Aliquam: Academy of the Arts“Heck yeah we’ve got the best group!” Estelle grinned, giving Aria an impromptu high-five after the illusionist handed her their group’s communicator. She lifted it up, eyeing it all over and wondering how to make it work. As the Pride’s leader, it was part of her responsibility to be in control of such a device, but she had never used one before, and she didn’t know which button did what, until Dalia began to explain things.
As soon as Estelle thought she almost had it, the communicator belted out a high pitched screech which made the swordswoman think she had almost broke it, but it was just Syed instead. “B-be careful with that,” Estelle blinked over her shoulder at the Electricity Mage, who scratched the back of his neck sheepishly.

After all of the members began to settle in their groups, they turned to walk off to their assigned parts of the Academy, where they would be walked through their assigned patrols. However, before Tobias’ group set off, the Patron had a few more last minute details to take care of within the Faculty Lounge, and as he set about this, Dylan quickly caught up to Amy and Lucien. In hushed tones, he whispered to them to be careful of Amy, and Amy rolled her eyes back as Lucien gave a dopey laugh. It wasn’t like she needed to be told to be careful around a man, and if anything Dylan’s leaning in was a bit too close for her comfort. Considering how the Matter Artist had acted around Tobias ever since they arrived in Aliquam, she already understood the animosity he had towards him; she didn’t need a reminder. But, if anything, it served to help underscore that whatever it was that happened between them… it was incredibly serious.
So long as it wouldn’t effect the mission…
“Just, if anything happens, let me know, okay?” Dylan emphasised every word, and then hurried back to rejoin Marcus and Xandra as Tobias returned to his partners, a rapier sheathed by his side.

“Well, ready to go? The central part of the Academy includes the inner courtyards… with multiple avenues for where our thief could try to enter the Academy from. I hope you two are ready.” Tobias said sternly. Amy’s expression was as silent and nonplussed as ever, and Lucien’s in contrast was as cheery and smiling as usual. What an odd pair.
“…what?” Tobias raised a brow to Lucien.
“Have I got some jokes to tell you!” Lucien started as they walked out into the hallways. “I used to own a book about anti gravity, I couldn't put it down…”

Aliquam: Academy for the Arts: Northern SectionIn answer to Aria’s question, Dalia had explained and led both her and Estelle to their assigned route, at the Academy’s Theatre sector. This was the spot where the Pride had witnessed the Academy’s students put on their wonderful and invigorating plays, musicals and demonstrations in their world class theatre, and along with the prop rooms it had nearby, it was flanked by several classrooms designed as practice workshops for the drama students.
“Considering how much this Masked Phantom liked his theatrics last night, he’d be well at home here, wouldn’t he?” Dalia tittered. “This is a pretty large room, but we can make it well lit with all the lights in here. Should be hard for the thief to hide through the theatre, but we still need to patrol the hallways around, so… let’s be diligent, everyone!”
“Roger!” Estelle cheered.
Aliquam: Academy of the Arts: Southern Sector“W…what? Transforming into a dragon…?”
Rose listened in on Lute and Trixie’s conversation with confusion and bewilderment, not understanding at all what the virtuoso was talking about. She thought she had gotten a better understanding of the man after first meeting him at the festival yesterday and then dancing with him at Tobias’ gala, but now he had resorted to pure confusion again. Hopefully he would be less… bewildering during their mission…?
“I think you’ve read too many comic books, Lute,” Rose said, leading the way for the team to head to the southern area of the Academy buildings, where the gardens were located for the use of the floral students.
Striding past the two Guilders, Rose brushed a hand through her perfect hair, and brought the other to her lips, breathing a sharp, shrill whistle as Lute and Trixie looked on. Then, suddenly from nowhere, the two heard an ear piercing neigh squeal from behind them, and the clatter of hoofs rapidly approach, until a large form skidded to a halt by their side, almost running Lute over.
Rose patted Sebastian’s face with an ecstatic smile, and effortlessly lifted herself up, offering a hand to the two to ride atop with her. Two people should have been the norm, but Trixie was so small and light that her weight would be negligible as well.
“Let’s get patrolling!”

Aliquam: Academy for the Arts: Eastern SectionAs Marcus, Dylan and Xandra departed the faculty lounge for the eastern wing of the Academy, Dylan still continued to look over his shoulder at Tobias’ parting group. He and Amy strode with their usual confidence aside the arm waving and excited Lucien, and Dylan couldn’t help but frown the entire time, heaving a heavy sigh and finally facing forwards once the other group disappeared from view around a corner. Tobias and Lucien? That would be nothing other then a recipe for disaster. What was Estelle thinking putting them together? He knew Tobias would try to sink his clutches into his friend the moment he got the opportunity. Amy would take no nonsense, and hopefully prevent such a thing, but it still worried and angered him intensely. Why did he have to join them?
And then his memory flashed back to Los Paraisos, and that fateful morning where he and Lucien had woke up in bed together, and…
Dylan shook his head. He wasn’t the same as Tobias. Nowhere near. That was a mistake, one he vowed never to make again, even if his attempts at not drinking failed spectacularly the previous night. Even then, he would never hurt his friends again like that. Not ever. Not like Tobias, who repeated the same actions over and over again, hurting men and women alike in his ever constant dreams of conquest.
Lucien, Amy… Dylan grimaced.
Be safe."Studying here must have been some experience?” Xandra interrupted the Matter Artist’s thoughts, shocking him back to his surroundings and friends. “Did you do exhibits all the time?"
“Hahaha. I did a few exhibits, yes,” Dylan’s mood swung a little bit back in the direction of his regular self. “We used to do regular exhibitions in the painting department, which would pick up a lot of clients interested in making commissions. That along with our regular studies and teachings… yes. It was an enjoyable experience.”
“Do you not miss it, Dylan?” Marcus asked to the blonde’s other side. Dylan turned, blinking.
“Miss it? Yes… yes I do. I think about it everyday. But… I can’t come back. I’m a Guilder now.”
He heaved a heavy sigh. He couldn’t come back. Not when
he was here too.
“Come, the Eastern sector is where all of the painting studies were done. There might still be a few of my works in there. Of course, they’re all incredibly old by now…”
As the Pride meandered to their areas and routes, they all began to explore and memorise the patterns of their patrols, anxiety and trepidation building for the mission to come. Outside, the afternoon sun began to set, as night began to descend upon them…