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Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by TheSecret
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TheSecret Kamikaze

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Shurikai said
She was walking off in the middle of a fight. Perhaps she was starting to sober up. Kiyovu had heard the ghouls and other monsters around but her remained motionless, watching this woman fight. There was something about her unwillingness to back down that intrigued him. Taking a deep breath, he exhaled a breeze of Summer essence that formed into a small cat."Follow her and be my eyes. There may be more of these creatures about." Without a single mew, the Siamese scampered off after the blonde woman.The cat stalked the woman like prey, keeping out of sight as she walked on. Eventually she reached a farm where the animals greeted her enthusiastically. Kiyovu, seeing through the eyes of the feline, found this to be interesting. He may have found someone at last. The cat walked up to woman and spoke."The God of Summer greets you and asks if you will meet with him."

As soon as she heard the voice C.C felt goose bumps, however she reactly quite quickly and pulled out her sword with a hand at the same time she turned around to see the cat
"..." C.C rubbed her head sheathed her sword, still holding the lamb with the other hand, she looked at the small white fluffy anima "Too much alcohol makes you imagine things" C.c said and left the animal next to it's mother
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Master Crim
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Master Crim Hunter of the Paleblood Moon

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MasterOfMetal said
Satúm did not hesitate, anything to get away from the ghouls.Running towards the place the god had told him, he saw hundreds of beasts charging towards him.Satúm dropped to the ground in terror, but the beasts ignored him.he got up and ran further towards the giant bear, now clearly visible at the edge of the woods. "Take me great god! give me the strength to survive this horror!"

The spirit bear stood solemn at the edge of the forest as it watched the events of terror in the small village beneath the temple. It watched as the sages came on to protect the citizens, and when the horn sounded for the animals to join the fight it did not rush to aid as the other animals and beasts did. It just stood waiting as it's master commanded. As Satum approached the bear he would have appeared as a solid rock in the storm of of war.
"Hello, Champion." he said in a deep rumbling voice as Satum came beside him. "My master, Ragnarok, calls me Mektige. I am to show you what you shall be capable of with the help of Ragnarok." Mektige then turned and began lumbering into the forest.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Shurikai
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Shurikai Dream Mage

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Both girls stood motionless, mouths agape. A wish or a blessing from the God of Death and Fear? Perhaps it was good to be late for once. Annabel looked down at her sister. What could a ten year old girl want from him. She watched silently as the child's faced changed from one of defiance to a look of sadness.

Elizabeth had wanted to shake the god's hand. She decided she would have to wait until she was older. After being offered a wish, her mind turned immediately to her mother. She was certain her mother would not forgive her for raising her from eternal bliss. Her thoughts then went to her sister. If she could protect herself, then Annabel wouldn't have to. She wouldn't have to get pushed around so much. Elizabeth's eyes narrowed as she settled on her choice. She wanted to be stronger.

Keeping her eyes fixed on Elizabeth's face, Annabel could see her sister had decided on something. She on the other hand was not going to accept any offer from him. From her experience, all things came at a price.
"Thank you sir, but I cannot accept." With a bow, Annabel backed away from the cloaked being and her sister. She was sure Elizabeth didn't want her to hear what she was going to tell him.

Elizabeth watched as her sister turned down the god and respectfully backed away. Annabel knew her too well. She looked back to the god, her eyes dark, "I want to be strong."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Shurikai
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Shurikai Dream Mage

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

TheSecret said
As soon as she heard the voice C.C felt goose bumps, however she reactly quite quickly and pulled out her sword with a hand at the same time she turned around to see the cat"..." C.C rubbed her head sheathed her sword, still holding the lamb with the other hand, she looked at the small white fluffy anima "Too much alcohol makes you imagine things" C.c said and left the animal next to it's mother

A smiled danced on the otherwise stone figure of Kiyovu's face. This woman was playing hard to get. Fine, if she did not come to him, he would go to her. It wasn't every day he found someone worthy of his time. Even if she is a drunk. With a sigh, his body evaporated into a gust of wind.

