Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by drewccapp
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Sten decided to take his new found energy and put it to use in DGO. He stopped for a moment as an idea formed in his head and he opened up his messages to review the one the Jester sent. He then clicked the reply button and began to write up a message.
From: Solitary Watcher
To: Silver Jester the Masked Man
Subject: Re:Your Final Vengeance

I am sending this message to first apologize for my previously sent swear. While it indeed matches my feeling about your message, it was rude. I wish to meet up with you and talk. There are things I have to ask. I imagine a hacker like yourself will have no problem finding me, but I shall be in the Hunting Grounds hunting a level six serpent dissolution.

The Solitary Watcher

Sten then logged onto DGO.

Welcome, Solitary Watcher!

Solitary Watcher looked around to realize that he was within the Black City. This was something that would take getting used to. He trudged off to the Hunting Grounds quite purposefully. There he found his quarry. He activated his active camouflage and climbed to the top of a building to observe the pattern of its travel path. He spent a good five minutes doing so. He counted out the time it took for it to complete its path several times over just to make sure he knew exactly how long it took. Then he spent another five minutes making sure there was a pathway that the other dissolutions in the area didn't cross with the serpent. He found one and gave himself thirty seconds to set up his trap there and get back before the serpent arrived on that spot twelve seconds later.

He waited for it to just finish crossing that point and dashed as quickly as possible over there. One. Two. Three. Four. Five. Six. When he made it he slapped a proximity mine on the wall of a nearby decrepit building. Seven. He then dashed to the point where the dissolution crossed over. Eight. And then he placed another mine there. Nine. He knew that it would alter its path as soon as he fired and pulled aggro onto it. He double checked his information and the area. Nine. When all was clear he rushed back to his previously used vantage point. Ten. Eleven. Twelve. Thirteen. Fourteen. Fifteen. Sixteen. Grappling Hook up the building. Seventeen. Eighteen. Getting prone at his previous spot.

He had plenty of time to charge up his passive and while he was waiting he checked his experience. From the day of the battle he had gotten about two-thirds of the way to level six. This would definitely be enough to push him over that line. The fortieth second passed and he saw the serpent slithering to his target location. Forty-one. Forty-two. BOOM! The first mine went off at the same time that Watcher fired and landed a headshot for critical damage. The serpent writhed and then quickly turned to charge at Watcher who had no just become visible from his stealth. This set off the second mine which brought the creature down to one-fifth of its full hit points. It moved quickly towards him. 300 yards. 250 yards. Watcher carefully aimed at its head. 200 yards. This was no time to get worried over the beast's charging. He had this. 150 yards. BANG! He fired again this time the bullet didn't hit the head, but the body hit was just enough to kill the creature. Experience crystals rushed to him and when the last one arrived that rewarding message appeared:

Congratulations! You have leveled up.

You have unlocked a new ability: Stalker Drone.
Please pick your perk. Sleight of Hand, or Eagle Eye.

He selected Eagle Eye, and looked at the details of his new ability. It was an active summon. That was interesting. It summoned a drone that he could spy on enemies with. He activated it and discovered a video feed popped up on his visor showing what the little three inch diameter drone could see. He smiled as he sat up straight to wait for the Jester to show up.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by MaskedHeroZ


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Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Lord Santa
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Lord Santa Body of a man, heart of a Chupacabra

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

While Albus had done his fair share of investigating in the night, he hadn't come up with anything conclusive. Why? Because there wasn't anything conclusive about the case. The player Corpse Collector was a fairly standard player to begin with. Pretty much non-noteworthy and would have, in most likelihood, remained so, if not for the commotion she caused in Deep Ground a month ago. That is, she emerged into notoriety when it was revealed that she was hacking Deep Ground. But even those details were sketchy.

Albus did some digging and found that shortly after the Black King, Moon Rider, announced the opening of the Ebony Strykers, a wave of dissolutions spawned in several guild halls for no discernible reason, and then the Deep Ground program was crashed. That's to say, it was taken down momentarily. The fact was, the only reason Corpse Collector gained her infamy was the fact that the Black King wanted her out of Deep Ground for good. Albus dug deep to find that information, a relatively minor forum mention was all that covered it. And apparently, the Corpse Collector was taken down during the down time, when the Deep Ground program was put down for a day for maintenance. Which, in itself, was suspicious. The DGP was allegedly down for a day, uncommon as it was. The events that followed, however, were far more intriguing. Specifically, the capture of Corpse Collector and the deaths of the 4 kings.

