Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by tsubasa


Member Seen 3 hrs ago

Nyima laughed at him and shook her head, "I'm not sure whether that is a good thing or not. Leaving you speechless could mean really good.... or not so great."

She added the oil to the noodles and vegetables, mixing them together. She glanced at him, "But since I'm the only girl I've known you to bring home and unless the women you date enjoy punching you, I'm going to guess that they are not so great."

She moved the noodles off of the heat and turned off the stove. She looked at the dumplings and decided to leave them in a little bit longer. She grabbed a couple bowls and plates, placing them on the counter. She served up the noodles onto one and then the other, "Have they found the next girl for you yet? I think seeing you go on some blind date would be an interesting experience."

Nyima finally scooped the dumplings into the two bowls and grabbed them. She looked at him, "Grab the plates and we can eat," she stopped and grabbed them cutlery before she walked over to the table and placed the bowls down. After laying out the utensils, she sat down and smiled at him, "Now, tell me if it tastes less Water Tribey..."
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Aerandir
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Aerandir The old guy

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Nyima laughed at him and shook her head, "I'm not sure whether that is a good thing or not. Leaving you speechless could mean really good.... or not so great.". She glanced at him, "But since I'm the only girl I've known you to bring home and unless the women you date enjoy punching you, I'm going to guess that they are not so great."

"It wasn't good. Trust me. They don't punch me. Physically... It's more of a mental blow. Some of them I feel like I lose brain cells." He said with a smile

"Have they found the next girl for you yet? I think seeing you go on some blind date would be an interesting experience."

" ha ha yeah... No Ive been blind dated out for a few months now. I'm sure..." He glances at her" Channhas a new project in the works though."

Nyima finally scooped the dumplings into the two bowls and grabbed them. She looked at him, "Grab the plates and we can eat," as she stopped and grabbed them cutlery he grabbed the plates before she walked over to the table and placed the bowls down. After laying out the utensils, she sat down and smiled at him, "Now, tell me if it tastes less Water Tribey..."

He sat down as well and said, " probably will... Water tribe has a unique.... Taste " he said as he filled his plate
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by tsubasa


Member Seen 3 hrs ago

Nyima smiled and nodded her head, "Seaweed and fish... That is all I ever taste..." She looked down at the found in front of her, "No fish here...."

She had eaten non-water tribe food before. When she was that Chan's the first night of her arrival. Although, she had hardly eaten that and wasn't exactly in the state of mind to appreciate it. Now that she was and the fact that she had been the one to make it, she felt as though there was a lot riding it. She figured the noodles were probably fine, as they were a simple recipe. She took one of the dumplings out of the broth and ate it. She contemplated the taste for a moment. She smiled, "Not seaweed, no fish."

She kept eating, the two of them keeping polite conversation. She watched him, slightly, as he ate, trying to figure out how he felt about the food, if he was enjoying it or not. Finally, not wanting to make guess work, she looked at him, "So... How it is?"
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Aerandir
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Aerandir The old guy

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Nyima smiled and nodded her head, "Seaweed and fish... That is all I ever taste..." She looked down at the found in front of her, "No fish here...."
, "NoNyima smiled and nodded her head, "Seaweed and fish... That is all I ever taste..." She looked down at the found in front of her, "No fish here...."

She had eaten non-water tribe food before. When she was that Chan's the first night of her arrival. Although, she had hardly eaten that and wasn't exactly in the state of mind to appreciate it. Now that she was and the fact that she had been the one to make it, she felt as though there was a lot riding it. She figured the noodles were probably fine, as they were a simple recipe. She took one of the dumplings out of the broth and ate it. She contemplated the taste for a moment. She smiled, "Not seaweed, no fish." She looked at him, "So... How is it?"

He nodded as he took a bite." It's good. Just like old man chans. Your getting better. " he said as he leaned back and sighed he noted how many times she said seweed and fish... "Question is how do you like it? Seems you really like Seeweed and fish."

Once he finished he took his plates and hers and went to the kitchen." I'll take care of the dishes tonight "
He placed the dishes in the sink and turned on the water
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by tsubasa


Member Seen 3 hrs ago

Nyima shrugged, “That’s all I’ve really eaten for seventeen years. I mean… there were other things but not a lot. The North isn’t exactly the paradise of produce.”

She ate a forkful of her noodles and nodded her head, “But it is quite good. Just different, I guess.”

