Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by Rosette Christopher
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Rosette Christopher Smug Militant Nun

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

### **Shadows of Rebellion** --- ####**End of an Empire** The Empire. A huge land containing countless lives, and now rife with corruption. The ascension of Minister Honest alongside the newest Emperor has led to the neglect of state affairs, weakness in the regular military, decadence, and all around administrative incompetence. However, even in such a weakened state the Empire is like a giant compared to its neighbors. Its vast manpower and resources could perhaps be defeated- if not for the Imperial Arms created by the first Emperor. Their considerable abilities, beyond that of normal humanity, has allowed the Empire to maintain its power even now. However, the game has changed. Though the Empire originally owned the majority of the Teigu, this has quickly changed with Minister Honests lethargy in dealing with the rebellion. With the current situation as it is now, the rebellion has enough trained troops and Imperial Arms users to almost challenge the Empire's might directly. Will this be the final chapter for the Empire? Or the first chapter for a new story within its history? --- [Basic Map](http://i.imgur.com/bLRw2cO.jpg) --- ####**Player Factions** - _WaldGeist_: If Night Raid is the hidden surgical blade of the Rebels Army, WaldGeist is its hammer. That is not to say that WaldGeist doesn't participate in covert operations- on the contrary, it is an organization that focuses on special operations. But to put it simply, they are not murderous assassins. In many ways, they are the primary face of the rebellion. They are seen as heroes by the rebel army, and are exalted as saviors by the people(those with rebel sentiments, anyway). Each one is considered one of the best the rebellion has to offer, even if some of them have yet to unlock that potential. Their basic objective is to support the rebel army as an elite force when needed, turning the tide of battle with their immense skill, Teigu, and the morale boost to the troops their presence gives. They also commit operations deep behind enemy lines, target critical locations or people for capture or destruction, and cause undeniable havoc within the enemies ranks. Outside of combat they spread the cause of the rebellion-using the common people against the Empire. With the rebellion starting to gain momentum, the time to push for the capital doesn't seem so far off anymore. The WaldGeist are being used to secure supply depots, cause havoc for the Empire, capture forts, and destroy enemy morale in preparation for the final attack on the Imperial Capital- and Honest Waldgest is nominally led by the no nonsense General Turner, a defector from the Empire. She works hard to maintain their good public image(And instill her special brand of "discipline" in them whenever necessary). - _1st Imperial Army Ranger Corps_: Even if the Empire is undeniably a rotting pile of decadence, there are still strong people within it. Indeed, the strong still exist- they just exploit the weak rather than protect them now. Regardless of the Empires state, the Rangers are certainly strong. Great General Budo is a seasoned man with many years of military training and experience. After seeing the deplorable state of the Empire, and the growing rebel army and the support it got, he made moves to form something to counter it. Out of this concern and the actions after, the Imperial Rangers were formed. It was meant to be an elite unit of Teigu users who would destroy the rebellion and crush its leadership, alongside raising the Empires faltering morale. But of course, things tend not to end up how one wants them. Honest was more concerned with Night Raid, and more importantly, had more of the Emperors ear than Budo. When Budo began to form this unit and try to call upon the Empires Teigu, Minister Honest bypassed him and formed his own special force, taking the majority of the known Teigu with him. Due to these setbacks, the Imperial Army Rangers have been reformed into what they are now. Using a combination of conquered tribe survivors(Promised land and equal status in the empire for themselves and their families), the Imperial Guard(Personally trained by Budo to protect the palace), and the most talented of the Imperial military, the Great General formed the Rangers under a new doctrine and for a new purpose; with their limited number of thirty thousand elite troops, slow and stop the rebel armies advance at all costs. Outfitted with an outstanding number of guns, artillery, and other state of the art rare weapons of the Empire, they have been sent out to contain and stall time so the rebellion won't overtake the thousand year old Empire. They are the Empires "tip of the spear". Led by the crafty General Medeline who ensures they fight for Emperor and Empire and fulfill all their oaths(Including paying her tabs). --- ####Rules: 1) The normal unspoken and basic rules of the casual sections apply to this. Proper spelling, try to bring any disagreements to PMs, no auto-hitting, etc. 2) In regards to auto-hitting, without special circumstance, you can't hit a character without them responding they were hit. Naturally, however, if someone uses mass gun fire on you, unless you have a speed teigu or armor teigu, you will be swiss cheese. Essentially, use logic. 3) Characters can die, and its expected that some will. This is an Akame ga Kill RP; Death is just around the corner. 4) This roleplay will be squad based; be flexible with your character. Squad leaders and squad positions will be assigned to characters after a majority of the apps have been approved. If you want to put your hat in to be one of the squad leaders, send me a private message. Even if a character doesn't get a squad leader spot, they can be moved to a newly formed squad and assume leadership there as more characters are apped over the course of this RP. 5) As of right now, plan for just having one character. This will likely be changed, I'm fairly sure of it, but on the off chance this isn't changed, just apply one character for now. 6) Teigu/Imperial Arms will be a bit more limited at the start of this roleplay due to story reasons(If we have a lot of them there will be plot holes). However, I fully intend to get Teigu to those who want them over the course of the RP as the story progresses'. Don't worry to much about not having an Imperial Arms at the very start of the roleplay, you will get your own fairly quickly. 7) Teigu should fit within the basic themes of Akame ga Kill, and their limitations. I leave you to judge what you think that means, but for example, true resurrection is out. Time/space Teigu aren't something that's likely to be approved at the current time, so keep that in mind as well. 8) Have fun, and good luck~! --- ####**Character Application**- Name: Obvious Faction: (Rangers/WaldGeist) Age: Obvious Gender: Obvious Appearance: Image or words work Personality: Obvious. Keep them in character with the faction they're in, to a degree. Personal History: Its good to note where they are from and how they relate to the Empire and have a stake in this situation, on top of their history as a warrior and their basic history. Skills: Both combat and non-combat. Try to theme your character towards a single skill set. This will allow them to fulfill a role on their team, and will make their abilities more potent. Teigu: The Imperial Arms. If you don't know what this is, I suggest asking me directly or reading the wiki. Remember the loose limitations in the rules and follow them. Both the Rangers and WaldGeist will start out with a fairly limited number; two for each faction. This is intended to be raised rather quickly(So you will get a Imperial Arms early game RP wise); the numbers are this low because the majority of Teigu users are currently in Night Raid and the Jaegers. If you have any problems with this, PM me about it.
Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by Hebigami Shiho
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Hebigami Shiho Shinoa Squad Leader