One thing to note was that Corpse Collector, who was arrested on the grounds of 'abusing system programs', all but disappeared from the public eye. While this wasn't exactly strange, there were no records of her interrogation (assuming there was one) or records of conviction (assuming she was actually arrested). Albus had even checked hospital records in case she was in a coma, but nothing. Absolutely nothing could be found. Another thing to note was the deaths of the 4 kings.

Albus wanted to look at the autopsy records for the teenagers who'd served as the Kings to find that they weren't there, or at least, hidden extremely well. Albus couldn't figure out the reason why. There shouldn't be anything to hide concerning the death of the 4 kings, it should be simple to find the cause of death. But it just wasn't there, which he found suspicious. But Albus could at least conclude that their deaths, the Corpse Collector incident and the Masked Man, were linked. Or at least, Silver Jester knew about both of them.

When Albus woke, he found a message from Silver Jester, the Masked Man he'd met yesterday in deep ground, addressed, it appeared, to everyone. One look made Albus sigh in annoyance. The Masked Man was trying to pin the identity of the Black King onto a boy called Michael Faye, which was stupid. Moon Rider was definitely a girl and Albus knew of Michael. He was definitely a guy. But what made Albus annoyed was the fact that the Masked Man was trying to pin the murders on the Black King, essentially pinning the blame on Michael who was most likely innocent. And why did this annoy Albus? Well, where do the reasons end?

First of all, it was rather annoying when people talked vehemently about things they had no idea about. It was even worse, however, when people intentionally say things they don't believe to mislead others into making rash judgements. Secondly, Silver Jester painted himself as a comrade, a person willing to fight for 'justice' alongside like-minded 'warriors', intending to break the tyrannical rule of a guilty King. Thirdly, the blatant lie about Moon Rider Causing the deaths of the kings. This part was impossible. The DGP had many fail-safes in place to ensure that no lasting physical or psychological harm would be done to the users. Also, Moon Rider couldn't have possibly killed all of the kings, in one night, especially when the program was allegedly 'down' for the day, no matter how strong she was. Assuming she was alone, at least. Albus could see the lies weaved through grains of truth, obscured by the fog of confusion. It was propaganda, pure and simple. Albus could see this much, Silver Jester was trying to make people turn on Moon Rider. But Albus wasn't sure why he was pushing the blame onto Michael, an innocent party. It annoyed him because the Masked Man had all the answers, and he didn't have any. He felt like he was being played, and that annoyed him.

Albus walked down the halls towards his classroom. He would've liked to stay in his dorm and research some more, but he had appearances to keep. In Purple Crown academy, you could spend all day on the DGP, or you could spend time in classes. Albus did both, while appearing only to do one. On the surface, he was a model student. And while many people knew he played Deep Ground, no one knew his avatar's identity. Albus needed to keep up appearances, after all. He smiled at the ridiculous thought. With the things going on around him, keeping his façade probably wasn't his number 1 priority. But he did it anyway. Appearances need to be kept.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by OverconfidentMagi


Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Aaron woke to someone banging loudly on his door. He did wish they would stop that.

Ever since he’d taken on the role of the Orange King – no, it had been before that, ever since the previous Orange King’s death more likely – Aaron had felt a constant pressure weighing him down, trying to crush him every second of every day with its inescapable force. What he’d done the night before had only been something small, he doubted it would change anything at all, but for some reason Aaron thought the crushing pressure might have felt just a tiny bit lighter as he woke that next morning.

“I’ll be there in a second,” he called to whoever it was that felt the need to bang on his door over and over and over and over and over. Aaron threw on a clean shirt and pants and checked to see just how messy his blonde hair was from just waking up. It was going every which way but wasn’t sticking up in odd places like it sometimes felt like doing. Aaron opened up his notifications to see what sort of messages had come in while he’d been asleep as he walked to get the door.

The person on the other side of the door stopped knocking; she could tell that Aaron was standing on the other side.

“Aaron, I want-“

April was cut off as Aaron spoke through the door. “Go log into Deep Ground Bellowed Mist. Tell the others to execute plans Syntax Error and Depth Charge. As soon as they’re prepared.”

Whatever words or arguments she had was met with her King’s absent silence. Eventually, Aaron heard the girl’s footsteps away from outside his door. She would have only tried to empathize with him or tell him the message had to be a fake. He already knew that, but it didn’t change a damn thing.

