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Hidden 10 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Lady Seraphina
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Lady Seraphina Person of Letters

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Sapphire Rode - Grounds ==> Cafeteria

After the sparring matches were threw and the bell rang Sapphire made her way slowly to the infirmary. There the nurse bandaged her rib and ankle and gave her a soft loose slipper for her damaged foot. Then at Sapphire's insistence she also bandaged her hands. It was not that she had injured them but the trick she'd done by grabbing Oswald's sword's had sliced her gloves, aura didn't protect clothing. The bandages were to hide the scares on her hands.

After that Sapphire deciding that she didn't really need to attend the remainder of Math or any of History returned to her room to get a particular item, her violin. She walked the grounds looking for a secluded spot. The nurse had given her some sort of anti-inflammatory so she could walk properly. She wouldn't be running for another two days but she could walk.

Finally Sapphire found what she was looking for, an isolated spot. She took the violin out it's case and played a song called The Parting Glass. She could of course only play the violin part, there was a guitarist piece and flute accompaniment that went with it but those were instruments Sapphire did not know how to play. She played it three times looking out over the edge of Beacon.

Halfway threw her third recital Sapphire heard the bell ring signalling the beginning of lunch.

Sapphire made her way to the mess hall, if she wanted to have time to eat she couldn't drop it back at the dorms which was a pity but Sapphire decided not to dwell on it.

In the line up Sapphire selected two chicken sandwiches, a side of mashed potatoes, a small plate of apple slices covered in cellophane wrap and a milk. She looked up at the staff member charging for each purchase making sure she was busy with someone who'd taken an impossibly large amount of foot compared to his size. Once Sapphire was sure the woman wasn't looking at her ship popped her violin case open and slid the milk and apples into a three by six slot that was supposed to hold dust cartridges, Janus had the case specialty made, he didn't want her to ever be out of ammunition and she never let her violin out of her sight so the obvious solution was to put the rounds in with the violin. He didn't really consider that she might just take them out.

Once she'd paid for her meal Sapphire surveyed the room and decided to take a seat across from Oswald. The table was currently in the middle of a discussion on the uses of math and history and how they applied to combat.

"I'd say the wizard there is right, combat is an art form not a science. You find me someone who fights with numbers and calculations and I'll show him what a real fight looks like."

Sapphire opened her violin case and set the rest of her meal, the stuff she hadn't paid for next to the stuff she had. Sapphire was just about to take a bite of the chicken sandwich when the girl next to her made some comment about growing up with the state. Sapphire froze, that meant only one thing. "You grew up in foster care?" Sapphire had known foster care and orphanage kids. The times that Janus was away from the house Sapphire spent as far from the place as she could. She'd fallen in with less than reputable crowds but she could always tell the foster kids from the rest. Something about there eyes, they never quite focused on one thing, like they were always looking for a way out.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by SirBeowulf
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SirBeowulf What a load of Donk.

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Aurellius looked up as their resident Oswald sat down at the table, of which he had only sat down because he had seen both Diamond and Marcus both sitting at. He flexed his bandaged right hand with a small grin as the pain served to clear his mind. Numbers, dates, and other various things had been clogging his noggin ever since the fight. That, and deeper thoughts of what it would've took to win the fight. In reality, if he had noticed the second dagger, he would've won in a heart beat. The bandaged hand barely bothered him in the slightest, and he somehow doubted two would've stopped him. All it would have taken was a quick headbutt to Jack's stupid face... A shake of his head brought his thoughts back to the lunch table. The food was... food. It had less quality than the cuisine he was used to, but he didn't really care all that much. "Hey, so....in class....how did you all know what the professors were talking about? That's... not stuff you guys learned, is it? Because... well... I never learned any of that," Aurellius heard as he stopped stabbing the macaroni with his fork, a bit surprised at the man being surprisingly open. "Never needed it, never heard of it," Diamond replied in kind. "The state really takes pathetic care for it's children." Aurellius chuckled, leaning backwards in his seat. He missed the heavy weight of Ascalon, having been forced to drop the weapon off at the Armory before his other classes. "You poor, poor unfortunates," he said with a heaping of fake concern added. "Well, I suppose its not all that bad. For the most part, I barely know physics. Now, get me in front of a 401k and I'm sure I can help you with that." He waved the fork, "And based on our battles, I'd say Oswald gets the promotion. Diamond, you got knocked out." He grinned slightly. "How's that head treating you, dear?"
Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by LokiLeo789
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Member Seen 11 days ago