The small cat seemed to mirror Kiyovu's smile and took off into the night. A warm wind blew into the farm as he reemerged in the place the cat had been only moments before.
"Madam, I would speak to you." His words were not aggressive, he simply wanted to discover if she truly was worthy of Summer's gifts. Surely a farmer such as her would at least consider an audience with him.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Thantos
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Thantos Grim Reapers Minion

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Shurikai said
Both girls stood motionless, mouths agape. A wish or a blessing from the God of Death and Fear? Perhaps it was good to be late for once. Annabel looked down at her sister. What could a ten year old girl want from him. She watched silently as the child's faced changed from one of defiance to a look of sadness. Elizabeth had wanted to shake the god's hand. She decided she would have to wait until she was older. After being offered a wish, her mind turned immediately to her mother. She was certain her mother would not forgive her for raising her from eternal bliss. Her thoughts then went to her sister. If she could protect herself, then Annabel wouldn't have to. She wouldn't have to get pushed around so much. Elizabeth's eyes narrowed as she settled on her choice. She wanted to be stronger.Keeping her eyes fixed on Elizabeth's face, Annabel could see her sister had decided on something. She on the other hand was not going to accept any offer from him. From her experience, all things came at a price."Thank you sir, but I cannot accept." With a bow, Annabel backed away from the cloaked being and her sister. She was sure Elizabeth didn't want her to hear what she was going to tell him.Elizabeth watched as her sister turned down the god and respectfully backed away. Annabel knew her too well. She looked back to the god, her eyes dark, "I want to be strong."

The dark figure looked at Annabella then to her little sister as she spoke out her wish. He nodded. And gently put his finger on her heart and there was a spark of energy. The little girl then had the knowledge and willpower to defend herself and her sister
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Berdagon


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Vortex said
"Bah! Coward! Whenever he sees that his lose is inevitable he runs like a coward! What dishonourable creature runs from a fight refusing to finish entertaining his guests? Its those plants I tell you, spends far too much time with them he does, cant be healthy" Haedorman sighed and snapoed his fingers making all his creations wither and collapse. Helooked back to Joren "Well what is it then Skald? A life where you can have anything you wish? Or would you like to spend a eternity being a nightwatchman for some gods garden?"

Jormen stood there, contemplating his reply. He seemed deep in thought.
Then, suddenly, he burst out in laughter. The crowd that gathered started to whisper, shocked by the old man’s reaction. Tears of joy welled up in Jormen’s eyes as he almost lost his breath. He spread his arms as he shouted:


“I have what I asked for: inspiration for a new epic story. A tale where two gods fight for the poem of an old mortal! Where two immortals try to trump each other, only to lose sight of the original prize!”
Jormen ripped the piece of paper in half and threw them in the fire. “Here, you can both have a verse, for I truly can not decide. But I am sure you two can figure something out”
The old man, still laughing, put the original rose in his hair. He then grabbed his kantele and started to play. Jormen sang as he walked away from the pyre, triumphantly and with head held high.

At the great pyre two gods desire
The words of just one bard
Flowers and trees, all to appease
The wish of an elderly bard

Silver and gold, contest uncontrolled
For the cost was no regard
But when all was done, all they had won
Were the words of just a bard
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Berdagon


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Flin was exhausted. He spend the passing few hours, or maybe they were just minutes, fighting ghouls and undead. The woman had disappeared quickly before they arrived, so maybe she had something to do with it. However, Flin stoped thinking of her when he saw his family was in danger.
The steel shield proved to be a remarkable object. In battle with the undead, it litteraly showed him what to do, how to fight. It did so at high speed, so none of the momentum was lost in battle.

Just a couple of the vile creatures lay dead in front of the young boy. Flin defended more than he could attack, taking blow after blow on his shield to protect his wounded father and innocent bystanders. Sometimes he managed to land a lucky hit on the attackers, but those were few.
Now, the boy was broken and tired. He took no wounds, but fighting took all of Flin’s energy. This was his first battle and it had taken every bit of him to survive it.

Overcome by stress and exhaustion, the child started to cry.

His teary eyes went upward, searching for guidance once again.

Thank you great soldier spirrit, thank you for helping me. Without shield and without mind, I would not have survived or have protected dad. I am so tired, but thank you, thank you, thank you. I just wish I wasn’t so tired. I wish I was never tired ever again.

Before sinking into a deep, well deserved sleap, a single thought went through the boys head.