The King opened his door and walked out into the empty hallway. He hadn’t dressed beyond what he’d thrown on, and his hair was still uncharacteristically disordered. The boy’s hands were in his pockets, and he had his book stuffed under one arm. His eyes barely lifted from the floor as he turned and walked slowly towards the school’s old gymnasium. If anyone passed Aaron in the hall or on his way to his destination, they would be able to tell that something was wrong.
April knew that she shouldn’t have left Aaron alone then, that she should have stayed close to him, at least to keep an eye on him. But she was loyal to the Orange King above all else, and that was why she left. He had given her a mission, and she would carry it out. She just hoped that Aaron wouldn’t do anything stupid.
Logging into Deep Ground, Bellowed Mist sent out two messages.

From: Bellowed Mist
To: Zealous Calm, Monochrome Angel, Falling Mercury, Rusted Feather, Minted Ice, Stole Gate
Subject: Orders From the King

We’re going on the attack. The Orange king wants us to use plans Syntax Error and Depth Charge.

From: Bellowed Mist
To: [All Silent Marauders]
Subject: Orders From the King

We’re going on the attack. All Silent Marauders are to push into Black territory now. Weaken the enemy forces as much as possible, as fast as possible. Show them our strength.

Less than ten minutes later, as the main force of the Marauders began to clash with the Ebony Strykers on the edge of their territory, the air in front of the Black guild began to shimmer and ripple. Two figures emerged from the distorted space: one was a female assassin with long black hair, and the other was a younger boy who looked to be a healer.

From: Bellowed Mist
To: Zealous Calm, Monochrome Angel, Falling Mercury, Rusted Feather, Minted Ice, Stole Gate
Subject: Re: Orders From the King

Everyone’s in position. Now.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Shadowman215
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Shadowman215 The Necrotic Nerd

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

At Purple Crown Academy, Retribution has risen

Takeru rose alone in his dormitory after yet another miserable night. His dreams of his nightmarish past plagued him like a virulent disease that he could never elude. Though he rose every day, very much alive, he always felt completely dead. At least as of late, as the nightmares have actually begun to truly affect him. Though the recent news of deaths of the Kings and the people who played them, ate at his mind. Why would anyone do that? Especially why the Black King of all people? He, after a few minutes of thinking decided one thing:

He had to kill the Black King and end the war in DGO. It was the only way that everything would end well and peace would win over, for Retribution holds as one thing and one thing only. A Mediator, a Law bringer, an Equalizer. As far as he was concerned the Black King was a murderer whether they killed the Kings or not, they have declared war on every kingdom, and when he heard the Fanged Rangers were crushed so, that was his final straw on what pushed him, the Rangers were a kind hearted group. They did not deserve a chance to atone, they deserved only death. So he would deliver the moment he could, but his objective was certain. The Black King, must, and will, die.

In Deep Ground Online, Retribution calls.

Welcome, Vengeful Reaper.
Vengeful Reaper stood near the remains of the Green Guild hall, although he had heard of what happened from a friend in the game who witnessed it, he had never seen it himself, and rage boiled in his veins. His breath quickened, his flesh seared with hatred towards the Ebon Strykers. The first thought was to message the leader, Tender Fern, her name got around for her benevolent heart, but not yet, first he needed to start getting some Dissolutions as to level up, he was half-way to six from a mission he had done before. Two of them should do fine, or so he assumed till he saw a level six.

Staring dead at him.

The first reaction should have been to run, this creature resembled a rhinoceros, and no doubt could crush him to pulp, but when it charged, Reaper rolled aside, smiling as a bouncer mine launched itself into the Dissolution's stomach and detonating, taking it to 75% health as Reaper perched in a tree, as the creature turned, it was met with a headshot. Which proc'ed his FMJ passive, increasing the damage bonus to 250%, he smiled under the helmet that hid his dark visage as it was down to one third its total life. Then he felt his tree shake. Another Dissolution had joined the party, and he had to use his Anchor to pull himself to another tree to elude the second Dissolution as he chucked a mine below at the base of this tree, taking shots at both Dissolutions as they charged the next perch. Though this time they met more mines, the first that he had damaged before had died. The crystals flowing into him, but falling just short of his rank up. The last Dissolution clearly wasn't phased, even though it was reduced to a meager 25% health from the pot shots it took and the mine it tripped. So he let it charge and trip the mine at the base of the tree. Then with one good shot to the head, it fell and dissolved. He laughed as that great message appeared in front of him:

Congratulations, you have reached Level 6!
Choose one of the two Class perks: Assassin's Stride or Deadly Aim.
New Character Ability Unlocked: Decoy (Active): Sends a false replica of user in a designated direction to distract opponents, if hit with hard CC, dies immediately. If not it has 50% of user's base health and does not attack, but mimics basic attack animations lasts 1 minute 30 seconds and has a 4 minute cooldown.

