-PICTURE OF YOUR CHARACTER (and maybe a description if you want to include it): Working on it, but I can't find any that I like, so here's a description: Vypera wears a black cloak, which is fastened sideways so that the front opening is over her right arm, rather than her chest. Vy has a nice bronze tan, an athletic build, shoulder length brown hair and green eyes. She also has a ring on her right middle finger with an emerald in it. She wears a green backless leotard, black pants, and white shoes.
(Update:) FOUND IT!!

But it's not perfect. The main differences are her age (this woman looks mid to late 20's and Vy is only 17) and their eyes (I didn't envision Vy as asian so her eyes are a bit wider, plus Vy's eyes are bright green), but the tan, hair, facial structure, and attitude are perfect. She even has a ring on her right middle finger! And sorry about all the pics and how freaking big they are. I don't know how large they are until I post them.
-Name: Snap Vypera or just Vy
-Age: 17
-Gender: Female
-History: Vypera was born on Fang Island, a beautiful place that many would consider paradise. Born into a family that had long since guarded a "sacred treasure" to the village, Vy and her big brothers, Draco and Serpere, would often be told that it contained a wonderful power, one that must only be used to protect the island. So Vy grew up, did the things a girl did, pranking the townsfolk, trained to protect the treasure, often sparring with her brothers (Drake being the most powerful by far, but Serpere was definitely the smartest. Luckily for her she was quite agile), and lived life happy and free. But one day, something went bad. Very bad. Vy came home one day to find her house razed, Draco lay bleeding on the ground. Her parents and Serpere nowhere to be found. Panicking, she dragged her brother to a nearby cave, dressing his injuries quickly with the med-kit they kept there, before running to the shrine that held the treasure. Once she got there she was stunned by what she saw. It was Serpere... clashing swords with their father, while her mother was collapsed on the floor, bleeding out. Before she could figure out what was going on, she noticed the treasure box next to her feet. Finally taking notice of her, Serpere took the opportunity to impale their father. Realizing there was no option left, her mother screamed at her to open the box and eat the fruit inside, as Serpere turned to her and began to close in. Telling her to eat the fruit again, Vy reached down and opened the box. Inside was a dark green and black orb, with a scaly design. Looking up, she locked eyes with her brother, before she took a bite. Her last thought before Serpere slashed her right across the chest was that it was the most foul-tasting thing she ever had. She then blacked out.
When she came to, hours later, she noticed she was on the other side of the island. Following the trail she knew would lead back home, she tried to recall what had happened, but nothing came to mind other than the dark eyes of her brother. Why? Why? Why would he do this? She could find no logical answer. It took an hour but she eventually made it back to the village, only to find it destroyed. Everything she knew and everyone she loved... dead. Quickly, she ran back to the shrine, the pain in her chest forgotten. Only... there was no shrine. Well, not anymore. It was completely wrecked, but there was no mistaking the two mangled corpses inside. Her father... was half the man he used to be and her mother... her mother... her head... gone. Vy emptied her stomach right there. Backing away, she kicked something. It was an arm... still holding Serpere's sword. Where was the rest of him. She had to get away from the sight. Draco! She ran back to the cave she left her brother in... he was gone. There was nothing. As she investigated the village she found the same thing all around. Mangled, chewed, torn apart corpses... along with the tracks of some kind of beast. She didn't understand... what had HAPPENED!!! It wasn't until days later that she finally remembered. And it wasn't until months later that she recovered from the truth. By that time, she had left Fang Island, and was now living on the neighboring Claw Island...
-Personality: Vy is generally calm and collected, while being a bit of a smartass. But after being betrayed by her brother, she has a very hard time trusting people. but she has a harder time trusting herself. She knows she has no control over her full form. She would rather die than put anyone else's life in danger. (I'm not that good with personalities. They generally gravitate back to my own, so I leave them open like this, to give me some wiggle room)
-Other bio (for ex. your goal in life, and also include the info about how your character joined my crew): Vy's biggest goal in life is to find her brothers. She has no clue what happened to Draco and she KNOWS Serpere escaped the island. They were the only two bodies missing when she was able to go back and bury everyone. Serpere has to pay for what he did. And she also wants an explanation. She plans to leave Claw Island very soon to begin her search.
