as superheroes. Today was the first of many training days. Last night, the students had gotten comfortable with each other, learning each other's names and abilities through ice-breakers and games, which some of the students seemed reluctant to. However, it was necessary, the chain of command knew that in order for this team to work as a cohesive unit, they'd need to know that they could trust each other, they needed to know each other's capabilities, they also needed to understand each other's weaknesses. That was the purpose of today's lesson, getting to know your team. Animal had decided that there was no better way to do this, than to do a little sparring. They'd get a sense of where everyone was at, aside from the proficiency tests the students took, and it'd give them all a chance to feel each other out. For today, they'd avoid the use of powers, instead focusing on hand-to-hand combat, originality, style, and each recruits' ability to think fast. The overseers also saw this as a chance to spark some competition, which if channeled correctly could do the team some good. They were of course awkward around each, an issue that combat usually solved.

The haze of an early morning could be felt even inside the base. Vita waited at the end of the hall, still sounding her alarm, waiting for the recruits to retreat from the quarters, and begin the day. Vita, would also be analyzing the tactics of the recruits today, part of her job was computing combat style and creating a report on each recruit, noting places to improve, skills and abilities, and there tactical role in correlation with their powers. Already she was analyzing them, seeing hey they'd respond to the alarms.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Gisk
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Member Seen 30 days ago

Bruce actually came out of the arcade when the noise started going off. He was in a state of half dress, wearing the motorcycle coveralls that served as his uniform. He had the top part unzipped and flapping around his waste, revealing an orange tank top underneath. He was also wearing a pair of Nike running shoes instead of the boots he normally had with his heroing outfit.

"What's up?" he asked, his voice once again a little sped up. In fact, he had been desynced forward all night, which was why he was already awake and apparently fully rested while many of the rest of them were still tucked away in bed. He was lucky today, though. Sometimes he was desynced the wrong way, and ended up with less than adequate sleep. He had a less than desirable degree of control over his powers, and he knew that Sanctum command was going to discover that pretty quickly. If they hadn't already.

But he couldn't help it. It was hard judging exactly how fast or slow your time was moving compared to everyone else. Especially when he had been this way his whole life, and he wasn't actually completely sure what "normal" time felt like.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Scarifar
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Scarifar Presto~!

Member Seen 9 hrs ago

Press opened his eyes feeling completely refreshed when the alarm sounded. He was used to waking up early, as sometimes his machines failed during the middle of the night and he had to fix them. He got out of bed already wearing his normal clothes, unlike some who would wear pajamas. He sent a mental command to Horus, who landed on Press' outstretched arm and walked up to his shoulder. He grabbed his storage cube, since he never left without it, and put on a newly made glove he created last night. It would allow for quick access to his cube without the need to unlock it. Of course, it only worked for him, since the glove would grab nothing out unless Press gave his cube the mental command to place the desired object in his glove. Satisfied, he brushed his clothes off, attempting to straighten out the wrinkles in his clothes, and made sure his turret defense system was still operational.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Pathfinder
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Pathfinder A walking disaster

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Nathan was roused form his half sleep by a loud noise, not an annoying one but one that demanded attention. Standing up, Nathan shook the stiffness out of his legs and arched his back making it pop several times. Since it was wake up time, Nathan went to his bathroom took care of business. Leaving several, cleaner and fresher than before, he decided it was time to switch the gauze and see if his meditation did anything.

As he peeled off the gauze Nathan took note that it didn't hurt as much as yesterdays. In fact, the redness associated with burns were gone, replaced with his normal skin color. However the scars remained were they were and the split from yesterday hadn't fully healed, still a little raw but functional. With a satisfied hum, Nathan peeled out of his old clothes and changed into something new. Since the commander had said it was training day Nathan decided to dress accordingly. Starting with a new pair of boxers Nathan slipped on some cargo shorts, socks, and combat boots. Digging around a little, Nathan had also found his little keepsake. Taking the dog tags out, Nathan gently put them around his neck, patted them for safe keeping and stepped out of his room, putting on his tank top as he walked down the hall into the living room.