He took the perk Assassin's Stride and smiled contently as he fled to the Faded City, to a rooftop hideout that he had, that gave him an excellent view of the City and it's labyrinth like landscape. Then he pulled up his messages and typed a message to the Green King, Tender Fern.
From: Vengeful Reaper
Subject: Retribution is your ally.
I know you don't know who I am and that warrants immediate distrust as to why I contact you. Though you must trust that I want the Black King punished, they have ruined your Guild and are aiming to ruin everyone else's work, but if you allow me a chance to speak with you, and possibly help me further my experience, I can, and will stop them. If you wish to meet me, reply back as quick as you can.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by OverconfidentMagi


Member Seen 9 yrs ago

From: Bellowed Mist
To: Zealous Calm, Monochrome Angel, Falling Mercury, Rusted Feather, Minted Ice, Stole Gate
Subject: Re: Orders From the King

Everyone’s in position. Now.

Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by MaskedHeroZ


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Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by TheWendil
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TheWendil The Wendil-Sama™ / ಠ_ಠ

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Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by drewccapp
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Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Quite some time had passed while Solitary Watcher waited. The time came where he decided that it was unlikely the Jester would come and he decided to get to a safe spot to log off. Classes would be soon after all. He was also coming down from his caffeine high. It would take all his concentration to pay attention. He hopped from building to building as he made his way to his usual log out spot. He logged off and his vision returned to real world.

He stretched and yawned once. He couldn't help but feel some disappointment as his endeavors hadn't gotten him any closer to the truth. He went to his bathroom and splashed cold water on his face. If anything it would help wake him enough to get to his destination. He began his trip out of the dorms to get to the school building itself for his classes. He sat down in his classroom and looked around the room to notice that some students weren't there. Something felt off entirely about it. Too many of the missing students were diligent enough to show up before class started. He wasn't the only one to notice the missing students, some of the others that made it early were talking about it.

He knew one of the missing students was Lucy Hall, the Green King, and she didn't seem to be one that would be tardy on purpose. The whole thing felt wrong. He clenched his fists irritably and stood up roughly. This caused those in the room to stare at him. This had to do with the message sent earlier. The Jester was playing everyone. Michael had called the Black King to ask for help, maybe that help was to call a meeting of some sort? A meeting with the Green King... and the other Kings! That had to be it. Where would be a discreet place to call for a meeting? There weren't too many places. The clubs representing each guild had their own rooms, they could be used. There were few buildings that weren't used by students often, that was another option.

Sten left the classroom just as the teacher entered it. "Where are you going, Mr. Zaffers?"

He shot a bloodshot glare at his teacher. "To find the missing students." The teacher attempted to call him back into class, but Sten simply ignored him. With that done he left the building and began to check each and every club room. None of them had any meetings going on. This search was taking too long. He then remembered an old gym that students still used on occasion. That might be the best option. He walked as quickly as he could to get there. Who knew what was going to happen to them, but he was glad he realized that message could only mean a trap of some sort.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by YandereNoodle


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Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Lord Santa
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Lord Santa Body of a man, heart of a Chupacabra

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by drewccapp
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Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Sten entered the old gym through the side entrance, quietly. Not that his stealthy entrance mattered. He noticed immediately on the other side of the gym the students that were clearly in agonizing pain. A chill ran down his spine. They all were grabbing their heads as if the pain came from there. He tensed up and looked around the room for any suspicious individuals. Not seeing anyone, he hesitated. Would he be in pain too? When would it start? The weariness he felt earlier had been taken over by a gripping fear.

He relaxed only slightly when the others stopped hurting. Michael had exited through the front door while the attack was going on. The others checked each other to see if they were alright before they began to leave themselves. He stepped towards them hurriedly after he heard: "I think it's safe to say that only the Kings were affected by this... whatever this was, " Michelle said. "Maybe the Black King too..." Michelle sighed and got up from the ground. "Let's get out of here. Maybe we'll find some more answers outside."