-Crew Position: Thief
-Weapons (if any): Various Kunai, Shuriken, and Caltrops. The occasional explosive (occasional!). Also a couple lengths of rope.
-Devil Fruit(if any): Here we go: The Dragon-Dragon Fruit (Ryu-Ryu no Mi): Power: This Mythical Zoan-Type Devil Fruit allows its user to transform into a Western-Style Dragon with focus on strength and power. It also allows her to fire energy beams. She can fire these beams in any of her three forms from either her mouth or palms. Her hybrid form mostly resembles her normal look except she’s not 6’ 8” instead of 5’ 6”. She gains one scale on each of her cheeks; her pupils’ slit, while her irises turn yellowish-green and her sclera turn black. She does gain fangs (that elongate for biting) and the rest of her teeth sharpen as well. She gains scales all down her back, running along her spine to her new tail which is about 6” thick at it’s base and about 5’ long, her forearms turn into those of a dragon, being scaly and ending in five clawed fingers. Her forelegs do the same, except she only has three front toes and one back toe. The scales on her legs continue up her outer thighs and create what can only be described as “scale panties”. She also has scales from the middle of her breast to the outside (to protect sensitive parts), which wrap around to her wings. Her wingspan measures about 7’, but she can’t fly with her wings, only glide. She stronger than normal in this form, but there are still plenty others far stronger than her. For some reason, her hair also turns red. Her full form is pretty big, about 20’ from head to tail (the tail being 6’ of that). Her tail ends in a double-ended blade. Her senses are also enhanced, particularly smell. Her fiery red hair also reduces to just a mini mane on the back of her head. There’s not much else to say about her full form. She’s a dragon, plain and simple. Now it’s time to turn our attention to the fruit’s weaknesses. Well, as a new user, Vypera has quite a few. Using her beams in her human form is dangerous to her. Her mouth beam can and will burn her badly, while her palm beams will burn her if she maintains an stream for longer than 10 seconds. The scales in her hybrid form negate this (yeah, she also has scales in her mouth… I kinda just added that part) because they are strong enough to block standard steel swords and bullets. However, it is in fact possible for a strong or skilled swordsman to knock them off, causing her pain and exposing the under-flesh. And while her scales are strong, her flesh is not. It is only as strong as a regular human. She also, as mentioned, can't fly in her hybrid form. As a new user, her chest muscles aren't strong enough to produce enough lift to get her body off the ground. Maybe one day. In her full form, she is a mindless berserker, completely unable to tell the difference between friend and foe. As a result, she has no idea to protect her underbelly, which has no scales on it and is very vulnerable. Her joints are also scale-less to allow movement. Lastly, thanks to her enhanced sense of smell, she can easily be over-powered by things like garlic. However, its highly unlikely Vy will use her full form, as she is terrified of it.
-Abilities: Vy has spent the past several months living on the outskirts of Claw Village (so, I'm not good with place names… sue me), stealing what she needs from the town and in general, living off the land. Some call her a menace, few call her a guardian, but no one has ever caught more than a glimpse of her.
Rampage - Tying two kunai to two lengths of rope, Vy swings them around wildly in an orbital pattern with about an 8' radius. Useful for getting distance or as a defense.
Crimson Rain - Leaping over her opponent's head, Vy unleashes a torrent of shuriken. (It get's it name from the blood flying from the wounds).
Dragon Fang - Vy stabs an opponent with two kunai close together, then punches the knives as hard as she can, driving them deeper in the opponent's flesh.
Ryu Rei - Vy forms her hand into a claw shape and fire a quick stream of energy from it. It has enough power to punch a hole in concrete.
Hybrid Tech:
Dragon Barrage - Vy unleashes a multitude of slashes, punches, kicks, and tail slaps on a single target
Ryu Rei - Same as above except Vy can hold the stream for longer. It holds a little more power than before.
Zwei Rei - Fires a Ryu Rei from both hands.
-Other(if anything): Well, I found some pictures that should help give you an idea of what she looks like transformed.
This is basically her full form (despite how hard they look, her underbelly scales are actually quite soft. Plus her scales are easy to dislodge):

Now, I can't find any pics for her hybrid form, but there is a character from a manga I read that has a similar thing going on, so (while it's not IDEAL) I'll show a pic of her so you can get an idea of the basic concept (Just ignore the writing and the... pic in the bottom right corner. This is a very ecchi manga):

Not gonna lie, I want her roars to be fucking T-Rex roars: