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Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by Sixsmith
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Sixsmith Left half of Lancelot (It's the better half)

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

"Never let anyone tell you that your ears look silly," a lady, dressed in a perfect, white sundress, bent low to speak to the boy, all bruised and beaten. A small, soft smiled graced her porcelain features and a hand, fingers like laced silk to the touch, brushed the dirt from the bunny faunus' face. He sniffled, gaze turned downward. Mumbling, his eyes never left the torn and frayed shoes he wore, "They didn't say they were silly; it was other stuff. They called them meaner things." "Hmm, Jayden, look at me," her eyes lit up as she spoke, though her lips tugged into a sullen frown. Two dainty fingers tapped at Jayden's chin, lifting them so his blue could match her grey, "No matter what anyone says, these," she tugged at an ear, drawing a giggle from Jayden that she matched with her own, fond one, "are unique—they're yours, and they're your best feature. No one can take that away from you. And no one else can have ears like these." Like the moon, brilliant and resounding in the night sky; a hanging lantern given for those dark and dank nights; a roadside companion and stalwart friend; something to be missed dearly in its absence. Eyes shut tight, the stinging a dull throb in the back of his mind, Jayden tuned out the chatter and the talk. This was a special occasion, but he was no longer there to partake in it. He wasn't quite fond of early celebration, but he did suppose they got through it without much difficulty, or rather injury to show for said difficulty they faced. Perhaps that was enough for the praise they received, and the minor scorn woven within. Jayden himself supported the brunt of the injuries, having decided to act as stand-in tank due to their already hefty disadvantage. A broken rib from an almost dodged impact was the worst of it, the rest a mere black eye, a minor concussion, and various burns along his limbs. He didn't count the multitude of cuts and bruises that marred his body; those didn't hurt quite enough to garner his attention. Recounting what had happened, that bird like fellow hadn't a clue as to what his semblance did, and got far to close in light of his own. A calculated mistake on his part, an opening for Jayden to take advantage of. He could have done more though, perhaps. Possibly. Or at least mitigated the amount of damage his team had taken that fight. There were far too many maybes to fuss over. At the announcement of their team leader, Jayden turned along with the others to acknowledge Rayna's new found authority. Giving the girl a nod, his eyes peeled away to wander into the sea of students. Unfortunately, doing so tuned their captain's speech out, as well as Victor's quip and further words. He'd only caught the, "..you all look like crap..." part, in which Jayden sighed and threw a steely glare her way. A part of him wanted desperately to remind her just how much of the hits he took, for them in particular—they all knew he wasn't built for that, or he hoped so. But, Jayden kept his tongue on a short leash, reminding himself that they had gotten out of it fairly unscathed for how brutal the task was. A broken rib was perhaps the worst injury they accumulated. For Jayden, well, suffice to say, he'd been through and seen a fair amount worse. "Dirty rodent, it should've been you—" A small gasp at the sudden contact broke Jayden's reverie short, eyes trained downward to watch Rayna make a show of moving him. Clearing his throat to tide the sudden impulse to reel back from her touch, Jayden obliged as he turned heel and marched his way down the exit. He hadn't the heart to tell her that she'd been pressing into the broken rib the medics had keenly bandaged post-exam. The pain wasn't much, but it throbbed a few times worse and brought a perpetual wince to Jayden's features. At least slumber was mere footsteps away.
::Hours Later::
Dreamless sleep fueled by utter exhaustion could not have come at a better time. Of course, knowing Jayden's luck, peaceful slumber broke way to the shrill of Rayna's whistle and Jayden's response was immediate in his jolt awake. The suddenness of it flared his self-defense mechanism, flinging his own covers off by the sheer will of his semblance. More rather, they floated off at the near upheaval of gravity. The items with the least amount of mass in the room immediately shifted upwards, in a slow climb toward the ceiling, though most didn't make it past an inch from their original spot the moment Jayden regained his senses. Feeling obliged to obey Rayna's orders, Jayden quickly slid out of bed, rummaging through his still unpacked things to grab a spare shirt and gym shorts, the shorts of which he was quick to slip into. Arching a brow at their leader's planned schedule, he merely huffed his response, "I think it unwise to make further enemies with our peers, regardless of previous happenstance." He grimaced, feeling the sting of his rib as he tugged one shirt off for the other. Still listening, Jayden fell to his bedside, slipping on his socks and shoes in that instance before returning to his standing position. Facing Rayna, Jayden crossed his arms over his chest, carefully, as to not upset the still healing wound. "Bacon is a delicacy that I'm not exempt from," he said, tossing a side-glance to his other teammates, "Just because rabbits are vegetarians doesn't mean I am one." Jayden chose that moment to survey the map, archive it into his memory, and burst into a steady jog into the hallway. He tossed a look over his shoulder, feeling fairly bolder than he was usually want to be. It came as a surprise to him, but friendships forged in combat seemed always meant produce strong bonds and he'd fallen under the thought that staying aloof, as he wished to be, put the dynamic of the team at a further disadvantage. Making friendly seemed the better option. He was content, however, to keep these words the last he spoke that day, "Assumptions are the key ingredients to an Ass and his ass. Asses."
Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by XNoBrainX


