When the guards woke her in the morning, Alice jammed her eyes shut and rolled over onto her belly, thoroughly burying her face in the pillow. The guards were going to have to deal with the fact that she wasn't a morning person.
HailStorm_the_Colorful said
When the guards woke her in the morning, Alice jammed her eyes shut and rolled over onto her belly, thoroughly burying her face in the pillow. The guards were going to have to deal with the fact that she wasn't a morning person.
KatherinWinter said
The guards smacked her before dragging her out of bed. "Lets go!"
HailStorm_the_Colorful said
Alice grunted and pulled herself to her feet after the guards yanked her out of bed.
KatherinWinter said
"Alright children, let's head to the gym. Today we're going to test your agility with some gymanastics.
KatherinWinter said
"Did everyone sleep well?" Roxy asked sarcastically. She leaned against the far wall. She was trying to act normal. Even if leaning against the wall caused her pain. It was better then letting them know that they had gotten her into trouble.