They finished off their meal and Rayn took both of their plates into the kitchen. She hopped to her feet and shook her head, “You clean when I cook… You helped cook, I’ll help clean. You wash, I’ll dry.”
She grabbed a cloth and smiled at him. She waited until he was done with the first dish and took it from him. She quickly wiped it down and put it away to save the extra step. They worked away until they were all the plates were washed. Before he could turn off the water, she ran her hand under it and splashed him with the water. She laughed a little took the last plate to dry.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Aerandir
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Aerandir The old guy

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

They finished off their meal and Rayn took both of their plates into the kitchen. She hopped to her feet and shook her head, “You clean when I cook… You helped cook, I’ll help clean. You wash, I’ll dry.”

Before he could protest she grabbed a cloth and smiled at him. She waited until he was done with the first dish and took it from him. She quickly wiped it down and put it away to save the extra step. They worked away until they were all the plates were washed. Before he could turn off the water, she ran her hand under it and splashed him with the water. She laughed a little took the last plate to dry.

He sighed as he wiped the water from his face. Damn water benders... He thought to himself. He started filling a cup that was forgotten. He knew every time before she would do this. Which was a lot. She would be ready for retaliation of some sort. But he restrained himself every time. For he waited for this moment. Where she would simply turn away unprepared. She had done it twenty times before but now was the time. He casually lifted the cup and turned the water off at the same time his movement would be confused of just leaving the kitchen. Which it was. Not before he dumped a 8 is glass of water ontop of her with he hands full so she couldn't bend. He simply walked father away. Placed the cup down turned to see her and lifted his right hand high into the air to pull it down balled into a fist near his chin saying "Yes, VVVICTORY." Smiling he turned and headed to his room. Ready now for retaliation.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by tsubasa


Member Seen 3 hrs ago

Nyima placed the cloth on counter and turned away from him. She heard the water shut off but ignored it. A moment later she heard the water escape the glass. She gasped as it splashed on her head and slid down her back. She laughed and looked at him as he proclaimed his victory. Grabbing the cloth again, she wiped off the spots on the plate and placed it in the cupboard. She looked at him as he walked away. She extracted the water from her shirt and held the ball between her hands. She walked around the island, "You forgot something."

She tossed the ball to him and as it neared him she lessened it control allowing it to explode like a balloon on him. She laughed again and crossed her arm, curious as to what he would do. She assumed he might just turn and walk back into his room. Remove his wet clothes and go to bed. But that seemed so boring. Them living together was getting mundane. She'd leave before him for work, she'd get back before, most nights, and make dinner, they'd eat, he'd clean, there may or may not be training and then they'd go to bed. They needed something fun. She still wasn't sure when she was going to manage to move out and she didn't want to start getting bored living with Rayn. She liked him, he was great. She found herself thinking some night that she might even have small crush on him. But she was seventeen and he was twenty two. She was just a little kid to him and it was highly unlikely that that would ever happen. So, more often than not, she pushed those thoughts out of her head. All the same, whether she liked him or not she didn't want to get sick of him and their boring existence.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Aerandir
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Aerandir The old guy

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

She walked around the island, "You forgot something."

She tossed the ball to him and as it neared him she lessened it control allowing it to explode like a balloon on him. She laughed again and crossed her arms. At which he slowly turned towards her with narrow eyes his foot twisted and the ground below her turned sharply. At which he bolted over and grabbed her while still unbalanced and wrapped his arms around her and lifted her up with ease he then thew her on the counter with her head in the sink and quickly turned the water and allowed it to soak her head. After a minute he spun and dove over the island rolled and darted into the bathroom yelling "VICTORY"

A which he locked the door. And waited for her to try to get in. Even shoving a towel in the cracks
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by tsubasa


Member Seen 3 hrs ago

Nyima yelped when the ground under her shifted. As she tried to catch herself, Rayn did and lifted her off the ground. She laughed and hit him, "Put me down!"

He did as she requested, placing her on the counter, however, her head fell into the sink. She laughed and cover her face as he turned on the water, drenching her hair. She squirmed trying to get out of the water as he held her there. A minute later, he abandoned her on the counter and ran away. She rolled off the counter and chased after him, her hair still sopping wet. She banged on the door and laughed, "Can't hide forever, Rayn!"

