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Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Overwatch
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Overwatch The Lord of Black Flames

Member Seen 4 yrs ago


Years have passed since the Shepherds defeated Grima, the Fell Dragon, and saved the world from destruction. The world is at peace… or so everyone thinks. A group of Plegian mages look to revive Grima using forbidden magic, and they will stop at nothing to bring the beast back from the dead.
Meanwhile, a traveling group of young men and women who call themselves the Sacred Blades are protecting the defenseless and weak from rogues and bandits. Having replaced the Shepherds, who had disbanded over time, they struggle to assure that no innocent blood is spilled.
No one knows about the group of Plegian mages and what they're up to. All that is known is that violence and crime seem to be on the rise, and that the Sacred Blades will have to fight much harder than they were before.


You are (or going to be) part of the Sacred Blades, a growing vigilante group. The Sacred Blades aren’t taken seriously by larger bands of rogues since they are rather inexperienced and weak. However, they seek to become stronger by recruiting more young men and women into their cause, and won’t stop until they make sure that no one is at risk of being killed by bandits.
Or maybe you’re going to be one of the ambitious Grimleal, those who worship Grima and wish to resurrect him. You’ll stop at nothing to raise the Fell Dragon from the dead and allow him to cast the world into a bloody darkness.
The world is about to be thrown into panic and disarray. A demonic force is hiding in the shadows, prepared to strike at the precise moment. And yet, no one knows what is upon them…


The setting will be the four nations of the realm—Ylisse, Ferox, Plegia, and Valm.


Classes are used to describe a character’s fighting style. For instance, Paladins are mounted warriors, Mages use tomes to cast spells, etc. The full list of classes can be found here, however, there will be exceptions and restrictions to what classes you may choose.
Players may not make characters who fall under the following classes:


There can only be two of each of the following classes in the RP:

Lord and Great Lord [None left]
Tactician and Grandmaster [None left]
Manakete [None left]
Dread Fighter [One left]


- Basic RPG rules apply.
- This is a semi-lit RP; two-three paragraphs minimum per character and proper grammar is required in each post.
- What I say goes. If I am not here, listen to the co-GM.
- Will there be romance? Hell yeah. Just be sure to keep it PG-13. If you want to RP the icky stuff, go elsewhere, please.
- You do not have to be familiar with FE:A to RP with us. Just make sure you have read all of the links I have posted on here.
- I will accept no second tiers at the start of the RP.
- I will assign someone as co-GM later on in the RP. If you feel as if you can fill that position, PM me.
- Supports (also known as important conversations) are going to be in the RP. There are four levels of supports—C (basic conversation), B (explanation of a character’s backstory/beginning of bonding), A (strong bond is formed), and S (marriage). To save time, I’d appreciate it if RPers would work on their supports on a collaboration site. That way you can copy and paste it into one large post. The collab site is located here.
- To prove you have read everything, put your character’s catchphrase in the “Other” section of your form.
- Fill in all parts of the form.
- Remove the parenthesis from the forms.
- If you have more than one character, please try and submit one form per post.
- Have fun!


Age: [17-25 please!]
Birthday/Zodiac: [Insert your character’s birthday and zodiac sign!]
Allegiance: [Sacred Blades, Grimleal, or Other?]
Appearance: [Anime appearances only.]
Ability: [What they’re good at!]
Quirk: [What makes them stand out from the rest of the group? For instance, they’re the best climber, the best chef, the best singer, etc.]
Strengths: [Three max.]
Weaknesses: [Three min.]
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Overwatch
Avatar of Overwatch

Overwatch The Lord of Black Flames

Member Seen 4 yrs ago


-8/23/2014 Overwatch is the new GM (god help me)
-8/23/2014 Savo is the new CO-GM (god help him)
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Overwatch
Avatar of Overwatch

Overwatch The Lord of Black Flames

Member Seen 4 yrs ago


Sacred Blades

Noelle - Dancer [Played by Coyote]
Piers - Mercenary [Played by Swordfish]
Mara - Cleric [Played by Zagreus]
Margaret - Mercenary [Played by Swordfish]
Gran - Mage [Played by Savo]
Sapphire - Lord [Played by Pandah]
Riley - Cavalier [Played by Eclipse]
Laciel - Mercenary [Played by Savo]