Member Seen 10 yrs ago

Rakim had gotten the worst end of the stick by far. Most of the team got off mildly, with one major injury but Rakim ran his mouth in battle like he usually did and got his ass stomped hard. He wasn't dead or forced in a hospital but he sure as hell got off the worst of the team. That wasn't a good thing, he didn't have the endurance of a tank. He was slightly irritated that everyone had gotten compliments while they got an apology for getting their ass beaten. Like hell he was just going to let team whatever get away with that. The next time they'd fight he would give them an ass whooping for sure. He wasn't surprised when the young lady of the team had gotten the responsibility of being a leader. She was good at whatever she did, her improvisation of tactics was commendable and she seemed experienced. Of course she wasn't fucking with Rakim though, he just was too busy getting the shit beaten out of him and talking trash to do his usual strategic routine and impress everyone. He wasn't mad, it was just a title anyway. As long as he could kick ass, specifically team 'catastrophe', he was happy. "Talk about your greatness? Oh Iwill talk about your greatness alright." She woke them up early, wearing sports gear so Rakim already predicted what was going to come. He honestly wasn't interested in doing physical exercise at his current state but he had to if he wanted to get stronger. "You know, I'm actually down for throwing stuff their window. I have a few dynamites that could do the trick.", Rakim smirked. Did they think they were tough? They might be but a little bit of training here and Rakim would surpass them. He was himself after all. "Also, learn how to draw. You can have the greatest plan of all time but we wouldn't know if it looks like you tried to draw a purple tiger." He did some dynamic stretching before taking the jog, making sure to adjust to the pace of the leader to talk to her. "So, the first order of business should be finding out our members capabilities. I wasn't able to show everything I have and my style of fighting heavily needs good teamwork.", not because it wouldn't be as effective himself. Mainly because he might trap another member with his dynamites. "From there on we can formulate tactics from the synergy we have in our abilities. You can also adjust our training to that, since", referring to the random morning run. "To maximize our growth." Rakim was serious about wanting to prank team 'catastrophe' He even showered the dynamites he was going to use in the trash while jogging so that what would explode in their room was trash. The place where they'd have to sleep and live would smell like trash. They'd probable feel comfortable there, in a room full of what they are. So practically playboy model over there couldn't complain that they were making enemies, they were actually doing them a favor. He didn't bother remembering the map. Just following Jayden and Rayna because apparently they knew the route.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by MULTI_MEDIA_MAN


Member Seen 13 hrs ago

Standing on the podium, his wrist confined to an extremely uncomfortable cast, Oswald looked out at the other students with a feeling of pride. He was officially a Huntsman-in-training now. The test had been a hell of a fight, but they'd managed to take down one of the more durable Riesen-class Grimm, a feat not many rookies could claim. Datura were hulking monstrosities that took more firepower than the average Huntsman could manage, but that Marcus with his tank was more than enough on his own. As long as nothing got close, which that girl...Diamond, was it?...had managed. Oswald and the other guy, Aurellius, did some damage on their own, but Marcus was responsible for most of the pain. To the Grimm, at least. Oswald's shattered wrist throbbed again, reminding him that he didn't get out of this in top condition. Despite their ridiculous size, it turned out that Datura were more than capable of some pretty quick movement. At least, individual parts were. Still, a fucking tree trunk? He was lucky it was his shield arm that got the hit, because that probably would have taken half his arm with it otherwise. Overall, the team wasn't too bad. The douchebag with the giant lance was definitely capable of dishing out damage in just about any situation, the girl who came off as a total bitch did a damn good job of fighting, and well....the other guy had a tank. Nothing further needed to be said. Oswald knew that he himself could hold his own, having done enough of that back home. Growing up outside the kingdoms was a lot of work, and the day he knew he was made to fight Grimm, he was training as hard as he ever had before. It had been a long five years, but not every kid from these teams could call themselves a true hunter like Oswald was: born for nothing more than to live and die for the cause of killing Grimm. He didn't know the others' motivations, but his was simple: protect those who are not meant to protect themselves. It was what he'd been chosen to do, and had been a matter of course for as long as he cared to remember. When Diamond asked 'what now?' Oswald gave a shrug. "My guess would be to find where we'll be staying while we're here."
Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by Sho Minazuki
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Sho Minazuki P5 Hero

Member Seen 10 hrs ago

"Gilgamesh was the ancient king who was also a super human demi-god, created the walls of Uruk, defended his people, yadda yadda yadda. He was freakin' awesome, that's all we need", and he said this at an accelerated pace, in response to his new team mates. "So yeah, he was a pretty interesting person, eh Moku-Moku?", leaning his elbow on Mokuren's shoulder. Upon sensing any hostility he would simply have already moved to the other side. "Not that I don't remember your name, it's Mokuren, I just think this is cuter. Ain't that right Genie?", he commented, glancing at Geni as he did so. This was... Going to be Geni's nickname it seems. If his team had learned anything when they met him in the forest, it was probably not possible to catch him. "And Gray is still Gray, I have nothing for this", he expression changed a to a neutral one as he said this, pointing his finger roughly in Gray's direction. It may be a little annoying to many, but it was entertaining to some degree.
Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by Agent B52
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Agent B52

