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Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Lucius Cypher
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"That is because you are still young. That is why we are here Zed. We can become much stronger than we do now, but you cannot give up hope. It will take time and practice, but we can control the powers given to us. I am sure of this. Will you be willing to find that strength as well?" Machina never really changed her facial expression from her blank stare, but her voice sounded a mix of concerned and confident. Concerned about what Zed's answer would be, but confident that what she said was true.
Lucius was flying through the skies looking for Perry. He didn't think it'll be so hard to find someone in the open skies, but than he saw a red glimpse in the distance. "Of course, she's in the clouds! But why that one!?" He saw what he guessed was perry flying into a thunder cloud and sighed. "Heaven or hell... Let's rock!" Lucius flew towards the thunder cloud where he last saw Perry. It wasn't long before he reached the violent maelstrom, and was getting blown around by the wind. However he was able to keep himself settle with the use of all size of his wings, which gave him much more mobility and flight strength, however he knew he couldn't stay for long. He had to exert a lot of power to fight the wind. And like ti or not, if he couldn't find Perry fast enough, he was going to be sent plummeting to the ground. "Hah... Just like dad. Perry, where are you!?" Lucius shouted over the thunder and lightning.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Saarebas
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Saarebas Wandering Wild Magic Fanatic

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Raze pondered what he was told by the two goddesses for quite awhile. He took a seat alone in the gym instead of going to the cafeteria with the others, he decided he would need the silence the others would surely not provided. He thought about what he was told deeply, trying to weigh the benefits and costs of finally taking up arms that he was not born with. All of his life he was trained as a beast and that is what he fought as, fighting with his own physical prowess and no outside help. Would he still be considered the beast he worked so hard to become in the eyes of his siblings? This was the thought that keep coming to his mind as he sat alone. He eventually let out a sigh before standing and leaving the gym.

Raze found Clotho after a rather short search, they may have dampened his powers but he still had all of his years of training and living as an animal. "Though I still believe these weapons to be a crutch you gods and mortals use to try and imitate the natural abilities my kind has, I can see the wisdom in learning the customs and practices of other cultures... even those of possible future enemies." He said in his usual cold voice. He then crossed his arms and his expression softened very slightly. "But I would ask a request of you fate weaver... I would like to travel to the land of the father of my father, Tartarus. I would like to speak with him on the matter as he is the only god I am descended from that has made use of arms not of his birth." He asked in a tone that was less cold and held a slight pitch of a plea.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Slendy
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" Yes I'll try to find this strength you speak of and I'll take control of chaos." Zed walk pass Machina." Thanks for the pep talk android." He says walking away waving good bye."Cya around."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by RumikoOhara
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Perry sensed as well as saw Lucius fly into her storm and with a simple flick of her wings was before him. Her wings did not struggle in the air, in fact she seemed to float on some unseen thermal as blood dripped from her wings.

"A dangerous game you play Lucius for any may see that you are not a being of the air but only a visitor.
Why do you risk so much that you would fly in here where only those born to storm and sky would dare?
says Perry her voice like powerful celestial music yet somehow soft and comforting as well.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Lucius Cypher
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Machina looked as Zed walked away. She hoped that he would use his powers for good, but it was in his hands. Perhaps she shall check up on him sometime, see how his progress goes. Machina left the infirmary and went elsewhere.
Luckily Perry found Lucius before he had to go too far. It was far easier for him to stay in place (Relatively speaking) than it was to constantly be moving and shifting. Perry arrived a bit more... Warlike than he had thought. He was not dissuaded however and stood his ground (Figuratively speaking). "This true that I am not a being born for the clouds or storms, but I am a scion of the heavens and light!" Calling upon his powers as a Seraph a ray of light broke through the clouds, stopping the storm and clearing the skies. The both of them were basked in it's holy radiance, but soon that faded away to calm skies. "Paulette I find it strange for a goddess who prides herself on her cunning and composure to lose her patience against a mad god. I am concerned for you. Might you tell me what ails you?"
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by KatherinWinter
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Saarebas said
Raze pondered what he was told by the two goddesses for quite awhile. He took a seat alone in the gym instead of going to the cafeteria with the others, he decided he would need the silence the others would surely not provided. He thought about what he was told deeply, trying to weigh the benefits and costs of finally taking up arms that he was not born with. All of his life he was trained as a beast and that is what he fought as, fighting with his own physical prowess and no outside help. Would he still be considered the beast he worked so hard to become in the eyes of his siblings? This was the thought that keep coming to his mind as he sat alone. He eventually let out a sigh before standing and leaving the gym.Raze found Clotho after a rather short search, they may have dampened his powers but he still had all of his years of training and living as an animal. He said in his usual cold voice. He then crossed his arms and his expression softened very slightly. He asked in a tone that was less cold and held a slight pitch of a plea.