Zayn - Tactician [Played by Stranger]
Verin - Dark Mage [Played by Zagreus]
Ruby - Myrmidon [Played by Pandah]
Alice - Pegasus Knight [Played by Ryute]
Liam - Cleric [Played by Coyote]
Eithne - Mage [Played by Silent]


Vincent - Lord [Played by Overwatch]
Lune - Thief [Played by Zeion]
An'zu - Archer [Played by Chezka]
Sayuri - Myrmidon [Played by Demous]
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Savo
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Savo Time to go to Hell

Member Seen 2 days ago

Overwatch, are we going to fully start over or continue at where we were at in the story?
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Overwatch
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Overwatch The Lord of Black Flames

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Savo said
Overwatch, are we going to fully start over or continue at where we were at in the story?

We will continue. But I need to ask Dragon a few things before you all post again.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Savo
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Savo Time to go to Hell

Member Seen 2 days ago

Username: Savo
Name: Laciel Daelam
Age: 23
Gender: Male
Birthday/Zodiac: August 1/Leo
Allegiance: Sacred Blades (used to be Other)
Class: [Mercenary] -> Hero -> Dread Fighter

Appearence and Clothing:

This is what he looks like. This is also technically his Mercenary class getup. He is 6'3".

Hero getup. He doesn't look like that though

Dread Fighter getup. Remember, the mercenary attire picture has his real face.

Weapons: Paragon (Reforged Brave Sword, don't expect him to use it much), Iron Sword, Poking Stick (Reforged Tree Branch).

Personality: Laciel is a laid back individual, and rarely jumps to fighting unless it is completely necessary. This leads him to often being called lazy by others, but that isn't necessarily true. He has worked hard almost every day on his travels, honing his skills. He is very level headed in situations where he is pressured, and rarely gets angry. Often when he does, it's usually for a few seconds, because what's anger going to help him with?

He is pretty friendly to those around him, and is one of the more modest blades. Laciel also can lend a helping hand to almost anyone, and tries to come up with a good solution. He is also a very strong-willed person, qnd very rarely gives in to any type of temptation.

Backstory: Laciel was born into a family of traveling mercenaries who traveled throughout the lands. He had an older brother named Vass, who often tried to outplay him in many different things, but often he lost to his younger brother. He was born to two Ylissian parents - man of magic, and woman of the blade, and these two tought him how to live his life. They taught him and his brother to have a strong resolve, and enjoy their lives. The family he has traveled with his whole life has shared hardships, happiness, and sadness, however one event would soon leave a permanent scar on his life.

One day, the pack of mercenaries was sent to take care of a few bandits lingering near the borders of Ylisse and Plegia. Little did the group know that this was a trap set up by the Grimleal to separate them both, and weaken a part of the group. As half of the group headed out to deal with the "bandits," the other group stayed behind to take care of the others due to there being children in the group (other than Laciel and Vass). The Grimleal sought to turn many of these children over to their side, gaining more allies in the future. They striked quickly, slaughtering the adults, and kidnapping the children. Laciel could only watch in horror as his only mother and father were slaughtered before him, and he was quickly taken away by the Grimleal at the age of 12.

He endured the Grimleals attempts to "fix" him, and often faked being turned over to their side to avoid being killed. Laciel was one of the few who resisted their mind altering magic, however his brother was not one of the few. Laciel continued being trained in the many arts of the Grimleal, and sought a way out of the volatile group. After biding his time for 4 years, he eventually found the chance to escape, and fled. His brother was angered with his brothers decision, and vowed to one day find and slaughter his treasonous brother.

The years past by as the young man continued traveling, training, and even doing a job or two to earn himself a bit of pay. He was often charitous to others, and often assisted other travelers with their problems. After wandering throughout the land, he eventually heard of the Sacred Blades mercenary group. He wasn't interested at first, but he remembered his mother's saying. "We are a band of misfits with no home. We care for each other, we suffer with each other, and we never give in to adversity. We will live, breathe, and die together, as a family... Thats what it means to be in a mercenary group." He was overcome by sadness, and decided to live by his mothers memory and find this group.

Ability: An amazing swordplayer, and magic user (later in the story). He can also sing any song blissfully in any octave.

Quirk: He is considered to be one of the best singers in the land.

Strengths: Great sword fighter and magic fighter(once he remembers how to use magic), very friendly to others, and is very patient.