Geni looked at Merlin his new teammate. He was the magician guy, the guy with that wand dust thing. Geni was defiantly interested in the Dust mechanism and what not. Unfortunately, his own weapon was unable to efficiently utilize Dust at the moment. If Geni wanted to start using Dust he would have to ask an expert. Fortunately, he may be looking at one right now. " Thank you. But is lost, does not really fell like a good show when you lose. But I enjoyed to battle." He said with a fake grin, on the inside he was stabbing himself on the inside. "Hey, can you explain to me how Dust works, I'm thinking about utilizing it one day." He said seriously, picking at his food with his fork. The reminder of his lost battle had deflated him. Geni scratched his head and shook his head once again, he wanted to put on a happy face for his team. He was the leader, but he was so used to following, not leading. This was a first for Geni, and he had no idea what to do. For once in his life he had no confidence in himself, but he did not his teammates to see that. He knew that they were his friends, more or less, but he felt that if he told them, they would do something. Geni knew that his fears were misguided, but he would rather keep his feeling to himself.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Forsythe
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Forsythe Graf von Kaffeetrinken

Member Seen 3 hrs ago

"Take me home and feed me, puh-leaaaase?" Diamond said with a mocked whine, giving Aurelius the most adorable puppy eyes she could muster without a stupid grin appearing on her face. "I'll just bankrupt you on food alone. No danger!" she half joked, taking a healthy bite from one of the sandwiches. Then he just had to go and bring up the combat class. "My head's perfectly fine, unlike a certain fox face's I could mention." she grunted, stabbing a few curly fries with the fork particularly violently. "I came here expecting to fight monsters of varying degree of mindlessness, not humans with their cheats. But don't worry, lesson learned. I lost my nerve. Next time I'll poke them with the cane a few times instead of charging right in." she said, taking a break to get some more food down to her belly. Just like breaking into a place. Scout out their defenses, move in when unexpected. she added in her mind. "Besides, I'm alive, and next time she's as good as dead. so what If I can't hit her without damaging myself. I'll just have to knock her out another way..." she thought out loud as she put a hand on Aurelius' shoulder. Her shadow wrapped around the boy's lower face, cutting his air supply. She held for a few seconds to demonstrate the point before letting the shadow dissolve and casually going back to her food.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Lucius Cypher
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Lucius Cypher Looking For Group

Member Seen 1 mo ago

Gren arrived in the dinning hall looking much better than after his fight. His armor was repaired and he had his hand again, though he notably was wearing a different glove. He had to hasten his recovery since he had classes shortly after his matches, math and history respectfully. He had no comment about them. He actually liked math and did fairly well with it, and even history was nice to learn, though he admittedly have very little use for it. Sure he should learn the mistakes of others in the past to make sure he doesn't reenact them, but world history wasn't really something he felt was relevant. And frankly, something he'd rather not be a part of. As Gren walked through the dinning hall he didn't go through the lunch line. He actually had another box with him, the one that he took to the Infirmary yesterday. Not the cake one, but the other one he brought but couldn't break out due to Shiro fleeing the infirmary. He had hoped that everyone could eat together but when he entered he saw Shiro eating alone. He figured that perhaps Abel was still in the line and Sapphire had to recover at the infirmary but it wasn't long before Gren found her as well, eating at the table of another group. Was she being sociable or leaving Shiro alone on purpose? Perhaps it would be better not to think too much about, but Gren wasn't really one to willfully chose ignorance. Sapphire would be responsible for her own relations he supposed. If she wants to befriend others outside of her team that that was her prerogative. Gren walked up to Shiro and waved at him. "Hello Kuhaku. Nice fight out there." Then Gren opened the box to reveal what he had brought yesterday; a miniature propane grill and cubed steaks. There was at least three pounds of the steaks in a sealed bag where they have been marinating since yesterday. Gren also brought some vegetables such as green beans, carrots, and beansprouts. Well the beansprouts were for him. He just ate them strait from the bag, throwing a few on the grill. "How do you like your meat Kuhaku?"
Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by SirBeowulf
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SirBeowulf What a load of Donk.

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Aurellius' eyes widened a bit as the tendrils of shadow wrapped around his neck, taking away his ability to breath. He ignored it, letting himself stay calm while his lungs cried out slightly in protest. He inhaled a bit of fresh air once she let go, frowning slightly. "You know, Diamond. I was going to buy extras. For the team. You know, being nice and all. Buuut, I don't really take kindly to weird shadows trying to steal my precious oxygen." A stern glare was given at the girl, but it softened into a smile. "But with those puppy-dog eyes, I guess I could reconsider." He made a face of slight disgust. "And as you said, I also came here to take out Grimm. Sure, combat classes are fun and all, but that Jack character was just plain cheating." He stabbed the fork violently into the macaroni over and over again. "Too fast for even a Hunter, I tell you. You people and your manipulation of reality," he said as he waved his fingers in a spooky manner. He raised the fork up again, a bit curious. "What all can you do with those shadows? Other than trying to suffocate me to death, of course."
Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by harinezumikouken
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harinezumikouken Bloodstarved Beast

