Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by IAmTheIsland
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IAmTheIsland Drifter

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Master Lao will be completed some time today. I just need to get his weapons and abilities finished up.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Mike the Bloodwolf
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Mike the Bloodwolf Wolf and Dragon Fanatic

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Mike the Bloodwolf
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Mike the Bloodwolf Wolf and Dragon Fanatic

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

My profile is now done
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Kurai
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Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Sin, your character Isadora is accepted.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Mike the Bloodwolf
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Mike the Bloodwolf Wolf and Dragon Fanatic

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Is my guy ok GM?
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Kurai
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Member Seen 8 yrs ago

In short, no, Bloodwolf. Your character is denied. Don't get me wrong, you are still free to revise the character or post a new one, but right now Samuel Hellrin is rejected.

Here are the issues I have with him (Wayward may chime in with more, at some point):

1. Being a half-demon. There aren't really any demons in the KHverse. If you had been able to validate your demonic heritage through some sort of canon (connecting it to a Final Fantasy world, perhaps) or something similar, we might be able to work with you, but for now I take issue with it.

2. No internal consistency. The history first states that Samuel's mother is a demon, granting him his half-demon heritage. Then it says that, on the brink of death, Samuel makes a pact with a demon for eternal life (see part 3 of this breakdown). Later, in the "Notes" section it says that Samuel's father made a pact with a demon which is why he's part demon. Which is it?

3. Eternal life. Just, no. I'm not sure if you mean that Samuel would not age/die of natural causes or if he cannot be killed, but either way that's just not okay.

4. Clarity. Many of the details are hazy, relating to issue 2. Perhaps a more in-depth History would be helpful, or even just a more clear version of what is already presented. One of the main issues is your Abilities section. Do you see how everyone else has their abilities listed in such a way that they are analogous to Final Fantasy/Kingdom Hearts abilities (except the Jest, but his long-winded paragraphs basically boil down to him not knowing any particular spells)? I would prefer something like that, in list format, with a bit more clarity. Your character is adept at using fire magic; in what ways might he use it? Is it similar to the Fire spell from Kingdom Hearts?

5. Samuel's personality. The idea of a cold, uncaring person who fights for the strong is totally fine, but you directly paraphrased Sin's character Isadora's personality in a number of instances:

Sin: "She would likely appear to others as a cold, distant type of person due to her icy vibe, which is quite accurate."
You: "A cold and somewhat distance man"

Sin: "She rarely speaks unless she has something important to contribute--she prefers observing others over engaging with them nine times out of ten."
You: "Samuel can be consider Unsociable as well considering he does not often speak a lot unless he has to."

Sin: " She views fellow humans as simply being in her way or just unnecessary."
You: "He become cold and cruel, showing no mercy to friend or foe as he always says 'Don't get in my way.'"

I understand that these are relatively common traits among more evil characters, but it seems like you just copied her personality, even down to some of the wording.

6. 16 years of apprenticeship. This is a personal qualm that doesn't necessarily need to be changed. On a personal level, it doesn't make sense that your character wouldn't have ascended to masterhood within this time period. I'm not even sure if you planned for him to be an apprentice, or if you just wanted to make a random dark character, but your History suggests he was taken in by Axeus.
If you wish to participate in the RP, please rectify these details and re-submit your character, or submit a new one. If you'd like some help, I'm more than willing to give it, just shoot me a PM.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by ColorMeEvil
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ColorMeEvil I'm the Good Bad guy who does Bad Things

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Basic Information
Name: Ceaser King
Age: 19
Gender: Male
Homeworld: Otherverse
Affiliation: Dark

Physical Information


Casual Attire:

Battle Attire:

Personal Information

Personality: King has a extreme case of Split Personality. His persona of King has the personality of that of a spoiled child. However because of hits selfish and Mercurial demeanor he is almost incapable of harboring compassion and sympathy for others. King finds it difficult to comprehend things he does as " wrong" he has a difficult time having perception of specific situations. From his perspective things are black and white their are only absolutes no room for variables. Also as a child his behavior is completely unpredictable from falling asleep during training and battle to beating on his chest like a primal animal. King only has one reason to exist. To cause absolute destruction. There is no reasoning with him, there is no understanding him. There is only King.