They were all Kings. That was all he needed to hear. Jester had lured them into a trap by declaring Michael the Black King in that message, which caused Michael to call in all the Kings for a meeting in a secluded place. Then he used dangerous hacking techniques to hack the chip in their brains and cause them pain, and maybe even worse. He called out towards those heading for the door as not everyone had left yet. "Maybe you don't need to go so far to figure things out. I've spent the last day and night working to figure things out. It wasn't easy, but I have a good grasp of things now."

He stood at the door that Michelle had gone through so all could hear him clearly. "This attack was brought to you by no one other than that damned Silver Jester. His calling Michael the Black King was an elaborate ruse to get the Kings separated from the general population so he could do this. One of the Kings is doing something he didn't like I imagine. My guess is the Black King. So decided to send a message to the other Kings. I'll bet the Black King is in just as bad, if not worse, condition." It was exciting bringing what he had figured out to light.

He looked at Lucy with an expression of relief. "I'm glad nothing worse happened to anyone though." He didn't want to think of students dying like they had one month ago. The fact that he was late figuring this out was bad too. He didn't want to be a step behind, especially with this particular case.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by McFazzer
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Member Seen 11 mos ago

Alex was aching all over as he sat during class, feeling the after effects of his sleepover in the auditorium. As he sat vaguely paying attention in class Alex couldn't ignore the nagging feeling in the back of his mind that he had forgotten something. I messaged Tender Fern, I made my apologies and such. I didn't leave anything on the stove... what is it? wracking his brain for another 10 minutes Alex finally figured it out and buried his head in his hands It's that damn Ballet book! I left it right there! On the podium in the auditorium!

Not knowing when the auditorium would be in use again, Alex slowly stood up an left. No one looked up as he passed, neither did the teacher, Alex wasn't sure if the teacher realised he was even in the class. As he left Alex grabbed a newspaper that was to be recycled and folded it under his arm It's amazing how few people stop you when you look like you're doing something important. As he made his way towards the auditorium Alex noticed more people than he expected milling about, especially around the old gym, but since he was pushing his luck enough by just sneaking to the auditorium he decided that it wouldn't be wise to investigate further.

Taking a slightly roundabout way of getting to the auditorium, making his final destination not certain to onlookers, Alex arrived and peeked in finding the auditorium mercifully empty, for the time being. Wasting no more time Alex hastily made his way to the podium and sighed relief when the book was still there. Picking it up Alex abandoned the newspaper and exited the auditorium.

I can't make a decent excuse to go back to the Dorms, so I'll simply return this mystery book to the library. Having decided on his next course of action, Alex started walking, fishing out his ear-buds and music player for the trip.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Scarifar
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Member Seen 4 hrs ago

Michelle - Shooting Star-Yellow King
Michelle turned around when she heard Sten explaining how Silver Jester. After listening to his explanation, Michelle tried to implement it and cross-reference it with what she already knew. Unfortunately, it wasn't much. What information Michelle had on Silver Jester was rather little, and the explanation served to add more questions than answers. The most important one to her at the moment was one she asked immediately, "Who are you?"
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Ryonara
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Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Retsu Goroshi / Dark Wraith & Hibiki Toho / Smitten Kitten

Shortly after Hibiki arrived, Yoshino left her dormitory. Retsu wanted to give chase, but Hibiki stopped her. "Look, now is not a good time to talk to Yoshino, and I-"

"Actually, I'm here to talk to you. You're Dark Wraith, correct?"

Retsu paused and looked at Hibiki. How this little girl figured that out wasn't something that Retsu wanted to waste time with. "So what if I am? That doesn't matter right now, I need to catch up with Tsugumi-san." Retsu stepped around Hibiki and tried to follow after the school president, but she had failed to catch up to Yoshino due to Hibiki.

Hibiki followed Retsu and talked to her as they were walking. "I know you're Dark Wraith and I know that you're part of the Sweepers. I'm actually pretty sure that you're the one who controls them, right? But look, that doesn't matter to me. I honestly don't care about this Guild Wars thing going on, but I'm more worried about this Silver Jester person and how he killed the other four kings. And from the screaming a little while ago, I'm guessing that he tried to kill you too? I know a way to stop that."

