even though he is almost covered in shadow, he looks like an anthropomorphic lizard and stands at six feet and seven inches tall.
Name: Maggatorr
Age: 25
Race: Czarian
Gender: male
Power Level: 500
Stats (the max power level divided into four sections)
Strength: 150
Speed: 100
Endurance: 100
Ki: 150
Techniques (a list of fighting techniques at their disposal, use the following technique format for custom techniques)
Name: Omega Beam
Type: Ki attack
Description: Maggatorr charges up his ki and shoots a large beam of red energy out of his hands that can make very sharp turns and hone in on its targets. when this beam hits, it creates a massive explosion and is used to do lots of destruction.
Required Power Level: 300
Name: Omega Fury
Type: combination
Description: Maggatorr hammers his opponent with a rapid stream of incredible fast, bone crushing punches. He then finishes this combo with a ki charged punch to either the face or gut.
Required Power Level: 150
Name: Omega Force
Type: ki attack
Description: Maggatorr sends out a wave of invisible energy that hits with a powerful blunt force and sends his enemies flying. This technique is mainly used a means to knock his opponents off guard and dis-balance them, the Omega Force can also be used to stop on coming by overwhelming it. He can up the power and increase the size of invisible by putting more energy into the technique.
Required Power Level: 100
Name: Omega Meteor Storm
Type: Ki attack
Description: Maggatorr fires off tons of beach ball sized beams of red energy in rapid succession and each beam creates a small explosion when it hits.
Required Power Level: 250
Name: Omega Eye Beam
Type: Ki attack
Description: Maggatorr shoots a beam of superheated red energy out of each of his eyes and is meant to burn his enemies with intense heat and has at times had them blast right through his opponents with deadly precision.
Required Power Level: 150
Name: Annihilation Punch
Type: combination
Description: Maggatorr charges up energy in his fist and he lunges at his enemy. He then hits them with an insanely powerful punch that can send opponents flying.
Required Power Level: 290
Personality: Maggatorr is dedicated to destroying criminals throughout the universe, but he is desperate to get stronger by training with the best masters he can find. His hatred of crime and tyrants came from the death of his family and the near extinction of his race. His race's incredible value of honor and strength as well as revenge. He may not be incredibly strong, but he has been pushing himself to his limit for several years now and his will has become iron clad because of it. He has little jokes that he makes and the few that does make many would not really call them jokes. When he sees a crime he will immediately go on the attack and depending on if the criminal is weak or strong and the severity of their crime he will either kill them or beat them senseless.
As a child, Maggatorr was kind and incredibly determined to become stronger because he was born with a low power level. Being ridiculed by his contemporaries for not being as strong as them made him even more determined to get stronger and with the death of family, his determination was fueled even more.
There is a darkness within him and he doesn't deny that there is a blood lust inside of him, but he tries to use the darkness for good by taking his rage and love of violence out on those that he feels deserves it. Maggatorr is cold and calculating, he tries to mix his strength and sense of honor with tactical genius and wisdom in knowing to out fight his enemies and destroy them. Even though he will never admit it, deep down there is a light that he tries to hold onto and that is the memories of life before the death of his family. He believes that in order to really combat the evil that he sees everywhere in the universe, he has to meet it with as much cruelty as he can dish out.
He can take a lot of punishment both physical and mental and still tries to keep on fighting. He has been fighting for years to make himself stronger and will not stop until he kills enough evil beings to satisfy his intense hatred and vengeance. Even though his race is almost dead, Maggatorr always honors their culture by keeping his vengeance alive. He doesn't matter how much scum he has to kill, but he will have his vengeance. He wants to kill the leader of the empire that killed his race, but he is too strong and Maggatorr will have to become stronger in order complete that part of his revenge.
History: Czarians were race of reptile like humanoids from the planet Czaria who were fairly well developed in using ki energy to be great fighters and they made a name for themselves by becoming great warriors. In some ways they were like the Saiyan race with their love of honor and iron will, but Czarians liked to view themselves as having better motivations for fighting and using their love of war for good. Maggatorr was born to an average family and was a bit of disappointment to his father when they found out he didn't show much potential in power. Maggatorr knew that he wasn't born with incredible power, but he would work as hard as possible to get stronger and that's when he began to train himself day and night to improve his skills in the art of combat. His situation also didn't help when contemporaries made fun of him for being weak, but that wouldn't stop from trying as hard as possible to become stronger.
Despite his disappointment Maggatorr's father decided to help his soon with his training by becoming his personal teacher. Maggatorr was happy to have his father training him and he tried even harder to please him. Even though his power level was still slightly below normal for other children training to become warriors, his teachers at the fighting school were impressed his skill in hand to hand combat and his ability to utilize Ki into attacks was fairly advanced. This helped shut up the students who had picked on him for being weaker, power wasn't everything. As the years went by his gradual increase in power was giving him confidence, but then the worst thing in his entire life happened. His planet was invaded by a race of conquering aliens known as the Xenronians who used powerful machinery instead of Ki energy like the Czarians, but their leaders were very powerful in the art of combat. Their weapons were incredibly powerful and being as advanced in science like their invaders, the Czarians were decimated.
His family was killed and Maggatorr only survived by the miracle of not being gunned down by his enemies and he was taken captive by the Xenronians. They spared his and the other captives so that they could become slaves and work as laborers and foot soldiers for the Xenronian empire. After seeing his family die, Maggatorr was filled a terrible rage and pain and he was determined to escape and take vengeance on the Xenronians when he was strong enough. His chance to escape happened when the transport ship he was on was attacked by a band of space pirates and in the chaos Maggatorr managed to escape in an escape pod. Once free he started to train to make himself stronger and then went on his quest to eliminate evil throughout the universe.
Maggatorr's quest would take him to many worlds and meet many like-minded people who wished to do away with the plague that was evil and tyranny. He wanted to find a way to to become strong enough to see his vengeance complete and he sought out beings who would teach him in the way of battle. Maggatorr found several individuals who agreed to train him but his anger and incredible desire for revenge made him leave after only a while of training. Eventually he decided that he would have to train himself without help, but then he heard the stories of the saiyans survivors who had went to earth and become incredible warriors who had saved the planet on many occasions. Maybe they would understand his plight and so he journeyed to earth and is now curious to see how strong the warriors of earth are and is watching the World Martial Arts Tournament. One day he will see his vengeance realized and all evil in the universe will have something to be terrified of.
Other: (anything not included in the previous sections)