As he entered, he saw a new face. Walking up to the guy with the motorcycle clothes Nathan extended his hand and said "Nice to meet you, I didn't really stay that long for introductions...I'm Nathan." with only a little bit of social awkwardness.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Gisk
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Member Seen 30 days ago

"No worries, man," Bruce took his hand cheerfully. He was a little surprised by the fact that they went with actual names here. He had always thought that heroes only gave those out to people that they trusted implicitly, and yet he had been made to give his out to fourteen strangers last night. Still, this guy was perfectly happy to introduce himself properly, so Bruce responded in kind. "Bruce, go by Blur sometimes. I don't blame you for leaving early, you looked like me after a bad crash," he pointed down at Nathan's arms. They looked rough, though not as bad as they had when Bruce saw the poor guy being dragged off last night.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by RainDash
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RainDash Turnabout Luckster

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Cora had simply fallen asleep on her bed, not bothering to change or anything. So when she was rudely awakened by the alarm, she glared intently into her pillow. Alrams meant flashing lights and lots of noise. After the dumb 'ice-breaker' activities they did last night, all Cora wanted as her room and for her to sleep through the day. Apparently, people here didn't understand what she meant by 'I usually am awake during the night, barely ever during the day.' And thought she enjoyed having very little sleep in a comfortable bed for once. She contemplated the best way to dismantle VITA as she staggered out of her room.

"Either have a a good excuse for waking me up, or the next person I see will be disemboweled." Cora growled, shifting the shadows around her intentionally to make her seem threatening.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by SaraRPs


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At the blare of the alarm Linn stirred in her sleep then cracked open her eyes. As her hearing cleared and she heard the alarm better she shot up out of bed in a panic. ‘What the fuck is going on?!’ Thinking there was some sort of emergency she scrambled out of bed knocking her leg against a hard desk fumbling around in the dark, finally reaching the door. She pulled it open and ran out looking for the emergency. When her comrades came into her vision, their lax demeanor and yawns made it seem like there was nothing to worry about. Looking up the hall she noticed Vita was the source of the painful alarm and she was pausing in front of doors hovering until there was a disgruntle sound then moving onto the next. “Are you fucking serious?” Linn mumbled as she leaned against her doorway relief and her sleepiness coming down on her. A damn alarm clock that is. She yawned herself and looked down and gasped realizing that she was only in her boyshorts and tee-shirt so she ran back into her room and slammed the door before anyone saw her.

Yawning again she flipped on the light to see the grey painted walls and the black carpeted floors of the average sized room. Linn then went into the adjoin bathroom and brushed her teeth and washed her face. She decided to leave it clear of makeup except for a little mascara and tied her long hair up into a high ponytail leaving her bangs on her face. Walking out Linn opened the closet and pulled out a pair of spandex shorts and a blue tank top. She laced up her combat boots and walked out into the hallway and into the living room. She looked up and stopped when she saw the guy who was nearly comatose on the floor last night. She hesitated for a moment her shy side coming out seeing he was engaging in conversation with another person. She waited for a second before strutting up to him tapping him on the shoulder before rounding and standing next to him beginning her questioning, “H-How are you standing up on your own? Did the put that poison into you again?” She tried to glance at the back of his neck but she was to short and huffed in frustration.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Scarifar
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Scarifar Presto~!

Member Seen 9 hrs ago

Press did the usual routine: brushing his teeth, washing his face, and relieving himself. After which, he double checked his turret system, which now consisted of 4 cameras, including one hidden, all linked to 4 turrets, including one hidden inside one of those "The most useless machine ever" devices.

Satisfied that all was well, he exited his room, closing and locking it behind him. Then he removed himself from the "trusted" list that told the cameras not to fire the turrets at, just in case he was compromised somehow. Now he moved on toward the group, at least the ones who were up and walking. "Come on, Horus, time to join our comrades," he muttered to his trusty automaton falcon on his shoulder.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Pathfinder
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Pathfinder A walking disaster

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Nathan had been talking with Bruce, or Blur, as he called himself when he felt a tap on his shoulder. Looking in the direction of the tap he saw nothing, then the voice came from the side and he looked down. She was...tiny and familiar. She apparently knew about him as well.