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Marcus took a deep breath as his own name was announced. Team leader. Ostensibly responsible for the four of them. Admittedly it made sense, given his team composition and his personal capabilities. Next to the monstrous gun on the Elegantly Unsubtle his greatest weapon was a combination of sharp observation skills and a map. Yet at the same time he had only barely passed the physical entrance exams. Not to mention it was mostly him responsible for waking the Datura in the first place. He just had to go and run over parts of it’s constituent forest when driving around trees was ‘too slow’ for some. He broke out of his reverie when people started to get up. Time to stop thinking and start acting. Briefly he glanced around, met the eyes of a small girl, and after a moment settled on a greeting nod. A fellow team leader, Ragna or something? Later. For now, team matters. "Well gents, now what?" Diamond asked. "My guess would be to find where we'll be staying while we're here." Oswald replied. “Agreed. I would also like to get to know all of you a bit better. Likes, dislikes, hobbies, dreams, basic knowledge so that we can avoid annoying each other too much. On top of that I feel we also need to train together so I won’t come as close to shooting any of you again.” Marcus added. After a second pause he remembered social convention dictated the use of some private space for such personal matters. “Right now though, our priority is our room.” he said. He stuck his hands in his pocket, briefly brushing against his scroll. 01101001 01101110 01101001 01110100 01101001 01100001 01110100 01101001 01101110 01100111 00100000 01101110 01100101 01110101 01110010 01100001 01101100 00100000 01101000 01100001 01101110 01100100 01110011 01101000 01100001 01101011 01100101 … > C:\Users\MGStein cd programfiles > C:\Users\MGStein\programfiles run maps.exe Half a second later he marched forward with purpose. “This way.”
Hidden 10 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Lady Seraphina
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Lady Seraphina Person of Letters

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Sapphire Rode - Infirmary

When Sapphire pulled the curtain back the tiger boy was apparently surprised and a bit alarmed. He jumped away from where she was standing and took up a defensive stance. Sapphire took one step back, pivoting on her ankle to present a smaller target and held her arms up in a fighting stance ready if one were to come. Granted in both these conditions it was not advisable and the stance she'd adopted was putting a painful amount of pressure on her set rib but if he wanted to start a fight Sapphire would be more than happy to oblige.

Sapphire realized a second later that his fighting stance was likely just a gut reaction to the fast move of the curtains for he broke it a second later. Sapphire held her just a little longer to make sure he wouldn't try anything before she straightened releasing the pressure on ribs. Sapphire noticed the tiger boy eyeing her hands, or more specifically the scars that lined them. By taking up that stance without gloves she'd exposed them to open light. Sapphire lowered her hands to her sides and was relieved when his eyes didn't follow.

When he actually began to speak however it was like an avalanche of information that she did not care to know and didn't really pay attention to. Sapphire caught the general gist of it but he could have expressed it so much more concisely, rather than using eighteen paragraphs and about five minutes she would never get back he could simply have said 'I heard yelling and was worried, are you alright?' Sapphire did catch him eye the scars on her hands again when he mentioned being worried there was an accident. Sapphire averted eye contact as she tried to shove her hands into her pockets before realizing that the hospital gowns didn't have pockets. She then contented herself with clasping them behind her back so the scars wouldn't be visible.

He sort of broke off his train of thought after mentioning her eyes. Of course they were still red and puffy but there wasn't a whole lot she could do about that. He must have seen the dangerous warning spark that alighted in her eyes when he got close to mentioning her crying. Likely what made him back off, side stepping the issue rather completely.

What really surprised her was when he introduced himself. They'd done this before, in the moment of quiet before the mech attack everyone had taken names Sapphire hadn't really paid attention to the names given at the time but he was acting like this was their first meeting. His was something like Khakan Shire or something. Kuhaku Shiro that was it, not that it mattered much.

"Yeah I know," she said giving him a look that amounted to 'where'd you leave your brain?' "You already introduced yourself. What happened, too much catnip?" She looked at his outstretched hand ready for a shake and crossed her own over her chest in a clear expression that she wasn't going to shake it. She might as well give him her name again since his brain had been fried. "Sapphire Rode."

Inwardly she winced, why could she never remember to just use her first name? Every time someone heard her last name it became, 'are you related to the Hunter Janus Rode?' 'What's he like?' 'What was growing up with a celebrity like?' and similar. Sapphire had never once wanted to talk about her father, or her family for that matter. Right now, Cecily her older sister was at art school and Demetra her younger sister was staying with their mother's parents. They were content, it wasn’t as if Janus was around that much these days anyways. Not after the kind of father he'd been to the three of them.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by SirBeowulf
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SirBeowulf What a load of Donk.