What would you want me to do now?
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by MasterOfMetal


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Master Crim said
The spirit bear stood solemn at the edge of the forest as it watched the events of terror in the small village beneath the temple. It watched as the sages came on to protect the citizens, and when the horn sounded for the animals to join the fight it did not rush to aid as the other animals and beasts did. It just stood waiting as it's master commanded. As Satum approached the bear he would have appeared as a solid rock in the storm of of war. "Hello, Champion." he said in a deep rumbling voice as Satum came beside him. "My master, Ragnarok, calls me Mektige. I am to show you what you shall be capable of with the help of Ragnarok." Mektige then turned and began lumbering into the forest.

Satúm followed the creature, he was just glad to get away from the horror behind.
'Anything you ask. Anything he asks, I will comply'
Satúm stumbles on
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Thantos
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Thantos Grim Reapers Minion

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

A banshee flew up to Satum in her ghastly figure. "My master wishes to speak with Ragnarok in the his citadel, when he is done with this. Fleshling." It wasn't quite clear how but when she said fleshling it sounded like it was to be insulting. Banshees very vulgar and offensive creatures of the undead it's like they have a unique hatred for everything that isn't dead. She kept eye contact with Satum waiting for a answer
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by akje
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Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Thantos said
there was silence in the halls of the citadel, the woman was even silent, the ghouls looked at the man that just refused the offer of their god, and the dark figure looked at Misha in silence, then finally he spoke "if thats the case" the wraiths, banshees and ghouls started to fill the room, "then..." he drew his hand back "Suffer!"the dark figure threw his hand at Misha and he was filled with nothing but his greatest fear, "a curse i put on you mortal, for to turn down the offer i gave, as punishment, your greatest fear will come and when it does, you...will...BURN!!"Misha was sent through a great deal of pain and misery, the God that has punished him knows no mercy. The figure looked at the mortal woman "Send her into the pit" he turned to Misha "Let him watch at the horrors that wait him in death"

Misha awaited the god to say something. The silence in the citadel was annoying him, he was about to speak up when the god spoke again.
The threatening words uttered by the god of fear resounded hollow in Misha's perspective. Somehow it was almost amusing.
When the god prophesied his greatest fear to be brought to reality Misha's smile disappeared. To his shock he couldn't think of anything.
There was nothing he could imagine the god of fear would conjure that would seem threatening at all.
This was very strange indeed. At first he'd thought the courage he'd found was his own, but that was impossible in light of what he'd just seen. So maybe the god of fear would have taken his fears of him? No.. that made no sense. His confused thoughts made him forget about the quick surge of pain that had run through him.
He snapped out of his thoughts when he realized he'd been watching the somewhat dull dismemberment of the woman that had been dragged past him before.
The contorted look on her face spoke of an agony Misha couldn't even imagine, luckily he didn't care much for it. He looked up to see the divine power that had been cursing him a while ago had left. This could be a great moment to escape. But how...
Suddenly two dots connected in Misha's head. If the lord of nightmares hadn't blessed him, perhaps there had been another god looking down upon him.
Surely that god could get him out! But wait, why didn't this god speak to him? Or stand for him against the darkness? "This must be some god of trickery." Misha mumbled to himself. If so then this was a test. A test to see if he could escape from the underworld.

Misha glanced idly to his left, there was a group of undead monsters between him and the gateway to the human word that it's owner had left behind.
To his right he glanced over the altar the god had stood before. Perhaps he should bring something with him?
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Master Crim
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Master Crim Hunter of the Paleblood Moon

Member Seen 3 mos ago

Thantos said
A banshee flew up to Satum in her ghastly figure. "My master wishes to speak with Ragnarok in the his citadel, when he is done with this. Fleshling." It wasn't quite clear how but when she said fleshling it sounded like it was to be insulting. Banshees very vulgar and offensive creatures of the undead it's like they have a unique hatred for everything that isn't dead. She kept eye contact with Satum waiting for a answer

Ulykke heard the requested meeting through his familiar and gave Mektige the instructions of what to show his new champion as to lift his spirits. Then spoke through Mektige saying. "my master will be there. Satum, let's go." then continued into the woods. They walked a while more before Mektige spoke again. "You have doubts as to what an allegiance with Ulykke can bring you? Well he is not all destruction. He can grant great abilities within rage, calamities and the like. In turn this will allow you to conquer foes and win favor in the eyes of many." they came to a clearing where a path was and to one side was a large statue. It was a man and on the base was a plaque, the words old and worn.
"this was a man who was a magnificent fighter above all others. He was able to over come most any opponent. He channeled his rage and used it to prevail in fights and wars."

