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Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Master Crim
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Master Crim Hunter of the Paleblood Moon

Member Seen 3 mos ago

MasterOfMetal said
Satúm sat against a barrel, somewhere in the dark, a little while away from the party.He was SO done with this day.Everywhere people were being chosen by the Gods, like it was nothing.What a horrible, horrible day.Satúm was feeling so bad about himself, he had actually allowed himself to sober up.Even with a clear mind, he could not think of a good offering.'Damn Gods are so complicated! all high and mighty!'He cursed them for being how they are, but honestly, he could not blame them.Satúm was an enjoyer of life, not a mighty general or skilled craftsmen.All he knew was how to hold his liquor and woo women.What god would want him..Satúm was feeling sorry for himself.

Ulykke watched the evening unfold for the mortals, reflecting on how long it feels for them when he looks at the elapsed time as but dot on the pages of life for him. Seeing the events winding fown he decided to show his new found champion the benefits of his calamitous abilities. Sending his bear to as a guide it stood waiting a little ways off near the wood as he cast his voice once more into Satúm's mind.
"I can see you are disappointed with the gods and your self. Why don't you come and look what we can achieve together. Come find my pet west of the festival near the forest, and we will see what is to be seen."

(the bear is a larger than normal brown bear with eyes that trail a translucent blue as hit moves.)
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Master Crim
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Master Crim Hunter of the Paleblood Moon

Member Seen 3 mos ago

Far beyond the forests and meadows that team with life, past the mountains majestic with their white caps and in towards the forbidden no-mans-land of the waists Calcifer walked not away from Travels End but back to it from some unknown region. With him is a wolf half the size of a horse with fur as black as a night with no moon and whipping around like fire. It's eyes were glowing red and where it trot it left a print of darkness that lingered for a short time before dissipating.
Calcifer walked his face covered with a hooded scarf about his head the tail waving behind him as he approached a ruin at the border of The Waists. As he drew near to the ruin a ghostly figure of a man appeared and began speaking with him.
"this is where you show us your word is true." the ghost smirked. "if that blade does what you claim the we will readily stand by your side, if not then you will be doing this fools quest on you own."
"You speak as though you don't want to aid me." Calcifer replied in a calm manner. "you are bound to serve anyone who is able to free you from your outsiders prison. When I free your people they, and you, will have to do my biding." the smirk on the ghost's face turned to a frown.
"don't get ahead of yourself. This is a barrier set up by the gods to keep us out of their land. Not something so easily broken." he said gesturing to the ruins. Calcifer let out a single laugh.
"Damn the gods, for they are selfish."
After saying this Calcifer walked to the ruins, seven great pillars that stood in a circle each with runes depicted on them. Calcifer drew his sword, flaming purple and a translucent chain swirling around it, and exclaimed something in an archaic language then stabbed the sword into the ground. This resulted in a shock wave emanating from Calcifer that once it came in contact with the pillars they began to fracture and Crack until all together they crumbled to the ground kicking up a large dust cloud.
The ghost stood expressionless as he watched the display of this new found weapon. As he slowly came to realize what the destruction of the pillars meant a smile played across his face. He then closed the distance between himself and Calcifer walking, instead of transporting, to show respect to his new commander.
"looks like you have, for yourself, any army." Calcifer nodded and the ghost blew away in the wind as Calcifer turned and continued his journey into the land of Travels End. He hesitated when he came to the wall of the ruin. 'once I pass this I will be within the gaze of the gods.' he said to himself. He took a breath then stepped past. "I come with vengeance like the coming night."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Vortex
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Haedorman looked at the commotion and chuckled a little making him chin wobble, the girl seemed to be a good fighter and better yet she seemed to be intoxicated at the same time. Perhaps he should...