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Aurellius tugged on the luxurious red tie that adorned his chest as the viewing came to an end. The tie fit well with the rest of his black suit, and it made sure he didn't stand out too much. White just wouldn't have worked when held up to the standard Beacon Academy uniform, and he sure as hell wasn't going to wear something unsettling like green or purple. He was bored as hell, though. Aurellius had been expecting something more akin to a gala, but all they had was a decent ceremony. Sure, their romp through the forest had been a helluva ride, it all just felt a bit short. He looked over his 'teammates.' Their reveal as Team MODA was an amusing one. The guy with the tank being their leader was the punchline, and he sure packed a punch. Their battle had been a whopping success. Aurellius' bullets ripped bark to shreds, but it just wasn't as good as regular Grimm. Brown really wasn't as good a color. He supposed the sap technically counted as its blood, but that was a stretch. Looking back to his squad, he chuckled. They weren't all that half bad. Sure, Oswald was a git, and Marcus' only redeeming factor was the tank, and Diamond's cane was hideous, they had their bonuses. Oswald worked well as a meat shield, Marcus had the tank, and Diamond had a fancy hat. It all worked out in the end. Having only been half listening to their conversation, he looked up just in time to see Marcus leading the way with a marching gait. Aurellius grinned slightly, stretching his arms out as he began to walk himself. "Our Glorious Leader has found the way, has he? What a joyous occasion! We'll have to celebrate. Who's for wine and caviar?" He snorted. "You don't have to assume the position so literally, Marcky. 'This way,'" he muttered, copying Marcus' voice. "I'm sure we would've found our way on our own without your fancy psychic powers of knowing where to go."
Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by harinezumikouken
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harinezumikouken Bloodstarved Beast

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

"Yeah I know," she replied in response to him introducing himself. "So, she really does know me," he maintained eye contact, though he was slightly confused as to how she knew him. "You already introduced yourself. What happened, too much catnip?" Slowly, his expression deteriorated to one that resembled heartbreak. He didn't quite understand the 'catnip' remark, but his worst fears were confirmed. "Sapphire Rode." she said her name was. "I don't remember her." She rejected his handshake. Slowly, his ears flattened on top of his head. His tail lazily swept the ground at his feet. Of course she would reject his odd handshake. He had already offered it before, apparently. Awkwardly, he lowered his bandaged arm and gave a half-hearted chuckle. His cheeks slightly reddened at the rather embarrassing situation he somehow put himself into. Mimicking her, he half-hid his arms at his side. Though, it was rather pointless since his arms from the elbow down were swathed in white cloth bandages and anyone could clearly see them. Thinking about it, he did rather stumble over his words and fumble around. He probably caused her to feel uncomfortable and just as awkward as he was feeling right now. Whatever happened to her, it was obviously a sensitive matter that he had no business nosing into. He felt rather stupid, to be honest. He at least took comfort in the fact that she was alright. At least, outwardly. Maybe that was what he was committed to the infirmary for, scrambled brains. A high-pitched buzzing sound whined in his ears, a sound that only he could hear. Shaking his head, his ears twitched as if trying to throw the sound out of his eardrums. His head started to hurt. His heart ached. Familiar hairline cracks and fractures in the foundation of his very soul began to reopen. He knew what this all meant. She had known him prior. Whatever happened between them, he pushed it too far with his Semblance. Paying the price of his strength, his Semblance took his memory as compensation. Another precious memory of his lost and erased. How many memories had his Semblance stolen from him at this point in his life? Not one to mope around for long, he smacked himself around in his mind. Patching up the cracks, he rebounded. "Recover!" he willed himself. "Right, it's a pleasure to meet you!" he gave her a bright, toothy smile. "A-again, that is. Heh.." he corrected himself, scratching the back of his head. "Uh...Well, anyways. Glad to see that you're..okay. Might I ask how you came to know me? And what exactly did you mean by us having missed 'the ceremony'? What ceremony?" Thinking some more about it, this girl seemed to not have a favorable impression of him. Maybe he wronged her in his most recent 'lost memory'. Not one to leave bad blood and bad atmosphere, he quickly added. "Oh, and if I happened to have wronged you before, I apologize. For whatever it was that I did or didn't do to you. You seem to be rather grumpy at me," he laughed and scratched the top of his head. He playfully stuck his tongue out a bit, smiling. He figured he was also being a bit annoying, so he decided to apologize for that too. "I'm sorry."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Lugubrious
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Lugubrious Player on the other side

