Academy of the Arts: Corridor: Keeva’s Group
“What are you…?” Before Rose could finish her sentence, the dark, messy haired man in the girlish robes pushed the handsome, delicate featured white haired man in front of her, absconding to chase after his companion and Rose’s own steed, Sebastian. She could only watch and stare at the parting chaos and anarchy, and the resulting titanic crash of fallen musical instruments and bewildered shrieks and shouts with her mouth hung low, no words escaping her. It was only a few seconds later that Rose caught herself, and how unbecoming it was to stand and gawk like that, before she closed her mouth and pursed her lips together, the edges of her mouth curling into an expression of immense displeasure. Who on Ddaear were these people, and who did they think they were to be going around destroying her school?
She glanced at Marcus, and then to Aria and Trixie. Each of them returned an expression just as wincing and silently apologetic as the last, but each were too afraid to actually speak up, such was the fearsomeness of Rose’s delicate features. After seeing the venom with which she treated her own brother, they could all fully understand how apt her name was. Beautiful, but as sharp and dangerous as any real rose.
Her fingers released Angel’s ear, dropping the lazy sculpting student to the ground in a heap, before silently walking past her surrounding colleagues and slowly stalking her way to the sound room. Her final glares towards Keeva and Angel spoke volumes of her impression with how well they were able to handle and restrain unruly guests, which was to say not much at all.
The sudden silence of no one else talking within the sound stage finally clued Lucien and Lute on, in the middle of their retrieval of the fallen and discarded instruments, that something was now horribly wrong. Turning to look over their shoulders, they saw the figure of that familiar, beautiful girl silhouetted within the doorframe, and rubbing their eyes, almost believing to see a dark and demonic aura wafting into the air above her, her eyes glowing with intense heat. It was all a figment of the imagination of course, but what wasn’t was Rose’s seething anger, and demand for order and atonement. She fixed them with a stare that almost paralysed both men.
First Lucien, and his dopey and misplaced attempts at acting cool towards her that only helped interrupt her attempt at discipling her brother. And then Lute, who sent her poor horse Sebastian into an unfortunate frenzy and then creating such a horrible mess of things within this room. Both of them had a lot of explaining to do.
“You two. Here. Now.” Her eyes flicked down to the spot she expected them to hurry to. “Who are you, and what are you doing making such a unruly scene at our Academy?!”

"...ah, I'm sure they'll be alright." Marcus' face lit up with a smile, as he turned back around to Trixie, Aria and Keeva, and bent down to offer a hand to help Angel up. "I'm sure Miss... Rose, is it? Will be able to look after them okay. Is there anywhere else we should go and explore? The theatre or concert hall? Or any other exhibitions?"

Academy of the Arts: Courtyard: Dalia’s Group
Estelle’s brow furrowed upon hearing Tobias’ offering of a party, and then to the ready acceptance from Moira, who after snatching Xandra up in her arms and looked towards Amy with sparkling eyes resembling a kid upon Christmas. When Moira got going like this, there was absolutely nothing stopping her. She slapped Dylan on the back, remarking upon his taste in fine friends, before stalking towards Tobias and helping to hatch their plans for whatever party Tobias had planned, including finding the rest of their group to help let them know.
But Estelle couldn’t focus on that. Instead she turned to Dylan, and scanned his face and body, searching to see how he must have felt. The bottom of her left eye twitched, and then she turned to face him properly.
“What do you think, Dylan?” Estelle asked, giving a sideways glance back towards Tobias. She wasn’t sure exactly what kind of man he was, whether or not he was good or bad. But there definitely had to be something of good reason for Dylan to hit him like that, she knew him too well to know he wouldn’t do such a thing to anyone unprovoked. The smiles and charisma Tobias display afterwards only encouraged Estelle to become more on guard, and care more so for her friend’s feelings. “If you want to go, I don’t mind. But if you don’t, then…”

“Aww, come on!” Simon threw his arm around Dylan’s shoulder, and winked at him and the rest. “It’ll be fun! And you’ll get to see all of our old friends again, Dylan! C’mon, it’ll be a blast! And I’ll get to take all the photos!”