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

**Name:** Axel Weiss **Faction:** Rangers **Age:** 21 **Gender:** Male **Appearance:** ![](http://img3.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20140314210354/seaoffools/images/0/0c/Swizzz.jpg "enter image title here") He stands at 5 feet and 8 inches. **Personality:** Axel, in the outside, is someone that would be revered by others as a hero. Someone who stands out beside others because of his rightfulness and good heart, he is unable to see others suffer in a sense and will track down those who made them suffer. He is a just hero in the eyes of others, others outside of their squad that is. He does not speak much of justice or otherwise, but he does speak a lot of punishment delivered by him, in fact he doesn't speak a lot in general while in public. Axel is, in reality, one of the biggest sadists that have ever existed. He loves seeing others writhe in pain when he is doing it, but hates to see others inflicting pain on others, it just isn't as fun. He does his best in tracking down criminals and parts of the rebellion just because he enjoys killing them, he does the 'right' thing because he can enjoy the pain that comes afterwards from them. Brutal and with a fairly short fuse, you shouldn't piss him off unless you want something shoved up your... Well, you know what comes next. Provocative and an overall asshole to his enemies, he likes to degrade them to the point that some of them just want to either die or snap his neck. Reliable and good to his comrades, but a living nightmare for his enemies, some think that Axel is either really good at acting, has a split personality or just is that twisted. **Personal History:** Axel grew up as the son of an imperial soldier wiht a fairly good live, with her mom raising him and he helping his mother to raise his little sister. His father was regarded as one of the best imperial soldiers ever, not because of his skills or otherwise, but more because he was really kind to others and an overall good person. His skills were so-so, but he boosted morale like crazy. That is, until he decided to defect to the rebel army. He was killed before he could even try to leave the Empire, though. Word quickly arrived to his family but, of course, twisted words. They told Axel, his mother and little sister that he was killed in duty while he was fighting against the Revolution Army. In Axel's mother, and in him, grew a hatred bigger than life itself. Axel joined the Imperial Army in order to take revenge for his father. He started off as part of the torturers, but as he climbed ranks, he became an assassin, the a high ranked soldier, and now, part of the rangers. Through his exploits and jobs, his sadistic side and cruel demeanor grew bigger and bigger, eventually putting his revenge in second plate to just go on because he enjoys killing. **Skills:** _Weiss Family Swordplay:_ Axel's father taught him how to use a sword, and Axel came up with his own skill set. He uses a single handed rapier and most of the time while he moves and fights, it seems as if he were dancing ballet. His swordplay is really something focused on being swift and giving a lot of tiny strikes rather than focusing on powerful strikes. Axel also incorporates a gun into his swordplay, however, it is an old model of those that take forever to recharge, so he tries to time well his shots. Apparently, it a heirloom of his late father, and that's why he uses it. _Dancing:_ He knows how to dance ballet, strangely enough, given that he incorporates it in his fighting style. _Marksmanship:_ His accuaracy is deadly, as most of his shots hit their mark. **Teigu:** None right now. --- All right, here is my character. Tell me if there's anything wrong with him :P
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Zeroth
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Member Seen 3 hrs ago