She stood waiting for him when she remembered the leaking faucet. That meant water was find a way to get through the plug. She smiled and leaned against the door, "Do really want to be hiding in there... With the leaky tap?"
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Teancum


Member Seen 9 yrs ago

( for area did again! Get a new Phone!)
ng to get out of the water as he held her there. A minute later, he abandoned her on the counter and ran away. She rolled off the counter and chased after him, her hair still sopping wet. She banged on the door and laughed, "Can't hide forever, Rayn!"
"Just have to wait till morning!" He said through the door. As he looked around the bathroom... Nooot the best choice. Especially when he heard dripping. He hung his head ," ah shhh...." He looked to the sink..

He heard through the door, "Do really want to be hiding in there... With the leaky tap?" He thought about plugging it it but that wouldn't be fun. So instead he whipped opened the door and dove. Tackling her and rolling around till he was on top.

"Now we have two choices. Continue to soak each other or call a truce?"
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by tsubasa


Member Seen 3 hrs ago

Nyima was a little surprised when the door moved out from in front of her. She stumbled forward only to be tackled back by Rayn. She did her best to prevent herself from being stuck under him, but in the end it was inevitable. She laughed and looked up at him, "I don't think you want to call a truce."

She smiled up at him, "If you did, you would have continued to hide out in the bathroom and just plugged the faucet," she giggled, "But instead you came out and tackled me!"

She tried to roll them over but it was clear that he was not going to let her and she was not strong enough yet to over power him. She shook her head, "I do think that you have to teach how deal with defending while off balance... Because twice now you've taken advantage of my poor balance."

Nyima crossed her arms as she looked him in the eye, "Fine... I'll call a truce... for now... If you promise to ask well."
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Aerandir
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Aerandir The old guy

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

She laughed after he tackled her and looked up at him, "I don't think you want to call a truce."

"If you did, you would have continued to hide out in the bathroom and just plugged the faucet," she giggled, "But instead you came out and tackled me!"

He shook his head. " I'm making a truce by making you surrender. " He said with a smile. She shook her head, "I do think that you have to teach how deal with defending while off balance... Because twice now you've taken advantage of my poor balance."

Nyima crossed her arms as she looked him in the eye, "Fine... I'll call a truce... for now... If you promise to ask well."

He nodded and said. "Promise. "

He helped her up and said. " Only style that uses unbalance to its advantage is Drunken Fist, which you are not even age legal to use that style." He smiled "but I'm sure you can study the basics. " best thing to do is to use it to your advantage to get away. To learn how to shift your balance you can fight anywhere.

He flicked some water off his hand at her.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by tsubasa


Member Seen 3 hrs ago

Nyima allowed him to help her to her feet. She looked at him as he explained the fighting style that would allow her to fight, even with poor balance. She nodded her head, "Looks like we have something else to add to our list of things I need to learn."

She flinched when he flicked the water his hand at her, "Truce!" she cried once she opened her eyes. She laughed a little, "I was going to bend the water out of your clothes as a peace offering but now... Tough luck."

She turned on her heel and made she moved quick enough that her wet hair smacked him before she walked to her bedroom, "Good night, Rayn."

She walked into her bedroom and changed into clothing for the night. She contemplated drying her hair but decided against it. In the end, she curled up on her bed and fell asleep.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Aerandir
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Aerandir The old guy

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Nyima allowed him to help her to her feet. She looked at him as he explained the fighting style that would allow her to fight, even with poor balance. She nodded her head, "Looks like we have something else to add to our list of things I need to learn."

She flinched when he flicked the water his hand at her, "Truce!" she cried once she opened her eyes. She laughed a little, "I was going to bend the water out of your clothes as a peace offering but now... Tough luck." Before he could say anything to defend himself She turned on her heel and made she moved quick enough that her wet hair smacked him before she walked to her bedroom, "Good night, Rayn."

She as walked into her bedroom he said, "Not like you were already wet! " he walked to the bathroom.

" I was going to take a shower anyways!" He said as he went into the bathroom:

Once he finished he too went to bed. He woke up early in the morning at which he moved to the dojo and started to stretch.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by tsubasa


Member Seen 3 hrs ago

Nyima walked out of her room in a simple blue dress, she wore her hair as she did normally. She closed her bedroom door behind her and smiled at Rayn, "So, are you coming or are you going to bail on me?"

She grinned, he had be wishy-washy about whether or not he was going to come. She took a seat and looked at him. There was a knock at the door and she jumped up. Answering it, Masuto smiled at her, "Hey Nyima."

She smiled back at him, "Hi Masuto..." She leaned back at looked at Rayn, her face hidden from Masuto by the door. She mouth, 'Pleeeease.' She moved again and looked at Masuto, "I think we are just waiting on Rayn..."
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Aerandir
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Aerandir The old guy

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Nyima walked out of her room in a simple blue dress, she wore her hair as she did normally. She closed her bedroom door behind her and smiled at Rayn, "So, are you coming or are you going to bail on me?"
He looks up and saw how beautiful she looked in the dress. He actually forgot about what she was going to today.

She grinned as There was a knock at the door and she jumped up. Answering it, He heard Matsen "Hey Nyima."

She smiled back at him, "Hi Matsen..." She leaned back at looked at Rayn, her face hidden from Masuto by the door. She mouth, 'Pleeeease.' She moved again and looked at Masuto, "I think we are just waiting on Rayn..."

So much for please as she said they were waiting for him. He grunted and moved to his bedroom. Quickly changing and then came out. Slipping his bars under his leather jacket on his back. He looks at her "you owe me." He mouthed before coming to the door .he looked at matsen, " hey how's it going?" He said as matsen gave a angry/ scared/ pathetic look. "Hey"
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by tsubasa


Member Seen 3 hrs ago

Nyima patted his back, "Ya, ya, ya."

Once the two of them said hello, she pushed Rayn out of the door and locked up. She clapped her hands together, "Let's go!"

She always loved the Celestial Spirit Festival. However, it was always rather boring in the North with most people travelling to the South. Apparently the South had a carnival and everything, the North hardly had lights. It often just ended up a meal with the family and cheers to the spirits. She was excited to see what Republic City did. They reached the Southern Water Tribe Cultural Center to see people walking into the building. She looked up at Rayn, "No running."

She smiled at him as they too walked into the building. Nyima had never walked into the building before today, so she was amazed by the size. There were stalls set up selling food, mainly from the Southern Water Tribe with food from other nations here and there. There were carnival games, as she assumed they were trying to give the vibe of the South. Sprinkled around the room were tables for people eating. There were more stalls selling things, some to do the festival itself, other to do with the Water Tribes. At the very back of the large room was a dance floor. She looked around grinning, "What should we do first?"
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Aerandir
Avatar of Aerandir

Aerandir The old guy

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Nyima patted his back, "Ya, ya, ya."

Once the two of them said hello, she pushed Rayn out of the door and locked up. She clapped her hands together, "Let's go!"
He sighed as he as was pushed out the door. He was definitely not looking forward to being in a crowd.

She looked up at Rayn, "No running." As they were entering he sighed and said " I' don't run." Looking at her "I tactically maneuver to less populated areas.."

He watched as she looked around like a kid in a candy shop. There were stalls set up selling food, mainly from the Southern Water Tribe with food from other nations here and there. There were carnival games, as she assumed they were trying to give the vibe of the South. Sprinkled around the room were tables for people eating. There were more stalls selling things, some to do the festival itself, other to do with the Water Tribes. At the very back of the large room was a dance floor. She looked around grinning, "What should we do first?"

He shook his had and said. I'll get someone thing to eat, why don't you figure out something to do. " he smiled and slowly made his way over to a food stall.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by tsubasa


Member Seen 3 hrs ago

Nyima looked at him as he said he was going to get food and told her to figure something out. She crossed her arms, "That is something to do."

She followed him but had no intent of getting food, she wasn't that hungry. However, she didn't want to be left alone with Matsen. If she wasn't confident in her suspicions before, the look on his face when Rayn said hello, certified them. She looked around as they waited to get Rayn's food when Matsen spoke up, "Why don't we go play some carnival games?"

He looked at Rayn, maybe he couldn't take him in the strength but most carnival games were luck, he had a shot at impressing Nyima. She clapped her hands and smiled, "Sure! It'll be fun!" she grinned at Rayn, "Maybe you could win a pretty lady's number," she teased.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Aerandir
Avatar of Aerandir

Aerandir The old guy

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Nyima looked at him as he said he was going to get food and told her to figure something out. She crossed her arms, "That is something to do." While they waited for the food Rayn's ordered Matsen spoke up, "Why don't we go play some carnival games?"

Rayn rolled his eyes and looked at matsen. He knew this game he could tell matsen did not want him here and he wanted to impress Nyima. She clapped her hands and smiled, "Sure! It'll be fun!" she grinned at Rayn, "Maybe you could win a pretty lady's number," she teased.

He raised an eyebrow and said, " why do I need the number? "As he looked at her. When she already lives with me? " he took his food and followed them. He decided to let matsen do most of them while he ate. He didn't need to prove anything. Let matsen feel good about himself
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