Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Fallenreaper
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Fallenreaper ღ~Lil' Emotional Cocktail~ღ

Member Seen 21 hrs ago

Laughter is in the word Slaughter. Just sayin'.

Would it really be any funnier if it wasn't? >_>

Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by May
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May Just Damn Cute

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by yoshua171
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yoshua171 The Loremaster

Member Seen 7 hrs ago

Most darkness is bad, but at least not all of it is~ *winks*
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Celaira
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Celaira Lore Mistress

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Site Design I would like feedback on the layout of the site that I've mocked up. Obviously, the colors won't be the same, and there will be more interactivity, this is just the basic mock-up of hwo I'd like to lay it out.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Frozen Soul

Frozen Soul

Member Seen 10 yrs ago

Evening! Is this still open?
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by yoshua171
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yoshua171 The Loremaster

Member Seen 7 hrs ago

Oh yes it is quite open. We're always open and welcoming to those who are willing ^_^

Hi Frozen Soul and welcome to Essence of the World. We just call it Essence, or EW though :P

I'm one of the GMs, and also the Loremaster. As a forewarning I will notify you that there is a lot of lore in Essence that is not in the OP itself, though the OP has the vast majority of the base lore available within it.

To make up for this we players frequent a skype chat (purely text based, we don't do calls). Conversely we have a chatzy we can use, and there is also a mibbit subgroup that we can use if necessary, though that one doesn't exclusively belong to our RP and is shared over many.

Additionally, even if you don't want to participate in any of the IRC groups any of our players, most of all myself and Synthorian (as the GMs), are ready and willing to inform you of whatever you need, correct you gently when required, and answer any questions you might have.

If you're still interested after my rambling, then WELCOME GODDAMMIT, we love adding to our victim pool big happy family!
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Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by Shienvien
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Shienvien Creator and Destroyer

Member Seen 14 days ago

I am not in the RP (I just lurk random threads when I don't feel like doing something a bit more resourceful), but I can still give a bit of feedback on the site design, no?
Mostly I'd just add a bit of padding to the top and bottom the header - it is largely a personal preference, but I think it looks better if header text doesn't quite almost touch the upper edge of the browser or the content area below?
Otherwise looks good to at least me this far; I'd of course be able to say more if I could see an actual site, not just an image of it, and test how it behaves with, say, different window widths. (Feel free to poke at me on Skype, if you'd like - I'm just being invisible as I'm wont to be.)

*goes back to lurkmode*
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Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Wind Wild
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Wind Wild A sprinkle of Weird

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

For fun. You can choose multiple for each too.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Ganryu
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Ganryu Overlord

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Well, Yosh dragged me here(I need an adult?), and I like it, so hi, Ganryu reporting for duty.

I'll try to get a CS up soon, though gotta ask if there's a particular role anyone would like me to fill? Also, what's going on in the IC so far? I've read the opening post OOC and IC so far.

Hope this goes well. Cheers
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Celaira
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Celaira Lore Mistress

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

@Ganryu Hi! :D Welcome to Essence~!
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Themerlinhawk
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Themerlinhawk Aegis Kai Doru

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

okay I'm gonna drop Eve's character sheet in the character section for an okay
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by May
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May Just Damn Cute

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

@Ganryu You need an adult too? Fallen dragged me here haha Sorta, I kinda asked for a good group sooo >.>
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Fallenreaper
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Fallenreaper ღ~Lil' Emotional Cocktail~ღ

Member Seen 21 hrs ago

@Ganryu You need an adult too? Fallen dragged me here haha Sorta, I kinda asked for a good group sooo >.>

I always drag people in, can't you tell?
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by yoshua171
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yoshua171 The Loremaster

Member Seen 7 hrs ago


I am going to post a Lore Thread on the Guild. It will be temporary till Megan finishes coding the site, but nonetheless I will be posting the lore that I have in it. When you finish lore write ups, send 'em my and Synthorians way for approval and if it's okay they will be posted by myself or Synth in said lore thread.
Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by Ganryu
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Ganryu Overlord

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

I come bearing gifts?
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Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by yoshua171
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yoshua171 The Loremaster

Member Seen 7 hrs ago

Accepted on my end.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Ganryu
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Ganryu Overlord

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

So.... my character... anyone else want to say yes to it?