Rosette, I sent you a PM regarding ideas for my character and Teigu.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Masaki Haruna
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Member Seen 8 yrs ago

**Name:** Kaizer **Faction:** WaldGeist **Age:** 26 **Gender:** Male **Appearance: ** ![enter image description here](http://33.media.tumblr.com/a8cc6e28ecc2f2bad2aea24382dcae41/tumblr_nf0gijVvSJ1rlkof1o1_500.jpg "enter image title here") New look as part of the revolutionary army, WaldGeist. **Personality:** Kaiser was a man who once was cold hearted, and cold blooded mainly due to the traumatic and hellish experience he went through during the course of his life in the Empire. As of now, he is a man who tries to set things right for a cause even if his actions are pragmatic. Equipped with a calm, level headed,optimistic and humble persona, Kaiser sets his eyes in a never averting path of change that he sees as a must for all his past transgressions. **Personal History:** Kaiser is the son of a former General in the Empire; his Father thought him everything he knew. The young Kaizer aspired to be like his Father, always training to be like him, training as hard as he could so achieve his goals. But what goal does make the man? Kaiser saw his Father seemingly murdered an innocent and for that he was traumatized and that day became the coming age of hardships for him, his Father was imprisoned for such deed, tainting the glorious reputation of the surname which never again Kaizer uses. Much more to his liking, he even changed his name to Kaizer because he doesn't want to be known as the son of a tainted General. As a child a lot of kids were bullying him because of the incident, he didn't care about it but moves on as progress is to be made clear, serve the Empire and do what his Father failed to do. From then on he worked as hard as he could, his rage was his motive. An anguishing pain of righteous anger to claim his honor, Kaizer took whatever was offer to him blindly just to fit his quest for becoming stronger and honor that is to be restored. Unfortunately everything he does, little does he know that it only makes the Empire as corrupted as it is, more corrupted due to him being an assassin, it isn't what his Father would have done but brought it on himself. He continued blindly, one track minded just for the sake of this and that, killing blindly, receiving tempting offers and eventually he became even more blind as a Lance Corporal, a position offered by one of the officials in hopes that he, the son of a General could do better than his old man, heck the Empire was corrupted to begin with. At some point of time, Kaizer slowly realized the darkness of the Empire, he knew it before but as blind as a bat, he neglected it. What made him become the man he is today was knowing the truth that set him free. His Father was set up for the fall, reasons unknown, this angered Kaizer and made him went after the people who did his Father wrong. He killed a lot of people back then and at the same time, an eye for an eye and as selfish at it is, he tried bailing his Father out of prison but failed. A battle sparked between him and a sadistic man, the battle was short lived, he lost his left arm back then(He now has a prosthetic one). To seek revenge, revolution, and redemption; Kaizer joined the revolutionary army not only for his Father but for the people who had have been living under corruption for so long. VIVA LA REVOLUTION! **Skills:** In any case, Kaizer is skilled at wielding two handed weapons. A bow and an arrow for long ranged combat and dual swords for close ranged combat. He is a ranged fighter. Combat wise. Outside of combat; he plays musical instruments, cooks, sings, and knit his own clothes. He was once a fashionable soldier. **Teigu:** None
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Zeroth
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Member Seen 3 hrs ago