However when he's forced to take something seriously his persona changes. unlike King, Ceaser has is own free mind and possesses feelings as a human being, an explanation as to why he hesitates to kill people and wants to live as a normal person. Remembering the simple days he used to have he doesn't wish to fight, is soft-spoken, and overall has a more sad personality. he doesn't smile very often, he also warns his opponents that he doesnt want to hurt them, but that he will. Ceaser is more of a calculated strategist than the primal counter-part

History: Ceaser was a 14 year old boy living on a farm with his mother father and Childhood love Arietta in the Otherverse. Arietta's family abandoned her to garnish money as traveling merchants leaving her to fend for herself. That was when Ceaser and his family extended there home to her no questions asked. The world they lived in was full of nothing so they knew whatever they held dear they had to hold close. As time went on they grew to fall in love with one another spending day after day together making the best of what may come. Ceaser was in charge of his fathers crops so every morning he would be woken up by Arietta demanding him to get up and tend to the field. A year came to pass and things were good the farm was pulling in for many markets and Ceaser's family began to finally have a decent living with a decent income. until the Kurayami showed up. They were a large group of the worst sorts of people. Banished from other worlds to the fathest regions of otherverse. It was rumored that they were creating an army. tales told that the iron army from another world came to punish them by putting them all to death but the army itself was destroyed and all their armor and weapons were taken by the Kurayami. They ransacked the city raping the women killing the children and murdering the fathers. Ceaser's family hid in the basement cellar.However as luck would have it The Kurayami found them pulling them all out of the basement.

" Mom!!" he cried as his mother was publicly executed and hung to die swiftly.

" This is what we do to those that resist us! If anyone else dares to-

The man was cut off as Ceaser's father jumped from the crowd stabbing him in the neck. " You WIll pay for what you have done!" The man cried as he stood over his wifes body. " Quickly He escaped with Ceaser and Arietta they ran but were cut off by more of the bandits. They grabbed Ceaser and held both his father and Arietta physically beating his father near death having them watch on. using the last ounce of energy he had left His father broke free took one of the swords and killed 2 of the guards swiftly standing over the guards's bodys" They are my children…and you will return them to me…"

The third guard lunged forward with a spear piercing through the man's heart. " Dad no!" Ceaserjumped up grabbing the blade his father dropped forcing it through the lower abdomen of the guard." You son of a bitch i'll see you rot in hell!" He said in such a dark tone. He and Arietta sat next to his father to hear his last words. " Become a bane of darkness....fight for what you believe is true and don't let anyone....take that from you" He then collapsed.

Using the confusion they preceded to run to a pasture far from the city it seemed they had escaped.

" Where you goin boy!" A large man clad in silver armor stood above them both. " Thats a fine woman you got there give her to me"

Arietta stared to cry and fell to her knees" Fine take …me…..just let him go" Ceaser sneered up " You bastard i'll kill you.....i'l KILL ALL OF YOU!!" he hopped up to stand in front of her but was quickly slapped down. already beaten and bruised he was knocked unconscious and when he awoke. Everyone was gone including .....Arietta. He knew she had been taken but where…. Taking refuge in a abandoned hut weeks passed. He decided to re enter the city which was now under the Kurayami rule. There was rumor among the city of a young girl " its a shame they did that to her' people said "that poor child " others exclaimed.

Cornering a Guard in the alley way he held a blade to their neck. " Talk…where is the young girl that was brought here recently…for if you don't i'll make your body a new stabbing toy….The guard panicked and told Ceaser what they had done…..He soon found out that Arietta was Raped killed and burned at the steak. " I...I..failed her....i just.." His eyes were blank as if he no longer had a soul. His cold empty eyes glaring at the man as he stepped forward. Only a piercing scream could be heard from the darkness

Days passed he just sat in the corner of the hut repeating to himself' They will pay...they will pay they will all pay….." Then a voice resonated through the room. " I can give you the power to make them ssssuffer....Weeee can make them atone for there ssssins"

Wh...who's there! show yourself"

I'm you and you are me……just accept it and let the streets run red with their blood.

From that day on there was a Rumour which became a legend. " The massacre of Kurayami" A night when a chlid that held a large key shaped weapon brutally murdered the entire army of Kurayami all accept the commander that had fled. It was then he was roaming the field his body drenched in blood his eyes empty he met an old lady. she didn't seem frightened by his appearance. She was dark, a aura surrounded her that called out to him. he collapsed in front of her and she took him in. He lived with her far away from the city he once lived in. she became a mother or sorts to him Though she instilled much of her dark wisdom into his mind. From the age of 14 till he was 19 he lived under her tutelage. However she knew he walked a dark path in need of guidance. It was then she directed him to The fallen Jungle. Ceaser had become to much of a wild card and lost his humanity. He only referred to himself as King. Listening to only her he left. Hijacking a expensive ship and headed out on his way. To meet….Axeus