Member Seen 2 hrs ago

It was with a slight note of conclusion that Abel bid Gren farewell. “Celibate?” he murmured to himself as he pulled out his scroll, fiddling with the buttons. “Musta meant celebrate.” He briefly considered what party supplies were the object of Gren's solo quest while the scroll booted up for the first time. If it was alcohol, Abel would have none of it, but if the others felt like the situation warranted inebriation he guessed that he wouldn't stop them. Not everyone was as straitlaced as he, and the last he had seen both Kuhaku and Sapphire, they had both been on stretchers. Vague excuses swirled through his head that they might use for drinking—to relax, to forget about the pain. When the faulty scroll finally sorted itself out, his inner musings vanished, and he stared intently at the tiny screen before scrolling over to the minimap tab and determining in exactly which way the medical ward lay. A brisk pace and long strides meant that he arrived at the infirmary within thirty minutes. It was situated separately from the rest of the academy. The shattered moon was a little ways above the horizon, and the night blew cool and clear. Beaming down upon everything from above, more so than the moon, was the warm green light after which Abel guessed Beacon was named. Under normal circumstances, the night would have been young for him, but after the trials of today he was very weary. After checking up on his teammates, he resolved as he navigated the last few meters to the infirmary, he would head straight back to the dorms to get some sleep. With only two floors and eight rooms, the medical ward had little to hide from Abel, and he soon approached the single softly-lit room. There was no sign of any nurses, which Abel decided was good; it meant that Kuhaku and Sapphire were stable, at least, if they were to be unattended. Voices garbled by the door that separated team SASG revealed that at least one of them was awake. Feeling familiar enough with those on the inside to not need to stand on ceremony, Abel opened the door somewhat loudly and waltzed right in. Immediately he froze, suddenly aware of something wrong. Both of them were standing, and in their hospital gowns they seemed strikingly smaller and less lively than in their clothes, somber-colored as they were. That was not, however, what put Abel on guard; he could practically feel the tension and unhappiness emanating from them. Sapphire in particular seemed standoffish, with her arms tucked against her. In the poor light, the edges of her dark hair seemed blue, and the surprised, uninviting look in her eyes gave Abel the impression that he wasn't wanted here. Perhaps nobody was. But to turn around and waltz right back out would make him seem like a coward, and that was something he simply couldn't stomach. “...hey there,” he managed after a few seconds, breaking the vile, awkward silence. “Good to, uh, see you guys are okay.” In fact, they looked quite terrible, but he hoped they knew he meant to reassure them. He found himself looking at Kuhaku's snowy ears, and forced himself to look at each of his teammates' faces in turn.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by paigesweetheart


Member Seen 6 yrs ago

As the team arrived to their room. They were now picking out their beds. This was going to be interesting because she was the only girl on the team, so that wasn't such a good thing. But she knew that her team would be respectful enough to give the girl her own space. But that was when Daniel made the joke about being in bed with a girl. Pervert. Even if he was joking or not he wasn't suppose to say that. Priscilla gave a fake nervously laugh as she turned around and walked to a bed, far from Daniel but close to the leader. It wasn't that she didn't trust Greyson, because she did. That was her first teammate. It was just that she liked the bed next to the window, which was close to Robert's. As they got all settled in. Priscilla turned around smiling at Robert, happy that he decided to do her suggestion. "Yay. Let's go guys. It could be fun and stuff to explore and all. Oh...I am a bit hungry too." She said placing a hand on her stomach and looking at her members. "So, question for you two.." she turned to Daniel and Greyson. It was a question about Robert being the leader. "How do you guys feel about Robert being the leader?" She smiled at them and looked at Robert, winking at him and now her attention back to the two. "I personally. Like the fact that he is the leader. Just because of himself having the leader look AND he did tell us what to do back in the fight. Also he has the whole nerdy leader look, so he is probably also the smartest out of us. Not saying that you guys are duuuumb. Im just stating my facts. You guys?" Priscilla said turning around looking herself in the mirror, fixing her hair and grabbing a light pink lipstick, putting it on. As she was putting it on, she still waited for the boys to answer.
Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by Kafka Komedy
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Kafka Komedy Bearer of The Curse

Member Seen 7 mos ago

Indigo smiled under his mask as he silently straightened his bow tie. It was an idle action; his tie didn't need straightening. Hell, he had already straightened it twice in the time he finished that thought! Still though, it was a gesture of impatience, anxiousness, and excitement. He had made it. Even if his methods weren't the best to getting there, the title "Number 1" was now officially within reach! At the end of this deep tunnel laid the light of endless love an adoration, and he would steal that prize, using the bodies of all the Grimm he was surely going to slay as his platform. He shook his head as he heard his name being called. He walked up to the stage, behind the cute oddly pacifistic girl that had helped him in the Forever Fall Forest, as well as the other male who was really happy most of the time, and wore a badass suit of armor into battle. Reminded him of a lot of his videogames. And, ofcourse, Seilber. His partner, jittering and sweating like she was on trial for murder or something. She must not have liked the spotlight. He was a fan, but he understood that some weren't. Especially those trying to keep a low profile. "You will now work together as team Silverpoint led by... Seilber Vulpez." Indie paused. A frown and accompanying rage slowly filled his face under the mask. He wasn't leader? That wasn't right... He needed to be leader. He was determined to be the best, why wasn't he leader? Was he not powerful enough yet? Was it because he lacked elegance and grace? You didn't need that to become great! Hell, you didn't even need to be leader to become great! He'd become number one without being leader. He didn't need a leader. He didn't need anybody. Indie suddenly felt very uncomfortable on the stage. He walked, or more accurately stomped, down the stage in a fit of angst and anger, not bothering to see if his teammates were following until he was sufficiently far from the stage. "So, guys." He said "Wanna go back to my place and... unload and relax?~" He said, giggling to himself like a small child. Jokes were how he relived stress, and right now he was feeling much to hotheaded. Honestly, he just wanted to send an email to his friends back home and sleep for awhile in his nice new bed.
Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by LokiLeo789
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Member Seen 15 days ago

