Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Hotshot


Member Seen 8 yrs ago


15 ABY, the Kalrus Sector

Through the galaxy, the Galactic Civil War still rages. The New Republic, now the ascendant and dominant power in the galaxy, and the Imperial Remnant, the shadow of the former greatness of the Galactic Empire, still battle in countless sectors and on countless worlds. The Kalrus Sector is just another front of that galaxy-spanning war. A neutral sector, Kalrus has dozens of star systems with inhabitable worlds, and the Republic and Empire are not the only powers in the area. Crime rings, local governments, and corporate interests all come into play. Be who you want to be. Carve out a living for yourself in the Kalrus Sector, or change the course of the Sector for years to come. The major players in the Kalrus Sector are:

The New Republic: Formed in 4 ABY, after the dissolution of the former Alliance of Free Planets (which was formed directly after the Battle of Endor as an intermediate government), it has become the supreme governmental authority of the galaxy. The "New" Republic is, in spirit, a direct descendent and continuation of the Galactic Republic, which has become known as the Old Republic. The New Republic was founded on the same principle that the old Galactic Republic was thousands of generations before—to have a representative parliamentary body govern the galaxy in a fair and equal manner—and it was designed to eradicate the shortcomings that brought about the Galactic Republic's downfall. The New Republic is protected by the New Republic Defense Force, consisting of Army and Navy forces, and the New Jedi Order, which was established by Luke Skywalker. The New Republic Sector capital is Bothsisa.

The Imperial Remnant: The Imperial Remnant is an Empire formed from the unified holdings of various Imperial Warlords who had ruled their own territories following the final collapse of the Galactic Empire in 11 ABY. As the galaxy's largest Imperial power, the Remnant adheres to the tenets of the former Galactic Emperor Palpatine's New Order; although slavery and anti-alien sentiment were abolished, the Remnant maintained a strong military and limited public expression. The military is composed of the Imperial Navy, Imperial Army, and Stormtrooper Corps; making up the Remnant's war machine are traditional Imperial vehicles such as Star Destroyers, TIE series starfighters, and Imperial walkers. The Remnant is led by a Council of Moffs and the Supreme Commander of the Imperial Fleet. The citizens of the Remnant remain under its rule by their own choice, preferring the order and efficiency of New Order policy. The Imperial Remnant Sector capital is Dayislia.

The Alsaij Cartel: The Alsaij Cartel is a Hutt crime ring which operates exclusively in the Kalrus Sector. The Cartel has informants and operations on nearly every planet in the sector, ranging in size from simple one-man operations to massive, planet-spanning undergrounds. The Alsaij run the illicit drug trade in the Kalrus sector, and are a major player in illegal weapons and technology trading as well. The current primarch of the Alsaij Cartel is Palto the Hutt. The headquarters of the Alsaij Cartel is Gamaloth.

Omistel Industries: Headed by the young, fiery Tilyr Omistel, Omistel Industries is a powerful and influential producer of some of the best starship equipment in the galaxy. Although they have not yet made the jump to producing their own starships, their hyperdrives, sublight engines, and shields are renowned across the galaxy, and under Tilyr, it is assumed it is only a matter of time before Omistel Industries begins making its own line of starships. The corporate headquarters of Omistel Industries is located on Danpidor, where Omistel Industries serves as one of the five representative corporations on Danpidor’s ruling council.

Blackstar: A private military corporation which offers its services as heavily-armed and armored guards aboard starships and to protect important installations. Founded by a Mandalorian named Eter Valut, Blackstar has a large contingent of soldiers, armored personnel carriers, and small warships at its disposal. Blackstar was instrumental in the military coup on Corelda, and Eter Valut is still an important advisor to the military dictatorship there.

Bothsisa: The New Republic sector capital. A temperate world, Bothsisa is renowned sector-wide for its impressive University, which has major research labs in medicine, biology, chemistry, and engineering.

Trandoin: A New Republic military fortress world. Trandoin was once an Imperial fortress world which was captured by the New Republic during the Republic’s assault into the Sector, and due to the weakened Imperial garrison, most of the defenses were captured intact.

Ensiious: A mixed city and jungle planet which joined the New Republic willingly after overthrowing its Imperial rulers when the New Republic entered the Sector. Ensiious is an industrial planet, and provides the New Republic with the majority of its in-sector supplies and equipment.

Sultiloth: Sultiloth is a temperate planet which is heavily involved in the trade industry. It is ruled under the New Republic by a semi-democratic oligarchy, elected from the planet’s nobility, who rule benignly. Sultiloth has close ties with the corporations on Danpidor, and is a central banking and trading center for the Sector.