Other Notes:

Battle Information



Abilities: Keyblade Ability: The Warrior Spirit
By implementing raw strength and perfect form, King uses his Keyblade Legion in such ways that he utilizes minimal magic that enhances his physical prowess. Such spells like Bravery and Haste are on constant motion that increase the amount of strikes he can put in as well as how strong they are. Furthermore, his Keyblade creates a pure force that is almost like a gust of wind because of how strong each strike is. It’s like the will of a mad beast is manifesting through the strikes that his Legion Keyblade does


Support Magic Junction system

During his tutelage under Helena she helped him mold his use of his keyblade. He refused any other magic spells and heavily relied on strikes So she taught him how to use magic and infuse it within his system.

( This abilities Mature over time they don't all start off at this level)

(Ceaser has access to this early on however it causes him to go bezerk unil mastered)
Triple- King's body is synced with this magical force, increasing his physical form. Receiving great physical strength. He is able to react three times faster than a foe using a hastega spell. Triple also multiplies by three the density of all weapons King uses and triples the density of his skin hardening it against most low tier attacks.

(At the early stages he's only able to resist basic and mid level spells early on he deflects these attacks as opposed to absorbing the blunt force until the ability matures)
Defenda- Defense magic infused within King allows him to use his physical body to defend himself from harm in varying ways. Where most people can't resist spells with their bare hands, King is able to do so with no problem. He can unleash his on inner forces to defend against higher level spells. However this leaves him drained for a amount of time afterwards

(Learned upon magic mastery of stop. Early on he can't heavily rely on this ability on a whim until it matures)
Stop- Ceaser's weapons and body are influenced by the stop spell. When he attacks and strikes a foe, this magical junction enables him to freeze the hit area of the body. This only works for a second but it causes disruptions in foes combat abilities. In the same way he can use his keyblade or other weapons to interrupt an incoming weapon. Magic and forces used by foes can negate this effect based on their own abilities.

(This is an always active power that Ceaser is able to tap into whenever he decides. This is not an attack ability but more like a index of knowledge he is able to store Unless the opponent has power to negate him being able to read their strength)
Libra- Ceaser is able to store an extensive amount of information about object's, lifeforms and magic. He's ilke a sponge in sorts He can recall everything about most situations unless his libra junction is negated. Further more Ceaser can sense any beings level of power and even breakdown the mechanics of their varying abilities. He also can see auras of people and even the heartless which empowers him to control their will . He can read these auras to ascertain their elemental dispositions.

This will not be available to Ceaser until he's become a full fledged keyblade master. This will be the final ability unlocked to him "Story Related"
Jihad- This is a tier four darkness spell that has been infused into Ceaser completely. Even though he isn't really a mage and doesn't use spells, this junction allows all dark magic to restore his vitality and increase his physical strength. In dark areas Virgil can project spheres or darkness that have powerful implosive force. During the night, Ceaser's physical strength is increased to 375%. He can also influence himself with darkness and become shrouded in it. He can cast the spell Jihad at any time, but afterward is unable to use the Jihad junction for 24 hours. This requires a massive amount of dark force to be around him at a time. This can be negated by massive amounts of light forces.

( Final Ability to unlock )
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Mike the Bloodwolf
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Mike the Bloodwolf Wolf and Dragon Fanatic

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

I'll erase all the demon and eternal life. I'll even deage him a little. How old was Aqua and Terra?
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Mike the Bloodwolf
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Mike the Bloodwolf Wolf and Dragon Fanatic

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Who's Sin by the way?
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Mike the Bloodwolf
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Mike the Bloodwolf Wolf and Dragon Fanatic

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

I've done some profile altering but I'll do some proper edits when I'm on my laptop tomorrow
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Sin
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Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Mike the Bloodwolf said
Who's Sin by the way?

That would be me. Might want to give the other characters you'll be RPing alongside a read.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Mike the Bloodwolf
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Mike the Bloodwolf Wolf and Dragon Fanatic

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Hello Sin
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Mike the Bloodwolf
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Mike the Bloodwolf Wolf and Dragon Fanatic

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

I'm not copying SIn character at all, that personality of Samuel is his normal one which I type up myself. I don't want to make him a psychopath, being a cold and somewhat distant is how I normally play him
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by The Jest
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The Jest Professional Nice Guy

Member Seen 7 days ago

Mike the Bloodwolf said
I'm not copying SIn character at all, that personality of Samuel is his normal one which I type up myself. I don't want to make him a psychopath, being a cold and somewhat distant is how I normally play him

Being someone who has RPed with Mike for years, I can vouch for him in this regard of personality. The similarities in this particular case to Isadora, I assure you, are mere coincidences. ...Though that's the only thing I'm going to vouch for in Sam's sake.

