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Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by MarshiestMallow
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MarshiestMallow The Marshiest of Mallows

Member Seen 1 yr ago

Jangel13 said
Angelo walked through the maze with kethlar walking through the damned maze and Angelo groaned loudly when he heard him say that they were walking in a circle and Angelo banged his face against a wall nearby in annoyance before grabbing the drink the guy had and Angelo started to drink it and he thought of ideas and he decided to just take a chance "why not instead we go and see whats causing your interference. I cant deal with staying in here longer then I have to and I feel like getting this done so much faster. Let me just deal with whatever is making the noise and we can find the people were looking for"

at that moment, there was a scream. It seemed to echo through the caven walls that made the maze, but it seemed stronger in front of the two wizards, and a scraping sound could also be heard. The scream died off slowly as it continued to echo.
Jamie nodded to Mayt, before heading to his room "a guild member stays in the rafters. Angelo might dislike the intrustion of someone else on the rafters" he said, shrugging, pushing the door open to his room, seeing Jarvis had piled a lot of food into one large plate, and Master Jamie nodded to the plate "eat what you will. I expect, unless a situation makes you uncomfortable or goes against what ever bond you have with Milena, that you will obey my command. Mostly, it's so you don't get hurt, or don't screw up guild business"

She sat down on the bed, and sighed softly
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Burthstone
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Burthstone The Nebulus Nebulae

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Mithera did a combination nod and shrug, before leaping off Jamie's shoulder and gliding over to the table, taking the invitation to eat. She began devastating whatever meat there was on the plate. She eats a surprising amount for her size, before she makes a huge yawning motion and rolling onto her back on the table. Her belly looked a little distended, and she folds her wings around herself, looking surprisingly comfortable as she falls asleep right there on the table. Guess she doesn't particularly care where she sleeps.

Mayt watches Jamie head into his room, then turned back to the water Jarvis gave him. He was worried about what Master Jamie had said about a Demon, even if it was dealt with like Jarvis said. He tapped his fingers on the table, doing his best to think. He ultimately decided it would be best to hit the hay for a while. Alcohol never lead to better conversational skills unless the other party had had some too. He stood up, nodding to Jarvis and telling him he's headed back to his apartment.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Paingodsson
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Paingodsson A Dreamer

Member Seen 4 hrs ago

Kelthar nodded at Angelo's suggestion. "I agree that we should. So Kelthar stood up and focused once more when the scream could be heard. He didn't even need to use magic to hear this. But thankfully all the noise was just enough for him to know exactly where to go. "This way!" he yelled as he sprinted back the direction they came. He made a few new turns as he focused on the scraping. The screams were audible but they wet echoing he had to focus on his sound magic to be able to tell where and what direction it was coming from. "GAH!" he yelled, "This is taxing on my magic." He Said as he tried to remain focused. It wasn't anything he wasn't used to though he had done something like this before to try to increase his magic level. But an echo was something completely different because he had to find the original soundwave in the echo.

He made a turn and that's when he saw it he suddenly stopped seeing a giant minotaur in front of him. And in front of the minotaur were people. They had to be the people they were sent to rescue. The minotaur hadn't seen them yet as it brought up it's fist to attack the people. Kelthar whistled a high pitch whistle that started to echo but stopped. The screaming noise from the people suddenly went quiet to. Kelthar was in a stance and ready. The Minotaur hearing the whistle before it went silent turned around to see them. Kelthar was pulling in all the sound he could, the echo from the place was unreal as it only added to what he was already trying to do. The minotaur charged Angelo and him. Kelthar looked back at Angelo. "Get ready!" he yelled, "And cover your ears!" he said as he took a breath and unleashed a loud echoing wail that sent out a shockwave that slammed into the minotaur. Kelthar's wail echoed around them as the minotaur put his hands on his ears as the shockwave slammed into his chest. Kelthar sprinted to the people now. "Get em Angelo!" he yelled as the Minotaur got back up angrier then ever. Kelthar grabbed one of the people by the arm as the others followed. "Who's the guide!?" he said as he could feel the minotaur about to bear down upon them. One of the men raised his hand, "me sir." Kelthar nodded, Take us back to town! Now!" he said as the man nodded and ran with him. He pointed in direction. And told the others how to run back to town. It was quite simple. "Left straight left right left straight , 2nd passage to the left and straight.