Weaknesses: Very overprotective, curious, and an outright horrible liar.

Likes: Spicy food, gaining knowledge, others (except for the Grimleal), his family, and training.

Dislikes: Sour food, no resolve, the Grimleal, spiders, and uptight people.

Other: I couldn't think of a good one at the moment, so I might of stole one of the Avatars critical hit comments. If you want me to change it, I'll do it. I'll try and come up with a good one on my next character.

"Time to tip the scales!"

Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Savo
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Savo Time to go to Hell

Member Seen 2 days ago

Well, here's my second app then.

Username: Savo
Name: Gran Veular (Vass Daelam)
Age: 25
Gender: Male
Birthday/Zodiac:February 5/Aquarius
Allegiance: Sacred Blades (Grimleal)
Class: (Dark) Mage -> Sage (Sorcerer)

Appearance and Clothing:http://s276.photobucket.com/user/joyrock_dragon/media/AnimeMaleMage.jpg.html
Him in his usual attire. He is just as tall as his younger brother.

His disguise. He makes himself look like a good guy mage with this attire.

Weapons: Arcfire, Arcwind, Waste

Personality: A once chivalrous brother has degraded to nothing but a mere shell of himself. He is deceptive, cruel, and malicious due to the mind alteration he went through. Due to the training, he has become a sadistic killing machine who will show no mercy to the ones he hates. His mentality is twisted to the point where he could be considered borderline insane. He does seem to show lots of sympathy and love for Grima and his followers though. In fact, he isn't twisted around them, probably because he himself became twisted by those same twisted people. Anyone who denies the truth will be painfully executed mentally or physically by him. In a nutshell, this guy is a zealous nutcase.

However, this is only when he is Vass... Gran, on the other hand...

Backstory: His backstory is kind of like his brothers backstory, except with a few minor differences.

Vass was born to a traveling group of mercenaries, and lived with each of them. One day his brother was born, and that was the start of a soon to be rivalry. When they were older, they often competed with each other in different things, like sword fighting, magic, and all that good stuff. Vass exceled in magic, but he lacked the skill to use the sword. His brother on the other hand exceled in sword fighting, and was a mediocre magician.

One day, Grimleal stuff happened, kidnapping, sadness, and yeah. Its that one part in Laciels backstory. Only difference is, that he was too shocked to do anything, and just stood there with his mouth agape.

The same training happened with him, his brother, and the others. He was one of the many who had their mind warped, but didn't realize his brother was faking the whole thing. This hollow illusion was broken when his brother told him about what he was going to do. Vass would of followed after his fleeing brother, but he had strict orders to stay with the group. Angered at his brother for 'treason' he vowed to make him suffer one day.

Over the years, he continued training under the Grimleal, becoming one of their best assassins who took care of groups who would often be considered a threat to their cause. The Sacred Blades group has come to his attention, and he has recently joined the group under the guise of Gran Vuelar. His mission is to relay info back to a scout where they will put this information to destroying them to use. He isn't expecting that his brother might join the group, so he isn't worrying about him for the mean time. However, his brother is a high risk target to him if he finds out who he really is and exposes his intentions.

Ability: A great magic wielder, and an amazing liar. He can easily breathe out a believable lie without using any energy.

Quirk: He enjoys puppeting fire around to make it almost like a show.

Strengths: Great actor, skilled magic user, and unpredictable.

Weaknesses: Cocky, easily angered when nothing goes as planned, and he can become obsessive over almost anything.

Likes: The Grimleal, butterflies, herbal tea, learning new spells for... obvious reasons, and sweet food.

Dislikes: His brother, Naga, traitors, chickens (the animal), and spicy food.

Other: Fake: "It's all over for you, enemy/coward/vermin/fool!"

Real: "There is only one truth!"
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Savo
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Savo Time to go to Hell

Member Seen 2 days ago

Well, then, I'm going to have to talk to you about a few spoilers then...

I'll tell you later since I'm in driving school at the moment, and I could only get my apps in for right now.