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

As Shiro ate his meal in silence, his eyes had a slightly glazed look to them. Not exactly paying attention to his surroundings as he stared blankly at the table in front of him. This was a common look he had whenever he stared off into space and started day dreaming. Only, in this case, he wasn't. He was intensely focused on how he could alter, improve, and upgrade his weapons. Carrying a cartridge belt with volatile Dust Ammunition was risky business. If he was to ever face off against an opponent smart enough to attack his ammo source, the ensuing explosion would be catastrophic. Dust isn't exactly the safest thing to use or the easiest for those who didn't know how to manipulate it. Dust-based ammunition was marginally safer and worlds easier to utilize, but can still be dangerous if misused. Contemplating how he could keep feeding Kladenets with rounds, yet remain efficient and safe, he wondered if he could possibly expand the internal magazine/speedloader in Perun. If he could quickly load his blade with Dust and keep relatively safe, he would be far more fluid in combat. Manually loading his blade wasn't hard, but it took precious seconds that he could use defending or attacking. The magazine within his shield had only just enough capacity for one rapid charge. He frowned. Most of these thoughts of how to improve his equipment and his battle style stemmed from his lackluster performance during the first period of class. While he had a blast during his match and enjoyed watching the following matches, afterward he couldn't help but feel inferior to some of his fellow students. Some of them had amazing weapons and far more powerful Semblances than he did. Looking back at his own fight with these thoughts in mind, he knew he could improve and get better. Just as his thoughts trailed off into a possible permanently inlaid Dust Crystal, such as with Abel's weapon, his nose crinkled. Sniffing at the air, he detected a faint familiar scent amidst the hundreds of others in the cafeteria. Returning to reality Shiro looked up and saw Sapphire, his team leader. She was sitting at another table with students from the other teams. Freezing in place, he couldn't help but feel a little hurt. I mean, it's not hard to miss Shiro. Not many others had white, silvery fur like his. Surely, she must have seen him. His expression sagged ever so slightly, his ears drooping. Sighing, he shrugged to himself. It was clear from their initial meeting that she didn't quite like him. She wasn't there to be any of their friends, just their leader. "Tch.." Shiro couldn't help but feel a bit sour at her. But, in any case she was their leader. He would've liked to continue trying to make nice and get on friendlier terms with her, but he felt he shouldn't push it any further than he already had. Rather, he wouldn't waste his energy on trying for now. It would be easier make friends with others. He would respect her and give her the distance and space she seemed to want. It was then at that moment that his ears perked up and his nose sniffed, detecting yet another familiar scent. Only this time, it was a much more welcome one. Looking up, there was no missing the giant armor-clad student that was his partner. Gren had walked up and waved at him. His spirits instantly brightening, he enthusiastically waved back and flashed a bright grin in answer. "Hello Kuhaku. Nice fight out there." Gren said as he took his seat across from him. "Beg to differ, y'big lug. I could've done much better." "Aww, come on Gren. Just call me Shiro. But, hello to you too!" he waved the name away, as if to dismiss it. "Same to you! Your fight was explosive!" He motioned and gestured with his arms mimicking an explosion. With added dramatic sound effects to go with it. "Speaking of which, how's your arm? It looked like you took quite a beating. I could've sworn that it was nearly sawed-..." Leaning over the table to get a closer look, he frowned and furrowed his brows when he saw Gren's uninjured hand. Sniffing at it, it seemed rather odd. His thoughts were cut short, interrupted by Gren's actions. Shiro watched curiously as Gren opened a box to pull out a portable grill and set it on the table. When he pulled out a sealed bag and opened it, his nostrils caught the glorious scent of something marvelous. Immediately forgetting the meal he had nearly finished in front of him, he suddenly felt hungry again. Excited, Shiro's tail began to flit back and forth. Ever so curious as to what Gren brought for lunch today. "How do you like your meat Kuhaku?" He practically jumped out of his seat as he stood up and slammed his palms on the table, eyes gleaming brightly. "Medium-Rare!" he essentially shouted. Gren had brought his own cooked lunch that was undeniably worlds better than whatever cuisine Beacon had for them. He had even brought some to share. "What a pal!" he thought. Hell, Shiro even started purring. Well, it would've been considered purring if it weren't for how deep and bass the rumbling in his chest was.
Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by Lugubrious
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Lugubrious Player on the other side