Geni had no idea what was with the woman. Did she just hate him for being alive or was she always like this, because if she was, this was gonna be harder than he thought. How was he supposed to to build up a beautiful and loving relationship if she was so hostile? Geni would have to find away to get passed her wall, but in order to do that, he would have to turn this conversation around. But with her hand on her sword, that seemed like an impossible feet. She looked like she was ready to chop him up right were he stood. She did not even want to show mercy to her fellow faunas, which was understandable. "Oh come on we don't know that, but I would rather not test that out, but I'll give you the benefit of the doubt." "And priorities, I'm pretty sure that set already.""And I think I would rather have a good firm grasp on the mortal realm, just saying." "And an interesting person, sure if you like he superhuman kingly types." " And unfortunately, I was not paying attention at that point in the speech, could you help my out?" He said warily was his tail flicked around agitatedly. He was not sure if what he said would be offensive but he hoped he had treaded carefully. Geni then heard his other teammate comment on the situation. He was a fast paced talker, it was kind of hard to hear exactly what he was saying, but if you listened carefully, it was easy. Geni snapped to attention he was addressed to by the boy, he told him that his nickname would be Genie. "Defiantly, your wish is my command, Mokuren " He said winking at her.
Hidden 10 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Lady Seraphina
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Lady Seraphina Person of Letters

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Sapphire Rode - Infirmary

Sapphire couldn't believe who she was talking too. Had his brain truly been scrambled by the cave in? Seemed like the possibly was rising with every word he said. How else could he not know that she was referring to the initiation ceremony? The one they had horribly failed. Sapphire wondered if she could stay with her grandparents and Demetra when this fell through.

As a bonus the scatter brained faunus was also a bleeding heart. “Happened to have wronged you before, I apologize.” The hell was he talking about, he wasn't even sure that he had done something wrong and yet was still prepared to admit defeat. Sapphire rolled her eyes. It was just about this time that the door creaked open. In walked a tall heavy set boy likely about her age. He was from the tunnel, what was his name Adel, Able something like that.

He clearly realized three seconds after entering that he'd walked into the middle of an awkward conversation. Sapphire didn't really have a problem letting that moment drag out and did so watching him squirm uncomfortable until he finally spoke. When he did it was sort of shaky and rather generic greeting which sparked something in Sapphire. Alright? Alright! Didn't he have eyes? It was plan for anyone to see that neither of them was 'alright'.

"Oh yeah," Sapphire said turning on Abel. "We're just super, me with my broken rib, sprained ankle, black eye and a mild concussion not to mention all the little cuts and bruises. Then we've got fur ball over there whose only recollection seems to be his own name. We are totally fine right now." Sapphire said glaring at him. It annoyed her when people tried to look on the bright side. It was better to see a situation for what it was regardless of how bad that might be.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Forsythe
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Forsythe Graf von Kaffeetrinken

Member Seen 9 hrs ago

“Agreed. I would also like to get to know all of you a bit better. Likes, dislikes, hobbies, dreams, basic knowledge so that we can avoid annoying each other too much." was what Marcus wanted to know. "Shouldn't you take me to dinner first? Fat chance of that, pal, you have something to prove before you earned yourself that much." Diamond said in an abrasive tone. "I have no problem following you to battle, but that doesn't automatically make us buddies." she patted her pockets nervously, searching for the pack of smokes she had somewhere. Her past was something she wasn't going to share with just anyone, no thank you. she reached the last pocket. Nothing. Damn, must have lost them in battle. Oh well, there's always the emergency reserve... Diamond thought, lifted her hat and pulled a cig from the inside, hiding it in her sleeve. "I'll catch up later. You ladies have fun." she said as she went to the nearest exit, metallic clicks of her lighter opening and closing as she went echoing behind her. It was already darkening outside, and kinda cold. She found herself back in the gardens, far enough to be out of sight. Taking a drag, she relaxed a bit. She didn't like to be reminded of what she used to do. She wasn't a bad thief, far from it. One of her last hits were art thefts, something that required a lot of preparation and skill to pull off. And then she grew careless with the small stuff and tried to pickpocket a cop in civilian disguise. As soon as her hand went into his pocket, she had cuffs around her wrist. "You wish you'd rather stuck your filthy hand to the toilet huh?" Diamond growled as she remembered his line. that bastard's satisfied smirk. Fortunately for her they had nothing else on her, and she only got few months. however, a few months in Althesian juvy are enough to make one certain they don't want to wind up in an Althesian prison. Finishing up the cigarette, she flipped out her scroll and searched for their room. First floor, she could take a shortcut. After a while she found the correct window and used her semblance to summon a ladder for herself. Climbing up, she had a look at the window. Fortunately Beacon was located in nice, but older buildings, and it's security at least as far as the dorms were concerned were later addition. all she had to do was unlock the window - there were no alarms built into it. she wasn't bothered if a camera caught er - it was her room! and besides, she'd be doing the school a service pointing out a fault. she could get away with that if it even came to it. Once more reaching below her hat, she took out a thin piece of shaped metal and slipped it between the halves of the window. When it reached far enough, she stepped on the ledge and dissolved the ladder. Instead she used her shadow to extend the metal tool to the handle on the inside. With a simple motion, the window opened and she crawled in. Just as she shut it behind her, the door opened for what she assumed was the rest of her team walking in. she turned around with a cheeky smile, giving them a wave of the hand.
Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by Lucius Cypher
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Lucius Cypher Looking For Group