That being said, Mike, the fact that there's two people with similar personalities on this very small team, might be a bit of a problem. So if Master Kurai, and Master Wayward don't accept this one this time, you might want to consider another villain trope to get behind.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Double
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Double Hard-Boiled

Member Seen 1 day ago

Mad scientist! Those are always fun! :P
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Mike the Bloodwolf
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Mike the Bloodwolf Wolf and Dragon Fanatic

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

I've changed my mind. Please disregard Samuel all together. It just occurred to me with Red's help that I have found the perfect guy for this

Basic Information
Name: Unknown though he goes by the name Tendra
Age: 21
Gender: Male
Homeworld: He does not remember
Affiliation (light, dark, or other): Dark

Physical Information

Appearance: Has Yellow eyes not Red and the sword will be a weapon he will use later along side his keyblade.

Casual Attire: In the image above thought instead of a cross, he wears a dragon shaped Necklace.

Battle Attire:

Personal Information

Personality: Tendra is a man of Action more so then worlds, Tendra act very distant and you can never tell what is going though his mind. While he does speak to his fellow warriors, It is always about the mission ahead. He dislikes idle conversation which is going nowhere important. Despite all this, he is a very loyal teammate and will always protect someone who goes down so they can heal themselves. Tendra suffers from Amnesia and he does not remember his younger years, All he remember is waking up in the land of the dragon with no knowledge of his past or his real name.

History: There is a lot of Mystery surrounding Tendra past, consider he does not remember it himself. What he does recall is waking up in a temple where dragon were prayed to surrounded by the dead body of priests and he had a Dragon like keyblade in his hand. That happen when he was 15 years old, He found a master of the Dark Keyblade wielders a years later and fought him in a battle. He was soundly defeated but the master was impressed by his prowess and offer him a place among his students and gave him the name of Tendra which in ancient dragon tongue means "He who wields the power of dragons". Tendra proved himself a adept warrior and saw this Master as his greatest teacher.

Other Notes: None

Battle Information


Abilities: Slighty stronger then the normal human, His Dragon fire ability is current just a little bit stronger then a tier 1 fire spell
Tier 1 Dragon Fire: Scan (Starter), Dragon Bolt (A Bolt made of Pure fire is blasted at foes), Can transfer the Dragon fire to his Keyblade to make it stronger.
Tier 2 Dragon Blaze: Flaming Dragon wing (Makes a pair of dragon wing from fire), Dragon shield (Brings up a flaming shield to protect him from attack), Triple Dragon blast (Three homing fire balls are sent at enemies, Dragon Flame beam (A beam of fire is shot from the keyblade inpowered by Dragon fire)
Tier 3 Reshrim soul: Heart of fire
(Can summon a massive dragon behind him made from fire which slams into enemies with the force of 20 trucks on fire), Eruption (He slams the ground using his fists and the entire ground beneath him erupts with fire, Reshrim Rage (Tendra becames the dragon fire himself granting him, extreme speed and strength However this rage will only last for a set time and put a serious drain on his energy) Reshrim Bolt (A more powerful and deadly version of Dragon Bolt, increases the range and impact of it), Dark side of the dragon (???)

Other Information

Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Double
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Double Hard-Boiled

Member Seen 1 day ago

Are crazy gimmicks really that necessary? Half-demons, now dragon people... whatever happened to this being about kids bashing disney characters with giant keys? <_<
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Mike the Bloodwolf
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Mike the Bloodwolf Wolf and Dragon Fanatic

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Well I was told that unless you can connect it to a world, you were not allow to be anything. Besides all he has is Dragon wings and dragon fire, it's not like he can become a dragon or take on dragon form. Even the dragon would only last for about half of the rp anyway.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Double
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Double Hard-Boiled

Member Seen 1 day ago

Well, for starters how about I point out that you're clearly trying to start off as powerful as you can get away with?

Nothing wrong with that, but I was under the impression that the Apprentices would pretty much begin on an even playing field, whereas both your characters are clearly OP comparatively speaking. *shrug*

Oh well, Kurai and Wayward will give their judgement on it so feel free to disregard what I say.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by PerniciousIntent


Member Offline since relaunch

It be cool if it were more of a curse. Like, he couldn't actually fly with his wings, they were just cumbersome. Or he's always burned when he uses the fire.
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