Stopping, Retsu turned towards Hibiki. She had a glare in her eye, like a mix of burning fury and cold determination. "You have five minutes to explain yourself. After that I'm going to go find Tsugumi-San and make sure she doesn't do something we'll all regret." Crossing her arms Retsu stood and recorded Hibiki.

"Well, my parents makes computer stuff for Deep Ground, you know? So they're pretty well connected. And it just so happens that they had a look at the autopsy report on the four other players who were killed last month. They still don't know the cause of death, but one thing that stood out was that their chips were completely fried. But there was no external signs of their chips being tempered, so I'm guessing that the chips were the cause of their deaths. I don't know much else about how it could have killed them aside from overloading their senses, but even so my parents have made a new prototype chip to ensure that this sort of thing doesn't happen again. It's a prototype right now because it can only link into Deep Ground, and that's because I get to test it out. I... I think that the Silver Jester killed the other kings by overloading their chips, which killed the other kings through the shock feedback. My parent's new chips are designed to make sure that won't happen; only the chip get's fried, but leaves the user like you and me perfectly fine. I only have a few, but replacing the old chips with these new ones is simple. I've already done it myself. Now I want to know everything you know about the Silver Jester, why he killed the kings, and what you and Yoshino just did."

Hibiki was smart, perhaps too smart for her own good. It was bad enough that she was able to somehow deduce her identity as Dark Wraith despite Retsu's own efforts, but also seemed to have made a countermeasure against the Silver Jester's attacks. This was almost too good to be true. Retsu debated if she should silence Hibiki right now, take her chips, and put the blame of her "Disappearance" on the Silver Jester. But instead Retsu would work with Hibiki. She's proven to be a rather cunning investigator, and Retsu could use her talents. Besides that, Hibiki wasn't allied with any guilds, least of all the Ebony Strykers. She would make for a good spy. Still, Retsu loathed to tell Hibiki the truth, and wasn't even sure why a little girl like her wanted anything to do with this conspiracy. But letting out a deep sigh, Retsu spoke.

"Tsugumi-san and I entered Deep Ground to find the Silver Jester. We knew that he would be on and I had hoped to find his location and put an end to his madness. However he... Has proven to be a much more skilled opponent than I had anticipated. He was able to counter the programs I used to find out more information on him, and in the end Tsugumi-san had to resort to battling the Silver Jester in hopes to at least get him off Deep Ground. Silver Jester modded his character to become overpowered, but I made sure that Tsugumi-san fought against him on equal ground. Ultimately, we defeated him, however... As I've said, he was a much more skilled opponent than either me or Tsugumi-san. Not only did he managed to survive Tsugumi-san attacks, but his ability to manipulate Deep Ground proved to be much, much more advance than mines, including his... Attack, on both me and Tsugumi-san. That screaming you heard, that was because of him. And if you're right, it was because he had somehow managed to affect the chips in our heads. The pain was unimaginable... And if he has that sort of power, there's very little that even I can do..."

Though more than five minutes had passed, Retsu was starting to falter. She did not know what had overcome Yoshino, but Retsu knew that the Silver Jester must have told her something while Retsu was out. What other reason would he allow the either of them to live, if the Silver Jester didn't want Yoshino to do something for him while she was still alive? Clenching her hand into a fist, Retsu turned back around and started walking. "Your five minutes are up. If you still want to help, you'll follow me to Yoshino. Let me do all the talking, do everything I tell you, and you might just have some use to me."

Narrowing her eyes at Retsu, Hibiki wasn't sure if she could believe everything Retsu was saying. She was certain that Retsu was lying to her, or at least holding back the truth. Still, it at least confirmed some things; the chips were the cause for the deaths of the kings, and Silver Jester was responsible. She wanted to know more about the Silver Jester, but Hibiki figured that if Retsu couldn't figure him out there wasn't much of a point in asking. Hibiki didn't like the idea of following Retsu however. Not only did Hibiki have classes that she wanted to go to, but the less time she gets seen with "Dark Wraith", the easier it'll be for Hibiki to search for clues. She imagined that the Silver Jester was keeping watch on Yoshino and her Black Guild now, so if Hibiki wanted to get anything done she'll need to work in the shadows while the spotlight was on the Ebony Strykers.