**Name:** Hakuga Yukimura **Faction:** WaldGeist **Age:** 18 **Gender:** Male **Appearance:** [Hakuga's Appearance](http://i.imgur.com/UBK0qCE.jpg) **Personality:** Hakuga can seem aloof, stoic, or even dark and broody at times, but if he can be pulled into interacting with others he's actually quite friendly. He displays a brotherly and protective bond with those he deems friends, but to enemies he is overwhelmingly hostile, to the point of being perhaps too merciless even against the corrupt forces of the Empire. When his rage is provoked, it takes him a great deal of time to calm down, and to burn off the excess energy he's often seen training outside camp. He has a peculiar habit of "marking his territory" and doesn't like other people touching his stuff without permission. **Personal History:** Like a certain sadistic general of the Empire, Hakuga was raised in a remote village in the deep wilderness on the desolate outskirts of civilization. Out here, where Danger Beasts lurked behind every corner, the rule was "The Strong survive, the Weak die." And Hakuga couldn't stand it. The lands around his village were poor for farming, and there weren't any ore deposits to even get metal from, so weapons were scarce. In order to hunt and defend themselves, the members of the village invented and practiced a fierce style of martial arts, said by the few who saw it to be even on the level of the Imperial Fist and the Rakshasa Demons. With movements based on those of fierce predators, it is a style that focuses on completely tearing an enemy apart. Hakuga became strong indeed, but still could not bear the philosophy he was forced to live by. Even a wolf cub is born weak and defenseless. But a grown wolf is fast and deadly, no doubt strong. So which is the wolf? Is it weak or strong? Does it deserve to live or die? And who, truly, had the right to even give those labels in the first place? Martial arts were invented to let the weak fight against the strong and win. So were strong martial artists truly strong? Were the strong actually weak? The world was too complex a place for such a simple, damning excuse of a philosophy! Yet it still enforced the "law of the wild?" He decided that he would pick a fight with the whole world. He would change those rules. If might made right, he would be the mightiest, and then he would make new rules. And in his new world, everyone, whether a weak baby or one who was once strong but now was old and toothless...all of them would have a chance to be happy. He left his village and traveled, seeking to become stronger and to change the world a little bit at a time. But in doing so he was exposed to the black heart of the Empire, and filled with an utter, all consuming fury. Immediately he sought out the Revolutionary Army, and fought his hardest against what he saw as the very personification of the ideal he had hated all his life. **Skills:** +Master of Hand to Hand Combat - As his martial arts were designed to defeat Danger Beasts, Hakuga is used to fighting those stronger or larger than he is, and his experience in deflecting claws, tails, and fangs even allows him some degree of skill against a weapon. +Athleticism - Because of his training, Hakuga's running, jumping, climbing, and other purely athletic abilities are beyond the norm for a human. +Cooking - If he can get his hands on it, he can make almost anything taste great, even the scaly flesh of Danger Beasts. This comes from his experience of hunting for his own food, and his travels. **Teigu:** Currently Not Obtained. Listed below, however, is the Teigu I've discussed him gaining with the GM. Raging Beast: Beowulf This Teigu is a secondary model that used Animal King: Lionelle as a prototype after it was lost; while Lionelle would later be found by pure coincidence by Leone of Night Raid, Beowulf was stolen by the revolution. Whereas Lionelle's greatest ability lay in its enhanced healing, Beowulf was designed to make the user the ultimate predator. Its healing factor is only slightly higher than that of a normal human's, but in exchange their physical attributes are far higher, granting them enormous strength and speed, exponentially enhanced senses, and animal instinct. In addition, its special skill "Predation" allows the user to become stronger through a rather grotesque method: They must devour the flesh of other living beings. The stronger the flesh that is eaten, the greater the growth in power. The downside to this Teigu is that the user must have an extremely strong will to control it, as their aggression rises to the max. This Teigu takes the form of a belt, like Lionelle, made of fine golden fur threaded into a soft cloth. Despite its seeming frailty, it cannot be destroyed by normal means. When used, the wielder transforms into a [wolf-like beast](http://i.imgur.com/4Dwl7Tz.png).
Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by Cultural Titan
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Cultural Titan