She seemed nice enough, concerned for his well being. However his attention was perked when she mentioned poison. Looking at the girl he said while pointing at the sedative pump, "This thing? It keeps my powers in check, their pretty unstable." With a thoughtful scratch of the chin he continued with "But its pretty new tech, the engineers are still working all the kinks out. Yesterday it accidentally pumped a little too much at once." With an embarrassed blush, Nathan extended his hand in greeting to the young girl and said "My name is Nathaniel, but just call me Nathan...and thanks, for you know. Checking on me."
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by ColouredCyan

ColouredCyan Wind Up Merchant

Member Seen 8 mos ago

Eve was already up in the kitchen when VITA started waking the others. She'd caught word that they'd be upto heavy phyisical activity this morning, the like of which she wouldn't be able to do long if she wasn't patched up properly. So, sat on the cold tiled floor in nothing but a tank top and briefs, she sewed, knitting extra temporary strength into her patchwork body. She'd had rather done it in the privacy of her own room but there wasn't the apparatus to keep the needle clean and sterile there and thus had little choice. It was something she'd have to ask about. There was something very theruoputic about suturing one's own legs and arms, once you'd gotten use the pain, the repetitive action was soothing and the knowledge that someone was going seperate your forearm from your elbow in a particularly rough throw was reassuring to her, and certainly reassuring to the opponent.

Considering VITA was only just beginning to get people out of bed, she'd probably finish before she was intruded upon and they'd have to see such a deranged sight before breakfast. A couple more stitches and... There! Done. Time to get dressed properly. Eve slinked out of the kitchen and with her metallic dish and needle in one hand, gave a quick embarrassed wave to the party that had already congregated in the living room. Back in her room, Eve swiftly slipped into her plain black leotard, the legs of which were cut straight across. She tied her hair up in a bun so it couldn't get in the way. Make up was a thing of the past, any attempt of obscuring the nature of her skin drew vastly more attention too it, it simply wasn't designed with people like herself in mind. Slip-on shoes on she was ready for action when she caught her reflection in the mirror.

"Spiral Arrow! Cannon Spike!"

Yeah, this really wasn't Eve at all, she was much more used to being covered up and looked less like a street fighter character, it was a bit embarassing really. But it was what superheroes wear and it wouldn't impeed her ability to use blood as armour if necessary like her ordinary clothes do, so she'd have to get used to it. But not quite right now, now she was sociallising, not training. She threw a hoodie on over the top and immediately felt a bit better. She stolled back into the living room. The topic of conversation was still Nathan, the poor thing, Eve thought it would be nice to let him catch a break and introduce himself as he really is.

"Its good to see you're ok, Nathan, I hope you're alright for today's activities."

"Oh, we didn't get the chance to talk yesterday, you can call me Stitches."

She paused again "Do you think one of you tall, strong boys could get me down the bagels in the kitchen? I've been up since 5 with nothing to eat and fancied them ever since I laid my eyes on them, but I can't reach."
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Gisk
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Member Seen 30 days ago

Bruce watched as Eve, or Stitches as she seemed to prefer being called, walked by. He wasn't sure he'd get used to seeing her, and he felt a little bad for that. She was an oddity, no doubt. Well, he supposed, so was he.

She asked for one of them to get some food down for her. It seemed like food was probably a good idea, so he obliged her, "Yeah, I was gonna get something too. C'mon. See you two in training," he walked away from Nathan and Linn back toward the kitchen and reached up to one of the high cupboards for the bagels.

"You've been up longer than me," he said idly as he reached into the fridge, retrieving various things for himself, "What's your excuse?"