...no first he must deal with the old Skald, and what a nuisance he was proving to be

Berdagon said
Jormen hesitated. If the fat man truly was Haedorman, then temptation and damnation wouldn’t be far way. The Great Temptator, god of pleasure and hedonism. Jormen had to be cautious. But then again, he was old. Maybe it was time for one last glorious story? “Well then, Lord of Sinners, I am most grateful with your appearance. That a great divine like yourself would honor us with your presence.”Jormen turned away from Haedorman, facing bystanders. He put his hands to his mouth and shouted. “Come all, Com all. A great divine is here, Haedorman is attending our feast!”Groups of people stormed to the pyre, surrounding Jormen and Haedorman. Some praised him, some cursed him and some were just disappointed to see a simple fat man standing in the fire. “I present you, Haedorman, Lord of Sinners! He just created this beautiful rose to honor our feast!”The crowd cheered, only to be suddenly interrupted by Jormen. “OR DID HE!?”Jormen waited until the crowd was silent again. “If you did create this rose, great Haedorman, then it would be no effort to create another? Would you tempt our senses with dozen more?” Jormen’s hand reached out to the rose, gently touching it’s pettles. He whispered softly: “Surely, a god of natural or cosmic wonder, would do better than a deceiver or temptator?”

Oh kudos old man kudos indeed, Haedorman though bitterly "You are quiet a arrogant mortal arent you? Demanding to be entertained by the gods, me no less!, and still you are not satisfied! You have the spine request more of me? A god? The greatest god of them all?" Haedorman smiled "Then I must oblige for a host must always entertain his guests no?" He raised his hand and a small sliver tree, twisted with age and covered in a glowing fire arose from the fire pit, on the tree were many flowers and while they were not as good as the original, which Haedorman suspected Tavron created, they were decent enough for Haedorman to be pleased with his own artistic genius. "Are you not yet entertained?" He said to the crowd
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Vortex
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Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Valios's study of the architecture was rudely interrupted by two peasants fighting "Fools! If you must kill each other do so outside! This marble floor is much too good for your sort of people to be walking on it let alone spilling your blood"

Valios looked at the altars of fire and he suddenly realised what this event was, this was no ordinary festival, no, this was a Gods Choosing or whatever the small folk called it this year. "Let the Gods prove them self to me then" he muttered as he strode his way to the altar pushing a few along the way.

Valios reached the altar of fire and realised he didn't actually have a gift on him. He could always offer his sword but then how would he restore his crown? With a commoner weapon? He thought not. Valios pat himself down and realised he was still wearing the necklace his mother gave him "Well it never done me any e good anyway" Valios said tearing it offer neck and casting it into the fire "Gods! I summon you! Prove yourselves to be true and not false gods unworthy of my worship! Prove that you have the power to restore my people to their former glory, restore order to the homeland, restore me to my rightful position!"
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Thantos
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Thantos Grim Reapers Minion

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

a peasant screamed as she ran for her life down the roads of the village where Valios was located and a wraith chased after her, Laughing as it chased her down, it had begun, the Torturer of Souls, has made his first move. His armies have come to the mortal world. A ghoul appeared in Valios doorway breathing in a raspy sound, it was looking for any form of movement in the building its claws dripping blood onto the marble floor and it looked at its claws and licked them clean and it kept looking around. A banshee flew into a house and let out a scream that made the family inside run out in terror right into the carnage that was taking place outside
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Thantos
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Thantos Grim Reapers Minion

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

the ground cracked open, in the temple and the god of fear and death appeared before Valios "you summoned a God Mortal" the figure spoke through out the chaos outside, "what is it that you want"
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Vortex
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Valios was rather horrified at the gods appearance but with the peasants screaming behind him he knew he had to be brave and scumb to their petty fear "Me? I wish my crown to be restored thats what! I want to sit on the throne of my forefathers and restore order to my rightful kingdoms" he said defiantly even tough he could feel the icy cold breath of the god on his face
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Thantos
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Thantos Grim Reapers Minion

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

The Dark figure stared right at Valios "i could offer much more than just you forefathers crown mortal, how about a army and power" the dark figure spoke with a chilling voice that could make the bravest person tremble in fear "i offer a one time offer deal, become my champion and i will restore your throne, and grant you power and a army, you carry out my commands and my will"
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Vortex
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Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Thantos said
The Dark figure stared right at Valios "i could offer much more than just you forefathers crown mortal, how about a army and power" the dark figure spoke with a chilling voice that could make the bravest person tremble in fear "i offer a one time offer deal, become my champion and i will restore your throne, and grant you power and a army, you carry out my commands and my will"

