Nanika was lucky, she didn't have to worry about changing into her monster form, it was the exact same as her human one.
TheMM00s3 said
Victor got up out of his seat and stretched, sitting on that bus was not good for his tail and it needed to move around. As he stretched his tail out it accidently slapped Katherin in the face. Victor quickly spun around and looked at her with a worried expression. "I-I'm sorry." He strained to get the words out. He didn't like talking to people, but he didn't want to be too mean on the first day of school, "Are you okay?"
TheMM00s3 said
Victor forced an awkward smile nodding slightly. He sat back down and paused for a bit, then he suddenly turned towards Katherin again giving her a curious and wide eyed look. "Hold on," He said quickly, "Are you a Vampire?" He sniffed toward her and gasped, "Holy shit! You're a real vampire!" He stared at her for a bit sniffing around her. He suddenly stopped himself, he let out and awkward laugh and back up sitting in his seat again. "Sorry, I've never met a vampire before. You have an odd smell."
TheMM00s3 said
"Oh sorry, I mean odd as in new. You smell nice, it's been about 10 years since I've smelled a vampire." He forced a small smile and slowly put out his hand for a hand shake. "Hi, I'm Victor." He paused for a second, "I know where are not suppose to reveal our monster identity, but it's kinda unfair that I know yours. I'm a Velmen." He produced a nervous laugh, "I'm not very good at interacting with people, so sorry for the awkward moment."
TheMM00s3 said
Victor looked at Katherin and nodded, "Yeah, I've played for about 6 years. And I know what you mean, learning to play this with fangs is a pain in the ass." He smiled, "But it's easy once you get use to it. I can teach you if you want."