He got some kale and bananas and pineapple and started reaching into cupboards looking for a blender.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by RainDash
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RainDash Turnabout Luckster

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Cora walked into the kitchen and took the bagels from Bruce. "Psch. Lazy, Stitches," Cora said, stuffing the first one into her mouth and walking away to eat the rest. She swallowed her bite before continuing, "it's gonna get you killed. Only thing people are god for are stabbing you in the back. You want a bagel, you can go ask me. Nicely. If I'm in the mood, I might give you one." She walked into the living room and sat down on the biggest couch she could find and put up her feet on the coffee table. She chewed her bagel, debating whether or not Stitches even really cared about the food. If she did, she'd confront her. If Stitches wasn't, then Cora just showed who was top dog to her and the others.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Avanhelsing


Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Kyle walked into the kitchen looking groggy. He was not a morning person at all. he hated mornings and always had been. He hated having to wake up. He had destoryed his alarm clock in rage. He always did that.

He looked at the group and wandered into the room. He looked at the group. While that guy was looking for a blender Kyle pulled out a few different fruits and some protein powder and eventually found the blender. "Over here. " he grumbled putting all of his things into the blender and tounching the side turning it own without a power source. Once it was done he poured it out into a glass and gave it to the other guy.

"Kyle... The electric guy..." He said drinking his smoothie. "Sorry but I have no idea who any of you are..." He said softly.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Gisk
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Member Seen 30 days ago

Cora would blink and find that not only were the bagels no longer in her possession, but they were back on the other side of the room with Stitches and the appropriately nicknamed Blur.
Bruce put them firmly into Stitches hand and proceeded to pretend he hadn't just had to sprint across the room to steal a bag of bagels.

"Thanks," he said to Kyle, though he took the blender and started putting together his fruit and veg smoothie instead of the protein powder one. "Er, no offense. Just used to the green stuff instead." He tried to turn the blender on twice until he figured out that he needed to plug it in after "the electric guy."

He had overcompensated after returning to normal time and was now speaking a little slowly. Just enough that you might notice.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Scarifar
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Scarifar Presto~!

Member Seen 9 hrs ago

Press had no desire to mingle with the others, just content to listen. Making a simple breakfast of cereal in the kitchen, he sat down on a chair and began to eat. He would've gotten a bagel, but it seemed someone had already stolen a bag of them. Meanwhile, Horus kept watch of their surroundings to make sure no one approached his master unnoticed.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by SaraRPs


Member Offline since relaunch

“….Well your welcome. I’m sorry I was so intense yesterday…its um apart of my powers too. Liquid sensitivity, I can smell practically anything in a liquid even in a human body and yours was screaming out to me yesterday and I thought it was cause of the sedative.” Linn felt her cheeks suddenly heat up. She hadn’t expected him to be so…calm and collected he was charming even; he acts as if it’s nothing new to him. ‘Well at least he’s nice.’

She finally noticed his outstretched hand there and took it shivering when she felt how warm it was, “Oh my names Linnette but please call me Linn, and if you don’t mind me asking what are your powers exactly?” With a playful cocky smile she added, “If we spar I’d like to know what I’m up against.”
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Pathfinder
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Pathfinder A walking disaster

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Nathan was enjoying his conversation with the girl named Linn, as he discovered. Telling her about how, as a "Vessel of Rage" he was basically just, a fire. With his anger being the fuel. The more rage, the more powerful he became at the cost of his own health. Just than, Nathan heard some commotion from the kitchen and out came a girl that Nathan hadn't recognized, but from the way she carried herself and from the way she was talking all pointed to one conclusion, "Alpha Bitch". He new their type, he had seen dozens of them while in the underground fighting rings that ran rampant in Alaska. Clinging to their cocky "boyfriends" like flies on shit, then promptly dumping them on the floor when Nathan punched their teeth in.

As she strode by, eating the bagels that one girl wanted and talking smack, Nathan had the tall tale feeling of his blood boiling. Quite literally as a matter of fact. Walking up to the girl,Nathan noticed a blur but ignored it, focusing on her instead. As Nathan got to her he said, " I don't know who pissed in your cheerios, but were do you come off being a total dick just so you can get some god damn bagels? Were in the same boat here and burning all your bridges is going to get you killed, NOT asking someone to get you some food." As Nathans anger started to claw back to the surface, his veins started to do the glowy thing again and the air around him began to get uncomfortably hot.
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