A shiver went through Valios's spine and it took all his energy from not letting his legs Collapse right under him "I..." Valios said shakily. This deal would change him forever, for better or worse. He didnt really know how to respond "What... What god did you say you were?"
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Thantos
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Thantos Grim Reapers Minion

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

"The god of Fear and Death" the name blew out most of the torches in the temple "command my armies, spread my will, and power and the throne is yours" he extended his black armored hand, the screams silenced and the the ghouls feasted on the corpses
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Vortex
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Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Valios looked around at all the scared people and the ghoul people feasting on the corpses, was this what he really wanted? He sighed he did not want to be a puppet for some much less the god of Fear and Death but no other god had offered their hand and so it seemed that this was his only chance to claim back his crown. "If it means I have my crown... The so be it" Valios said taking the outstretched hand
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Thantos
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Thantos Grim Reapers Minion

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

the deal was made and painfully a surge of power flowed into Valios and the Dark figure smiled as the power that surged through valios body began to change thing about him, he now wore armor of the god of fear and death, skulls and spikes and bones with a glowing red aura, a weapon appeared on his belt,a sword, Nightmare, a sword that is fearful at distance but devistating in close range "your now my champion and my fist when it comes to my enemies" the dark figure began to vanish and a nightmarish crown appeared on Valios head and a royal cloak to go with it
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Vortex
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Valios felt the dark energy flow through his veins. He was no longer scared by the death god, no, now he wanted to be even more like him if this is what power he had. Where all his old possessions had gone he did not know but as he look over what he now had he found that he did not care in the slightest. When he looked up he saw that his new ally had vanished, Valios turned around and stretched out his arms to let the peasants feel his new dark embrace
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by LordMarwain


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Vortex said
Haedorman looked at the commotion and chuckled a little making him chin wobble, the girl seemed to be a good fighter and better yet she seemed to be intoxicated at the same time. Perhaps he should......no first he must deal with the old Skald, and what a nuisance he was proving to beOh kudos old man kudos indeed, Haedorman though bitterly "You are quiet a arrogant mortal arent you? Demanding to be entertained by the gods, me no less!, and still you are not satisfied! You have the spine request more of me? A god? The greatest god of them all?" Haedorman smiled "Then I must oblige for a host must always entertain his guests no?" He raised his hand and a small sliver tree, twisted with age and covered in a glowing fire arose from the fire pit, on the tree were many flowers and while they were not as good as the original, which Haedorman suspected Tavron created, they were decent enough for Haedorman to be pleased with his own artistic genius. "Are you not yet entertained?" He said to the crowd

A figure stepped forward from the circle. It was a farmer. Something glimmered in his hair. Golden.

“You had such a long time watching my work and that is all you could show the people Haedorman? I am disappointed.” Tavon spoke with a stern voice. He then turned to Jormen. With a smile he said, “I will show you who it was that made this rose.”

Tavon started humming a tune and then started singing in an ancient language. His words carried far and wide. In the city a flower started to grow. It did not stop growing until it was the size of a large tree, pointing towards the sky. Then another one. And another one. All over the city this event started to occur. And so, all over the city, roughly twenty meters apart from each other, those flowers stood tall as trees. The petals of those flowers were colored in the many colors of the flames.

Jormen saw figures atop of the flowers. Each of those huge flowers was carrying a druid wielding a scythe.

“Like the old priest told you, a danger like you have never seen before is coming. Now I got eyes in the sky. I will also need eyes on the ground.
I’ll trade your secret for a secret of mine. Come with me and I will change your life span to the life span of a mighty tree. Become my eyes on the ground and you will surely have stories to tell.“
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by LordMarwain


Member Offline since relaunch

Thantos said
"The god of Fear and Death" the name blew out most of the torches in the temple "command my armies, spread my will, and power and the throne is yours" he extended his black armored hand, the screams silenced and the the ghouls feasted on the corpses

It was chaos in the streets surrounding the temple. Ghouls, banshees and wraiths all feasting on the people walking through the streets. A single druid appeared and started cutting down the horrifying creatures with his scythe. He went trough them with his weapon like he was harvesting grains. More druids came walking trough the streets, protecting the villagers. But they could not keep up with the amount of terrifying creatures that were appearing. A voice echod through the streets, then rising up into the sky. "Brother, Arcturius, The Doctrine of the Three, I call for you. We have to protect this city or it will be no more."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Berdagon