Clotho tilted her head. "Weapons can be a crutch but so can your powers. You must all learn to work without both. One day you will be without your powers. That day you will want to have knowledge weapons.myou may travel to the realm you speak of. But you will have to either do so quickly or wait until later. Class will be starting soon."
KindledBeast said
Alastair finally got to Roxy agin he grabbed we hand, "Hey please I really am sorry I wasn't trying to he off at being powerful or anything like that I was just a stupid way of trying to show you, you could trust me." Alastair said trying to make her understand he didn't want her to be mad at him anymore.

"By showing me that you can force your will on me?" Roxy rolled his eyes. "The only thing you've proved is that I can't trust you anymore then I can trust them. You've proven that you're faster and stronger then I am. Which means I have to be wary of you just like I have to be wary of the rest."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by RumikoOhara
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RumikoOhara Goddess & Benevolent Dictator

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Perry looks at Lucius and Smiles yet this smile is more predatory than friendly
"I have little use for pride for it was such that caused me to forget that peace is the golden age to which we all should aspire. War I understand and can even appreciate for in war there is truth but to wish to fight simply because of madness and pride is more than I can presently bare.

She drifts before him her colors shifting till once more her hair is like spun gold and her wings so white as to appear made from the sparkling fabric of the clouds themselves.

"I am not here at the school to become a skilled tongue for there is more to me than is within your kin. You are the progeny of a servant of a god and I am born of God and Goddess. To me the creature that caused me to forget myself is like a Titan of old and therefore must be like them contained far away and chained to that place.
You think you see the truth but my gifts are those found in words and as such I am able to devine the truth from each utterence of the tongue.
Know this though, I am not born simply of a Goddess but of a terrible father who's ....
That is enough for now and no more will I speak of it.
says Perry as ghostly creatures surround her made of wisp of cloud and air.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by KatherinWinter
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A bell rings through the school. "All students report to the gym for power development."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by LokiLeo789
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KatherinWinter said
A bell rings through the school. "All students report to the gym for power development."

"Aww", LeeKong sighed, he was still hungry, but he did eat enough, Lee looked up toward the vents, but he was to lazy to want to jump up their. Lee put his head down on the table, tired and sleepy from all the food he ate.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Lucius Cypher
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Lucius hears the bell, but does not regard it. He was trying to talk to perry right now. "You think you know of me, goddess? I will admit, I am a seraph. An Angel of the highest order. But I am also so much more. More than perhaps I should reveal... But let us not keep secrets from one another. I have no need to lie or deceive you. Look into my eyes Paulette... See what I truly am." Lucius moved closer to Perry despite the mist surrounding her. The light from his eyes, which once shined sho bright, faded away to reveal the empty black abyss of hell. "They say eyes are the portal to one's soul. I hide mines behind a blinding light, but now I will allow you to see the my true origins." If Perry bothered to look for more than a second, she would see the horrors that humanity and the gods themselves have subjugated and attributed to hell and it's variations. Endless torture and suffering, pointless violence and meaningless emotions, abused for the sake of cruelty and malice. This was what Lucius represented. His visage of angelic grace was nothing more than a guise he dons to hide a simple fact. "I am the Son of Satan. Believe me what I say that I understand the hatred you would have against your father for who he is. My very being is meant to compliment his own, and all the evils of the world. But i will not let myself suffer for him, and I hate to see you suffer the same from your own father. Please Perry, do not hide your pain from me. I may be a hellspawn, but even I understand the turmoil and struggle. And though my understanding, I wish to heal."

Lucius's eyes returned to normal, and he lifted out his hand. Perry may begin feeling a warm vibration on her person as the gem he had given her earlier that day responded to him. "You do not need to suffer alone. Allow me to assist you, and you would not need to suffer at all."
A voice rang out throughout school for the next class. Machina followed the mass of students to where that class would be.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by KindledBeast
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KindledBeast Lazarus

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KatherinWinter said
Clotho tilted her head. "Weapons can be a crutch but so can your powers. You must all learn to work without both. One day you will be without your powers. That day you will want to have knowledge weapons.myou may travel to the realm you speak of. But you will have to either do so quickly or wait until later. Class will be starting soon.""By showing me that you can force your will on me?" Roxy rolled his eyes. "The only thing you've proved is that I can't trust you anymore then I can trust them. You've proven that you're faster and stronger then I am. Which means I have to be wary of you just like I have to be wary of the rest."