---- - - - - ---- - - - - ----

After receiving the message from the banshee and giving Mektige knowledge on where to go and what to say, Ulykke made his way to the citadel of Darko Despair's. Out front Ulykke's mortal body was forming; the ground shook slightly as a crack formed and a black tar like substance leaked out, and started to rise into the shape of a man. Slowly but surely the blob became more and more defined, but what came of it was not a man but in fact an elf with dark gray skin. He walked into the citadel and called out. "What is you whis to discuss my old friend?"
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Thantos
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Thantos Grim Reapers Minion

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

"as you saw by the display ive returned from my old friend" he looked at his greatest of friends, "now where are the others of our nature, of evil and darkness" a soul that was a servant in the citadel walked up with a goblet for Mektige, "your drink sir"

he looked at the clock and waited. "lets send messengers to the others my old friend, we need to discuss the prophecy"
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by MasterOfMetal


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Master Crim said
Ulykke heard the requested meeting through his familiar and gave Mektige the instructions of what to show his new champion as to lift his spirits. Then spoke through Mektige saying. "my master will be there. Satum, let's go." then continued into the woods. They walked a while more before Mektige spoke again. "You have doubts as to what an allegiance with Ulykke can bring you? Well he is not all destruction. He can grant great abilities within rage, calamities and the like. In turn this will allow you to conquer foes and win favor in the eyes of many." they came to a clearing where a path was and to one side was a large statue. It was a man and on the base was a plaque, the words old and worn. "this was a man who was a magnificent fighter above all others. He was able to over come most any opponent. He channeled his rage and used it to prevail in fights and wars."

Satúm looked distraught 'Will it grand me the power to enjoy life to it's fullest? It is all I desire..'
He walked towards the stone plaque 'I do not desire great strength or rage, not the power to destroy or create..'
Satúm turned to the grand bear with a distressed voice 'I just wish to do whatever I want.'
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by akje
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Misha saw the gods come in and ducked behind the altar. A meaningless endeavor. If they wanted to they could see him anyways.
Here was to hoping they didn't care to notice.
On the altar were more goblets and a few bottles. Misha witnessed Ulykke drink from the liquid. A gift between gods...
Misha grabbed a bottle and hid it in his woolen jacket. Silently he started to make his way for the side of the room, planning a wide arc around the deities.
His heart pounded in his chest, but he was not afraid.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by TheSecret
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TheSecret Kamikaze

Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Shurikai said
A smiled danced on the otherwise stone figure of Kiyovu's face. This woman was playing hard to get. Fine, if she did not come to him, he would go to her. It wasn't every day he found someone worthy of his time. Even if she is a drunk. With a sigh, his body evaporated into a gust of wind.The small cat seemed to mirror Kiyovu's smile and took off into the night. A warm wind blew into the farm as he reemerged in the place the cat had been only moments before."Madam, I would speak to you." His words were not aggressive, he simply wanted to discover if she truly was worthy of Summer's gifts. Surely a farmer such as her would at least consider an audience with him.

"Huh...sure..." a confused C.C said watching Kasper, a rottweiler she used as a sheepdog was slowly getting closer, she didn't like unknown people near the sheeps
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Master Crim
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Master Crim Hunter of the Paleblood Moon

Member Seen 3 mos ago

MasterOfMetal said
Satúm looked distraught 'Will it grand me the power to enjoy life to it's fullest? It is all I desire..'He walked towards the stone plaque 'I do not desire great strength or rage, not the power to destroy or create..'Satúm turned to the grand bear with a distressed voice 'I just wish to do whatever I want.'

The bear chuckled deep. "These powers can make you king. Whatever you want at your command. All you need to do first is to earn it." Mektige turn his gaze back to the statue. "He was a king over kings, but due to unfortunate choices his rein was ended and his Kingdom forgotten. You can learn from the past though, you can become better than he if you keep your allegiance with Ragnarok, King of Calamity." Mektige now saw what had troubled Satum so much. He thought that his allegiance with Ulykke would only bring destruction of what he so dearly wished to partake in, but what he didn't realize is that he would be able to control these events and abilities.