The others ran off just as Kelthar looked back to see the Minotaur smash the wall in front of him causing a landslide. He jumped out of the way as the minotaur now tried to smash him with to hands. Kelthar rolled away as the hands shook the ground. "I'm gonna have to go around!" Kelthar said as he cursed the minotaur under his breath. He got up to try to leave but the minotaur was already almost upon him. Kelthar wanted to turn but he didn't have time to. He unleashed a violent sound shockwave from his foot launching himself forward as the minotaur missed him again and continued after him.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Jangel13
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Jangel13 The angel of fortune

Member Seen 8 hrs ago

Angelo looked as they moved to the sound of the steps and he almost froze seeing the giant minotaur blubbering around and he was amazed to see his partner give off a shockwave and he covered his ears like he said watching the minotaur stumbling around in pain and he nodded to kethler but growled seeing that he blocked the path trying to go after him and Angelo needed to save his partner and the people so Angelo threw a bolt at it and it barley flinched pissing Angelo off and Angelo yelled "yo ugly! im right here!" Angelo yelled seeing it turn around and Angelo threw a bolt at its eye and it yelled out in pain "ill handle it get moving!" Angelo yelled seeing him leave hoping he would leave a trail for Angelo to follow

Angelo was left with the minotaur and Angelo needed to take it down so it never hurts anyone else. "jolt magic: Zeus armor!" Angelo yelled his lightning forming around his body as he charged the minotaur. The minotaur tried to smash Angelo but luckily it missed and Angelo was able to hit the things chest making it fall back a bit but now it grabbed its weapon again and Angelo needed to beat it down quickly. "Zeus armor: Zeus wrath!" Angelo yelled bouncing off the walls to punch and kick the beast but the monster was able to hit Angelo and make him fly into a wall and Angelo groaned as he felt weaker but he needed to give his friends more time to run so Angelo tried to use "Zeus armor: light-" Angelo yelled but unfortunately he got hit with the giant club and it nearly smashed Angelo's bones. Angelo felt weak and he needed to win.

Angelo went into a rage he never felt before " I need to win! I wont let you kill my friends!" Angelo yelled loudly and his body started to overcharge like crazy and obviously his body was starting to burn from the overcharge so he yelled "Zeus armor: gods Overcharge!" Angelo yelled and his body was burning but his body and his body was tice as fast and strong and Angelo ran off the walls and punched the minotaur's face making it move back slightly and Angelo landed on the floor to get his footing back before he jumped again punching the minotaur's gut, then the arm with the weapon but instead ended up going straight through the weapon itself destroying it, then another kick to the face before he landed on the ground yelling "gods overcharge: god's bolt!" Angelo yelled making a giant blue lightning bolt and throwing it at the minotaur making the minotaur burn and sizzle before dropping to the ground defeated and Angelo dropped to the floor panting loudly his body feeling like fire just trying to stay conscious glad he let his friend get out with the people....
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by MarshiestMallow
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MarshiestMallow The Marshiest of Mallows

Member Seen 1 yr ago

Master Jamie watched the little dragon gobble up the food, finding It fascinating that she could eat so much, and Master Jamke wondered where all the food went. There was only so much one being could hold within themselves.

Master Jamie decided it was just magic. Laying down, she threw the covers over herself, and was promptly asleep, but was ready to be woken at a moments notice. There was after all things to be done, and things that needed his attention.

But she would be useless to anyone if he didn't get any sleep.
Penny quickly reached Crocus, where she rented a MP jeep. It took her some time to figure out how to use it, but when she did, she knew she had to be careful not to use too much energy with it. She drove back to where the others were, pondering te implications of an Exceed here. There had been no contact with Edolas for well over 100 years, except for the Exceeds with the dragon slayers, and no one knew what had become of them when the slayers had gone. Had they returned to Edolas? Penny was under the impression that they had that ability.