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Name: Huxley Fairbrook Faction: Rangers Age: Appears to be in his late twenties. Gender: Obvious Appearance: Huxley is fairly average in his appearance. He stands at about five feet and ten inches tall, he has short; straight; boring brown hair and brown eyes. he seems to be fit and in good health, but not particularly so. On the left side of his neck there is a large, red lump in the shape of a square that is kept covered at all times with either a turtle neck else a hood.casually Hux wears a turtle neck shirt and plain pants. There's no reason to stand out after all. In combat he wears blackened leather armor though notably he has steel armor covering his forearms. Personality: Huxley is a perpetual schemer. Outwardly he is charismatic enough. fast talking, quick witted, a bit of a joker, but on the inside its plan within plan within plan. Plans for his next mission, plans for escaping the room he's in, for orchestrating the murder of everyone he knows, for crushing the rebellion, for overthrowing the empire. For a crook he is very orderly. Most people will notice this in the morning when he checks all of his equipment and readies himself for the day in an almost zen-like state. If you work with him he has already made it very apparent to you not to interrupt him in this ritual. Personal History: Huxley's earliest memories are of a tube of green slop, specifically one that he was on the inside looking out. Its more of a vague vision really. After that Huxley remembers waking up in a warehouse with a strange square red lump on the left side of his neck. He got up, wandered around a bit and was confronted by a worker who was in the mind to get Huxley arrested for trespassing. the amnesiac quickly convinced the worker that he was inspecting the warehouse for the empire. At least long enough for him to make a rapid escape into the city streets.With nowhere to go and no money to his nonexistent name he turned to thievery. It seemed a natural decision, as if he was already inclined to it. Pick pocketing and petty theft led to fellow thieves and fellow thieves led to bigger jobs, more money and better equipment. He was not always fond of the people he worked with, but eventually after several 'accidents' his crew was entirely made up of a loyal agreeable lot with Huxley at the helm. Meanwhile Huxley had ulterior motives to continue his operations. Every house he robbed every item he stole was an attempt to find out what happened to him. was he made. was he an amnesiac tested upon by some cruel authority? He never did find out. They were a scourge upon the wealthy for some time before eventually the law caught up with them. Most were executed, but a few, Huxley included were given the option to live in return for pledging their allegiance to the empire and devoting themselves to eradicating the rebellion. Naturally he agreed. Since then he's been something of a nightmare to the rebellion, blowing up supply depots, stealing intelligence, the usual really, but with a more military orientation. Skills: Huxley worked his own way up from the criminal underworld and quickly learned to bluff his way out of what situations he could, pick pockets and locks. As the years went on he was a part of and planned greater heists, learning his way around the sword, firearm and explosives to keep on top of the law. Additionally he learned a great deal about black and grey markets, research gathering, scouting, wall climbing and general stealth during his time as a thief. His talent for thievery and close quarters combat has actually translated well to demotions operations, stealing rebel plans and equipment, wet-work and breaking strongholds. Teigu: None currently. Hopefully its not too awful.
Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by Animus
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Animus I live in Singapore.

Member Seen 1 yr ago

**Name:** Hall Ryst **Faction:** WaldGeist **Age:** 23 **Gender:** Male **Appearance:** ![Hall stands at 5'8 and has medium length jet black hair. He dresses in black clothing which cover the many scars that adorn his body.](http://s1.zerochan.net/Dark.Konoha.600.1731559.jpg "enter image title here") Hall stands at 5'8 and has medium length jet black hair. He dresses in black clothing which cover the many scars that adorn his body. **Personality:** Hall is a battle freak. He lives off the thrill of fighting with his life on the line. He enjoys all aspects of it such as tactics, fist fights, underhand moves and anything that be used in battle. He is naturally cunning and quick witted. Being a smooth talker as well helps him click with other people easily. Hall would have been an ideal soldier if not for his overwhelming love of battle which he prioritizes over all else. Yes, he's even been known to attack his own allies in order to satiate his hunger and his bloodlust has put him into many precarious situations. Hall might be an oddball but he's a top notch fighter. **Personal History:** Someone as disturbed as Hall obviously did not have a cheerful upbringing. He was sold by his parents at the age of 7 to be a slave in the capital. Bought by a architect, Hall was used for physical labour and lived off leftovers. With a life full of abuse, he was ecstatic when he was sold once again but to a rich noble family. Unfortunately, nobles tended to be disgusting failures of humans. He was made to be a gladiator in underground fight rings. What happened in the few years after that could be summed up as Hall torturing the noble family to death before making his way out as a mercenary. He's currently been hired by the Rebel Army and was made a member of WaldGeist due to his overwhelming power. His true goal however isn't money but to take on both Great General Budo and Esdeath. **Skills:** +Battle Tactics - Hall enjoys the thinking part of battles as much as the fighting part. He makes use of the geography, the enemy's tendencies and everything at his disposal in his plans. Though he's capable of standard tactics, Hall much prefers using guerilla and deviant ones which he finds to be much more effective. +Basic Medical Knowledge - While he won't be conducting any surgeries, Hall is fully capable of dealing with all sorts of injuries. Injuries were potentially fatal in the field so he decided to come up with his own ways to deal with them. He picked up which herbs were useful in the wild, he would sew his own stitches on or cauterize his own wounds if necessary. **Teigu:** Mugen Hebi: Orochi Orochi was created from the egg of the Ultra Class danger beast, Yamata no Orochi. Yamata no Orochi was an giant 8 headed snake that had incredible life force. Every head chopped off would regrow into two. Orochi is a biological type Teigu in the form of a shadowy black snake. It has two abilities. It can rapidly multiply itself into hundreds of snakes that move at Hall's command. The core remains in the main snake which stays at Hall's side. The second ability is to harden it's main body and turn into a rigid spear.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Art of Fun
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Art of Fun oh dear