Dayislia: The Imperial sector capital. A desert world, Dayislia’s economy is mostly self-sufficient, with no major imports or exports, allowing the Imperials on Dayislia to survive being cut off in the case of a blockade.

Bothdora: An Imperial fortress world on which is consolidated the majority of Imperial combat power in the sector. After the fall of Trandoin, Bothdora was reinforced heavily, and its defenses and stores bolstered to ensure that it would be “impregnable.”

Ryorious: Rysorious is an Imperial mining world which provides a large amount of metals to the Remnant which is used in defense projects such as starship and military vehicle construction. The majority of the planet is covered in forest, and the mining is conducted below the surface in massive cuts.

Cortiion: A gorgeous temperate world ruled by the Remnant, Cortiion has long been a popular resort destination for many in the Sector. Cortiion is also a large producer of luxury goods such as fine clothes and personal electronics.

Danpidor: Danpidor is a major industrial world, truly the industrial center of the Sector. The planet is ruled by a council, on which the CEOs of the five largest corporations on Danpidor sit. Cityscape covers most of the planet, and living conditions for most of the lower-class workers are often poor while the rich reap the benefits.

Gamaloth: A planet ruled completely by the Hutts, Gamaloth is a world in which the word of Palto the Hutt is law. A planet covered in marshes and swamps, Gamaloth is surprisingly peaceful, due to the iron fist of the Hutt cartel.

Corelda: Corelda is a temperate world ruled by a military dictatorship. The planet was previously an independent monarchy with an agreement with the Empire to give tribute in return for independence, but a private military corporation, Blackstar, aided the Coreldan military in overthrowing the monarchy and seizing control of the planet. Now Corelda is independent, but has not yet decided which side to join in the war.

Colisore: Formerly ruled by the Remnant, the citizens of Colisore overthrew the Imperials in a long, violent uprising. Now ruled by the Revolutionary Council, Colisore has not yet thrown its lot in with the New Republic, instead choosing to remain independent.

Mandelyk: An independent planet covered mostly in ice and snow, Mandelyk is ruled by the Lyseli family, a powerful royal family who consolidated power over the planet several centuries ago. There are a number of other noble families on the planet, and court intrigue is a way of life for the nobles of Mandelyk.

Character Sheet:

[Picture if you wish]
Physical Description: height, weight, look, etc
Faction: Pick a faction, or remain neutral
Profession: ie Businessman, Soldier, Jedi, etc
Homeworld: Planet on which your character was born (may be in or out of Sector)
Starting World: Planet on which your character will begin roleplaying
Brief History:


Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Sep
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Sep Lord of All Creation

Member Seen 3 hrs ago

I notice something that may of been done in a Corporate Sector roleplay.

I might come up with an Imperial Warlord, as I don't think you'll let me take over the main Imperial.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Hotshot


Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Haha yes, good old Omistel Industries makes a resurgence!

Nah, the heads of factions will be reserved as NPCs controlled by the GM (myself). The idea is mainly for characters of lower stature, and they can rise through the ranks and become major players. As I said, however, the idea is mainly for people to start much lower on the totem pole.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Nortrom


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Since I'm making a Jedi, should I add his powers or should I explain what he can do through the IC posts?

Name: Nortrom Juvek
Race: Human
Gender: Male
Age: 34

Physical Description: 1,7 meters tall, short black hair, tanned white skin, muscular.

Faction: New Galactic Republic/ Jedi Order
Profession: Jedi Sentinel-Watchman
Homeworld: Dantooine
Starting World: Trandoin.
Weapons: Single-bladed lightsaber (yellow).
Equipment: A medkit, standard Jedi robe, several hacking tools, a road mine.

Fighting style: Shien/Djem So (Form V). A defensive stance that is extemely effective against ranged weaponry and lightsaber attacks.

Powers: As a watchman, Nortrom has developed powers that can be used for a multitude of things and can be useful for more than just combat. In combat, they are mainly used for defense.

* Force sight: Enhances vision. Allows the user to see in the darkness or even through walls.
* Tutaminis: A set of powers used to negate or deflect other force attacks. Nortrom has developed them in order to negate Sith powers. This is the main ability of Nortrom.
* Force Illusion
* Force jump

Personality: Empathetic and confident, Nortrom isn't very different from the average Jedi. He respects and loves all forms of sentient life, even those who would consider him his enemy. He acknowledges the responsibilities that come with being a force user and knows that abuse can lead to dark roads. He is cunning and knows how to use the environment to his advantage. A member of the Jedi order would consider him a paradigm for new students, a user of the dark side would most likely consider him as wasted potential or someone too afraid to fully use his powers.