She sighed, beginning to search for where she had left everyone, slow long and stopping when she arrived. She got out the vehicle "come on Lazarus, pull your weight and let's get Damian in the vehicle" she said
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by YipeeXD
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Member Seen 6 mos ago

Lazarus cracked his knuckles. "Boy that was tough." He sighed, deforming his wings. "But please, allow me." He grasped a hold of damian by both shoulder and legs and hoisted him into the vehicle. "You're pretty heavy for a quick guy." He huffed under his breath. After hoisting him in, he exclaimed. "I've used a lot of magic power, I dont think we can fight anything else, we should get out of here."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Paingodsson
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Paingodsson A Dreamer

Member Seen 4 hrs ago

Kelthar was running at a slow pace as he was focusing on what was going on behind them. He was hearing everything that Angelo was doing, the movements and stomping of feet. He looked up at the guide, Kelthar pulled out his Ukulele and stopped the Guide. Kelthar handed the Ukulele to him, "Play this outside of the exit, I'll be able to hear it and follow the sound." Kelthar said as the Guide nodded, "Now go!" Kelthar yelled. The people ran out of his sight as he made his way back to where Angelo was. Kelthar rounded the corner as he looked and saw Angelo laying down almost motionless with the minotaur next to him. "Angelo!" he yelled as he ran over to him, he checked and he was still breathing. "You over did it man!" he said jokingly as he bent down to start to try to pick him up. That is when a large thud could be heard behind him. He looked behind him to see a smaller minotaur roaring as it looked down at the larger one that Angelo had taken care of.

The Minotaur snorted loudly as it's breath became heavier. It glared directly at Kelthar. "Oh... that wasn't me." he said in a half joking manner. Kelthar stood up and moved away from Angelo as the Minotaur was obviously quite angry. "Now let's calm down and talk about this." he said, he knew it wouldn't get through to the minotaur but that didn't matter. The minotaur charged him sticking it's horns out to hope to impale him. It was a lot faster than the other though. Kelthar side stepped it as his feet glided across the ground. But the minotaur recovered quickly as it turned and charged once more. Kelthar side stepped this charge once more. However, The minotaur saw it coming as he brought his fist around and nailed Kelthar square in the face. Kelthar stumbled back as the pain coursed through his body. His legs felt like jello for a second, and he had to try to regain his equilibrium. The minotaur took this chance as it punched Kelthar now in the stomach. It felt like there was a knife wrenching into his stomach as his insides seemed to want to just come out of his body to escape the pain. Kelthar bent over only to now get smacked in the chin. He went flying into the air as he tried to remain conscious.

Kelthar landed onto his back, but he wasn't done yet. Kelthar rolled to his stomach and slowly stood up. "Well I'll give you one thing, you are faster than the other guy. But definitely not as strong." he said with a grin. The Minotaur didn't care though as it charged at Kelthar now it's head down. This time Kelthar rolled to dodge the attack. His stomach was already in pain and it hurt to have to move the way he did, but it was necessary as he got up and found the minotaur already bearing down towards him. Kelthar had time though as he focused his magic and sent out another wail that launched a shockwave that hit the minotaur in the shoulder. It stumbled back and roared in anger as it punched the ground and cracked the ground around himself. The minotaur picked up a large rock from the broken ground now and threw it at Kelthar, who simply kicked it. Using a shockwave to break the rock apart. The minotaur roared as it charged him once more, this time though it came at him swinging it's fists. Kelthar moved his hands into a position as the minotaur came at him. He blocked one attack and then another and another, He saw the kick coming as Kelthar spun around the minotaur so that they were suddenly back to back.

The minotaur turned to keep fighting but Kelthar spun around him once more his feet gliding on the ground as he now kicked the minotaur's leg. He sent a shockwave of sound out from it as well. The sound of a kick echoed through the area as the minotaur fell on it's back. The minotaur grabbed Kelthar after it had fallen and threw Kelthar away from him. Kelthar went flying and smashed into a wall "Gahh!" he yelled in pain as he felt the wind get knocked out of him just for a second though. He got back up to see the minotaur already up and holding up yet another large rock. The Minotaur threw the rock at Kelthar who punched the rock using a shockwave to break it once again. But this time he broke it to see the Minotaur charging with it's horns down and coming at him already. He hardly had time to move as he jumped to the side.

