Though in all fairness there isn't a Fantastic Four or Gilgamesh in this reality either.
Though in all fairness there isn't a Fantastic Four or Gilgamesh in this reality either.But those are just stories that an individual is able to allude to in their work. There are various literary devices that one can use to implement a Gilgamesh into Remnant or the Fantastic Four as a kind of 'quip' to Marvel because people do that in their literary work all the time. Final Fantasy was able to insert Caladbolg and Gilgamesh into their works, as well as Bahamut and Tiamat. Same goes for Jormungandr. Though I dunno if Final Fantasy is a good example to use... *shrug* I used it anyways. Let it bite me in the ass later. ._. However, it takes a lot of restructuring and a lot of work to implement an entire culture into a story. And even then, they don't reuse its actual name. Take Avatar for reference: the Earth Nation obviously alludes to and has ties to China and its culture, but they spent a lot of work detailing its background to make it fairly unique within the world; however, it keeps its ties solid and fairly noticeable to the nation its based off of. Same goes for the Water Nations and Eskimos and the Fire Nation and Imperial Japan and the Air Nomads and all those countries near the Himalayas (Napal, Tibet, others?). Pretty sure there were also various tie ins to other religions in conjunction to the Avatar (Hindi, I'm thinking, and maybe Shinto and Buddhism? I may be grasping at straws there, since I'm not too well read on my religions.) I'm just saying that I find it very believable and very easy to insert things like Gligamesh and mainly stories and allusions to other works than it is to insert whole nations and places and cultures and entire religions with religious doctrines and books and stories themselves that have deep roots here in the real world rather than in this particular world we're writing in. I'm not saying we can't do it, it just takes more work than a mere reference. I think that's a big part of RPing, crafting things, twisting things, making them unique, but they do require a lot of work and writing to do so, in my opinion. Sorry I bring this up now and don't mistake any of my words as aggression. I'm doing my best to keep this logical and levelheaded instead of bitchy and complaining. Who knows how well I'm doing in those regards. But, I don't mean to brush it aside and leave it in the abyss after spring cleaning, I'm just saying that if we wanna make these references, I feel we should probably work on their lore and background a whole lot more. Within the story, as well, not just in the OOC. Maybe in the OOC. Depends on what we're talking about here. If we're retconning entire nations, we should probably find a place to work on that, rather than putting everything in the IC (cause that shit will get hella long hella fast). *Shrug* As well, we should also probably work to make them Remnant like, keep them within the confines of the lore (though we have a lot to work with, so that shouldn't be too difficult. Wait, do we? I'm pretty sure we do; don't hold this against me pls D: I mean, we're already bending lore as is, I just don't want to bend it too much that it breaks. You get what I be sayin?). I guess it just takes dedication and a fascination with both RWBY and real world shet.
But those are just stories that an individual is able to allude to in their work. There are various literary devices that one can use to implement a Gilgamesh into Remnant or the Fantastic Four as a kind of 'quip' to Marvel because people do that in their literary work all the time. Final Fantasy was able to insert Caladbolg and Gilgamesh into their works, as well as Bahamut and Tiamat. Same goes for Jormungandr. Though I dunno if Final Fantasy is a good example to use... *shrug* I used it anyways. Let it bite me in the ass later. ._.
That's a very good point. ._. I forgot how rich that universe is... how rich THOSE universes is. Shit. Lets not get that detailed, omg. But just imagine all the iterations of our characters we could make. Ugh, limitless. The same goes for DC. I don't understand how people can make thousands of heroes with as much backstory as the next guy with his/her own comic to boot. ._. That's too much work, especially when 90% of that work is built toward making the art. Good lord, even with the manpower behind each company, that's too much to think about. Then there's the film franchise and how much money and work that takes. Rule of thumb for everyone, even though I have no power here, if we start making movies out of this, then we've probably gone in over our heads. Plus, copyright issues and legalities if we don't feel like putting the money into paying Monty or whatever to use his universe in a paid production. Omg. I'ma shut up now.But those are just stories that an individual is able to allude to in their work. There are various literary devices that one can use to implement a Gilgamesh into Remnant or the Fantastic Four as a kind of 'quip' to Marvel because people do that in their literary work all the time. Final Fantasy was able to insert Caladbolg and Gilgamesh into their works, as well as Bahamut and Tiamat. Same goes for Jormungandr. Though I dunno if Final Fantasy is a good example to use... *shrug* I used it anyways. Let it bite me in the ass later. ._.Not to argue but the Marvel universe has more history, detail and events than some countries. Just saying.
So flavour text like this Sixsmith? Gilgamesh: The first known legendary hero, supposedly the first hunter as well. Clay tablets from the earliest known settlements partially reveal his story as it was told around the campfires thousands of years ago. He had feats ascribed to him beyond even the most powerful hunters today such as sundering a mountain to test out his sword, smashing the great evil heavenly boar into separate pieces that would become the Grimm and founding the first city. - From the Great Encyclopidia Litanica, 4th edition, Schnee Press Group ltd.Lol, Great Encyclopedia Litanica. Flavor text like that is certainly wonderful. I'm not the GM though, so I dunno what Lugu wants in those regards. My vote is, if people want to put the work into it, let 'em. It makes the world more authentic for us and kind of makes what we write our own instead of a byproduct of something else because we're creating and adding and expanding. You feel me? YOU FEEL ME?
In an interview, Monty Oum basically said that the world of Remnant is an interpretive world, and while characters may share links with elements from our past, they don't need to necessarily have the same basis. I chose Gilgamesh as the team name because it was the best one I could find. If you want to add flavor, please do, all the flavor you want, but it isn't necessary to explain everything.That makes totes sense and stuff. And I honestly think people in RWBY only really care about species of people regardless. The whole human/faunus thing is the big topic of discussion, as I think Monty intended it to be. (Where was I going with this paragraph? I have no clue. Wut...?) I thought of Jormungandr cause it's a sexy fucking badass name, mother fucker. Also, Lugu, what's your opinion of legendary Grimm? Like things that are just so BA that there's only one of 'em and it's like hard as all hell to take 'em down. Like maybe a hivemind queen Grimm that acts as a brain for one species of Grimm in particular (though not all Grimm have this lol). Or like things based off of legendary creatures like Tiamat or Cthulhu or some shit lol. EDIT: Backing up to the topic this originated from: would prefer no one actually refer to Jayden as Chinese or French or anything of the like. >_> <_<
Heh, gotta say I love the awkwardness between Shiro and Sapphire, it's highly amusing to read.'TIS MY INTENTION!