Member Offline since relaunch

Vortex said
Oh kudos old man kudos indeed, Haedorman though bitterly "You are quiet a arrogant mortal arent you? Demanding to be entertained by the gods, me no less!, and still you are not satisfied! You have the spine request more of me? A god? The greatest god of them all?" Haedorman smiled "Then I must oblige for a host must always entertain his guests no?" He raised his hand and a small sliver tree, twisted with age and covered in a glowing fire arose from the fire pit, on the tree were many flowers and while they were not as good as the original, which Haedorman suspected Tavron created, they were decent enough for Haedorman to be pleased with his own artistic genius. "Are you not yet entertained?" He said to the crowd

Jormen jumped when the silver tree bursts from the fire. When he saw the fire colored flowers he became uncertain. Was it than that Haedorman created it, and not some other deity?

No, it could not be. If he had to guess it would be Tavron, the gardener, who granted him the rose.
Jormen chose to continue the challenge.

“A beautifull work of art, Haedorman. You are indeed a generous host.”
Jormen held the original rose firmly in his hand.
“Is there anyone who thinks he can do better than our host? Let’s make it a challenge or a bet of beauty and amazement!”
LordMarwain said
A figure stepped forward from the circle. It was a farmer. Something glimmered in his hair. Golden.“You had such a long time watching my work and that is all you could show the people Haedorman? I am disappointed.” Tavon spoke with a stern voice. He then turned to Jormen. With a smile he said, “I will show you who it was that made this rose.”Tavon started humming a tune and then started singing in an ancient language. His words carried far and wide. In the city a flower started to grow. It did not stop growing until it was the size of a large tree, pointing towards the sky. Then another one. And another one. All over the city this event started to occur. And so, all over the city, roughly twenty meters apart from each other, those flowers stood tall as trees. The petals of those flowers were colored in the many colors of the flames. Jormen saw figures atop of the flowers. Each of those huge flowers was carrying a druid wielding a scythe.“Like the old priest told you, a danger like you have never seen before is coming. Now I got eyes in the sky. I will also need eyes on the ground.I’ll trade your secret for a secret of mine. Come with me and I will change your life span to the life span of a mighty tree. Become my eyes on the ground and you will surely have stories to tell.“

Jormens eyes grew wide when the enormous flowers sprung up around him. Not only was it a display of godly might, but also a sing of great beauty. A tear welled up in the old man’s eyes.

It was quickly wiped away. There is no time to be sentimental. This is a great opportunity. Tavon’s offer was very tempting, but more could be won here.

“Tavon! I thank you for your gifts and miracles! I also thank you for picking up Haedorman’s chalange. A game of miracles would be dull with only one player.”
Jormen turned to Haedorman. “However, if I am not mistaken, Haedorman may now reply to your miracle, Tavon. So, deceiver, show us how you could do better than the gardener!”
“I doubt he can” he whispered to Tavon, smiling broadly as he did.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by LordMarwain


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John saw all the chaos going on in the city as he leaped from shadow to shadow. He changed into his shadow form and looked how close he could get into a person’s personal space before being noticed. It was fun to listen to the secrets people whispered to each other. He had two freshly stolen daggers hanging on his hips in leather scabbards. He had been looking for the most beautiful and valuable, but he couldn't decide between the two. So he took them both. Maybe he could offer one of them to his Queen as a gift. "My Queen," he whispered and he smiled. John had a feeling inside of him that he couldn't place. He never felt like this before. The feeling made him feel lighter and more daring when he thought about his goddess. And so John continued moving around the festival. Exploring the boundaries of his new given power.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Vortex
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Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Berdagon said
Jormen jumped when the silver tree bursts from the fire. When he saw the fire colored flowers he became uncertain. Was it than that Haedorman created it, and not some other deity? No, it could not be. If he had to guess it would be Tavron, the gardener, who granted him the rose. Jormen chose to continue the challenge. “A beautifull work of art, Haedorman. You are indeed a generous host.”Jormen held the original rose firmly in his hand. “Is there anyone who thinks he can do better than our host? Let’s make it a challenge or a bet of beauty and amazement!” Jormens eyes grew wide when the enormous flowers sprung up around him. Not only was it a display of godly might, but also a sing of great beauty. A tear welled up in the old man’s eyes. It was quickly wiped away. There is no time to be sentimental. This is a great opportunity. Tavon’s offer was very tempting, but more could be won here. “Tavon! I thank you for your gifts and miracles! I also thank you for picking up Haedorman’s chalange. A game of miracles would be dull with only one player.”Jormen turned to Haedorman. “However, if I am not mistaken, Haedorman may now reply to your miracle, Tavon. So, deceiver, show us how you could do better than the gardener!” “I doubt he can” he whispered to Tavon, smiling broadly as he did.