"I'm not going to hurt you Roxy....I'm really sorry I hope that you'll forgive me some day." Alastair let go of her and walked to the gym for power development.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Delta44
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KatherinWinter said
A bell rings through the school. "All students report to the gym for power development."

Mayuri looks at Daniel and sighs. "Hehe, you know I was bluffing about the age thing, right? My real age is my human age." She winks at him before heading off to gym class. This was someplace she could get used to. Mayuri was confident that her physical and magical attributes surpassed that of most of the gods here. She wasn't going to get ahead of herself, however, as there was a long way to go. Still, the prospect of training was promising, though she didn't raise her hopes too high. One thing that Ominaad taught her was to never get one's hopes to high, because it'd only lead to disappointment.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by KatherinWinter
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KindledBeast said
"I'm not going to hurt you Roxy....I'm really sorry I hope that you'll forgive me some day." Alastair let go of her and walked to the cafeteria for power development.

"Whatever." Roxy said. She didn't turn to the towards the gym. What was the point. She didn't have her powers. She seriously needed some alone time. She walked down the hall until she found a dark empty room. She sat her arms wrapped around her legs.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by eemmtt
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Parax killed and manage to eat the mutated burger before the bell rang. He quickly got up and quick deposed the smoking remands of the tray. Parax left the lunch room and headed towards the gym for his next class.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Ryonara
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Akiko heard the intercom but didn't stop what he was doing. He didn't have any powers and frankly, it probably had something to do with fining new and creative ways to fight each other. He was tired of everyone fighting and kept with his cloud out. He made a giant fox made from fluffy clouds! If he was careful, he could actually climb on it.

Isa looked up from her position and saw Roxy walk in. Isa had checked out some books and were looking over them in this dark room, expecting no one to find or bother her. She was wrong. But seeing that Roxy simply sat down and curled up into a ball, Isa made no noise or any other action to show her presence and simply kept reading. She had no issue reading in the dark, and her eyes glowed a faint yellow that allowed her to see the Sanskrit easily.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by KindledBeast
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KindledBeast Lazarus

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KatherinWinter said
"Whatever." Roxy said. She didn't turn to the towards the gym. What was the point. She didn't have her powers. She seriously needed some alone time. She walked down the hall until she found a dark empty room. She sat her arms wrapped around her legs.

Alastair put his head against the wall and kept hitting it, "Why, why are you so stupid Alastair ?" He said to himself as he started hitting the wall harder with his head a small stream of blood came from his forehead. "Great now I split my head open." He thought to himself wiping the blood away and walking into the gym.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Saarebas
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Saarebas Wandering Wild Magic Fanatic

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"It takes nine days for a golden anvil to fall from the Heavens to earth. It takes nine more days for that same anvil to fall from earth down to Tartarus." Raze said to Clotho in his normal disinterested tone. "But I am no mere anvil. I can make such a journey within the hour, but only if you would be so kind to return to me my powers." He said with the faintest sign of a smile that quickly disappeared as soon as it appeared.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by KatherinWinter
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Saarebas said
Raze said to Clotho in his normal disinterested tone. He said with the faintest sign of a smile that quickly disappeared as soon as it appeared.

Clotho smiled and patted Raze cheek. "Aren't you a charming lad. I almost believe that you have good intentions. I will make you a bargain young Raze. I will give your powers back to you for 2 hours at the end of the school day. But you will owe me and my sisters a favor. Do you agree?"
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Thantos
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Thantos Grim Reapers Minion

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he walked into the main office and looked around for the principle and he sighed when the bell rang for class
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Saarebas
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Saarebas Wandering Wild Magic Fanatic

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Raze took a moment to think over what Clotho had offered, he didn't even bother to shy away from the fate's hand upon his face. "To be indebt to the Fates would be a great burden to bare... but as we all are from the moment of our creations I shall accept your deal. All this means is that you and your fellow Fate weavers will have collected twice from me before the last of my days." He said before uncrossing his arms. "Shall we uphold the old traditions and swear upon the river styx?"
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