I get a kick out of creating a really in depth character and making him the psuedo-leader of whatever assemble group a roleplay comes up with... then killing him.
Kestrel said
@Jig, dices are random (obviously). While it might be great development for your character to experience defeat, it might also be great for them to be on a long winning streak and become overconfident because of it (and then end up making mistakes that aren't salvaged by dice rolls). The dice gives you less control, but not less development or story.
Jig said
Sure, winning is also decent character development if that's the way you want to take it*. I'd simply rather choose.*typically, I like to hit my characters repeatedly with a stick, but I'm sure I'll throw one a bone one day.
Brovo said
I prefer dice for the reason that it takes away the choice from me and forces me to act dynamically, like, say, in real life. Instead of my character always getting things their way, they could legitimately get maimed or die. So long as it makes sense in-context, like a veteran warrior should never lose to some random peasant in a normal, straight up duel.
Jig said
Meta-gaming. When your character has a secret, even one that could be easily found out by the proper methods, that other players are aware of, and suddenly one character has this bolt of inspiration that enables them to instantly work out what the secret is despite having absolutely no information about it and not having embarked on any means of research to find it out.In this particular case, I'd actually specifically, in the IC, indicated exactly how anybody that wanted their character to find out could have them do it.But, no, telepathy's faster.Grr.Fair enough. I get that people like the randomness - I just really don't.I especially don't fancy the idea of accidentally getting my character killed if I'm enjoying an RP. Boooooo. >:[
Awful said
Oh boy, this just brought back bad memories of a player I once had the incredible displeasure to be part of a game with; I had one character who I rolled as an information-broker, went through the other players to ensure that they would be okay with this – they were fine with it, but this one chap, he took meta-gaming to a whole new level. Whatever I did to try and role-play this sneaky little career, somehow his character would be there to foil the whole thing. Eventually I had to go the Gms due to it as his character eventually began to claim he knew who my character was without any evidence!I could understand that, after a few in-game months and habits that gave my character away, I could understand someone being a tad suspicious, but this guy was there in the pantheon of meta-gaming gods.But yeah, it irks me bad!
Jig said
These people suck. I don't know what it is. Maybe it's just a determination to helpfully pick up on every point in everybody's post.I once was playing an underconfident-and-cowardly-but-not-incompetent character who was deliberately concealing his skills out of reluctance and spite, which I said, in my narrative voice in the IC. One character, an infuriatingly imperious and kool (with a kapital kay) snarker immediately turned to him in the following post asking him if he was hiding anything.When challenged: "Oh, she's a very complex character. I'm sorry you don't understand her."
Prince said
I started in tabletops. Dungeons and Dragons 3rd Edition with a few expansions. I honestly don't remember too much about it. We sat around a table, partook of our inspiration, and played. Vampire: The Masquerade and Savage Worlds (my favorite) followed. Been nearly a decade, and Savage Worlds was actually fairly recent so my opinion might be a bit biased.
Scout said
to outright *ignore* all other sheets is entirely disrespectful.
Jig said
I honestly wonder if people read them and it simply doesn't occur to them that it might be worth making their character with the intention of complimenting or contrasting the other characters in a roster. It's not as though every character has to fill a unique niche, but if two characters have similar specialities, let's say, then those characters should surely be designed to contrast one another, or you end up with a completely random and unconnected characters?
vancexentan said
When people try to put in things that were not in canon when clearly everyone else was told that it should be kept within canon of the game. When people don't read the whole Interest check and then join find out what the rp is really about then bailWhen people GM then leave for a week or more at a time leaving a confused group of people sitting on their asses without a clue on what's going on.
vancexentan said
When people try to put in things that were not in canon when clearly everyone else was told that it should be kept within the canon of the game.
vancexentan said
and size.