Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Saarebas
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Saarebas Wandering Wild Magic Fanatic

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Raze rose a brow at the task they were given. "But oh measurer of fate where should we begin our search of beast to tame?" He said, he seemed genially interested in this quest.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by KatherinWinter
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Saarebas said
Raze rose a brow at the task they were given. He said, he seemed genially interested in this quest.

"You will all be teleport to the human world." Lachesis told Raze. As she spoke the walls around them disappeared and the teens would find themselves in the middle of the article circle on the human plane.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Slendy
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Slendy The Old Soul Teenaged Otaku

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"Not this place again." Zed groaned having bad history with the Earths ancestors , he knew this was gonna be a tough task.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Lucius Cypher
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Lucius sneezed as the class was teleported to the antarctic. "Seven frozen hells! What are we suppose to find in this wasteland, penguins?" Lucius complained, creating a ball of light to keep himself warm. The cold wasn't going to kill him, not even close, but it was uncomfortable. Still, he had an idea of what creature he wanted to tame. But he'd have to find his way to Europe first. "I'm guessing that we can't go showing off our powers to the mortals, eh?"
Machina took note of the sudden drop in temperature. If she was human she would be woefully under dressed for the weather, but aside from some minor frosting on her body she was not negatively affected by the cold. She still wasn't sure what creature she wanted to tame, though like Lucius implied, she won't find much here. She began to walk due north, hoping to catch a ride to the mainland and try her luck there.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by eemmtt
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Parax didn't mined the colder environment he found himself but if he gets too cold he could always use some warp fire to warm him. The young Chaos god walked off to find any-sort of civilization he is going to need bodies for his summon.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by KindledBeast
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KindledBeast Lazarus

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Alastair looked around and noticed a tree line about a mile and a half away he started jogging towards it he wanted to see what kind of wild animals there was, he kept running intel he was a good distance within the woods. Alastair stopped running to catch his breath and didn't notice he was standing on thin ice he broke through and was dragged through the driven river he was under the icy water for a few minutes before he broke back through about 500 feet down from where he fell in, he got out of the water pulling off his shirt it was so cold he kept walking, he made it a little deeper into the forest when he heard something behind him he quickly turned around and saw ablack flash go through the bushes. Alastair heard even more behind him intel he saw a pack of fifteen wolves closing in on him, he heard a deep howl from behind him and saw a much larger black wolf the other wolves moved out of the way when it approached, Alastair backed up slightly when the black wolf lunged at him, Alastair quickly kicked at the wolf hitting it in the side moving the wolf a few feet back. It lunged at Alastair agin and got him too the ground ripping into his arm fresh crimson blood was all over the snow, Alastair threw the wild kicking it in the chest he grabbed a rock and smacked it in the head he did it agin intel it was on the ground whimpering Alastair got ontop of it holding the rock over his head about to bring it down and finish off the wolf the alpha wolf looked at Alastair agin and whimpered. Alastair threw the rock infront of him sparing the wolf he helped it up and watched as it bowed to him he wrapped his arm up with his shirt so it would stop bleeding his whole arm was covers in blood he started petting the wolf as it rested it's head in his lap the other wolves that surrounded them took off to go hunting.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by KatherinWinter
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Roxy winced as the cold air brushed her skin. Just her luck they had placed her in the middle of the Antarctic when the sun was high. There were very few shadows for her to use and worse she wasn't dressed for the weather. Of course none of them really were dressed for the arctic. She trudge through the snow until she came to a shadow long enough to hold her. When she reached the shadow she stepped into it. She would be able to travel a lot faster by shadow. Within minutes she was able to travel from the top of the world to the middle of the world. The animal she wanted would be found deep in the rain forest.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Ryonara
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Isa was actually quite familiar with the frozen tundra. The underworld was often much more desolate and cold. Not quite at home, but it was a familiar setting. She had an animal she wanted to take in mind, but they weren't native to here. She'd have to find a boat back, which was easy enough to do. All she needed to was follow death. Soon Isa found herself in Japan, where her search began in the rural mountains.

Akiko didn't like the cold at all. God or fox, he just didn't like it. He quickly used his powers to change into something warmer and got the first boat off the island to somewhere else. While he waited for his boat to reach land, he did think about what animal he wanted to tame. Obviously foxes would be too easy, but did he really want to go after something harder for him? He figured he should chose an animal that would work well with foxes, but he didn't have a clue what that animal would be.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Slendy
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Slendy The Old Soul Teenaged Otaku