Thantos said
"as you saw by the display ive returned from my old friend" he looked at his greatest of friends, "now where are the others of our nature, of evil and darkness" a soul that was a servant in the citadel walked up with a goblet for Mektige, "your drink sir"he looked at the clock and waited. "lets send messengers to the others my old friend, we need to discuss the prophecy"

"Yes, I saw that you so heinously attack the village on a sacred day..." Ulykke replied ignoring the question of whether he knew the whereabouts of the others within their alliance. "You know, you could have made a mistake with that display?" the old man said, his voice raspy and old. "If the prophecy is what has been coming, as described in the ancient writing, then we are all in danger." he took the cup and drank of it's contents. "As for the others, I don't know where they are. After the clash and your banishment we have gone our separate ways."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by akje
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With all the servitars enthralled by the conversation between gods, Misha found his way sneaking trough the edge of the long hall.
Not much later he stood at the gates of the citadel of death. Staring out at the bleak landscape between him and the world of the living.
"I don't know who you are who tests me but I will show you that I will not stay here.
I will stand before the lord of nightmares, because I am not afraid.
I will steal from the citadel of death, because I am not afraid.
I will walk to freedom trough the valley of death, because life is worth it!"
With those words he stormed down the steps of the citadel and ran as fast as he could.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Berdagon


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akje said
With all the servitars enthralled by the conversation between gods, Misha found his way sneaking trough the edge of the long hall.Not much later he stood at the gates of the citadel of death. Staring out at the bleak landscape between him and the world of the living."I don't know who you are who tests me but I will show you that I will not stay here.I will stand before the lord of nightmares, because I am not afraid.I will steal from the citadel of death, because I am not afraid.I will walk to freedom trough the valley of death, because life is worth it!"With those words he stormed down the steps of the citadel and ran as fast as he could.

In Dim Halls, the trinity sat and watched. From a Steel, Copper and Stone throne, three men looked at a man running down an enormous flight of stairs.
“What say thee, brothers, about the unfearing mortal?” said the torchbearer.
“He has shown bravery, but that is no remarkable feat with our blessing…” said the builder.
“And he stole from a Divine! Even if this wasn’t one of the most vile creatures of creation, it is a crime and he should be punished for it!” demanded the soldier.
There was a silence. The three man pondered, looking at the man that ran from the cathedral of death.

The torch re-lit. A twinkle was seen in the eyes of the torchbearer. “He was not tempted by its offer.”

The others looked questionly at their brother.
“He was offered immortality, an army, to be free of all chains but his. But, his reason told him that it was against his nature, his nurture.”
The torchbearer bended towards his listeners. “He is incorruptible.”
“This is true! Because of his fearlessness he could think about his true nature, and not betray it!” shouted the builder. “This is a quality of a great man!”
The soldier’s face changed. His expression became hopeful.

“… it’s a quality of a saint…”

The silence returned. These words wear heavy and important. There had be no saint for so long, could it be that maybe...

.. maybe it was time for a new empire to rise?

The torch, hammer and sword were raised above the running man. In unicine the three brothers spoke:

We think, so that others are enlightened
We speak, so that others are inspired
We act, so that others are protected
Deemed worthy by the stone throne, the copper throne and the steel throne
We declare you are Saint Misha, the Vigilant

As Misha ran down the stairs, the world around him darkened. He saw nothing but the stairs and eternal darkness.
In the distance, he saw a dim fire. As he aproach it, the stairway ended in a flat floor. Before him stood three massive thrones, filled with an evenly massive figure. One held a torch, the other a hammer and the last a sword. The torchbearer spoke.
“Do not be afraid, Saint Misha. We are here to protect you, in exchange for a single awnser…”

“Would you want to carry a torch, sword or hammer?”
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by akje
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Misha fell to his knees. A cloud of dust breaking from the ground and taking air.
In front of him he saw the roaring fire of the sacrificial pyre.
Ceremoniously he placed the cup on top of the cinders while remaining on one knee.
"My Lords, Sons of Civilisation. I gladly reach out for your aid. It is an honor to be at your side.
But I have experience in bearing a torch, sword nor hammer.
To make up for it I have passion and will. I would let your wisdom judge."
Misha grinned. "Or wield all three."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Thantos
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Thantos Grim Reapers Minion

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Feels mishap escape his world by the help of another. "Those three fools dealing with the cursed." Looks at his old friend. "It's a shame really that I was banished" he sipped his drink "what was my banishment for again" he looked at his friend of destruction
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