Edit: Well that was a waste of time on my part xD

Maybe you should have everyone move their apps to the current thread to see who is still here and so that we don't have to update are apps on the previous thread when we have to.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Overwatch
Avatar of Overwatch

Overwatch The Lord of Black Flames

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Savo said
Well, then, I'm going to have to talk to you about a few spoilers then...I'll tell you later since I'm in driving school at the moment, and I could only get my apps in for right now.Edit: Well that was a waste of time on my part xDMaybe you should have everyone move their apps to the current thread to see who is still here and so that we don't have to update are apps on the previous thread when we have to.


oh, by the way, Savo, you are the new co gm
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by CoyoteKisses


Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by CoyoteKisses


Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Silent


Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Name: Eithne
Age: 21
Gender: Female
Birthday/Zodiac: November 24th, Sagittarius
Allegiance: Grimleal
Class: Mage

Weapons: Arcthunder , Wind

Having grown in a sheltered lifestyle, many facets of the world shocked Eithne and she had trouble dealing with these things. So even before she even joined the Grimleal she had become very good at dehumanizing and turning humans to monsters in her mind. If she could rationalize to herself that they deserved it, she could go on without it affecting her ability to function. If not for this and her determination to find her brother, she wouldn’t have been capable of joining the Grimleal. At this point she has convinced herself that there is no road away anymore and that she must stick with the cause as she aims to suppress the last remnants of her morality which occasionally linger to haunt her. A part of her may even have come to believe in Grima’s “salvation.” Otherwise she actually enjoys social company and tends to retain a well-mannered and polite disposition.

Eithne was born as a child to a common family, however, shortly after her birth she was adopted by and older Ylissean lord and his wife who could have no children of their own. Her life as the lord’s daughter was a good one. She spent much of her childhood immersed in their affection along with the fineries of noble status. They also taught her a lot in the ways of etiquette and “proper” social behaviour. She adored her parents and her life, nevertheless, there was a small, nagging feeling she carried with her – a desire to find out about those who had brought her into the world. And so it was that when she was around the age of ten she coerced her parents into telling her.

Unfortunately she learned that both her parents had died during a raid a couple years back. This didn’t really affect her much, except that she realized she would be unable to ever meet them and learn of how her life might have been. The only consolation she had was that the body of the couples other child had not been found, and so she retained a small hope that somewhere her brother was alive and someday she might be reunited with him. However, aside from having someone hired to look into his potential whereabouts briefly her life continued on as it had before.

It wasn’t until a few years later when Eithne mother succumbed to old age and her father developed severe memory loss that she once again turned to the hope of finding him. Her life at home had become unpleasant and unwelcoming and so after some debate she set of in search of his trail, along with the help of an escort who was helping track him down from where the trail went cold. During these travels she learned and saw a great many things, and being as sheltered as she had been before, they often shocked her. But the greatest shock came when she finally learned the last known location of her brother – he’d joined the Grimleal. More determined than ever and unwilling to leave her quest behind after having come so close she did what she felt was the best choice. She joined the Grimleal, and has worked with them since.

Ability: Aside from being a good magic user (especially of the thunder variety) she can emulate most people’s handwriting.
Quirk: Has exceptional penmanship
Strengths: Eithne is determined and unrelenting. She is also good at holding her tongue and minding her manners.
Weaknesses: Physically Eithne is quite weak. Her left leg is wounded and aside from generally being a nuisance, prevents her from fleeing or running quickly. Occasionally, her morals get in her way.
Likes: tea, lace, cities, rats, glass art, history, music
Dislikes: the desert, cows, swimming/being wet, puns, very loud people
Other: "I will preserve."
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Savo
Avatar of Savo

Savo Time to go to Hell

Member Seen 2 days ago

Overwatch said
Right-o.oh, by the way, Savo, you are the new co gm

Time to abuse my power be the best co-gm that I can be!
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Overwatch
Avatar of Overwatch

Overwatch The Lord of Black Flames

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Savo said
Time to be the best co-gm that I can be!