The Minotaur had however still gotten him, Kelthar hadn't been impaled but he screamed in pain as the horn shred the skin on his arm. "GAHH!" he yelled as he cursed the minotaur stumbling back for a second holding his arm. The minotaur didn't stop now as it ran at Kelthar with seeming full intent to impale and kill him now. Kelthar however needed more time to react as it came at him he had no chance to dodge. He had to think quickly. What could he do?

The minotaur snorted and grunted as it pushed all it's might against Kelthar. Kelthar had a hold of the minotaur's horns as it tried to bare down into him. Kelthar grunted as he was being slowly pushed back into a wall. He was slowly losing his footing. Kelthar felt his back touch the wall, his back was already hurting and even just the pressure of the wall hurt it all the more. His arm dripped with blood as he could feel it pulsate to the rhythm of his heart. What was worse is that he started to feel that arm give out. But he couldn't let this happen, he had to win, he had to go back home with Angelo. If he died then so would Angelo, and he would not allow that to happen. He kneed the minotaur in the face but it didn't do anything, in fact it kind of hurt his knee as the minotaur yelled in it's rage. However the yell had no sound, "I'm going to make you regret ever coming here!" Kelthar said as gritted his teeth that blood was slowly seeming to come from. The Minotaur once again tried to roar back as it pushed harder. No sound came out but it was getting closer and closer to impaling Kelthar.

Kelthar took a deep breath in as he focused and channeled his magic, That's when he let out a wail unlike the other two, it sounded horrid but the shockwave was point blank to the back of the minotaur's head. The Minotaur was quickly forced to the ground as Kelthar did not stop. The Shockwaves pulsating and shoving the Minotaur deeper and deeper into the ground. Finally Kelthar relented as he looked at the minotaur who now lie seemingly lifeless onto the ground. Kelthar stood over it as he went over and grabbed Angelo, "I got you buddy." he said with a grin as he lifted him on his good side so that way Angelo didn't get covered in blood. Kelthar slowly started making his way to the sound of the ukulele, it wasn't a good tune, hell it wasn't even a tune but it was a sound he could follow, and soon enough there it was, the exit. And there stood the tour guide waiting for them.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Jangel13
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Jangel13 The angel of fortune

Member Seen 8 hrs ago

How many times can you get impaled?" Angelo joked at him laying against him unable to move for fear of pain. Angelo couldn't move because if his burning body thankfully it stopped but he couldn't do anything to help his friend in that fight. Angelo waited as they got out of the labyrinth before he turned and told him "I said it before and I'll say it again, I hate mazes" Angelo said softly
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Paingodsson
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Paingodsson A Dreamer

Member Seen 4 hrs ago

Kelthar laughed at the joke that Angelo just made. It was quite good, he had said before that he had hated mazes, and Kelthar could see why now. But regardless, the important part was everyone was safe. Kelthar walked up to the man who was offering the job. "I think you will find Phoenix wing did a splendid job, we also took out two minotaurs that tried to make your valley their home. He said with a grin. The short pudgy man nodded, "Indeed you have. And just as promised here is your pay!" he said as he held out a bag of money that kelthar grabbed with a grin. "Thank you sir, and if you ever need any help again, just let us know!" he said as he exited the door. There was plenty to split for Angelo and Kelthar, all that was left was the long train ride home. Kelthar was looking forward to sleeping, He looked down at his arm that was now bandaged up, it was hurting but that was a given seeing how a chunk of it was missing due to a certain minotaur's horn.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Jangel13
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Jangel13 The angel of fortune

Member Seen 8 hrs ago

Angelo groaned a little laying down on the ground and he started to get back up. "lord help me I can not take another maze like that" Angelo groaned standing but felt like crap from the burns and he hated the minotaur's "lets just get back to the guild, they are going to have their work cut out for them this time. Although the upside is I learned a new armor form, one that takes a serious toll on my body but if I didn't learn it I would be dead now" Angelo sighed a little as he started to limp towards the train station...
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Expolar
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Expolar ...just a tortle...

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Bonnie saw Lazarus carry Damian to the MP jeep and she decided to jump on board. "Excuse me, Penny, do you think I can follow you guys to your guild? It sounds like a fun place and I should be able to help more people with magic if what you mentioned before is right." She jumped on Penny's head waiting for her response. "Maybe I'll even join if it's even more amazing than what you said before. So can you please take me to your guild." She said with a care free smile.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by MarshiestMallow
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MarshiestMallow The Marshiest of Mallows

Member Seen 1 yr ago

Penny nodded, shrugging "I don't see why not" she said looking to Sasha, sure her sister would have a better idea what their guild master would do.

Sasha shrugged as well, and wearily clumped into the jeep, settling back "I'm sure Master Jamie will find you most interesting, and if you can use magic, I'm more the certain he will allow you to join" she said with a yawn, she shifted, so she could lean against the wall of the car, and closed her eyes, it wasn't comfortable, but at least she could sleep, if only for a few moments.

Penny climbed back into the front, connecting the MP braces and once everyone was in, she would start back to the guild
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Expolar
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Expolar ...just a tortle...

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

"Perhaps I should try and join, but I don't know, why does this guild ring a bell to me. Where have I heard it before." She thought to herself while Penny drove the MP jeep back the their guild. "Well if you think Sasha knows more about the guild, then I guess I should ask her." turned around to face Sasha, "So Sasha, do you think someone like me can join the guild?" curious to see what Sasha would say, but feeling a bit bad asking since she looked so tired from the battle.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by MarshiestMallow
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MarshiestMallow The Marshiest of Mallows

Member Seen 1 yr ago

Sasha smiled slightly, but did not open her eyes, however her voice was clear of all weariness as she said, "Master Jamie will accept anyone, so long as their heart is in the right place. You helped us when you did have to. You will be a valued member of Phoenix wing.

After that, the time seemed to fade for Sasha, until they reached the guild. She was sure they must have looked a sight, ragged and battle torn as they were, and yet, as soon as she saw the guild, Sasha felt the usual excitement. She was home.

True to Sasha's word, after hearing about their adventure, master Jamie, who had woken from sleep at the commotion the group made, turned to Bonnie, eyes alight with a strange curiosity "well, welcome then Bonnie. It would be a tremendous pleasure to have you in this guild"
As the months went by, more disturbing things began to occur. Two more demons were seen, and defeated by the guild, with a few more dark guilds appearing, only to be thwarted by Phoenix Wing. He guild began reknown for it's powerful members who wished to do what was right, even if they sometimes caused destruction where they went.

Sasha and Penny had caught up on roughly twenty years of goings on, and eventually began to develop a close, sisterly bond. Sasha would never trade it for anything, but she still enjoyed her time apart from Penny, enjoying still teaming up with Lazarus.

She also continued to grow in power, not much, but enough that she noticed, and enough that when she used her dragon attack she no longer felt as of she was using most of her energy. She was pleased with herself, and was humming as she headed down stairs, ordering some bacon and eggs for breakfast, and some juice, before settling down at a table, looking about for anyone else.

Penny however, took what ever jobs she could, typically taking jobs she could do easily, just enjoying the fact that she no longer had to search for Sasha, and that she always had somewhere to come home to, and Sasha there as well. She had just come back from a job, and was sleeping in.

Master Jamie still continued his search for what had happened to Wes, as well as for the rising dark activities occurring around. Twice, Master Jamie had gone into the field herself, taking Mithera along with him. She felt it was important that the guild members should see that he trusted the shapeshifter. Or at least trusted her enough to help out when needed.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Burthstone
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Burthstone The Nebulus Nebulae

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

MIthera would've gotten into her full dragon form after a few weeks at the Guild. Most anyone who hadn't seen an actual dragon could quite easily mistake her for one, this likely adding to the renown of the guild. When on missions with Jamie, she would have easily intimidated any wanna-be attackers, While at the guild, she'd spend her days either hunting or lounging around in the yard of the Guild, saying nothing and not bothering anyone of the guild. She never seems quite happy with being stuck at the guild, and only a little better when out and about. She likely feels cooped up, due to the blood pact, and wonders why Melina hasn't contacted Jamie yet. She wouldn't say anything about this, in fact, she wouldn't give any indication she can talk at all in any form. Simply grunting and growling when she was annoyed by anything, and nodding thanks when she was fed.