Brief History: Born in Dantooine, Nortrom followed the doctrines of the Jedi Order from a young age, along with many others from his homeworld. When the New Galactic Republic was established, he officially became a Jedi Knight. He was referred and listed as a "Sentinel" due to being equally good at fighting and using force powers. After becoming a knight, he participated in a couple of missions issued by the Order before becoming a Jedi Watchman. As a watchman, his duty is to protect a certain system for as long as there were significant threats there. He was assigned at the Kalrus system, originally at Bothsisa but was eventually transferred to Traindoin. He is expected to assist the Republic's military on missions that aren't typical for most Jedi.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Hotshot


Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Sure, put up his powers and I'll let you know if they're good to go or not.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Nortrom


Member Offline since relaunch

Powers added. Not sure how many a Jedi can have, so I added these for now.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Fat Boy Kyle
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Fat Boy Kyle

Member Seen 2 mos ago

This ok? :)
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Hotshot


Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Both of those characters look good. Just make sure the negating of powers isn't too powerful that it totally nulls any other Force users.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by TheGodfather


Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Name: Maveri Vilka
Race: Kage
Gender: Male
Age: 55
Physical Description: 6"4, 210Ibs, Mild-grey skin tone (typical to kage) Thick, short-length Black hair with a small streak of pure white down the top-right.
Faction: No faction as of yet but many affiliations; Previously a member of the Jedi until its deterioration. Ties with the Alsaij Cartel as Maveri himself owns a small cartel supported by the Alsaij. As he is a "Dark-jedi" The remnants have a particular interest in recruiting him and any like him to gain a stronger foothold.
Profession: Dark (rogue) Jedi, Cartel Chairman, Broker (information and power)
Homeworld: Quarzite, Quarzite system, Inner rim
Starting World: Corelda
Weapons: Purple lightsaber, curved-hilt (Maveri is experienced at Form II: Makashi, but is competent in several forms of dueling at base level), electro-sword (more dagger-like, secondary weapon), Skilled unarmed martial artist, typical of the Kage warriors. Gained substantial knowledge of the force during his education and is therefore a moderatley skilled force-weilder, able to take on 2-3 opponents with only some difficulty.
Force Powers: Art of Movement, Shadow vision, mind control (all minor)
Equipment: Customized lightweight armor, practically soft-shielding or light-padding hidden underneath his clothing, which usually consists of boots, combat jumpsuit, tunic, hooded robes and a cape. Plus many pieces of jewellery and high-status customized attire. several gadgets such as binoculars and a hacking device are usually present too.
Personality: Cold and calculating, able to see a persons true personality and often exploits it.
Brief History: An escaped orphan slave and later a promising Jedi student, well on his way to earn a seat in the council. However dreams of any succes within died with the old order. Maveri was one of the lucky few who managed to escape during the end of the order. Since then, with the lack of family or friends and no-one to fully remind him of the ways of the force, Maveri concentrated on making a living via crime, working his way up, using his skills to kill, injure and steal; thus gaining him a dark reputation. After over twenty years as a criminal he has finally established himself as a Chairman of his own Cartel. The future of the Vilka Cartel awaits.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Hotshot


Member Seen 8 yrs ago

What are his main Force powers? Also, "mastery" of any form of light saber combat may be a little much for this roleplay. Expert is one thing, but master is a bit difficult for me to accept lol.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Amaranth
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Amaranth the Kasaanda

Member Seen 28 days ago

I'll get on this soon, I promise!
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Sep
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Sep Lord of All Creation

Member Seen 3 hrs ago

How about a small Warlord/Pirate fleet? Could be trying to influence the main Imperial Nation.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by TheGodfather


Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Hotshot said
What are his main Force powers? Also, "mastery" of any form of light saber combat may be a little much for this roleplay. Expert is one thing, but master is a bit difficult for me to accept lol.

I`ve updated my character sheet :)
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Hotshot


Member Seen 8 yrs ago

So the Force powers I'm seeing here are tending a bit towards the OP side, so I'm going to put some limits out there. You have to remember that at the most, your Jedi or Dark Jedi will only have been training for about 4, at the most 5 years. With that in mind, please take another look at your Force powers and ensure they are within that realistically. Your characters can become more powerful over the course of the roleplay, but I don't want everyone starting out uber.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Assallya
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Assallya HP: -10

Member Seen 1 mo ago

Race: Twi'Lek
Gender: Female
Age: 19
Physical Description:
Faction: Alsaij Cartel, however Aala is spying on Palta the Hutt
Profession: Slavegirl, Spy
Homeworld: Ryloth
Starting World: Gamaloth
Weapons: None
Equipment: None
Personality: Aala has never had much of anything. This now is her chance to get ahead. She'll backstab or betray anyone to get her payday. She has little in the way of morality or compassion. After all, none has ever been shown to her.