Right! I was told you had certain plans? As the new Gm, I need to hear about it. Pm me, wouldja?
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by CoyoteKisses


Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Savo said
Time to abuse my power

time to overthrow you
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Overwatch
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Overwatch The Lord of Black Flames

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

This will be fun, I can tell.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Chezka
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Member Seen 17 days ago

Username: Chezka
Name: An'zu
Age: 18
Gender: Female
Birthday/Zodiac: August 30 - Virgo
Allegiance: Other (eventually Sacred Blades)
Class: Archer -> Sniper
Weapons: Murasaki, a forged Killer Bow

Personality: The sass is strong in this one. An'zu is self-assured but laidback, and even though she tries to hide it, there's a certain sophistication in her movements and speech that hint at a noble upbringing. Due to years of being restricted, her pent-up desire for freedom have all but exploded into the surface. She has thus adopted a devil-may-care attitude toward life and is currently too easily swayed by her whims; An'zu basically does whatever she feels like doing, with little regard to what consequences that may yield. Naturally witty and good-humored, she also has a quip ready for everything, although whether it's jocular or snarky depends on the company and the circumstance. In general, humor is something of a defense mechanism for her, and she tends to brush off worries with a lighthearted flourish and hides her fears under mounds of jokes. Although she's usually frank and direct, when something genuinely upsets her, she closes herself off and raises her walls. She readily offers to help others in need, but when the tables turn, she believes she has to solve her problems on her own, lest she get too reliant on the kindness of others.

Among friends, An'zu is playful and openly affectionate. She likes to tease the timid ones especially, often by encroaching on their personal boundaries to see how much they can take.

History: An'zu is the seventh child and only daughter of the Chonsinese royal family. She and her older brothers were trained in combat and politics practically as soon as they were born, and although she personally chose to forego the usual swordplay training (she felt like being a rebel), she was trained in archery. As a member of the royal family, she was expected to be well-versed in the ways of combat, to be able to rise to defend the land in the face of great dangers, like the great Say'ri did years ago. It wasn't until she turned sixteen that an entirely different responsibility was placed upon her.

Ever since Walhart's conquest of Valm, the countries of Chon'sin and Rosanne had been at a constant state of disagreement that only intensified as years passed, eventually reaching a point where their citizens began to openly fight each other. It became a dangerous feud that cost lives. Both her parents and the duke and duchess of Rosanne wanted to restore the peace, but their initial attempts were resisted by their people. Too blinded by their loyalty for their land, neither party wanted to make amends unless the other formally begged for forgiveness.

That was where An'zu came in. As a final resort, the two ruling families eventually thought to combine their families. If the Chon'sin's beloved princess were to marry the Duke's equally beloved son, their loyal citizens would then have to offer their begrudging support. They thought it would help put a cease to all the fighting, and could possibly even start strengthening the bond between them. For two years, An'zu and the Duke's son had to put up with the ruse and they toured the cities of both countries, pleading for peace. It worked for the most part, although the more radical citizens continue to wreak havoc. There was something about the idea of star-crossed lovers that appealed to the masses, and dissent amongst the people were gradually dying down, being replaced instead with the buzzing of gossip.

An'zu had just turned eighteen when everything changed. It was the day of their wedding, the culmination of everything they worked for, when the radicals decided to take action. The day itself was a blur to her, and she remembered only the seconds before she was knocked out. When she came to, she was on a ship going to Ylisse, a small bag with her belongings and a note attached to it, signed by her betrothed. It turned out that the ones who kidnapped her were 'friends' who wanted to save her from a restricted life.

Blinded by her desire to be free, An'zu easily accepted the tale fed to her, even though her instincts told her to do otherwise. It was the first time she traveled beyond Valm, and it thrilled her to see the different cultures. She is currently aimlessly traveling about Ylisse, trying to see as much of the world before she is forced to return to her home.

Unbeknownst to her, her kidnapping had set alight to the feud between the two countries who blame each other for the incident.

Ability: She can charm her way out of things

Quirk: Selectively listens; unfamiliar with the current happenings outside Valm

Strengths: Lithe, deadly accurate, resourceful, unpredictable
Weaknesses: Too reckless, too stubborn to ask for help, can't take a lot of blows, her small stature generally means she's weaker than others, self-indulgent, no sense of direction

Likes: Jokes, snarky retorts, fun people, teasing people, sweets, learning about the different cultures outside of Chon'sin, reading
Dislikes: Bitter and sour food, uptight people with no sense of humor, being forced to speak formally, boredom, being reminded of her home and the responsibilities she's running away from

Other: "How about we do something fun?"
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Pandah
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Pandah Magical Panda Being

Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Blub blub, hai guys~ I'm on mobile right now aha orz
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Stranger
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Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Here's my evil overlord character again.

Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by CoyoteKisses


Member Seen 9 yrs ago


makeSOME noise


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