Mayt wouldn't be particularly trustful of Mithera, afraid she's going to attack the guild at any moment, but he never says anything to anyone. He would've spent most of his time taking jobs and doing them alone, or, if need be, with another person from the guild. He would put most of the money he ears away in a few banks, only keeping enogh with him to eat and to pay his rent. He wouldn't have been particularly happy when Master Jamie explained about Mithera, and he'd be even less happy with the recent happenings. He definitely would've picked up a communication Lacrima at some point, and made sure that Jarvis or Jamie could contact him at any time should something come up or he was needed.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Vec
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Vec Liquid Intelligence

Member Seen 5 mos ago

Somewhere on Mt. Suisen…

Sho stood in front of one of the numerous giant trees that grew abundant on Mt.Suisen. “Today is the day you lose!” he said and with a shout he opened the third gate, Seimon, and threw a right hook at the tree which cracked the bark followed by a left reverse kick on the same place. The force of the impact of Sho’s empowered kick shattered the trunk and a loud grunt was heard throughout the forest as the large tree fell down.

“Phew, that was one tough tree” Sho sighed and fell down on the ground. His muscles didn’t hurt nearly as much as the first time he opened the third gate, which showed his body had grown accustomed to the strains of opening the gates put on it. He raised his hand, pointing at the sky and clenched his fist “I can’t wait to open the other gates! I wonder how my old man will react when he sees I’ve surpassed him once again. I guess he’s going to be pissed!” the thought was enough for him to laugh so hard he was brought to tears.

After he calmed down, he stood up and walked inside the cave he had made his home for the last couple of months and sat on the ground next to the campfire. “I wonder how everyone is doing…” the master had called a couple of times on the communication lacrima to hear how Sho was doing and tell him If anything had happened but aside from a couple of emergencies everything was quiet, something Sho didn't really mind at all.

“Well since I finished training for today, I guess I’ll call…” he thought and grabbed his communication lacrima from his backpack. He felt the lacrima draining his magic power to fuel itself and a white smoke appeared inside the little ball and after a while the image cleared and Sho could see papers and books. Books here, books there, books everywhere. It seemed the master had his lacrima on his desk inside his office. “I knew that she was a bookworm but this is beyond what I expected. She is the Queen of Bookworms!” he exclaimed not realizing he was talking out loud...
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Zarkun
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Zarkun The Vigilante

Member Seen 38 min ago

Damian had spent three days recovering from the fight with the Demon, thanks to both Bonnie's and the healer's healing, before going back out on jobs, mostly on his own. The last few months had been spent alternating between jobs and training, continuing to become stronger to help the guild and those who needed it. Shortly after he finished another job just outside Crocus, he hung up his cutlasses and began using what he called his Blade Change magic, a more refined version of his Blades magic that allows him to summon a pair of swords depending on what he needs right then. Using this magic, he's gone on to build a name for Phoenix Wing amongst the populace of Fiore.

In the process, with Phoenix Wing's job board filling with more and more requests as time went by, Damian built a name for himself as The Blade of Phoenix Wing, swift, strong and solid in his convictions. He'd taken several jobs in shutting down Dark Guilds on his own, but he still took higher paying jobs and teamed up with Penny on occasion so she had a little extra jewel for when she and Sasha wanted to just go shopping or some other girly things. He spent his own free time training, making sure he did the guild and the title S Class proud.

That morning he came in looking a little beat up from the completion of his most recent S Class job out on the coast dealing with a Dark Guild calling themselves Bloody Mary. They'd had a couple of new magic types in their ranks, a wizard who could bend time immediately round himself to speed himself up and another who could control inanimate objects at will. The pair had given Damian a run for his money, but eventually ran out of magic energy before he did. That had been another thing his training and done; with increased power came increased magic energy. When he'd finished kicking the crap out of the guild, he'd questioned about the woman he and Penny had been chasing in Crocus, but came up fruitless again. Sighing heavily as he opened the door, he waved to Jarvis and Sasha as he took a seat, waving for a drink and a pie. "I haven't been this sore in a while."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by MarshiestMallow
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MarshiestMallow The Marshiest of Mallows

Member Seen 1 yr ago

Master Jamie suspected thAt Mithera wasn't letting things known, and while Jamie didn't press her, he liked to try and make her slip up. It was an amusement of his, and one that helped make things easier. It was a simpler puzzle then anything else lately, and Mothera had proved adept at keeping her secrets just that, secret. Still, the shapeshifter was more complicated the Jamie had ever thought, and while she didn't seem happy about being in the guild, she didn't seem extremely miserable, so Jamie thought that was something to be thankful for.