Name: Zeki Glaedwine
Alias/Nickname: The Devil's Broker
Age: ??
Race: Demon-Possessed human

Social Status:
Well known business-man in Loom
Relations: Allies/nuisance to Crow
General Activity: Zeki's a business-man always interested in making new deals, for money, and for the chance to syphon Essence off of anyone whose willing to make a deal. He'll go to great lengths to get whatever is wanted. His main goal seems to make as many deals with new customers as possible.
Equipment: Cell phone that never leaves him. He answers the phone religiously; he once answered it while a gang tried mugging him.
Cane- Zeki always carries a cane, partly out of fashion, partly as a weapon.... mostly out of fashion. On the bottom of the cane is his insignia, his primary way of stamping in battle.
Stamps- A small piece of paper with his insignia on it, he always carries a few in his inner suit pockets.
Contract Stamp - Zeki generally fights by inserting his own essense into others through the use of insignias that bond with the target's surface. Once that's done, Zeki can use it for a two different options. Generally he uses it to give a power boost to his allies, using his control to increase their magical potency, but when he himself has to fight, he uses it to drain the essence out of his opponent, the insignia starts taking over their essense, and sending it back to him. Whenever an opponent dies with a stamp on him, their essence is transferred back to Zeki. Removing it involves damaging the surface that it's on. Putting it on inanimate object doesn't drain essence, but lets him move the object, within reason. For example, he can't lift overly large objects.
Insignia Creation- Holding contact with an individual, Zeki can also create an insignia on them without his cane or stamps. He dislikes doing this, as he sees it as dangerous.
Insignia Shot- Aiming the bottom of his cane at an object, Zeki can fire a stamp that, upon hitting imbues itself on his target.
Motion thief- An area of about 20 feet that is located around Zeki passively slows down motion of other objects, inverse with how fast it is. Using this technique is very draining, and Zeki can't use it for long. For most people, they only notice a slight decrease of movement, taking a little more energy than normal to go as fast. For very fast combatants, it steals alot of their speed.
Very able with cane fighting- Using as little movement as possible, Zeki parries his opponents and attempts to break bones with his cane. He doesn't wildly swing, going instead for counters, and precise strikes.
Much experience- Zeki's seen alot of different things in his life, and that's given him insight on a broad amount of history. New technologies still surprise him, but things such as ancient fighting, and tactics, and things of that sort are boring to him. Ancient hand-to-hand doesn't go so well against him. He's more familiar with Hell than Progaia, and knows more about Progaia than the Angel's realm, which he sadly admits he knows little about.
Ubiquitous presence- Due to the amount of contracts he's made in Loom, as long as he is in Loom, his essence appears invisible.
Insignia (easter egg)-

Personality:Zeki always is looking for something new. While he's often playing around, he often seems bored with events, and only joins in if he claims it caught his attention. He's constantly seeking out something new and innovative, and constantly griping about boredom. He hates having too much free time, as that leads to him getting bored as well, so he keeps himself very busy, never doing the same thing for too long. The only constants in his life are his deals.
Zeki often shows up unexpected, and takes a particular liking to harrassing Crow, in the hope of Crow having acquired something new and interesting in his collection.
As a businessman, Zeki is straight to the point, and doesn't let his customers wiggle. He knows what they need, and will do whatever it takes to convince them they need it. Any deal that ends with him signing a contract, Zeki often feels was a success. His fellow demons often heckle him about making bad contracts, often getting just enough essense from them to survive, and constantly getting weaker, but Zeki pays them as much mind as he does anything else that bored him.
Biography: A long time ago, before Judas's attack, a man was desperate for a cure. He was a businessman who had sought wealth his entire life, before contracting a disease that was destroying him. Doctors couldn't heal him, no amount of magical expertise would help either. He had no family, and was afraid of what awaited him, and of losing his vast wealth. He wanted a little more time to set his affairs in order, and have his wealth secure. In a desperate bid, he contacted a demon, wanting to make a contract with the demon.
The demon saw a chance to escape from Hell, and agreed to extend the man's life another 10 years by giving his essense to the man, and afterwards, when the man was dead, his body would be used by the demon. The man agreed, and the demon merged with him.
The demon did not expect life out of hell, having interacted with humans, but never having dwelt on the surface. He loved it, and wished all demons could. He slept within the man, and watched his trade, his business, and his life. He became enamored, and when teh contract was up, he kept the life he had watched, he became a businessman himself, using his supernatural powers to deal with those around him. He loved enjoying every new thing, the stimulation of learning what was around him became his purpose in life. He loved it as he lived.... but with the demons immortality, and he kept living. Life became less enthralling to him, things became dull, and he traveled, and then that too became dull.
Zeki desperately scrambled for the feeling of newness again, btu could never find it. THe feeling of boredom came, and unbearable feeling, and Zeki quit travelling, the time it took was way too much time to be bored. He settled down, diving to keep himself as busy as he could, and divert the boredom.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Synthorian
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Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by yoshua171
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yoshua171 The Loremaster