"Sorry, but this is where we go our separate ways. I don't know what you and Tsugumi-san are planning, but whatever it is, I don't want any more people hurt or killed. If I have to work with you to make sure that doesn't happen, than I'll find you again. But if I have to stop you... Than I will. Good bye Goroshi-san. Oh! And here." Digging through her pockets Hibiki handed Retsu two chips. They looked newer than the recent models, slimmer and smooth. "This is for you and Tsugumi-san. I want to defeat the Black King, fair and square, and without all this... Insanity." Than Hibiki ran off to class.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Arrayah
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Arrayah The Awesome

Member Seen 14 days ago

Lucy was still leaning against the wall outside of the gym when she heard a voice she knew. Her eyes widened slightly, and she pushed past Michelle, crashing into Sten for the second time in as many days. She didn't even have the time to be embarrassed by it this time. Instead, her hands gripped his arms, knowing that it was probably the only thing that kept her standing.

"Sten! Are you alright?" Of course, they thought that only the Kings had suffered, but there was no proof of that yet, and well... he looked pretty awful. His eyes were bloodshot, his skin pale, as if he'd been up all night.

Her nerves spiked when his words actually sank into her. The Jester? Sten thought this had all been some elaborate plan made by the Jester? It seemed a little far-fetched. How on Earth could he (or she) have known that Michael would call a meeting with the Kings? More so, what if that meeting had been in the middle of the school somewhere that everyone could see their torture?

No, Lucy wasn't sure about this meeting being a part of the Jester's plans, but she did believe that the King's pain was his doing. Who else was there? Not Michael. He'd suffered too. It could be the Black King, but Lucy didn't think so. The Silver Jester's hacking skills had been speculated about because of his ability to change his status, and if anyone could get to the chip inside their heads, it was that player.

But then that meant.. "He killed them... the Kings..." her voice broke halfway through the statement. "He could have... he could have killed us." And that was all it took for the tears she'd been keeping back since the pain first started to come rushing down her cheeks. It was one thing to think about the Kings and their deaths. Sure, everyone thought it had been murder, but no one could be certain. No one could prove it. If the Jester had killed them... what kind of person did that make him? And... did that mean that her death would be coming soon?
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by drewccapp
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Michelle said "Who are you?"

Sten sighed internally. Of all the things to forget. "I'm Sten Zaf-"

Lucy walking into him wasn't expected. She gripped his arms, another surprise. Then she asked if he was alright. "Of course not! I only just figured out what was going on and because of it you got hurt. Only if I had figured things out sooner." Who was he kidding? Even if he had, how could he save anyone? How could he help anyone?

Sten took Lucy's hands and gave her a tired look. He noticed the break in her voice as she spoke again. He gripped her hands more firmly as if to instill some confidence into her. "It'll be alright when all this is over. First we need to find out who the Jester is and deal with them. Whoever it is, doesn't want the Black King to be doing whatever she's doing to change the game. That person is attached to the game and is desperate to stop her. Desperate enough to send a message by killing Kings." This was serious. He couldn't afford to hold back any information here, because whatever was going on lack of information could kill.

He looked at the others. "It's a lot to explain, but I have all the information on a bulletin board in my room." He would have rubbed his eyelids at this point, but he didn't want to let go of Lucy's hands out of concern and the belief that she still needed the support. "I bet you have a lot of questions. I can answer some of them." He didn't say it, but the fall of the Green City was the catalyst that got him on the track that he was currently on. If that hadn't happened he couldn't have guessed the reasoning behind the declaration of war by the Ebony Strykers.

He then turned his gaze toward the main campus. "I don't think we have a lot of time though. If I were the Black King, I'd call up Yoshino to deliver a message for me via another announcement in the auditorium. I think we're past time of keeping secrets." He tensed his body as he mentioned announcement. He was pretty eager to go. The sooner the better was his thoughts with an assembly. His patience would only last so long before he took action. He felt the time to act would be soon.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by TheWendil
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TheWendil The Wendil-Sama™ / ಠ_ಠ

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Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by YandereNoodle


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Michael nodded and hoisted himself up from his seat, "Alright then, I guess I'll be going... " He turned around and smiled briefly to Yoshino, "See you at the assembly." He sighed as he turned about and walked out the door behind.

There was a brief moment of silence in the office before the door creaked open again, Michael popped his head inside and in a half-hushed tone, "Uh... What about Lucy's chip..? Couldn't the Jester, uh, listen in on our conversation through her chip too? Should I like, take it out?"
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