Haedorman scoffed at the sight, it was pretty to be sure but no where as gorgeous as he his own creation "You were always one to show off weren't you Tavon?" He said which was fairly ironic. Haedorman was silent for a few moments thinking of what to conjure up next for this dammed mortal, then he lazily moved his hands about and the silver tree warped and twisted once more, growing to a great height and when it stopped it was clear what shape it had took, one of a woman who was not at all modestly dressed. That would have been enough for the mortal but Haedorman knew that Tavon would beat him again and so he waved his hands once again. The lady trees leaves rustled to wind which was not there and the trunk ached as though it were falling "Hello Jormen" was the sound that left the tree ladies lips
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by MasterOfMetal


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LordMarwain said
It was chaos in the streets surrounding the temple. Ghouls, banshees and wraiths all feasting on the people walking through the streets. A single druid appeared and started cutting down the horrifying creatures with his scythe. He went trough them with his weapon like he was harvesting grains. More druids came walking trough the streets, protecting the villagers. But they could not keep up with the amount of terrifying creatures that were appearing. A voice echod through the streets, then rising up into the sky. "Brother, Arcturius, The Doctrine of the Three, I call for you. We have to protect this city or it will be no more."


Then, the sky broke open in a glorious sound.
Horns of the hunt joined together with the horns of war.
Lightning flashed, and in the one moment the night was lit up, a man could be seen standing above the nearby forest, his face, the skull of a stag.
He pointed his spear towards the town. then he was gone.
Seconds later, the ground shook with a thousand paws, claws and hooves.
From the edge of the forest, Beasts in every size rushed forward, charging the dark hordes.

A second flash of lightning, and next to the farmer stood the mighty hunter, clad in a thick brown fur.
In one hand his spear, in the other, a great horn of bronze.
"Just like the times of old brother! Voiton Laulut Soi Ainiaan!"
The God of the wild raised the horn and blew it.
An ear shattering echo rang through the land.
The dark hordes stopped in their tracks for a moment, for the mortals they were slaughtering stopped running and screaming.
They all stood still, and listened.
Than the villagers sank to the ground for one shivering moment, before rising up to face the ghouls.
They were more that just men now, for their bodies pumping with strength, their hands grew to claws, their teeth were sharp.
"I like a fair fight" grinned the Wild Wanderer as the creatures of the woods reached the ghoul filled streets.

"Jade, use your strengths, do what you feel is right, your mind is sharp. Whatever you do, pure evolution is your ally, you will excel and adapt." the raven told her with empty eyes.
'Your body will follow your mind' the raven whispered now with his own voice
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Vortex
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Member Seen 6 yrs ago

LordMarwain said
It was chaos in the streets surrounding the temple. Ghouls, banshees and wraiths all feasting on the people walking through the streets. A single druid appeared and started cutting down the horrifying creatures with his scythe. He went trough them with his weapon like he was harvesting grains. More druids came walking trough the streets, protecting the villagers. But they could not keep up with the amount of terrifying creatures that were appearing. A voice echod through the streets, then rising up into the sky. "Brother, Arcturius, The Doctrine of the Three, I call for you. We have to protect this city or it will be no more."

Valios leapt down from the steps making a few of the villagers scream in terror and others claw at the walls trying to escape. But Valios cared little for them, it was what was happening outside was what interested him as he was hearing quite a commotion coming from there. He swung the doors open and saw and a wondrous sight, a somewhat epic if not small battle between his new unholy friends and group of strangers in cloaks wielding some very large scythes. He strode down there and began to slash at the druid-people enthusiastically.
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