Member Seen 1 hr ago

When it came to moving through thick crowds, Abel was always on edge. It was never easy for a big guy to mill around with others, with so many feet to step on heads to knock into, and overall embarrassment to be head. It reminded him of moving through the storehouse back in Pallisade—the 'world of cardboard', as his mom had nicknamed it. He had to exercise extra self-control, or crush something that he might really need. As a result, he was content to let the other students flow around him, and ended up almost last in the lunch line. After arriving at the front, however, he discovered the stifling wait to be worth it. He pored through the salad bar, selecting plentiful lettuce, tomato, ham, bell pepper, olive, cheese, egg, and some savory sauce. One carton of white milk and a smaller carton of grape juice would serve to wet his whistle, and he picked up some mashed potatoes on the side. He paid the cashier at the end of the buffet with a forty dollars, thinking to stock up his account so that he wouldn't have to rummage through his wallet every day. Of course, that meant that he had less than five dollars for miscellaneous expenditures, so he'd have to be careful. The armor of Gren Orchid was easy to spot across the cafeteria. He made a beeline for his table, and as he approached he observed that Shiro was there as well. Setting his heaped salad on the table, he stepped over the bench and seated himself. A tiny bottle of sanitizer was produced from a pocket in his jacket, which he used while eying his teammate's mini-grill and the mouth-watering morsels of meat cooking atop it. “You're crazy-prepared,” he said matter-of-factly, seemingly forgetting a proper greeting. He recalled the last time he had seen Gren in motion, and while Shiro's fight had been rendered hazier by all the fights that followed it, its memory remained strong in Abel's mind. Shiro himself seemed very happy; perhaps the steaks had something to do with it. His infectious smile encouraged Abel to speak. “Excellent showin' in first period! I'm not really the kind of guy to be dishin' out compliments, but both of you did very well. Kinda bums me out that I was the only one who technic'lly lost.” The sanitizer bottle vanished into his coat, and he peeled open his milk carton. “I wasn't really fightin' serious, though. Next time Robert won't get off so easy.” He was halfway through a combined forkful of lettuce, tomato, and egg when his eyes widened; he had forgotten something. After finishing chewing, he set the fork aside and closed his eyes. Through the tumult of chatter present in the cafeteria no words could be heard, but his lips were clearly moving. It wasn't long before he resumed eating. “What did you think of math? Fullbuster's a pretty sweet name, but he was so...uninspiring. Took me about ten minutes to get my head on straight and start workin' through that packet.” The juice box was emptied in one fell swoop. He gave it a disappointed look, clearly unhappy with its capacity, but quickly turned his attention back to the others. Abel suddenly realized that Swansong was down a member, with Sapphire was nowhere to be seen. Not knowing if she was here doing her vanishing trick or not, he nevertheless couldn't get too concerned about it. Whether she was off in the infirmary, still getting food, or maybe with others, Abel much preferred her off doing her own thing than being here stifling him. With Shiro and Gren he felt a sort of kinship, but Sapphire had closed herself off from any of that. Still, her fight with the shield-toting Oswald had been impressive considering her injuries.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Forsythe
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Forsythe Graf von Kaffeetrinken

Member Seen 3 hrs ago

"I'll be happy to relieve you of any money you don't guard well enough, be careful what you wish for." Diamond sung with a blatantly fake innocent smile. She gave Aurelius another acknowledging grunt when he talked about Semblances being a cheat. "It's something else in a controlled environment too. I like time to plan and environment to make a stealthy approach. You got none of that in an arena and only a fool fights on someone else's or even terms." When the object of the conversation turned to her semblance, she had to chuckle. She regarded Aurelius through narrowed eyes and with a knowing smile. "Someone's strying to find out weaknesses for the next matches already. But, very well, I suppose the two of you should know. Team synergy and all, blah blah." she said and bit on the last of her fries before getting up. "Fantasy's the limit-" she said, snapping her fingers and causing her cane to slowly form from her own shadow, making the source visible in the otherwise nearly instantaneous process. "As long as it isn't heavier than me and I can keep in touch with it." Diamond continued the explanation and dropped it, the cane instantly vanishing in a puff of black particles. "Best part is, I retain a degree of control over it, I can give a hit some extra force - at the cost of aura of course - but it also allows me to do stuff like this!" she said as she grabbed the tray with her used dishes. Diamond put one of her feet in front of her, but instead of stepping on the ground, a black platform seemingly floating in the air appeared beneath her boot. With every step further she rose as if ascending the stairs, before leveling above the heads of the crowd. She crossed the whole mess hall like this all the way to the window where she dumped the dishes. She made her way back on the ground and retook her seat, reaching into her pocket for a handkerchief and wiping a few droplets of sweat form her forehead. "That took a bit more than I'd like, but you get the idea. How about you?"
Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by Kafka Komedy
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Kafka Komedy Bearer of The Curse