Member Seen 7 hrs ago

Post it in the CS storage now, Ganryu :)

You're free to post ICly ^_^
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Ganryu
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Ganryu Overlord

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

One more:


Name: Edgar Delano
Alias/Nickname: Nothing yet
Age: 20
Race: Human

Social Status: Acadamy student
Relations: Doesn't remember
General Activity: N/A
Hardness Manipulation- Inserting a part of his essence into a non-living object, Edgar can change the density of whatever he's touching. Unfortunately, when he inserts his essence, it works off his memories, causing him to forget as he does this. The more often he uses an object to do this, the easier it becomes to change it, with less of his essence. Changing his clothes hardness due to how often he does it takes hardly any tool, using any object for the first time is much harder.
Kinetic Reflection- Another ability of objects Edgar can mess with is how much kinetic energy it absorbs upon impact. The two main uses of it are to help his clothes absorb more kinetic energy from attacks as to not bruise him, and for his shoes to absorb none, allowing them to reflect it back more at the ground, increasing his running speed. It has the same limitations of his Hardness Manipulation
Technique- Tiger Claw- Holding his fingers out in a claw shape, Edgar hardens the gloves to prevent his fingers from breaking, and strikes at his opponent with his hands.
Fix-er up'er-Edgar is a great handiman, which his time in construction only added to. His forgetful nature almost got him fired, but his creative solutions to make work easier made him very valuable.
Edgar's clothes. The main offensive one he uses are his gloves (different from the image, in that they are full gloves), while the rest of his clothes are used as an armor
Camera- Carries it everywhere in a bag
Personality: Edgar's a friendly guy, who likes enjoying the moment. He likes 'making memories' by doing memorable things, like visiting places, and taking pictures of everything he sees. He wants to know who he is, and loves trying 'new' things to see if he remembers anything about who he was by doing it. He's discovered so far that he's a great repairman, and a fatal chef.
Edgar is afraid of losing his memory again, of people coming up to him that he doesn't remember. He is also envious of other people talking about their parents, Edgar can't even remember who his are, or where he's from. He focuses on living now, not having a past, and not sure what he wants to do in the future. He pretends it doesn't hurt by making fun of his forgetful nature.

Biography: In short, due to his ability, Edgar doesn't remember. He remembers waking up with no memories of where he's from, his name, who his parents are, or anything from his past. He had flashbacks to some battle, but that was literally it. All he found in his pocket was a receipt with what was presumably his signature.
He survived on begging, trying to figure out who he was for a year, not knowing his abilities even. He eventually became hired as a construction worker in loom. One day, in a more dangerous part of loom, several thugs assaulted him for his money. They didn't believe him when he said he didn't have any, and attacked him. Edgar didn't know what he was doing, but his body responded in the emergency, turning his shirt steel hard as one swung a bat at it, breaking the bat. The assailants were scared, claiming it was another monster, like the one on a phone they had assaulted ealier, and fled.
Edgar wondered what had happened, and practiced with his skills again, reawakening his use of essence. The next day between jobs, he tried practicing it for an hour on break, when his boss called, asking if he remembered to get the tools the boss had asked for. Edgar honestly didn't, and was yelled at for it.
He slowly learned that his power came at a price, his memories. Every moment began to be precious to him, and he began to be afraid to even practice with his powers. One day on the job, a beam fell, threatening to kill Edgar's boss. Edgar jumped in the way of the beam, hardening his clothes, and softening the beam as it landed, saving his boss,
His boss, Tony, looked at Edgar in amazement and asked what the hell had happened. He gave Edgar the day off, thinking what to do. He called Edgar that night, telling him he needed to leave the company, that what he had was special, and he needed to do something more than just making buildings, and told him to go to the acadamy, to do something with it.
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