Brief History: Aala was born on Ryloth and a more vicious and less hospitable place you'd be hard pressed to locate. Ryloth is a tidally locked world, only the most affluent of its people live on the slender strip of arable land between the scorching sun's rays on one side of the planet and the frozen wastes on the other. Even that small area is only capable of supporting life through the usage of weather altering technologies that keep the super storms that would result from the hot and cold air masses from opposite sides of the planet colliding.

Most Twi'leks, Aala included, live underground and prey upon each other and live their entire lives without seeing sunlight. The lekku pick up minute vibrations and help guide the Twi'lek through the darkness. Aala was the daughter of the clan chief but she was sold for a hand blaster, a device costing little more than a few hundred credits when she herself was valued in the thousands. A good trade for the smugglers that purchased her.

She then spent some time on a transport amongst many other slaves, moving at a mere x12 light speed where she and her fellow slaves dealt with some sort of creature aboard the slave ship. Unarmed, it was only by luring it into an airlock and ejecting it into hyperspace that she and her fellow slaves survived.

Weeks later at the auction she was purchased and subsequently given instructions by a mysterious party. She was informed that if she made good spying on Palta the Hutt she would be well recompensed and allowed to go free before being returned to auction and purchased by the great Hutt. Now, all she needs is some damaging information, damning enough to destroy the Hutt.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by TheGodfather


Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Ive updated mine, he has basic training in the most common teachings of the jedi (art of movement is one of the foundational lessons) in his education he learnt about the basics of the lightsaber forms, and in his profession he has practiced mainly Makashi. He really is very weak force wise and will use it mainly in NPC interaction (the power of suggestion to weak npcs or hiding using art of movement etc) Does this sound okay now?
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Hotshot


Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Yes, you're good, as are you, Assallya.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Sep
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Sep Lord of All Creation

Member Seen 3 hrs ago

Name:Admiral Jenovah Samson - He was a Commander however has taken on the title of Admiral.
Physical Description:[hider=image]About 5"9. Broad shoulder,
Faction:Independent Warlord
Profession: Warlord
Starting World: N/A
Weapons:He openly wields none, however he has a holdout blaster.
Equipment:Holotablet, Commlink, Holocommunicator
Personality:Cold, Calculative, Manipulative.
Brief History:

He was born in 35BBY to a pilot mother and tactician father. They were members who took on completely different roles in battle. He took an interest in both aspects both the military side and the tactical aspects. In 17BBY when he was eighteen he enrolled in the Cardia naval academy. He did this in the hopes of serving aboard one of the Empires new Imperial Star Destroyers. Vessels that could easily act against any other space operations vehicle, including many of the Separatist holdouts. He always dreamed of bettering the Empire, and trying to achieve more power himself.

Upon graduating he was not immediately an officer aboard one of the ships he was choosing, instead he worked for a Moff as a commander in his personal defense fleet as the second in command of the older Venator Star Destroyers. He spent most of his adolescent life working aboard this ship, in the Corellia sector. Nothing truly interesting or major really ever occurred to allow him to outshine his superiors and become promoted. He was content, but not happy. The Empire was losing the support of the population, they were too obvious and too brutal in their actions against not only rebels but the Alien species as well.

Eventually he participated in a larger battle which occurred due to a result of the Battle of Endor and the dissolution of what was the Empire. He himself took commanders who knew him well, and they left. Their plan was to try and regrow the Empire elsewhere, they had seen it fall and stagnate in recent years and themselves had planned to remove the weak and corrupt leadership. Replace them with strong intelligent men and not idealists and elitists.

He ended up in the Karlus sector, a sector contested however not overly near the front lines of battle. Importantly it had a strong Imperial Presence, to subjugate and take over to increase the power of their movement. After they broke away he took on the title of Admiral and began building his fleet.

^I am quite tired so I can edit it if a major edit is required.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Nortrom


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Personality: Cold and calculating, able to see a persons true personality and often exploits it.

Personality: Okuda is psychopathic, having no empathy or guilt. He tends to act rather cold and austere usually, but takes great enjoyment in getting angry and doing what he does best... killing and causing havoc!

Personality: Aala has never had much of anything. This now is her chance to get ahead. She'll backstab or betray anyone to get her payday. She has little in the way of morality or compassion. After all, none has ever been shown to her.

Personality:Cold, Calculative, Manipulative.

It's a dark, dark world.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Hotshot


Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Hahaha yes, apparently it is.

Sep, your character is a minor Imperial warlord-type character, then?
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