Member Seen 7 mos ago

As Indi continued to slurp down spaghetti and water, he was astounded at Ivan's description of history. "Not so good at the history, though. Listening to the recounting of dead people doing dead things isn't really my cup o' tea." He said, and Indi just couldn't comprehend. History was conflict! War, and generals, and Grimm, and politics, it was all just a bunch of people fighting. That was so cool! How Ivan could not see it was dumb. But, whatever, some people had opinions, and he had to accept that sometimes he was the only guy with good taste. "I was holding back, obviously. Doesn't make for a good show if I display all my tricks on the first day." Ivan explained. So many Johns, dude. What was the point of a damn fight if you didn't give it your all? Ivan was probably just talking big. Merlin was a caster too, he wasn't some massive hulk like Gren with a semblance that was, essentially cheating. Indi had an excuse to tie, even if he could have fought better. Ivan didn't. Ivan then had the guts to insult his opponent even after it was proven they were equals. Indi shook his head in annoyance; This guy was kind of an asshole. Ineko then greeted them (what the hell is with all these I names?) with a simple acknowledgement of their names. While doing that fries sandwich thing that made the sandwich taste much better, Ineko said something that was an odd mix of pessimistic and optimistic. "First day of class gents, and we're not dead yet. I'd say so far it's going pretty good." He commented, in between bites of his Chicken-Fry sandwich. "Pity I never got to see either you or the foxy lady's fights. We may know each other's names, but we haven't been formally introduced." Ivan spoke, sparking up conversation. That reminded him, he needed to ask Ineko something. After shaking Ivan's hand and responding with his own introduction. "Indigo Kafka, working to be the best fighter. Ever." Indi turned to Ineko while chugging some water. "Speaking of fights, why'd you throw yours? I mean, might as well try, right?" He asked, a hint of disappointment in his voice. "I mean, I would have won if I had a little less aura, Ivan would have won if he wasn't 'holding back'." Indi said, adding emphasis on 'holding back' as to accentuate that he didn't really believe Ivan. "And Seibs won! Your whole team is pretty decent, at least. I'm sure you would've put up a great fight." He lied. He wasn't sure Ineko would have done so great against Jayden due to his suit's bulk. Still he should have at least tried. "By the way, can you remind me to whoop that douche Rakim's ass?" He added afterwards, remembering his friend's fight.
Hidden 10 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Lady Seraphina
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Lady Seraphina Person of Letters

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Sapphire Rode - Cafeteria

Sapphire started to eat her food. Starting with the apples. Diamond either didn't hear her questions regarding foster care or more likely chose to ignore it. That kind of childhood couldn't have been pleasant and Sapphire thought she likely didn't want to be reminded of it.

After this the conversation turned to the mornings combat class and the functions of each persons semblance. Both Diamond and Aurelius seemed to regard the others semblance as cheating. While the same could be said of Sapphire's the azure haired girl found this incredibly funny, a condescending smile forming on her lips. "I notice that the only people who seem to think their opponent was cheating were the ones that lost." She said putting extra emphasis on the last word.

It was foolish to think of anything as cheating. In a real fight whether it was with Grimm or others they would do whatever it took to win victory regardless of if it was honorable or fair. If you relied on your opponent fighting fair you would lose every time. The only thing you could do was pull every trick you had available and hope it was enough.

Sapphire had to admit though that Diamond's semblance was pretty impressive. While her own was more subtle Diamond's was an enormous boon in a fight. The talk of semblances got her thinking, she'd not seen Oswald use his in there fight. Sure he'd pulled all kinds of tricks, and tactics but nothing that could be regarded as a semblance. "Hey Oswald," She said looking at him "I never got to see it in our match. What's your semblance?"
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Jangel13
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Jangel13 The angel of fortune

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Greyson sighed as his matched finished and he felt bad for talking to the guy the way he did which made him sound like an ass. Greyson wanted to say sorry but he didn't want to admit that he was better or anything because his problem went away. Greyson just hoped that later on they could be friends down the road. Greyson went back to his teammates and he followed them to the other classes they had to take like math and Daniel obviously sounded like he didn't like it and Greyson couldn't blame him since Greyson sucked at it to. Then it went to lunch and Daniel said it was a hell of a first day and Greyson nodded "no joke, at least this day turned out interesting for a first day of class. honestly I felt bad about what I said to that guy during the match I wish I could apologize but I don't know how I would say it" Greyson said softly as he got a pizza and some bread to eat for his lunch
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by paigesweetheart


Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Priscilla couldn't help but to blush as she got out of the arena. Wow, she couldn't believe that her fighting partner would have done that to her! Uhh, how mad was she at her! Darn her! Grrrrrr! Priscilla looked around now seeing Robert walking to her, her face turned red as he suddenly got up close. Yup, he saw what happened.... especially when she was raised upside down. "Look. If you are going to laugh at me or something. Get it over with. Seriously..! Alright?! Gosh!" the pink haired girl said shaking her head but then stopped seeing that Robert was actually there to comfort her.. he did ask if she was alright. "....I'm sorry.. I just thought you would laugh..." she said walking closer to Robert and laying her head on his shoulder. "How much did you look when I was upside dow-..!" now the bell rang. "Oh.." Priscilla sighed looking at the others, as they all headed to class. Robert and her team were there also. And she was sitting next to Daniel. Great. Now Math was ended and they had history. Then history was ended and now it was lunch time. -FI.NA.LLY- SOMETHING that Priscilla loves to do, eating. All she wanted to also do was remove the image of what happened to her in the fight. Priscilla walked to the line and grabbed herself a ham and cheese sandwhich, bannana and a bottle of water. She sat down on a table with her team looking at Daniel as he spoke. She shrugged. "Today was...whatever, I guess.." Priscilla didn't want to even speak about her fight, so she opened her bottle of water and took a sip.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by MULTI_MEDIA_MAN


Member Seen 8 hrs ago

Oswald just shook his head at Aurellius and Diamond's antics. He'd have to learn to get used to those two soon enough. At least he wasn't the only one who wasn't very well-versed in the academic side of things. He found himself nodding along with Sapphire when she described fighting as an art form. "I agree, fighting is an art. That's why they're called martial arts. Everybody has their own style that can suit them perfectly if they train and hone their skills while they can. But that said, not everybody is fit for art." Having said his piece, Oswald simply continued eating his meal, listening to the conversation about Semblances, trying to remember everything he could. Jack, Aurellius's opponent, had a kind of extreme speed as his Semblance, where Diamond's opponent Mokuren was able to reflect Diamond's attack back at her. It was when Sapphire asked him about his own Semblance that Oswald stopped. It took him a moment to decide whether he should tell her, but ultimately he decided against it. There was no point in hiding it and getting his ass beat, only to reveal it later. "Sorry Sapphire, but if you want to see my Semblance, fight me again when I can use both arms, and when that rib of yours is healed." He said it with a smile, and meant it. Their second fight would be what really counted, when both were in good physical condition. This first fight had been good to judge their abilities, but with debilitating injuries to both, there was no way to tell which fighter really was 'better'.
Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by Psyrencalling


Member Seen 10 yrs ago

Merlin was caught a little off guard at Geni's question. Yes, he was overly proficient with the uses of Dust, but he had never thought about teaching people about it. Merlin stopped devouring chicken sandwich number 3, smiled at Geni, and said, "It's actually quite simple. The powdered form of Dust, that most Hunters use, is actually quite unstable and activates to almost any sharp movement," He stopped for a moment to take a swig of his milk, "Just the other day, I heard a rumor about two girls that had a disagreement on the first day of school. One of the girls accidentally let some Burn Dust loose, and the other girl sneezed. The result was a small crater on school grounds," Another milk pause, "Moving on, If you really want to use Dust in the method that I use, I will help modify your weapon to utilize it. I think you might benefit from using specialized Dust bullets though. You know the type my opponent, Ivan, used? It costs a lot less than my method, and greatly increases the amount of options you have during combat." He said with a smile. Merlin was earnest in his offer to help modify Geni's weapon, but he wasn't quite sure if he wanted to give him all of Deep Magic's tricks. He liked Geni, but he hasn't come to trust him quite yet. Merlin soon began devouring his food again, but then suddenly stopped. He could hear Ivan in the background calling him an 'amateur-hour stage magician'. Even though Merlin knew it was just a way to make his former opponent feel better about the match, but he couldn't help but take it personally. "If only he knew my old profession, hehehe. Next time I face him, I will worry less about the audience and solely focus on destroying the wall of self confidence he has oh-so-carefully built." He said to Geni with an almost devilish smile. No one insults his ability as a magician, no one. After a few more brief moments of silent brooding, Merlin's normal smile returned to his face and he began to inhale what was left on his plate.
Hidden 10 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Lady Seraphina
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Lady Seraphina Person of Letters

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Sapphire Rode - Cafeteria

Sapphire smiled a bit at Oswald's refusal to divulged the functions of his semblance. Even now he was on guard, they were after all from different teams. It was more than conceivable that they might end up fighting side by side but it was equally likely that they would again be forced to face off against each other again. Whether it was in a routine sparring match like today's combat class or in something more guerrilla style like in the Emerald Forest. Of course it wasn't like he knew the specifics of her semblance either. From the information he could have gathered during there last match his best guess would have been that she could become invisible which was close and yet so very far from the truth.