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Name: Saint Elise Faction: 1st Imperial Army Ranger Corps Age: 30 Gender: Female Appearance: "Fight not for the Empire, but for those within it. Then you will be just and true." Personality: A silent, benevolent woman with the utmost respect for life and preserving it. Her words carry both political and spiritual weight, being only second to The Lord himself in her ability to communicate with people. On the battlefield, her personality remains the same for the most part, but those perceptive enough will be able to notice an overwhelmingly sinister element to her smile. Her mere presence can inspire common folk into feats they would never usually be capable of, endlessly raise the morale of troops on the front-line and, rather recently, bring dread to the enemies of the empire. She acts as a confidant for the soldiers and officers of the 1st Rangers, General Madeline included. Personal History: The 1st Church of the Empire dominates the Empire with its teachings beyond the East, only recently having been taken from it by the Path of Peace. A political organization as much as it is a religious one, the 1st Church has its fair share of 'Superweapon' humans, who enable the First Church to have high standing in the affairs of the empire. On the surface, it is a benevolent orginization, but the reality is that the Church only ever really mirrors the Empire and its current Emperor (the technical head of the First Church). It enables and supports corruption within the empire, and it is not immune to the degeneracy of Honest's rule either. Saint Elise is one of these 'Superweapon' humans. A woman from a desert which takes a year to travel to, her people are warriors of the highest calibre, dwarfing most soldiers of the Empire in martial skill and power by the time they are 12. Elise's tribe came into contact with missionaries from the First Church, converting a small number with her father being among them. He travelled to the capitol, taking the young Elise with him, in order to officially join the Church. The unique techniques and strength of Elise and her father earned them secure places within the Church's hierarchy, with her father becoming one of the 'weapons' of the Church and Elise entering schooling to become a Sister. Her father, now a Cardinal, is among one of the leading figures of the First Church. Over the years, Elise's acts of unending selflessness and kindness brought happiness to many people, be it from simple charitable donations to teaching classes of over ninety children in the most destitute parts of the Empire. At the age of twenty-five, she was recognized as a Saint. Of course what most did not know about Saint Elise until recently was that she is a human powerhouse, recognized in the eyes of the Empire's strongest warriors as an equal. She is undoubtedly a great obstacle that the Rebels must overcome if they wish to proceed. Skills:
  • The Shadowless Fists: The name of Elise's tribes Martial Art in the tongue of the Empire. Her tribe lives in one of the most inhospitable places on the planet, the weather and wildlife actively working against them. However, despite this, it is not the tribe that lives in fear of the wildlife, but the wildlife that lives in fear of them. It is a difficult martial art to observe due to the amount of speed which is demanded from the users, but their strikes turn into 'arcs of light' in the air, their limbs a blur and able to even strike enemies at afar.
  • Danger Beast Tamer: Part of the reason for her 'holy' visage is due to how dangerous creatures seem to follow Elise wherever she goes, subservient and docile by her will. Experience of her homeland allows her to effectively beat Danger Beasts into submission, and through primal fear of her existence, force them to act against their very nature as 'anti-human' creatures. She has a rather large collection of Danger Beasts at her disposal, and cares deeply for each of them. Although absolutely horrific in appearance, their exposure to Elise and her ways has 'softened' them to her, making them act more like gigantic pets when around her. Most commonly seen are the Horned Tiger Kanshou and the Land Tiger Byakuya, both exceptionally powerful for their respective species due to Elise's grooming.
Teigu: N/A
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by YipeeXD
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Member Seen 11 mos ago

I'm interested, are you still accepting?
Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by Rosette Christopher
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Rosette Christopher Smug Militant Nun

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Sure are! All of our current apps are approved. Before I approve yours Animus, can you add in how you got your Teigu to Rysts bio? After that, consider them good to go. Approved applications can go into the character section. We'll be starting after a few more people join, then I'll prepare the first few squads. After approval PM me if you want a squad leader slot.
Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by TheRpgGamer


Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Name: Maria Dobereiner Faction: Rangers Age: 18 Gender: Female Appearance: Personality: Maria is very silent and reserved. She doesn't talk much unless she needs to do it like having a conversation or explaining something. All the time when she is not busy, you can always see her practicing with her gun or sword. She can also be very frank, she can say anything directly and she doesn't care if she will hurt somebody but on the other hand, she can be very sweet. She will protect anyone that is very close to her and she will be very hurt if she failed to protect them. She is also a big penguin lover and she has a lot of penguin stuffed toys on her room even keychains and that is the hobby that Maria doesn't want to be known by others. When it is come to killing, She is very focused. She is always ready when her plan fails and when her plan b fails. Maria will also risk to kill many people(if they got in her way) just to kill one target. She can even kill anyone even her loved ones without hesitation if you betrayed her that is. Personal History: Maria Dobereiner was born in a rich family. Dobereiner family was known to be a generation of warrior but they only make men as the warriors. Unfortunately, the present generation of the Lazarus family was a big disappointment to her grandfathers because on this generation, 2 girls were born and that is Marie and her sister, Marissa. Maria's father was the one and only child of the Dobereiner family so they were really disappointed. Still, Maria's father loved them more than he loved himself. Maria's father was also a great warrior so he join the wars with the Empire but one day, Maria's father was slain during one of his war. Maria was the one who got really affected on her father's death so she made up her mind. She forcibly convinced her grandfather to make her a warrior although she is a woman. Maria is still young so her grandfather was still hesitating but he still allowed Maria to be a warrior. Marissa and Maria's mother was very surprised when Maria told them that she wants to be a warrior like her father. Maria's mother just let her since it was her wish. So, Maria was trained to use both gun and sword on a very young age. Maria's first performance didn't go well but she didn't gave up. She really pushed herself to improve very well. So as the time passed by her performance is improving constantly until her many years of training is over and she started to participate wars with the Empire like her father. During her war with the Empire, she is known to kill hundreds of people with her sword and gun. She won many wars with the Empire and also killed tons of enemies. She is also known as the "Woman with the Iron Will" since her will to fight is very strong that nobody can even stop her. Ever since the Night Raid appeared, a friend of her named Aria was killed by them and she is full of guilt so she joined the Rangers not just for fame and money but to eliminate all the Night Raid Members with her very own hands. She promised herself that she will protect everyone that is close to her(even if it will cost her life) and she really felt sorry for Aria that she isn't there when she is in trouble. Skills: Skilled Gunner - For a girl, Maria is a skilled gunner because this is also a part of her training except for swords. There is a 99.9% chance that she will not miss and a 1% chance to miss. She can handle not just handguns but also heavy guns like gatling gun or a Rocket Launcher. Great Swordsman - Maria was a good sword-user because she was trained to use it when she was a little girl so she is a real professional at using this kind of weapon. She is very swift and can cut through the bones when using a sword even with just a glass shard. She uses her sword skills when ran out of ammo or she is cornered. Acrobatics - Maria has a really flexible body so she also trained herself to do acrobatics. She can apply her acrobatic skills on her swordfight,dodging attacks, or fleeing. Sometimes, she uses her acrobatic skills on hand-to-hand combat when she got disarmed. Teigu: N/A
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by YipeeXD
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Member Seen 11 mos ago