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Zed instead of taking a boat teleported through the contents to find a creature that peek his interest. After awhile he stopped in a jungle and walked around studying his surroundings. " What animal best represent chaos?" He asked no one in particular. Little did he now he was being stalked by the snake known as python. The snake launched at Zed's back. Gladly Zed still had some of his godly senses. He turned around grabbing the snake and examining its features.
"Sssss." The snake growled.
"Hmm deadly glare in eyes , sharp teeth and is venomous. This fit the description of chaos perfectly." Zed teleports back to the Island with the snake gripped in his right hand.
"Um Ms. Lachesis I've found my animal what do I do next?" He asked hopefully hearing her say he can go back to the school.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by eemmtt
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Parax made sure he was far enough away from the rest of the group before committing to the next part of his plan. The young chaos god detected a small group of mortals nearby that he would need to get his creature. Teleporting to the mortals camp he appear right in-front of one of them scaring the man in the process. Unfortunately the mortal couldn't say anything as his mind was shattered by one of Parax's physic attacks. The man fell over his mind now shattered by the young chaos god didn't even look at him as he stepped over him and enter the camp. About an hour later he stood next to a pile of human bodies the blood was painted into an eight pointed star. Holding the final body he needed in one hand and a knife he found in his other. Chanting the dark magic he slit the last throat of the last sacrifice into the center of the eight pointed star. Reality ripped open into the warp rifted. Through the warp rift a creature crawled out of it the creature was headless conical torso. It has two long arms, both terminating in weird stumps, which are adorned with razor-sharp teeth and flickering tongues, and continuously belching acrid and sulphuric smoke. Parax grinned he had mange to bind a flamer to do his bidding the mortal way. "I have bind my creature," he said out-loud hoping that the teacher could hear him.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by KatherinWinter
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"Parax and Zed you may return and enjoy the rest the evening." The Fate told them as she returned them to the school in the heavens. She checked on the other students. Some were struggling. Some were doing just fine. Threads started to weave together as the children began their stories.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Sheogorath
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Sheogorath The Irate God

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Joshua stepped quietly in the woods, following the call of the raven. He wasn't hungry like his father would have wanted him to be, he was happy. He was at peace. When he finally reached the source of the call he smiled softly. An injured raven, cast on the ground left to die. He let out a soft sigh and picked the small bird up in his hands. "Ma'am, I have found my familiar." he said, a soft smile crossing his face as he tore a piece of his shirt off and tied the small creatures wing in a splint and held it, almost like a child.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Lucius Cypher
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Eventually Lucius found himself in the rural country side of some European area. He wasn't exactly keeping track of where he was going, only that he knew where the animal he wanted was. After much searching, Lucius found the sure sign he was close; minotaurs. Not the animals he was looking for, but also an obstacle telling him that the creature he was looking for was near. But it was also a test. A lesser minded god would have drew their weapons and slain the beasts. A challenge for mortals perhaps, but even for a young godling they were no real threat. But that was just the thing. Lucius wasn't suppose to defeat them. He revealed himself to the two minotaurs, and they watched him carefully, their large brutish weapons ready to crush him. Even though he knew they could not harm him, he did not attempt to show arrogance. Rather, a sense of respect for their purpose. He came in peace, after all. The Minotaurs watched as he walked pasted them and met with the creature he wished to claim as his own; a unicorn.

"Hello there beautiful..."

Eventually Lucius returned to the school riding on his majestic white stallion. It huffed as it arrived to the school's cloudy domain, as though it was only mildly impressed by what it sees. "Come on now old chap, just think of the memories to be made here! You'll love it, I promise."
Machina was having very little luck finding the right animal for her. She did manage to find a few creatures who seem to like her presence well enough, but none of them truly suited her. She continued to look until she found herself in a park somewhere in north america. She took a seat on a bench and looked around. She saw many of the mortals on their phones and other devices, and even the children were playing on their hand-held if they weren't electronics if they weren't running around. Machina was considering heading back to school and calling it quits when she heard something pawing at her foot. A small, cute kitten. Machina picked up the cat and scanned it for diseases. There was some... Nothing she couldn't fix. "Hmm...." Machina let the cat go, but it seemed to have taken a liking to her. "Well...." Machina decided to take the cat with her. Not the most fearsome of beasts, but she liked it.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by KindledBeast
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KindledBeast Lazarus

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Alastair took his alpha wolf back with him when he teleported back to the acadamy he got some bandages for himself and the wolf before he met back with the other students he was curious as to what they retrieved.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by KatherinWinter
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The Fate brings all the teens back to the school. Some had their animals. Others did not. "Congratulation to those who have succeeded. Those who have not succeeded will simply have to try again. The rest of the evening is yours. I would encourage you to get to know one another."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by eemmtt
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Parax looked at the flamer he summoned earlier he gave it the order to return to the Immaterium in-till he had need of the daemon. The young chaos god grabbed his book he left on the desk. Picking it up he decided to go to the library for a while he didn't feel sociable.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by KatherinWinter
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Roxy stumbled as she landed on the floor of the gym. She hadn't gotten her animal companion. She had gotten close. She hoped that she would get another chance. She stood to her feet and looked around. Atleast no one had seen her crash.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by KatherinWinter
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Roxy stumbled as she landed on the floor of the gym. She hadn't gotten her animal companion. She had gotten close. She hoped that she would get another chance. She stood to her feet and looked around. Atleast no one had seen her crash.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Sheogorath
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Sheogorath The Irate God

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Joshua sat in a corner, tending to the bird he'd picked to be his familiar. He softly splinted the broken wing and smiled softly, placing the small bird on his lap. He leaned against the wall behind him and softly stroked the raven's black feathers, almost instinctively.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by KatherinWinter
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Evening fell. A bell rang through the school calling those how wanted to eat to supper.
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