Member Seen 1 mo ago

Gren had to hurry. He had made the snacks in record time, and wanted to get to the infirmary before his teammates were discharged. He carried a large box in one hand, and a bouquet of flowers in the other Rainflower, Marigolds, and Eglantine Roses. Perhaps a bit more self-loathing than Gren had hoped, but he wanted to show that he felt sorry for what had happened and wanted to show that he wanted the best from them all. But before he could enter the hospital he faced his worse enemy: doors. His hands were full and frankly, he was already a bit person. Squeezing through without damaging his cargo would be... Difficult. So he improvised, as he often does. Focusing his Semblance to his feet, Gren began to walk up the side of the hospital looking for an open window. More importantly he was looking for which floor Shiro and Sapphire were on. And as luck would have it, Gren not only found the room which his teammate were in, but it also was at an open window. However he could sense the tension in the air and hear Sapphire's scathing words. Just as he feared, Sapphire was being a bitch. But Gren suppose she had her reasons, and would let her vent. At the very least he was going to go half-way to admit his guilt in this mess. Without a word Gren stepped into the room through the window, placing the box on a counter near by. "Glad to see that you still have your fire, Rode." Gren went to work quickly. After putting the flowers in a vase he opened one of the boxes which revealed a cake. He looked through the cabinets and found some plates napkins, and would use those as makeshift plates. He had brought plastic forks with him at least, and he began to cut the cake into equal length pieces for each of them. Gren served slices of cake for everyone sans himself, leaving his cut at the counter. "Make yourself comfortable Fulgurate. From the wounds on Rode and Shiro, they still need to recover." After giving Abel his slice Gren went over to Kuhaku, who seem to be sadden. Gren smiled at him, which was a bit awkward considering that Gren looked like a monster. "Nice to see you alive partner. But you shouldn't pull out the IV from your body like that. You're going get an infection." Gren noticed the torn IV needle embedded in Kuhaku's arm, also noting that Sapphire also had one. "Why do they always tear out the IV's?" After handing Kuhaku his slice of cake Gren went to their sole female of the team and currently the leader. "You have been chosen as our leader by the way. I look forward to working alongside you, Rode." Gren held out a slice of cake with a fork for Sapphire, sitting on napkin in his hand. The cake was about half the size of Gren's palm, and he had some very big hands.
Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by Scarifar
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Scarifar Presto~!

Member Seen 11 hrs ago

Oblivious to his comrades' feelings, Daniel picked a random bed by jumping into it head first, his face landing on a pillow. He then pushed himself off and positioned himself so that he was lying on his back, staring at the ceiling. "I got dibs on this bed," Daniel said. The bed was definitely nice. His other bed at home was nowhere near as comfortable. "You guys wanna come?" Robert asked. Daniel turned his head to look at Robert, then waved his hand dismissively and replied, "Nah man, I'm good. You go on and enjoy yourself." After the events in the forest, he wanted nothing more than to get some rest. Sure, he liked the excitement, but nothing was better than getting a nice nap after the excitement ended. Ahhh, bliss. He placed his hands behind his head and closed his eyes, and was starting to doze off when Priscilla asked, "How do you guys feel about Robert being the leader?" He cracked one eye open to look at them again. She then started rambling on, "I personally like the fact that he is the leader. Just because of himself having the leader look AND he did tell us what to do back in the fight. Also he has the whole nerdy leader look, so he is probably also the smartest out of us. Not saying that you guys are duuuumb. I'm just stating my facts. You guys?" Daniel wasn't sure whether to feel insulted or not, but he was too tired to think about that. Instead, he said, "Ehhh, doesn't matter to me. Guess someone had to do it, and I'm sure glad it ain't me." He rolled over so he was facing away from the others and said, "I'm gonna take a nap. Wake me when it's time to eat or somethin'." With that said, he sighed and began to doze off again.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Jangel13
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Jangel13 The angel of fortune