definitly going to make a cs, got any faction that is short on cs'?
Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by LaXnyd
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Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Name: Alexis Oceleph Faction: Rangers Age: 20 Gender: Female Appearance: Personality: Alexis prides herself in being a noble of the old stock, back when nobles were meant to actually protect the people instead of manipulating and toying with them like she has seen so many of her peers do. As a "proper" noble she remains loyal to the empire and its emperor, its traditions, its laws and its people. As befitting of a noble, she will act with courtesy to both friend and enemy, although it is very possible that courtesy will be hiding deep contempt - especially for organizations such as night raid. She is friendly and polite to most she will meet and will attempt to be as reasonable as possible with men and women of lesser station. She holds no hostility towards the rebellion itself, personally having accepted it as a failure of the nobility to protect their people to the point where they most likely had to take up arms in self defence. However, she still holds emperor, empire and law above personal feelings. Personal History: Born as a noble, Alexis had more rights than 90% of the population. She had wealth, she had affluence, she had comfort and she had luxury. She had the finest clothes, the finest food, the finest housing, everything befit of her birthright as a noble. However, as time went on Alexis came to the uncomfortable realization that she did not necessarily earnher comfort; her better lifestyle. In exchange for their grand lifestyles, nobles were supposed to do the enlightened, educated tasks that the lesser peasants were supposed to be incapable of doing. They were supposed to be the leaders, the administrators, the generals, the example. However, all she noticed she and her fellow nobles were doing were sitting on their butts even as talk of rebellion began, ever since the rise of prime minister honest. Refusing to allow herself to fall into idleness, Alexis enlisted in the Imperial Army - not using her wealth to buy a commission as a high ranking officer but instead forcing herself to rise through the ranks on her own strength and skill. Serving in the Empire's army through several tribal uprisings, she served with bravery and distinction, often serving as an example to her fellow soldiers - just as a noble should. She finally became a commissioned officer and was given command of a small contingent of soldiers with whom she fought in a few more small campaigns before she was ordered to an obscure garrison. Unbeknownst to her, she had been caught up in a tide of politics and the capital had suspicions about her attitude, taking steps to stonewall Alexis' career with an obscure posting. Seemingly doomed to spend the rest of her career as the commander of a small garrison, nevertheless Alexis went about her work diligently. Refusing any deals with the rebellion, she ensured that the garrison was constantly up to standard - striving it and its soldiers to exceed it - and as a result unlike much of the imperial army Alexis' garrison had become a strong, committed fighting force. It was around this time, when General Budo took a tour of inspection of the garrison, that she caught the General's notice. Taking note of Alexander's efficiency and reading the reports of her actions early in her career, the General invited her back to the Capital as part of the Rangers, an offer Alexis accepted. Skills: Staff Officer - having served as the commander of a garrison for a short time, Alexis is a skilled staff officer, well versed in running the day-to-day administrative and logistical tasks of keeping a fighting force fed, equipped and trained. She is also a veteran of small scale command and is able to recognize/take initiative if necessary. Spearwoman - Starting her career off in the Imperial Mounted Cavalry, Alexis is extremely skilled in wielding a spear, both on foot and mounted. Although she is able to use a sword to fight, she is much more comfortable and used to fighting with a spear. Danger Beast Rider - As an (former) officer of the Imperial Mounted Cavalry Corps, Alexis rides a Wyvern-type Danger Beast who she names "Airick." Although she is used to riding horses as well, she works the best with Airick, who is capable of making both groundside, running and airborne, flying charges. Airick is also capable of firebreathing. Airick looks like this. Teigu: None
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Cultural Titan
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Cultural Titan

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Might as well use this to talk. anyway, figured I'd get some things out about how Huxley, my character, is likely to react to his teammates/ potential teammates. I personally wouldn't mind entering with an idea of how we will be interacting, particularly if we are to know each others' characters ahead of time. Anyway. I'm open to suggestions on the below so if you have any ideas on how to make the character relationships better, even if that actually means making them worse, then let me know. Axel Weiss: I assume that Axel's true nature will rub everyone the wrong way, but it does stand to be said that Axel will have a special place of hatred in Huxley's eyes if that supper sadism ever becomes an issue to the team. Other than that the initial impression should be good. Accomplished assassin who appears to work with others. The potential exists for Huxley to try and use Axel, willingly or otherwise by convincing him or simply letting Axel do all the fighting for Huxley. Any thoughts on how you want them to interact? Saint Elise: Should be fine so long as the danger beasts behave. I find it hard to believe Huxley would confide in Elise or anyone else for that matter anything at all. He'd probably be more interested in trying to get any information out of her about any of the other team members. Honestly I read the bio through Huxley's eyes and see a resource for both info and monsters to turn loose on people. I guess what I'm saying is that it may require a little work for him to see her as a human being and may be something we would need to work on. If you care. Maria Dobereiner: Doesn't talk much and does her job. Sounds great. that said while it is unlikely Huxley would take an issue with Maria I am at a loss for meaningful interactions between them. Alexis Oceleph: Huxley has to hate her. She's a shoe in to win the title of squad leader from him and being a noble certainly is not helping. there's actually a lot to like about your character from his perspective if he would try to look for it, but I think I just have to start him out bitter about who Alexis is and how she holds herself.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Zeroth
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Member Seen 3 hrs ago

definitly going to make a cs, got any faction that is short on cs'?
Waldgeist is definitely outnumbered at the moment, I believe.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Cultural Titan
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Cultural Titan

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Depends on how you look at it. If you look at all submitted Characters then Waldgeist is definitely outnumbered, but if you only look at accepted characters then we are even. *shrug* I'd play a character on both sides if that was allowed.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by YipeeXD
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Member Seen 11 mos ago

Is that allowed?
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by YipeeXD
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Member Seen 11 mos ago

Because I may consider that
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Cultural Titan
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Cultural Titan

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

5) As of right now, plan for just having one character. This will likely be changed, I'm fairly sure of it, but on the off chance this isn't changed, just apply one character for now.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Rosette Christopher
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Rosette Christopher Smug Militant Nun

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

All new applications are approved! We are likely to end up a bit unbalanaced by one or two players, but as long as we're not lopsided it should be alright. Generally, I'd like to keep characters in squads of 4-5 to ensure that everyone can interact easily and that combat and conversations go smoothly.
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