Aliquam: The Tailor’s“Are you sure this is alright? The whole ‘pick whichever one’ deal… Everything in here’s a lot more expensive than I thought it would be.”"He must be rich if he's hosting parties all the time and offering us to pick whatever clothes we want," Amy responded to Aria's concern. Her eyes were half-slit, aloof almost, as she perused through the clothes the tailor's offered after having her measurements taken. Aria had chosen a lovely red dress for herself, one that outshined Amy's current silky crimson by a longshot. "Wow," she muttered to herself, before resuming her search. The cleric had always considered her dress to be relatively fancy, at least for how low-class she and Trixie were, but with what she'd seen both at Vandrell and here at Aliquam - how much fancier could dresses get?
Soon enough, Amy emerged
donned in a green dress, silky with layered frills. She stood tall in front of a mirror, running a finger along her side. Like the silk she wore at Los Paraisos, this one matched her eyes - except was much more... gaudy. Still, she felt beautiful in it, and had no plans to return it after the party ended.
“Um, Amy? Could you help me pick a dress, please?” Amy turned to see Estelle cooing from afar, still unsure of what to wear but slightly bedazzled for the flair in Amy's dress choice. Amy smiled softly. Seeing as she never wore anything
but dresses, she had a keen eye for them, although she typically preferred plain and casual. Usually Selan or Aria would be preferable choices, she'd think, but seeing as the latter was already assisting Xandra...
With Aria already claiming red with white hints, Amy had the perfect idea in mind for Estelle's color scheme. She only hoped Estelle would agree. After digging through dresses to match Estelle's measurements, she emerged with two. Both were white with red hints, opposite to Aria's.
The first one had subtle red flames
(instead of vines) along the torso, while
the other had the same style of flames along the bottom hems
(instead of white vines). "How about these, Estelle? White's not my color, although I think they would make your hair stand out quite a bit..."
Once Estelle had made her choice, Moira waltzed by soon enough in her own outfit, proud of what she had chosen. Amy clasped her hands together. "Nice choice, Moira. Looking to score some free drinks?"
Amy had taken the time during this dress up segment to lighten up, as she had been moderately quiet since their arrival at the Academy. However, her overall suspicions for what was to come next were as high as ever. Still, at least she would be keeping the fancy dress this time (she planned).

Xandra patted Trixie's shoulder and gave her a grin before moving on towards Aria.
"It's almost like we're going undercover, a group of superheroes on a stakeout." She had no idea what kind of impact such a statement would make on little ol' Trixie.
The prankster was rearing to go for a dress even while Lily was trying to get measurements. Soon enough, she had vanished into her own little aisle for young teenagers her age and, surprisingly, her size. The next time she had reappeared, she was glomping Lute from the side and knocking him right over.
"Oooh! Oooh!" she called as she ran to the virtuoso, before both had crashed to the floor. "Marcus is right! You're pretty!! White suits are so prettyyyy!" When she realized she was on the floor, she quickly got off of him and dusted herself off. "Ooph, sorry Luke! But look at my dress! Look at it! I SAID LOOK AT IT, WHY AREN'T YOU LOOKING." She whirled around a bit before jumping on top of one of those chairs people sit on when trying on shoes.
"It even has a cape!"Then she leapt off it and buzzed to where Syed was at - where a particular accessories section was nearby. "Now to find me a