Member Seen 3 hrs ago

Greyson sighed as he grabbed the bed by the door knowing if someone came in our not meant Greyson will play sentry most of the time. Greyson didn't like Daniel comment but Greyson wasn't going to call him on it so when Robert asked if they wanted to explore greyson decided "nah I'm good here in going to take a bath and relax a little while before I design my space" Then priccila asked both him and Daniel about what they think about Robert being leader and greyson shrugged "personally I wanted to be leader but Robert is a better choice I'd rather just think about being the strategist"
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Lugubrious
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Lugubrious Player on the other side

Member Seen 2 hrs ago

While Abel knew he hadn't been heading into a friendly situation, he found more malice in Sapphire than he had thought. When she glared at him, scathing emerald green into azure blue, his own eyes lost their friendliness. He could feel his pride prickled, mirrored by a slight electric current that rushed through him, causing the hairs on his neck and arms to stand on end. For the love of pete, he had just been trying to be nice, and this girl seemed bent on hating him. Just as strong as his indignation was Abel's disbelief; this was the person that Ozpin thought capable of leading the team? “Right then,” he spat, circling over to a dark brown visitor's chair and plopping down. As he id so, he came within a couple feet of Sapphire, and undoubtedly his superior height wasn't lost on her. “Taking it back. Not glad at all.” Though he badly wanted to expound on the subject, he managed to overcome his spike of anger in time to avoid snarling something that he might regret. Instead, he rested his head in his hand, leaning via his elbow on the arm of the chair. Forgotten was the girl's mention of Kuhaku's forgetfulness. As he attempted to relax, the hostility gradually left his face, becoming a sort of dejected grimace. Sapphire's seemingly unprovoked nastiness robbed him of all his thunder, his excitement at being a part of a real time. He just didn't know what to say. Out of nowhere appeared Gren. Abel might have jumped if he weren't so tired. He watched, completely engrossed, as Gren unpacked his strange assortment of items upon the counter, and start working on the cake. As the sweet aroma wafted through the air, Abel realized how hungry he was. He waved drily when Gren invited him to make himself comfortable, but bore him no ill will. He and the orc were perhaps the most alike out of any in the room, and not just because they were both more or less uninjured. With a thankful nod of his head Abel accepted the cake, and he began eating rather gravely, wordlessly appreciative that Gren had arrived to take control of the awkward situation. When the faunus offered a slice to Sapphire, Abel paused, half expecting to see her flip the gift onto the floor out of spite.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Guess Who
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Guess Who The Nameless Writer

Member Seen 1 day ago

After Greyson and Daniel had said they didn't feel like exploring, Robert got distracted by a small string on the back of his hoodie. In order to grab it he had to turn his waist, but this only got it farther from his reach. So now he was spinning around in a circle trying to grab the loose string. He almost resembled a dog chasing it's tail. If anybody was listening to what Priscilla was saying, which Robert had unfortunately missed as he was too busy with the string, they probably would have been holding back laughter at the irony of the situation. He finally decided that that wasn't working and tried grabbing around the string, hoping to pull it closer so he could get it that way. It was then that he accidently activated one of his bracers and the blade cut a large hole in the hoodie. Since the hoodie was already caked with mud and dirt and already had multiple holes all from the team's test though, Robert didn't really care at this point. At this point, he decided to leave the string since the only way he'd get it now was by taking it off and he didn't feel like doing that at the moment. "Well, if you guys aren't coming then let's go, Priscilla," he said. He waited for Priscilla to finish getting ready and tried his best to ignore the conversation she was having with the guys, deciding that if he was supposed to hear it that she would have included him. He knew they were probably talking about him and since everyone was mostly buddy-buddy with each other it didn't matter what they said. When Priscilla and him finally left the room, Robert said, "I hope the lines aren't too long for food. Food would be nice. Food is good." He was silent for a few moments then asked, "What do you think they'll have to eat?"
Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by paigesweetheart


Member Seen 6 yrs ago

As she finished putting on her lipstick, she turned back to the boys, seeing Daniel heading to bed and Greyson not wanting to come and then there was Robert... the one playing with a string, acting like she didn't notice but she did. Cute. He was like a lost puppy trying to grab it's tail but instead this was a string. Priscilla looked at the boys who were staying waiving at them. "Alright. See you guys in a bit. I will bring you food, because you guys may be hungry and stuff." she nodded now heading out with Robert by her side. Priscilla randomly giggled and playfully pushed Robert with her shoulder. "So, you are some kind of doggy now trying to grab your tail? Becauseeeeee." she looked behind Robert and then to his buttocks, no tail. "You have no tail." she finished her sentence now laughing. "Ooooh." Priscilla sighed smiling and looking around as they walked. "Mmm! Yes, food is important so we must go and find some food. I am rather hungry though too. It's sad that the others didn't want to come, but oh well. Just you and me, then." smiling at Robert she locked her left arm with his arm, as they walked! "Off we go!" Hopefully there won't be that much of people in the line by the time they get there. "Oooh. I wonder what type of food they will have. Hopefully hamburger..!"
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