Sapphire couldn't be sure if he meant the challenge seriously or if it was just a way to avoid giving up his semblance but it didn't matter to her, if he wanted another fight she'd give him one. "That a promise?" She asked with a certain fire behind her eyes.

As she listened to Merlin's explanation of dust Sapphire continued eating. It was as far as she could tell accurate but incredibly dumbed down. Likely because he assumed there was no one at the table that actually had any experience with dust. He probably thought they just bought there ammunition and didn't give the substance another thought.

"That's not exactly all there is too it. Raw dust as he says is quite unstable but it is also more powerful. Dust rounds while they aren't likely to explode on your belt don't quite have the same power as raw dust does. Then again even for someone trained it is very easy to lose control of unrefined dust. There is a certain mental component to it and it packs a hell of a punch but it is very very simple for the storm that your controlling to become a force trying to destroy you. It's like owning an untamed dog, it might protect you or it might bite your hand off." After that Sapphire cracked open her milk and took a long swig before starting in on her mashed potatoes.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Forsythe
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Forsythe Graf von Kaffeetrinken

Member Seen 3 hrs ago

Diamond chose to disregard Sapphire before, but now she felt the need to clarify. She didn't like to be called a sore loser, whatever the form of delivery. "Lady, I never said mine is not cheating. As I said, if it was a real scenario, it would have probably ended differently. What I mean I guess is why go set up all these rules and place to make the fight as equal as possible when that will never be the case." she shrugged, "If you want that, let just skill speak, and not some weird abilities mother nature gifted just some of us with." She took a pause, arguing wiht herself whether to share something on the other subject. Well, it would have probably come up sooner or later. If she comes clean with something now, she might be able to hide what of her past really needed to stay hidden better. "And foster care would have been great. No, I grew up on the street." she added in a bit silent tone, weighing her words carefully but coming off as sad.
Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by Skyrte
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Skyrte ゴゴゴゴ

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"Pity I never got to see either you or the foxy lady's fights. We may know each other's names, but we haven't been formally introduced." Ivan spoke, upon Ineko's arrival. "Ivan Oakley, best shot this side of Atlas." He introduced himself, extending his hand for introduction. Indigo was the one to take it, "Indigo Kafka, working to be the best fighter. Ever." Then it was Ineko's turn, grasping Ivan's hand with his own armored gauntlet and shaking it. "Ineko Irandi, you have met One of Six." Ineko replied, gesturing to the drone laying on the table. "Speaking of fights, why'd you throw yours? I mean, might as well try, right?" Indigo brought up, Ineko hearing disappointment. "I mean, I would have won if I had a little less aura, Ivan would have won if he wasn't 'holding back'. And Seibs won! Your whole team is pretty decent, at least. I'm sure you would've put up a great fight." He reasoned. "By the way, can you remind me to whoop that douche Rakim's ass?" Ineko stopped eating and took a drink of water. "Our enemy is in the form of creatures. I see no advantages in the critique of our technique against humans. If there are advantages, I'll be educated." Ineko answered, not looking at Indigo. He took a small bite of his sandwich, "As for this Rakim character, we're all together in this ordeal, are we not? No matter the reason, we all aspire the same outcome. This Rakim might be a warrior standing beside you in battle someday, it's better to have him as an ally, rather than an enemy, I think." Ineko spoke, now looking at Indigo. "But to each their own." He finally said, getting back to his lunch.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by NarcissisticPotato
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NarcissisticPotato Dirty on the Outside, Fluffy on the Inside

