Full Name
Leonardo Alexandrus Gladston
Leo or Alex (depending on if there's another leo or alex!)
19th of December (Earth time)
Astrological Sign
Unknown Due to zone of birth.
The Trifling are a name giving to mostly human though somewhat not creatures, Most often it is given to those who are of human parentage but have non human ancestors of a mythical kind, So the great, great grandson of Lucifer would be a Trifling. They tend to inherit a good portion of their ancestors power, though this is magnified through various means such as magical/technological assistance or even something as simple as being the seventh son. They rarely have any visible differences, However their aura is massively abnormal.
Arcane Technomancer. A technomancer is someone who has a mastery over technology. and Arcamancer is someone who has mastery over the Arcane arts, such as magic. An Arcane Technomancer is a combination thereof. capability to create, Master, and use Arcane technologies, often lost, or forgotten. While they oft do not have the precision of a high tech laser sniper rifle, or the ease of hurling a fireball. They make up for it in outright durability, Versatility, and destructive power.
His Primary weapon is Brahak, A magitech Scythe/Axe/Rifle (Assault, not sniper.) This axe is powered by both Leo's innate magic and a internal bank of Mana crystals which re-charge over time. the weapon itself can discharge the Mana in several ways, The first being a blast of concussive force over short distance, the second being energizing the rifle rounds to a specific magic type. the third is enhancing the weapon edge with a specific magic type, the fourth, and possibly most useful is in a 'mana catalyser' which generates ammunition for the rifle. there is also a 'Last Resort' device, called a Mana Bomb, it combines the principles of an Hydrogen bomb, with Mana, creating a hurled orb of condensed energy which would (at maximum charge) flatten a 4 bedroom house, However the more magic he has used, the weaker this attack. The downside is this burns out most of the Mana crystals inside of it, Meaning they need replacing, The amount of destructive force can be reduced (and thus the damage to the mana crystals is also reduced)

Casting Pistol, As seen in his image, this pistol enhances is his magic casting ability and allows him to use more powerful spells, the internals of it are unknown to all but himself, it has an alternate firing mode as a short range (five meter) wave gun which disrupts a targets brain function, knocking them out for a few hours.
Mana Lance; The mana lance is a Mid ranged weapon (Optimum 20m, rapid drop off till 25m, then nothing), and projects a beam of concentrated magical energy for up to ten seconds, (Per crystal) The beam can be attuned to a specific type of magic (Basic only, IE fire, light, dark, lightning, healing. NOT anything beyond the basic circles) it has a internal clip of Mana Crystals which can be exchanged as a normal clip system, the mana crystals do not have to be attuned, as the lance itself has a much simpler version of the alignment system within his axe. Each clip carries six crystals. though a full sixty second continuous beam is unadvisable, as the weapon can overheat.

Lucis Though closer to the black gale than most would like
Long Biography
Before 'The black gate' was ever created, There was a young man, who while he owned a house and had a satisfying life, Struggled to find anyone who could match his tastes, and so, Living in a world like Lucis, full of magical and mythical creatures, he struck a deal with a Supernatural being, A greater Demon to be precise. The demon would ensure several things for the young man, That his family would always own the house, That his house would always exist, and that he would find a suitable wife. The demon, seeing this mans soul decided it was not worth agreeing, However, The man offered him the soul of one of his children, 3 daughters and 1 son to be precise, The demon's choice, he was so desperate that his name not be forgotten, The demon, enticed by the offer. Agreed. And so time passed the man found a wife and they settled down, They had children, and time came and went. The man, not having seen the demon since, thought that he'd forgotten the deal. However, The demon had not. 4 days before his first daughters wedding, The demon approached the man, and said "I would like the soul of your first daughter." The man flatly refused, and so the demon went away. The man felt as if he had won, cheated the demon. 3 days before The second daughters wedding, the same happened, The man felt as if he had to only refuse 1 last time to win. However, The night before the 3rd daughters wedding, The daughter came to her father and asked him to call the wedding off and Let her elope with a man she had fallen in love with. The father agreed, having not seen this man. This man, as you could well guess, Was the Demonl himself. Once again.