She was taken out of her thoughts by Sho's voice. Amusement flood Jamie and she laughed, "I have to know everything Sho, and that which I don't know I have to find. Hence all the stuff around." No matter the dark times, Master Jamie knew that she had people she could count on, and her guild was the light in the darkness for him. Nothing could compare to his members. "I assume that since you are calling then you are alive and well. You really should return to the guild. I fear we may have need of everyone possible here soon"
"Being sore means you were challanged and that is a good thing, for it means you still have room to grow" Sasha said, as she ate her breakfast "what happened?" She asked curiously. She enjoyed talking with her friends, and hearing about their jobs. It was also one way of gathering information, for she still had difficulty reading. Sasha had come to the conclusion that there was some sort of block in her subconscious that she couldn't get passed to read well. Her mother had often read with her and her brother, and she had always enjoyed those times. They had been in the middle of an exciting book when Sasha's world came crashing down around them. Sasha just guessed that that was the problem.

She shifted, glancing go the job board, wondering if there was any good jobs to take, but decided to wait. They'd been taking jobs a lot lately, and she figured a few hours break was a good thing. She looked to Damian, waiting for a reply, giving him a smile.

Penny woke, groggily. She was slow moving, and for good reason as her body was stiff and covered in bruises, cuts and scraps, nothing serious but they all added up, causing her to groan as she showered and dressed, before heading downstairs. The job Penny had gone on had been tough, but worth it, and as she stumbled downstairs she was smiling slightly
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Zarkun
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Zarkun The Vigilante

Member Seen 38 min ago

Damian thanked Jarvis as he brought over the drink and pie and took a gulp before answering Sasha, debating on which wizard to tell her about first before shrugging to himself and deciding to tell her about both. "That Dark Guild, Bloody Mary, had a couple new magic types I hadn't seen before. One called his Overdrive Magic, it let him slow the flow of time immediately around him to let him seem to move faster than he is and the other used Marionette magic, allowing her to control any inanimate object or summoned celestial spirit, I checked the history books on that one afterwards, as a Marionette and they do what she said. Must have been a team before joining that guild because their tag team attacks were flawless."

He took a bite of his pie before continuing, chewing and swallowing quickly. "Had to use the Alpha lock to keep up with two. Only reason I'm not still out there is cause they ran out of magic energy before I did and I got in a decent couple hits."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Remram
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Member Seen 3 hrs ago

"Y-you bastard. Damn you to the deepest pits of hell." Lying on the ground a dark mage cursed the man who had slain… no slain would be putting what he did lightly to this dark mages's squad. They were annihilated, most of them had painted the town red involuntarily with their blood though one would notice that this portion of the village was covered by what seemed to be ashes though no flames had left their mark.

The dark mage never could imagine that such a simple job would've turned into a brutal slaughter. They were tasked to just collecting loans that a family couldn't pay back to their employer and they were given the ability to use any means necessary to get the money back. They had entered the inn that the family owns and had destroyed much of their property and threatened to burn their business to the ground. That was when a single mage, a young man with cold eyes to give Death himself a run for his money. There were no words exchanged since you can't reason with these kind of men so he opted for the alternative; make sure they will never hurt anyone again.

The young mage glanced down at the ruffian, his eyes showed no mercy and they certainly weren't going to put the effort of feigning it. He kicked the man's face in, breaking his nose without too much effort. The dark mage yelled and cursed at his newfound pain, calling the mage a variety of rather hateful slurs though stopped as the young man held his blade in the dark mage's general direction. "If you are going curse anything, curse fate."

The dark mage didn't have a chance to utter a word. The blade had cut through his neck like hot knife cutting butter, leaving the now deceased dark mage's ugly head rolling down the street.

Without much of a word, the mage swiped the blood of his sword and sheathed it before walking away. The man wandered out of the village and walked through the main highway, walking to the next place. He took out a map from his backpack and unfolded it to observe where the next stop would be. "Magnolia City." He mumbled, placing the map back in his backpack. He could only wonder what would be in store for him there.
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