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Try as she might, she couldn't edge closer to Priscilla after the fight and even if she could, she was certain that the pink-haired girl would give her the cold shoulder after such a humiliating defeat. Some wounds are healed by time, she remembered her tutor elaborating when they were discussing the White Fang. And others never heal at all. Her eyes slid over towards some of her other class members, such as the fox-girl who Rakim was against. There was still bad-blood between humanity and Faunus and douchebags like Rakim really didn't help the cause of showing other species that humans had changed for the better. When they were leaving combat class, Rayna made sure to raise that one with them. "Rakim is a nice fighter but a poor hunter. Down-talking a lady like that is not only damn rude but if he ever wants to get anywhere in life, he'll realise that it's not the way to go. If he does it again, I'll have no choice but to go down there and beat him myself." Her voice was firm, this was her final point on the matter. Rayna could be a nice little mother to her team but as soon as one of them crossed the line, she would be there to give them a healthy serving of punishment. Maths was, well... difficult. She had always been taught tactics by her father directly and he heavily enforced that maths became a staple part of her tactical learning. Logic based decisions were key on a battlefield and she appreciated that, which was why she at least tried to get through most of the questions. Where she fell short, Victor was seemingly there to point out some information that would help her. The guy was a pretty damn good teacher, as it turned out. She didn't know why they didn't let him have the rest of the day off, considering what had happened to him, but his actions were appreciated. History was a much easier subject for her. That, of course, didn't mean it was easy. Unlike the others, Rayna was blessed with a privileged lifestyle but unfortunately, she wasn't exactly blessed with the cranium of a genius. Quite the opposite, in fact. Both of the subjects that weren't combat-related, she struggled in, which didn't help the feelings of confidence that she was on-par with these guys. Finally, however, the entire ordeal ended with the bell for lunch. "Go and sit down, Victor, you're injured and I'm pretty certain I owe it to you. You would have totally trounced that Greyson guy if you had your arm on properly, after all!" She babbled positively, guiding him over to a seat before turning on her heels and disappearing into the crowds of people. There is very little advantages to being small and lithe but slipping through crowds is one of them. Eventually, she ended up near the front of the line when an actual line was formed from the chaos. For lunch, she decided that the salad looked a much better option than the pasta-soup thing. She knew Victor probably wouldn't be a big fan of salad so she got some chicken sandwiches and fries for him. Once she had taken a side of apple slices and got milk cartons for the both of them, she paid up and brought Victor his food. When he went to pull out some money for it, she shook her head decisively. "No, trust me, I'm not exactly lacking in funds." Not true - she only had a small bit of money from home but she had been completely cut off from funding from her parents. Like it or not, but it appeared that if she wanted to support a decent lifestyle, she would have to find some sort of job on the guidelines. Living a life of an exile wasn't very pretty but she valued it - being rich and getting everything you ever wanted is a poor preparation for life. Looking up, she took note of the other students who were engaged in brisk conversation. "Guard my stuff, Victor, I have something to do." It seemed like something was on her mind as she turned and headed towards were Team Rampaged had set up camp. She hovered beside their table for a few seconds, stuck in a momentary lull on what exactly should be said to a girl that you just completely embarrassed in front of the whole school. "Hey, Priscilla. I know what I did was completely wrong and it was probably really embarrassing, what with all the guys in your team. However, if you're going to take anything from it then maybe I could offer you a tip? Sometimes, our weaknesses aren't in the forms of our fighting. Your weakness is that you worry about how others think of you. I took advantage of that and I destroyed your will to resist." For the first time today, Rayna was actually making a lot of sense. "My weakness is my honour." She confided with a curt nod before blushing a little - she probably looked like a twit, standing in front of her whole team offering her tips on tactics.
Hidden 10 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Lady Seraphina
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Lady Seraphina Person of Letters

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Sapphire Rode - Cafeteria

"Diamond right?" Sapphire asked her name before continuing to respond to her question. "The whole point of those sparring matches is that they weren't fair, there were no rules besides a basic time limit and some stuff to prevent anyone from getting really hurt. When the real fights come no one is going to care if there semblance is more battle worthy or fair then yours, they're going to try and kick you ass anyway they can and that was exactly what Glynda wanted to see in these sparring matches. If you aren't going to give it your all then Beacon isn't the place for you."

Sapphire continued to ate listening to conversations that were starting all around them. Diamond's response to her question about foster care peaked her interest. Sapphire had known a number of street kids, not well given how untrustworthy they were but well enough to know that not many of them ever gave up anything freely or without gain for themselves and that included personal information. The answer that Diamond gave her seemed carefully chosen and mostly devoid of any real information, it was the kind of response that Sapphire usually gave when asked about her family. It meant that Diamond was hiding something a lot deeper but then again it wasn't really any of Sapphire's business. While finishing her mashed potatoes Sapphire decided not to comment.

The next conversation Sapphire became interested in was the one a few boys were having a couple of seats away, mostly giving excuses for why they had lost there sparring matches. The thing that really caught Sapphire's attention however was when one of the boys questioned why they needed to learn how to fight humans when there enemy was the Grimm.

Sapphire was almost incredulous. "Hey kid," she said tapping him on the shoulder. "Are you stupid or just plain simple?" She asked. It was impossible that he could actually think that the only thing they would ever fight in there life was the Grimm. "Of course we need to know how to fight humans. The Hunters aren't the only ones with semblance or the power of aura and not everyone uses that ability for good. What happens when we have to face off against a group like the White Fang or a criminal organization of aura users. If you don't know how to fight your fellow humans you won't last day."

Sapphire went back to her lunch.
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