Time came and went, The man passed on, feeling angered that he had been tricked so. The third daughter (and thus the demon) Inherited the house. They had children, 3 sons and a daughter. Time continueds. Now we come to the era of the Black Gate, The gate opened, and in that year 2 things happened, 1 of the sons left through the gate to explore new worlds, rapidly becoming one of the foremost pioneers of introducing Lucis to the modern tech of earth. and one of the few with permission to carry Blueprints and designs through the black gate (No actual tech, Yet). And Leonardo was conceived between the second son and his wife. The house itself was on the ground where the black gate first formed, However due to the generations old deal, It stood fast on its own island, held aloft by the demon power, The same demon who still lived in the house.
Fast Forward 10 years, Now Leo is 9 years old, His Uncle, whom he is named after, Alexander is still one of the foremost transporters of Technology and Trans-world traders, exchanging magical goods in Lucis for Technology of earth, Now allowed to transport the materials as well as designs He often smuggles bits of tech home for his growing Nephew, as he never had a chance to marry, The Demon, seeing this, tries to surround Leo with fantastic magics. The two grow bitter to each other, Trying to outdo each other in impressiveness, one with technology, The other with magic.
5 years later, Leo is now 14 years old, 4 years before the present day, Leo finds a piece of crystallized magic, a spell which was canceled halfway through casting, One of his new toys is out of power (A remote control helicopter), so he tries to get it to run on this spell. It becomes a project, and Both without the other being aware, His uncle and The demon aid him in the endeavor, It takes 6 months of hard work, But the first peice of MagiTech is born. A blending of magic and technology. and over this His grandfather, and Uncle find a new goal, Teach the Young Leo to become the first, and greatest MagiTechition. And so Leo's playroom becomes a workshop, Half Alchemical Lab, Half Techo-mancer's research lab. Overloaded with such a possibility The young Leo is encouraged and enticed to learn and grow in new ways in to the role his uncle and Grandfather have set out for him, and He loves it, Not only bringing the two people in his life who meant so much to him together, but doing things, and learning things that neither of them on their own could do. He learns how to engrave magic on to technology to make it last longer, become tougher or even just do something new. He learns how to wire technology to enhance magic and manipulate mana. The years pass by, He creates a Mana-enhancer, Allowing him to cast spells of his own, combining this with a self defence technology his uncle brought back from earth, He created his wave gun. During this, His Father passed way, His father, a magic wielding guardian, left Leo his axe/scythe, in the hope that Leo would follow his footsteps, Leo took the Axe/Scythe and decided to make it his own, he improved it, fused it with technology, repurposed it to his own will, It became his tool, his weapon. slowly he overtook what his Uncle and Grandfather could teach him. and it became that he would only ask them for knowledge or items when he lost his own way, He began to do things they could not understand. It was then, They realised that he had fulfilled the path they had set for him. It was then, he got the letter to attend The Academy Of The Arcane Artes.
Leo is incongruous in his personality when looked at from a overall point of view much like the first assumption of his skills, though like his skills it seems to fall in to place easily and work together. While warm and friendly he dose not take kindly to fools or those trying to make fools of others. and he often treats those who he sees as fools with scathing sarcasm and cynical sharpness.
Whoever wants to be.
Due to the dual nature of leo's equipment and abilities he does not gain any specific strengths either, IE; Someone skilled at magic can use highly powerful and complex spells, or someone who as grown up surrounded by computers could be able to hack. Leo cannot do such things, He must rely on his own Arcane Technomancy and often cannot 'borrow' from others.
Non-Alignment, Due to the fact he has no direct natural magical alignment other than that to his grandfather he lacks a natural defence from magic, He can cast counterspells, or use his weapons to block, but he does not have a resistance to any specific element (EG a earth golem would be almost immune to lightning ect.).
Strange Attributes/Abilities/Traits
Magic-translation; Most magic when cast requires a incantation, or produces a magic circle. And more often than not this is in some strange tongue. Due to years and years of working with magic and combining it with Tech he can read, translate, and dissect a magic spell/circle a few seconds before it is cast, understanding what the spell will do, Clearly the faster the spell, the harder this is.
Technological understanding; The technological version of Magic-Translation, the ability to observe, and understand tech simply by examining it, This however does not confer the ability to say hack passwords or keypads. This is much more on a hardware scale than software, if someone showed him the binary of a computer he'd not understand, if they showed him a chipboard, he'd be able to tell them everything about it.
He's got a small pet Fae creature, for whom he made a mechanical wing after it lost one to his fathers cat, It's unclear what exactly the creature is, Other than it communicates via telepathy and Identifies itself as Frya.
There. I think as so far all the edits make it fall inline.